"I'll see you again next time ~" Vicky was about to leave Grande, and said goodbye to Annabel. However, she is a well-educated child ~ and did not completely ignore Grande ’s master Zac, “I have a Republican teaching part-time in the Southern District, so come and visit Grande in advance, and now I should go to my students. "

"Then wish you a smooth teaching."

"Thank you."

After sending Vicky, Zac returned to the entertainment room and brought Benjamin's words to-Siren. Then, with a clear attitude, he didn't want to talk to Annabeldo. He went back to the office and called West (‘韓).

Need to inquire about the inexplicable ‘invasion’, because listening to the feeling of Sam, Barton ’s alien composition type seems to have one more kind.

Just sat down in the office.

"Meow ~"

Zac looked back, grabbed the white cat on the window sill and dropped it downstairs, "Meow!" And closed the window by the way.

Start dialing.

"I don't remember you hate cats ~" Annabel stood at the door of the office.

"It's not a cat." Zack answered Annabel accidentally. Hey, that white cat already has the ability to disrupt Zac's emotions ~~

"Oh ~" Annabel wondered whether Zac was finally responding to her, or was she really curious, "So what is it?"

Zac held the earpiece and pursed his mouth so that he would not continue to make mistakes.

Annabell was also not discouraged, she shook herself behind Zac, opened the window closed by Zac without permission, and looked down.

Annabel didn't see the white cat's figure and raised her eyebrows. "It seems that it's really not an ordinary cat, I can't perceive it ~"

Zac couldn't make sense, listening to the waiting tone of the receiver, he began to be impatient.

Annabell retracted her body, closed the window properly, and walked across Zac, looking at Zac holding the earpiece motionlessly. Her blinking eyes made it clear that she was thinking about how to make Zac talk to herself.

"I really like Vicky ~"

Zac did not respond.

"Your friend of the human mayor, Anthony's step-son, Caesar, seems to be a trouble boy ~"

Still not a topic that would attract Zac's attention, Zac continued to ignore Annabel.

However, Zac's level of impatience is escalating because the phone has not been answered.

"I think your guest, Lily, doesn't like me very much ~" Annabelle is going to do the trick. "It's a pity that we are a little bit like the gods ~ just be friends ~"

There was a waiting tone at the ear, and Zac's eyes flicked toward Annabel's face. The expression cannot be given to Annabel, but in my heart ‘It ’s a bit like hey’.

Zac can already look at himself, which is already an encouragement to him. Annabel did not rush out her final killing move so anxiously. What do you think ~ Ha ha. "Very poorly imitated Rut Lesenbla," 'Ah! Lord! I hope I can judge this sinner four centuries ago!' "

Don't vomit, you will do things you are not good at in front of the person you like.

Zac glanced at Annabell again, frowning—the earpiece heard, “I ’m not at home, unless you expect my cat to answer the phone, please leave a message. But do n’t expect me to receive a message too, My cat has the habit of deleting messages from my answering machine. Do n’t argue with me about this. You have been warned. "

Zac hung up the phone directly.

Annabel seized the opportunity, "another cat ~" and then very clever ... you can learn, "Do we like it or hate it?"

Zach made a move, "There is no" we "here."

"Then I will follow you closely ~ You hate, I hate ~ You like it, I like it ~ Just like I don't eat Roy Zmithi ~"

Zac closed his mouth, the focus in his eyes diverging. This is the state of escape into etherealness-even a gentleman, I don't know how to deal with what is not what I want ... love.

And everyone should remember that Zac has been harassed by this ‘love’ for four centuries, believe me, Zac has tried all ways.

Zac ’s divergent pupils are getting bigger and bigger ... Sam came out, "Women, how much do you know about republican aliens?"

This is the second time today that Sam has acted autonomously without Zac's permission. Zac's eyes instantly refocused, "Sam."

"Sibera is right." Sam did not accept Zac's recall. It may be a little ahead, but it can be predicted that in the future, Sam will make more and more decisions on his own. Maybe, just maybe, the ghost of the sorcerer republic is not a good idea. At the moment, Sam still finished the reason for his unauthorized activities, "She is from the Republic, she is still a vampire, she knows the Republic, better than everyone in the Federation. Whether she is Fanzhuo, she is an important intelligence resource." Mu looked at Zac, seriously, "and now her kind of love to you ..." Love "should not be an obstacle to our intelligence, it should be a more convenient chip for us to use!"

Hey. Sam is right, but Sam is also wrong.

That's right, this is the fact. Take a look at Zack's behavior just now-when he finds republican knowledge he doesn't understand, he can only go to West, and the feedback he gets is the result of a random message.

This fact, big and small, is enough to illustrate one thing: how scarce the federal side is in obtaining republican intelligence.

I hope that the republican gods will see the mood and the fate and give the information. Why not take advantage of this Countess who actively posted to Zac?

But Sam, here is the wrong place. Zac did n’t want Annabel to post ...

Annabel was quite clever. After Sam said these suspicious words of materializing Fanzhuo and materializing Annabel, he did not express any opinion. He quietly kept a smile across from Zac. It ’s entirely up to you to decide. Looking at your gesture with love here ...

Zac had a headache.

Sam did n’t waste time waiting for Zac to make a decision, and looked at Annabell again, “A republican monk in Barton is enchanted. We do n’t know if he will affect Barton or even the Federation. What do you know, say.”

Annabel did n’t answer Sam. She kept looking at Zac. “What kind of enchantment? Are we talking about the temporary stagnation on the way of practice, or is it the wrong way for the monk to practice?”

First of all, Annabel can say such words that neither Zac nor Sam can understand, indicating that Annabel really knows the information about enchantment.

Secondly, Annabel used ‘us’ again.

Zac did n’t come and reminded Annabel again that ‘There is no us here’, Sam was already anxious, “What ’s the difference?”

"The difference is that the former has salvation. In most cases, time can solve everything, because the reason for the life of the republican practice is to love the world. It is love ~" Annabell ’s eyes were locked on Zac. "And love ~ is Temporary ~ Unless in some cases, artificial 'making' became eternal ... "The ellipsis is that Annabel deliberately slowed down the speech and left blank after the end.

If you don't understand the reason why Annabel did this, go back to Annabel's story.

When Zac obviously no longer wanted to endure the weird atmosphere in the office, and when he got up to leave, Annabel continued in time, "As for the latter, it will not be saved. When republican life chooses to practice, if it chooses Took the wrong path ... "Annabel no longer shot Zac's speechless eyes with her own eyes, but was brought with a hint of ridicule and said to her," Then it is destined to be enchanted and become excluded from this world The presence."

The office was quiet for a while, and Zack did n’t mean to speak, so it was Sam who continued the conversation. “I ca n’t understand what you ’re talking about. You need to be more specific.” Sam hesitated and looked at Zha. Kr ’s complexion, but in the end he still made his own claim, “Mile, his practice is about the fulfillment of life ’s encounters.” Zach is telling him that the Republican government does not owe him such a practitioner, and there is no need to sacrifice Republican citizens ’development space After satisfying the republican aliens ’pursuit of truth, they are in the face of us and disappear."

Annabel's eyes fell on Sam for the first time after listening, unintentionally, "Huh?" The corner of her mouth bent unconsciously, "'The life is complete'? Ha ha ~" Annabel shook her head and looked back Zac is very sure, "Absolutely the latter kind, the kind that is not saved ~" Then, his eyes restored the love that made Zac speechless, "You do n’t care about this kind of person, even if you do n’t say anything, he also Sooner or later, he will be enchanted. "

Sam seems to be a little unhappy and is always overlooked by Annabel and inserted into Annabel's line of sight-Zac agrees with this self-assertion. Sam: "How can you be so sure."

"Because life can't be completed ~" Annabel's sight was blocked, she simply drifted away, no one looked at it, and said this to the air, "Choosing this kind of practice path is boring to the Federals and believes that heaven represents All good is the same, it is people's innocent expectations, not the true world. "Annabel shrugged." Choosing a road that runs against the will of the world is destined to fail. And the devil is the punishment of the world ~ "Annabel suddenly responded Something took an interest, leaning sideways, bypassing Sam ’s block, and looking at Zac, "You see that Maitreya is enchanted? What does it look like? Purple lightning, or black fire?"

Zac is really uncomfortable.

You can hear it, Annabel's understanding of the Republic is absolutely solid! Annabelle now looks like a box loaded with countless treasures to Zac. Zac really didn't want to touch the box, but the box kept beckoning to Zac-come and open me ~~

"Black fire." Sam moved a bit, blocking Annabel's sight again.

"Evil ~" Annabel put on a disgusted look, neither was it to block Sam's sight, or to respond to this topic. His eyes drifted away again, "That's a little trouble, that Maitreya hasn't been eliminated by the world yet, meaning he is still alive ..." Annabel looked back again, bypassing Sam and looking at Zac, "Next time If you see him, a little further away, I listen to Zager ... "Annabel stopped suddenly because she said 'Zagger', the pause just started to make Zac care, and Annabel continued Now, "I heard Zagel said about the expansion of the soul, and the soul of a Ban Lin has created a branch of the world in this world." When Annabell said of Zager for the second time, there was no special tone It seems that she still wants to hide her unique trick, "The black fire situation is a bit like this soul expansion."

Although Zac has no expression, in his heart, he has connected some important points together.

What is enchanting is not important anymore, what Annabel said, there is only one important point-being excluded from the world. The Federation has this kind of thing-Ban Lin, the necessary condition for the expansion of the soul, the soul no longer allowed to exist in this world!

So even if Annabel does not connect Maitreya and Soul Expansion, Zac will do the same.

Annabell continued, "Fortunately for other creatures, at most it is to bring others to their own demon world-the fake world created by the soul that violates the world (corresponding to the time cycle world where the soul expands), brainwashing. But for our vampires, it ’s a bit fatal, I believe you have understood. All we can do is wait, wait for that Maitreya to be completely burned by the world punishment ... "

Sam blocked Annabel again, "It sounds dangerous, how can we accelerate his demise?"

Annabel tried to divert her attention again, not wanting Sam to follow her.

Annabel looked at Sam, and Sam looked at Annabel. The two looked at each other ... for half a minute, Annabel spoke. "You are disappointed. The republic and the aliens are all afraid of the devil. Demon, It will be contagious. Because of their wrong expectations of the world, they are very brainwashed ~ so I suggest you as Zack's, 'subsidiary'! "Must, increase the subsidiarity! "It is already the life form of a republican ghost, it is best not to do stupid things."

Sam does n’t mind being deliberately targeted by Annabel, anyway, it ’s the facts, "This I know, I will realize that Maitreya is enchanted for the first time, just because I accidentally heard the Republican God Jian talking about the demon, and the Republican Immortal also dealt with this There is no way to plant things. "Counterattack," So I asked you this Fan Zhuo, tell me that you have been in the hidden alliance for so many years, and there is no way to protect yourself at all. "

The meaning of this is obvious, since the devil is a threat to vampires, and we also know that republicans are not restrained by vampires. The hidden alliance has no real advantage in the Republic and can only rely on itself. Sam asked about the achievements of the Secret Alliance in the Republic by relying on their own achievements-

The Secret Alliance must have made achievements. Soul sharing to let Fanzhuo downgrade and avoid the angel ’s attack is one of the achievements, right?

Now, please hand over more.

"A way to protect yourself in front of the republican demon?" Annabel looked at Sam, "I'm sorry." Looking down, nobody looked, "We don't." Looking up, "But Papa has midnight, uh." Direct Waving his hand, forcibly pushing Sam away so that his eyes can be aligned with Zac, "Strictly speaking, it is the republican **** next to Papa at midnight, Pucci has. So, that Pucci turned to Papa at midnight, Avoid being hunted down by other republican gods, and stand aside with the republican government. "

Zac pouted. Hey, it sounds like the God of the Republic there is also a bad thing. Continue to listen. Zac will have to touch on his involuntary affairs again.

Then, stop.

"Enough." Zac got up. "I'm hungry."

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