Early in the morning, Zach did not receive a call from Smith's men, but instead received a call from Nick looking for a reader in the middle.

"Revro's surveillance network found Oz. The problem is that he didn't seem to want to be found. I now understand how difficult it is to find a mind reader. Ruth once promoted a mind reader as a partner. That ’s right, we ca n’t give mind-readers a chance to be distracted! "

"You can continue to help Revelo expand the monitoring area. Oz will have no place to hide sooner or later." When Zack responded to the phone, Annabel walked into the office, wearing Louise ... pajamas.

She also said, "Your girlfriend has really bad taste."

Zac ignored it and listened to Nick's reply in the receiver, "I hope so, but now the Ravello surveillance expansion in the middle has begun to be resisted by the wizard family. Many places controlled by the wizard family, Revro can't get close at all. . If Oz hid in the wizard family ’s territory, I would n’t be able to find him. "

"If Oz is stupid, he will run to the site of the wizarding family." Zac waved his hand at the air. "When he comes back to the feast, he is also a companion of the feast. In the hands of the wizarding family, he is a captive." Speechless, "He will not do such a stupid thing."

"You make sense, then I will continue to chase him. Hey, still, I don't understand the reason why he avoided me. He should know that Rout is dead, and no one in the Demon Banquet will trouble him."

"When you find him, you can ask him." Zac hung up the phone.

Watching Annabel sit down at the desk, Zac was silent for a while, then got up and left without expressing his desire to communicate.

"Don't you want to stay in the same room with me?" Annabel asked.

Zac? Without answering, he went directly out of the office, went downstairs and glanced at Lily, who accompanied Nana's breakfast in the restaurant, "Do you have any arrangements today?"

"To do charity in order to avoid the old lover, use the learning and education concept as a reason to help my single mother reduce the burden." Lili has a lot of brain supplements, and also half of the brain supplements-in the second half, Zac is really ready to use For this reason. As for the first half ...

Zac was too lazy to explain for himself, and continued to walk. On the back porch, he saw Roy, who was going out to find Corden everyday.

"where are you going?"

"Go to the nursing home to find Corden first, then go with him to find his hunter friend in Barton." Roy answered as he walked outside the Grande, but his eyes kept looking at Zac, "Why, you want to follow me What. "

Zac really kept up.

However, when Zach and Roy came to the same level, Roy: "Emilia asked me the vampire's precautions at the first opportunity these days, I think she is ready to become your descendant Now. "

Zac stopped and didn't want to hit the gun.

It seems that this is also the purpose of Roy, looking at Zac who is far away from him with satisfaction, "See you at night."

Zac stood in the backyard for a while. Looking back, Annabel had already shook downstairs again, still wearing Louise's clothes that did not meet her taste, standing at the door of the back porch, "You were so flattering ~" Can't hear whether it's ridicule or praise.

Zac continued to ignore it, passing by Annabel—when it didn't exist, went to the second floor and hugged Adam, then went downstairs again and got into the car. Zac decided to go to the ancestors office.

So indifferent.

Explain Zac's attitude towards Annabel, so as not to be misunderstood.

Let me first explain that we have seen too many people's "love" for Zac's mouth, and here Annabel's love for Zac is true.

"Looking back when I lost the whole world, there is still one person standing there" love, because Fan Zhuo is magnified infinitely.

This thing does not need too much interpretation, there is no romantic element. It's just the result of cold reality—

Both Annabelle and the people she loved were dead and killed by herself.

Love Annabelle, who shared the eternal life with Annabelle, her father, died. Those who were invited by her to spend eternal life with her one by one in Annabel's life because of love, her descendants, died.

Do n’t be biased by the vampire ’s standard of inheriting descendants. We have emphasized many times that there is only one root cause for vampires to produce descendants—this human being, yes, it ’s a pity to die a few decades later, let him or her accompany me Eternal life.

The standard of descendants of vampires is that each clan has developed to this point, and each has its own obvious preferences. It is just a procedure to execute the original heart. Don't turn things upside down.

So back to the heart, the vampire is a race full of love ... Is this a bit of sublimation, okay, pull it back.

Then Fanzhuo ... is a clan that exerts this heart to the extreme. Love is why they become Fanzhuo.

Remember when Zac showed a cruel way to overcome the vampire's hunger for blood in the General-let the descendants eat each other, and if they don't control the desire for blood, the companion will die.

I told everyone at the time that this method was changed from the way Fan Zhuo passed down his descendants.

This method is not cruel to Fan Zhuo, but love.

Fanzhuo will exchange blood with his descendants and descendants on the first day of making descendants. It may be the behavior between the maker and the maker at the beginning, but soon, it will develop into a common blood exchange of the entire family of this Fanjo bloodline.

You can imagine that picture. One hundred and ten Fan Zhuo, intimate, inexperienced, shared his blood with Fan Zhuo around him. Let your blood flow to others, and accept the blood of others to flow into your body.

this is Love. Extremely inclusive of all love.

We can calmly view this special lineage of descendants, er, ‘ceremony’, the result of which is that all Fan Zhuo is at the highest end of the vampire lineage. You can also sigh to draw conclusions-Fanzhuo became Fanzhuo because of the extreme love in this clan.

Okay, after understanding the special situation of Fan Zhuo, go back to see Annabel.

Four centuries ago, Annabel really lost all her love. This is not fun, but fact.

Then, this is not the end of Annabel, because she is immortal.

If she was really tried by Ruth, it was okay. There is nothing when she dies, but she does n’t want Fan Zhuo ’s self-esteem, other Fan Zhuo still surrounded by love, and more. Annabel failed to be judged by Rute and survived.

Zac also said that the Van Crow clan gave Annabelle a really cruel punishment for a Van Zhuo-Annabelle was forbidden to share her eternal life, and she could never get love again.

Love, share eternal life, descendants, Fan Zhuo.

After understanding these relationships, everyone should be able to feel Annabel's despair.

It was at this time that Zack ran into it.

For Zac, Zac just expounded the fact that Annabel did something wrong and caused the vampire to suffer huge losses. She was a sinner, but she also found important intelligence.

When Zac elaborated this fact, he did not want to defend Annabel. Zac was thinking of vampires, colonial wars, and the safety of the thirteen clans on this continent. Even when looking at a sinner, it is necessary to think about the calmness of the problem with the objectiveness of the vampire's ethnic worries!

Zac really did not think that the woman standing in the center of the Vanjo trial, the sinner-the sinner who had sinned because of his appetite when Zac worked hard for the vampire, would put her in the future forever. Love, hit yourself! !

Regarding the key points of Annabelle and Zac, there has already appeared.

Have you ever been loved by someone you don't love? You are welcome to take a seat or brain fill. Then, add the following settings to feel the situation of Zac.

First of all, the person who loves you is different from you. When you are working hard to get a better life, he or she will only consider what to eat for dinner. Do you think this love is superfluous?

Continue to add.

Then, the person who loves you is a punished sinner. When you feel that you are born to be a person, the existing rights are not enough for you to play this life experience, you are watching him or her deprived of the right to be a person. Do you think this love is starting to drag you down?

Continue to add.

Finally, please add eternal life to this love.

In addition to the burden, can you find other descriptions of this love?

Do you still think Zac is indifferent to Annabel? No, Zac has tried his best. Zac is a gentleman, he will never talk against Annabel badly, but when he really doesn't want to take care of it, this is the most appropriate way to express it, ignoring it.

Annabel watched Zach's car leave Grande, leaning against the door frame of the back porch and lowering her head. When she lifted it, she had a smirk on her face. The ghost knew what was laughing. Have you experienced someone who was completely desperate, and then found someone you shouldn't get the love you want to feel the psychology of Annabelle? Hope no one.

"Don't talk to this aunt in the future, remember?" Lily at the end of the breakfast pulled Nana out, squinting at each other when she passed Annabel, said this, and then to Nana, "Let's visit Neighbor, I heard that there is a little boy who can play with you. "

Lily was held back, frowning, looking at Annabel with a defensive stance, "Are you okay."

"Do you know me?" Annabel seemed to wonder why Lily would give her daughter such impolite advice.

"Unfortunately, I know you. I used to be Ruth's secretary, so I know your story. Countess." Lily let go of Nana and pointed in the direction of Logan.

Annabel hesitated after watching the human girl, but walked to Logan and was pulled behind him.

"Really ?!" Annabel looked surprised and looked up and down at Lily, saying something that made Lily extremely uncomfortable-"Ah ~ really, your eyes and nose look like me ~"

This dog blood about love, want to upgrade?

Lily's body stiffened, and then she began to back away, "I have nothing like you!" Defense? Uh, throw away, all Lily's body language now wants to hurry away from Annabel.

"Hehe ~ Long looks like I made you suffer by Rut Lesenbra ~"

"Not really!" Lily said firmly, and retreated to Logan, ready to pull Nana.

"You said ~ Is your mother and I a little bit like?" Annabel's movements could not be captured, and she was crouching in front of the girl Nana.

Nana actually looked at Annabel seriously for a while, but her answer was, "I don't want to talk to you."

"Good girl ~" Annabel patted Nana's head, then stood up and looked back at Lily again. "You don't need to guard against me ~" Seriously, "We are on one side, reason, hehe, you know ~ "

Lily's expression changed, but Logan pulled Lily away unnecessarily, resulting in Lily's reaction not being fully revealed.

Under the unnecessary pull of Logan, Lily took Nana and started walking out of Grand.

Annabel was still there. "Did you tell Zack about the situation of Zagger?" Asked an abrupt question.

Lily glanced back at Annabell gloomyly, but didn't speak.

Annabel smiled, "It seems to be gone ~ Thank you ~~" smiles sincerely, "I have a topic that Zac can't ignore ~"

Ask questions. Will Annabell, who loves Zac, fall in love with Zagar.

Thanks to Louise for providing us with an answer, so no matter what the answer to this question is, it is doubtful ~ But, one thing can be confirmed, as the maker of Zagar, Rut Lesenbulla, There are 10,000 ways for Zager to love Annabel ...

Dog blood has indeed been upgraded, but the way of upgrading is a bit special.

Do you think Rut made Zagar only because of his stubborn attachment to Zac ...

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