Who is Annabel?

To answer this question, we have to go back to Grande first. Someone will ask this question for us.

Zac confessed to Smith's men, and immediately contacted him if he had any results, and then took Annabel home.

Spella said dissatisfiedly, "Vampires from the Republic, it is rare for us to understand the chance of something in the Republic, why should Zac take home, we should catch her! Interrogate her!"

Relax, Sibella did n’t mean to rob Patton of power with Zac. She survived because of what happened recently, and she was a bit against the non-humans who came from the Republic. The wizard, Sibella, needs republican humans ( Enshrine to grow), but do not need any other republican things, think about Jian and Mazu ’s attitude towards Sibera, plus Rimmer ’s behavior ... Sibera needs republican information, obviously now put The vampire from the Republic was used as a source of information, and did not consider the person to be Fan Zhuo.

Dora replied to Spella, "Catch her? Oh Spella, you lived too short. Believe me, that woman can return to Grande with Zac obediently. It's good for us. Leave it alone, we will clean up. Take a look at these Kraken corpses. "

When we returned to Grande, it was midnight. Roy had also just returned to Grande. Before entering Grande, he carefully touched Zac. "I felt a strange vampire breath in your bathroom."

"It's Annabel Fandro."


"The name you know should be ..." Zucker paused. "Countess."


"Uh." Zach looked at Roy suspiciously, "You don't know? In the four centuries of the colonial war, the first to find werewolf blood is a deadly poison vampire to the vampire." Zach emphasized, "Countess . "

Roy thought for a while, "I don't remember this. Wait a minute, Fanzhuo? Did Fanzhuo go to the battlefield four centuries ago?"

Zac pouted and looked at Roy seriously. "You really don't know? Uh, okay." Zac first held Roy down because this topic might make Roy explode: "Strictly say She did n’t go to the battlefield. Do you remember that our vampire camp had been collecting intelligence about werewolves in the early days of the werewolf discovery, and then we concluded that when the werewolves of the Indo-Ang side were played during the full moon period, we formulated The strategy of avoiding war in the strongest period of the Indo-An side. "

Roy nodded, "I remember, I still remember Rut has been attacking Fanzhuo, asking them to release Bruch to fight the werewolves head-on, only you are constantly lobbying war avoidance strategies to reduce the casualties of my Zmish clan. "

"You don't have to thank me." Zac is worthy of pride, but this pride also means ridicule-ridicule Roy. As early as four centuries ago, Roy should know who was working hard to protect the vampire clan, but the war ended, and Luo Yi still followed Rut, and now I found Zach ’s good, it was a little late, and the topic continued, "Then you should also remember that the first few full moon cycles, our avoidance strategy always ended in failure, werewolves. We will always find the location of our vampires and attack. "

Of course, Roy will not admit that he is late for four centuries now, and forcibly revive Rute. "I can prove that this has nothing to do with Rute. Although he advocates a frontal fight, he did not deliberately lead the battle. Every time the werewolf attacked us, it had nothing to do with Rout. "To understand Roy ’s current state of mind, Rout has already hung up. There is no need to carry any emotional maliciousness to that guy, and be objective about his mental health. Good.

Zac also nodded. "I didn't say it was Rute, this pot." Zac gestured at Grande's bathroom on the second floor. "It's the countess." Looking at Roy, "When our other vampires barely Reached a consensus-when we should avoid when the werewolves played, she concluded that if you want to taste the taste of the beasts on the battlefield, it can only be when the moon is full. "

Roy blinked and didn't seem to keep up with the historical story Zac was telling.

Zac gave Roy time to react.

Roy reacted for about a whole minute, then bowed his head, akimbo with one hand, and circled in front of himself with one hand, "Sorry, I think I misunderstood what you meant, Zack." Roy paid off Throat, "Listen to you, I will think that every time we vampires, especially the only fighting clan willing to fight, I, the Zmish clan, were torn and slaughtered by werewolves, not because of a problem with our strategy, or we failed. Avoiding the investigation by the Indo-Ang side, but in our vampire's base, there was a woman who deliberately exposed our position and told the werewolf vampires here. "Roy's hands are no longer in circles, and his head is also raised. Then, looking at Zac, "because she wants to eat werewolves."

Zac replied, "You didn't get it wrong."

"Well." Roy nodded and raised his hand in front of him to continue to circle. "Then I can ask, when we were slain by the werewolf in Zmitshi, the countess, Annabel Fandro , Have you ever successfully eat a werewolf? "The face is full of evil. This seemingly questionable sentence is actually just a curse 'I hope this woman eats herself to death! ’

Zac nodded, "She ate it, and then she used Fanjo's ability to 'sacrifice' her entire lineage-passed the blood contaminated by the werewolf's blood in her body to her descendants and Her father, after sacrificing all of her Van Gogh descent, she survived herself. "

This seems to be an answer that Roy did not prepare. Leng was there, the emotion did not turn around for a while.

In fact, Roy is stupid. Zach has already said that Annabel is the first person to find that the werewolf's blood is poisonous to vampires. And Annabel is here, obviously people are still alive. The curse that Royna asked to vent his emotions was a joke that was four centuries late.

Zac raised his hand and pressed on Roy's shoulder, wondering, "Did you really not know about this? This was the only casualty of Fan Zhuo in the colonial war. The reaction was quite violent at the time, and Ruth even called After the trial, Annabel should be disposed of. This should be something everyone knows. Do you really have no impression at all? "

Roy's body suddenly shook and looked at Zac, "I guess I was busy mourning my siblings and children, not paying attention to what happened around me."

Zac frowned and pressed Roy's hand slightly, because he felt Roy's body work hard.

Roy's force is not to leave Zac's control for the time being, but, "What is the result of Rute's trial?"

Zac pouted again, "No results, because this trial did not happen at all. Lesenbull is not worthy of the trial of Fanzhuo."

Roy moved a little, and Zac quickly stopped in front of Roy, adding gravity again, "Roy, it was all four centuries ago, and Annabel was indeed punished by the Fanjo clan."

"What a punishment!" Hurriedly asked, Roy now needs to get what he wants to hear!

"Because she sacrificed everyone in her blood relative's family alone, she was forbidden to make descendants. She can no longer share her eternal life with any creature, which is regarded as heresy and rejected by eternal life by the entire Vanjo clan."

Roy's response was super simple, "Not enough!" Obviously this was not a satisfactory result for Roy. Then, Roy successfully broke through Zac and rushed into Grand.

Zac did not chase, but shook his head with sighs, facing the bathroom on the second floor, "Roy can't eat, he is my friend."

Three seconds later, Roy flew out of a window on the second floor.

The floor of Roy's clothes was covered with small holes, and Roy's skin was also covered by rows of small red marks ... Yes ... It was deliberately controlled the intensity, and there was no bite mark intentionally bitten.

Roy's face, which seemed to be covered with pink acne (tooth marks), was healed and restored after a short period of time, revealing a dull expression on his face, and looked at Zac.

Zac pursed his mouth, "I said when the Clan of Fanjo was going to punish her, at least she helped us get the important information that the blood of the werewolf is a poison to the vampire. Obviously, I was when she lost the world , Who is still standing beside her, she ... "Zac's face was rumpled," I'm in love with me. "


This is not dog blood, but the standard ending.


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