The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 24 Chapter 14: Selfish river

Zuck's luck is also good, Benjamin and Mokawi are not at home.

"When will they come back?" Zac asked Brier who was looking at the facade (outdoor equipment hire shop).

"It depends on how quickly they can kill the Kraken outside of Noel Beach."

It seems that this is the commission of Benjamin and Mokawi to go out to deal with, and the probability is still the commission of the life guard of Norl Beach, Murman the Murloc.

No, Morman and Shane's relationship is extremely close, how can it bother you to the ancestors office.

Forget it, this little thing is not worthy of Zac worrying about.

"Do you want to hug him?" Zach noticed that Brill's eyes were constantly on Adam in his arms.

"Think ~"

Zac handed over Adam, with an insurance-like reminder, "This is your Mukavi ancestor's child, strictly speaking your brother, so be careful."

"Relax ~ I won't let him hang up ~"

This is enough. Zac was liberated and was able to stroll around the ancestral office.

Zac's motives are not so simple. Zac has a little bit of ancestors' affairs ... selfish planning. In Barton, there was a place that was completely ignored by Zach ’s blind trust in Mayor Anthony—the city ’s secret chamber.

When the mayor voted, this secret room was once used by the living Anthony secretary Gina to falsify ballot data.

What Zac knows now is acknowledged by Anthony: This room is where he used to save the alien information in Button.

Zach can imagine that in a cabinet, there is a document, which is not correct. It may be a box of documents with the name of "Zacre Torredo" written on it.

Let's calm down and feel this situation from Zac's perspective ... In a place in this city that you will never be able to enter, there is a box titled You ...

Do you want one or two hairs to stand up?

Of course, Zac still has some basic trust in Anthony. Zac can understand that the mayor does not use this alien material to do anything that is harmful to him. However, trusting Anthony and trusting Mayor Barton are two things.

It ’s true that Zac ‘likes’ Anthony, and almost shared his eternal life with Anthony, did n’t he? And no matter what happens to Barton, Anthony Mayor can be stable there, and it should be able to explain Anthony ’s own hard power-Zac will not despise everything Anthony does.

Therefore, Zac can confirm 100% that Anthony made such a secret room in the city government, not for him Anthony himself, but for ... anyone who will be in the position of "Mayor" in the future!

In the future, no matter who is standing at the center of the city government, it will inherit this preserved—a vampire named Torrido who lives in this city and is immortal and most dangerous to human society.

Judging from the current situation in Barton, this secret room of Anthony, and the successor after it, is naturally James. But ... who will be James' heir?

Oh my god, this story really can't bear to let Patton come to a human with a halo.

Therefore, the inheritance that should be ended, should find a chance to break.

But at this moment, Zac only knew that there was only one channel in the world that could interact with the secret office of the city government of Anthony, that is, the Zuma Office.

Do n’t forget, Anthony asked Benjamin to submit to him a copy of all the interracial materials entrusted to his ancestral firm.

Zac ’s private plan was to use the ancestors ’office that is still sharing good information with Anthony (one-way) to reach out to the city ’s alien information secret room.

Hey. To admit, this selfishness was only a concept in Zac's mind a few days ago. There are two points that Zac can't use, and they are thrown there, both of which are outside of Zac's touch. What to do to get these two points into Zac's arms is completely clueless. But now it's a little bit different, this selfishness has a hint of operation-Aix security in the southeast, special security services.

Speaking of which, this inspiration was still given to Zach by Smith:

Zac knew that Anthony would prevent himself from touching the city ’s secret chamber in any way. With Anthony ’s foresight and vigilance, Zac might be a little bit more aware of Benjamin ’s actions. But ~

In the recent contradiction between Smith and Rimmer, Zach realized that once the interests of humans and aliens conflict, Zach will be coordinated as long as he chooses the human side.

Isn't James the one who cooperated with Zac in the battle for the body between Smith and Rimer.

Maybe James, who originally had the commission to let Grande intercept the body, just thought of using Zac to continue to dominate the important events in Button-this is the same as Anthony ’s principle of being mayor now, is n’t it? , Even smarter. In the eyes of James, are Smith and Rymer good ‘things’? No, so James ran to take advantage of something worse in his eyes: Zac.

Then when Zac subsequently rejected Sorin's request for the body and gave it to Smith's men for research, James made a completely unanimous cooperation and sent it to Grande with the police report. What.

This is the framework. As long as Zac chooses the human side in the event, the human leader in this city will give Zac a green light. In various senses.

Then, in the needs of the Republicans in the southeast for interracial security services, Zac chose humans as well, and is now a Republican who is a legal resident of Barton, Massachusetts. Give them what they need to guard against aliens.

It was Zack himself who brought Aix Security together with Martin, a special security market inspector from the West.

What makes this situation the most satisfying for Zac ’s needs is that all this was commissioned by Benjamin ’s ancestors firm! The ancestral office's information is ‘shared’, it ’s important—

Mayor Anthony should have begun to report this information to the southeastern part of Barton, where a ‘safe house’ has been completely guarded against aliens.

The point is not how well Benjamin ’s entrustment was completed with the help of Zac, or Zac ’s selfishness initially contacted the city government secret office through the ancestors ’office, but completely prevented the security measures of aliens from Anthony ’s. Mayor's attraction!

Any man-made facilities need to be maintained, including Anthony's municipal government secret room.

Previously, Zac had no way of knowing how Anthony kept the secret room running. Now, there is a chance, because Aix Security officially has the same business as Anthony who secretly did things for more than four years.

Imagine two rivers. One was a dark river that once flowed continuously in Barton's underground, in Anthony's hands. Now, there is a Ming River flowing on the ground, in the hands of Aix Security.

Well, about things like rivers, hehe, we all know that all the water in this world comes from the same thing. They must be intertwined and merged somewhere.

Where to meet is not something Zac can know now, but Zac knows that as long as he stands still to provide protection for those legitimate republican citizens, ha, as Toledo, can change course from the entangled currents ! As long as Anthony swayed in an instant, he didn't have to turn on the green light completely, Zac had this confidence and could dive into the undersea from the Ming River!

Therefore, under such selfish planning, Benjamin's role in front of Anthony is particularly important. Zac needs Benjamin to objectively show Zac's position in the southeastern commission before Anthony. And, with the good relationship maintained by Anthony and Benjamin, promote the meeting of the two rivers.

Hey, if Benjamin for any boring reason, in the filing with Anthony, Zac ’s role in the security of the southeast was omitted, Zac really does n’t mind being in the ancestral office ... cry ... Cry out of a river ... Rotten terrier, ignore it.

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