The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 24 Chapter 19: Samu Annabel

Zac who went to the basement alone to replenish food gained a moment of tranquility. Literally, because Sam did not return to Zac, he stayed in the office.

"Are you going?" Sam looked at Annabelle and meant to get up and leave after Zac left, and said directly, "You should be able to realize that if you want to communicate with Zac, pass me, it's you only Means. "

Annabel raised her eyebrows and sat back, looking at Sam who had purposely gathered the entity, leaning against the desk. "Are you suggesting that I should please you? Wizard?"

"Maybe." Sam did not deny that this was easily misinterpreted as a harassment-harassment interpretation.

Annabell ’s eyebrows flicked again, lowered, and turned into a smile, “I heard about you from Zager, and it ’s said that you first appeared in Barton to find the alpha, Benjamin, around Zac, right? "This obviously uses the other party's details to cut into the topic, the most basic means of negotiation.

"Yes." Sam should have a private purpose, what he wanted to do with Annabel ... discussed, and then directly advanced the topic, "But in Barton, I lost the wolf pack I was trying to protect." It can be recalled A look at Sam's experience-he was a wizard who brought a group of werewolves who lost Alpha to Patton, but in the middle of bad luck, he encountered the wolf group that controlled Mu En. , Joined the Wolves team that invaded Barton, and when he first arrived, he was killed by Benjamin, Mokawi, and Nofil. "I am looking for Alpha, and I have no interest in me. Then, at this moment, a person gave me the meaning of being. The routine of this story sounds familiar, don't you think?"

Annabel ’s smile was even worse. She looked at Sam again. “It ’s a bit far-fetched, but you ’re right. This routine is a bit familiar. They are all people who have nowhere to go. Right or wrong, so I left without looking back ~ "

Well, the summary is pretty good.

"So I think we can be friends." Sam does not deny that misunderstood interpretation, the reason is here. That is not a hint, it is an expression.

"Huh ~" But Annabel did not directly agree, "It sounds like this friendship is a bit cheap." Before the friendship started, did you start talking? Worthy of being a woman who used to eat werewolves, the idea is very unique, "I use you to communicate with Zac, you use me to better understand the meaning of the life form of this republican ghost ~" But the words are extremely realistic, "mutual Using friendship is the most vulnerable kind ~ "

"Of course it is fragile." Sam seems to be more realistic than Annabel. After all, this conversation was started by him keeping Annabel. He is prepared. "The way that vampires avoid biological conflicts with the Lord-you are ordinary. The full-body downgrade technology that Zhuo is using, and my current form with Zac. One day, there will be a comparison between the advantages and disadvantages, one way will replace the other way to become mainstream. "Yes, we all know The world's progress, "So strictly speaking, we are now a representative of two ways, a competitive relationship and an opponent."

Annabel's smile was brighter, "Then we are less likely to be friends ~"

"Of course you can think of it that way," Sam said very determinedly, "Anyway, we will all eventually become opponents, so start fighting now? Or do we use each other in peace first, and discover all the pairs of each other? When the surplus value of one's own advantage is inevitably confronted in the end, let the times decide to win or lose? "


The smile on Annabel's face slowly disappeared, which was actually a good thing-she was seriously thinking about Sam's words. The result of thinking is, "You are persuasive ~"

"You don't look at who I have been silent for so long."

Annabel gave Sam a smile again, "Okay, I agree with you."

Sam stretched out a hand.

Annabel didn't hold it and waved her hand, "It's okay to be boring." Directly, "What do you want? The way to practice the republic?"

"This is not necessary. The republican **** of Barton, West has already told me on Zac's face. The worship, self-cultivation, or robbing souls with the federal Lord's faith." Curse, because the last one It was the first thing that he and Zac ruled out, and it was impossible to achieve. Sam may have some inexplicable affection for Annabel. In the direct situation of the other party, he did not cover up at all. "But I still have something I do n’t understand, and West has not so kindly answered my Doubts, if you tell me, I will really thank you, even if we become opponents, I will remember your help. "

Annabel didn't give back her favor. She was very serious. "If you have any doubts, I will tell you what I know. I don't know." I shrugged.

"Consecration, what the **** is that." Sam didn't care about the release of his goodwill. "As a wizard, I don't understand why the republican aliens can grow up because they are enshrined by humans." Sam wrinkled. He lowered his eyebrows, he had another reason to care about this matter, and told Annabel directly, "Zac's descendants have opened the Republicans to worship Barton in the southeast in order to cooperate with Sibella, who is allied with Nofeller. The gate of the wizard's ghost. "Sam's mouth twitched slightly, and there seemed to be something stuck in the unknown of his mind." I understand that Siberia is to gain some initiative under the repression of Rimmer, but, we After all, it is a wizard. Our belief system is not a republican belief system. If the wizard ghost accepted the republican belief in order to grow, what are we? "

This dialogue takes a few seconds.

Obviously, what Sam is publishing is that he is a cross-faith life form, and he has doubts about his own positioning, very ... philosophy.

And the person who listened to these words, Annabel-"Wow, descendants of Zac, the Toredo, and Nofeller, and Rimer ~" Hey, he has fallen into memories of the 'good past' , "The Federation, it really is our (vampire) 's home ~~"

Sam tilted his mouth. If it ’s not the habit of men, he throws away his white eyes. "You focus a little bit. I do n’t want to talk to you about the secret alliance ’s old things. You do n’t want to talk about this with me. Kind of thing, right? "

Annabel glanced at Sam. "You are right ~" It is undeniable that Annabel has a little more affection for Sam. After all, Sam has taken care of several reminders.

Sam continued, "Do n’t get me wrong, I personally want to be stronger, but I am a wizard. I ’m used to becoming a wizard, and now it ’s just a change in life that is forcing me to accept the republican ’s becoming stronger. Way. I have questions about this. I want to know more about what I am doing. I do n’t ask you to tell me what I am. This is a problem I should deal with. I just want you to answer some of my doubts. "

"Okay, it sounds reasonable." Annabel gave Sam a positive evaluation, and then began to answer the question, "Enshine, what should I say." Annabel turned slightly, thinking, and then, "you Know that the republic ’s worship of 'God' is similar to the prayer of the Lord's faith. "

Sam nodded. At the same time, he glanced at Zac who came up from the basement. Zac passed the office and looked at the communication between the two people. Without saying anything, he went to the master bedroom to watch the baby.

Sam snapped his fingers into the eyes that Annabel had chased to Zac. "Special-Note-." Annabell looked back, and Sam continued, "I want to talk about my opinion, not you. Correct. "Adjust the posture." It ’s more like a prayer of the wizards in the Yin’an faith than a prayer similar to the faith of the Lord. The history of the An’an people was that the entire tribe offered a wizard. If there is any need, please ask the wizard. Then the wizard, who had all the resources of the tribe, fulfilled the petition. If the tribe ’s wish could not be fulfilled, the wizard would personally petition our god, Papa Midnight, Papa. At midnight, Papa fulfilled this wish, and at the same time, Papa will also ask for his reward for fulfilling his wishes at midnight (the reason why Papa is not seen at midnight, the compensation he asks for is very ... strange, such as letting your daughter see your death). "

Annabell raised both eyebrows, "I have nothing to correct. Your statement is more correct."

Sam froze for a moment. "Really?" Scratched his head, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. "I just grasped that the Republican God will really fulfill the wishes of the devotees. This is the same as my wizard belief. After all, you and me Everyone knows that the Lord ’s faith does not actually fulfill any human desire, he only needs the last soul. "

Annabel smiled, "The point you catch is the key. I'm a vampire, it's Fan Zhuo. If you don't say it so straightforwardly, I will never take the initiative to think of the analogy of the Republic and Yin'an ~" As already said, who makes the analogy is not a subconscious comparison with his own beliefs? Sam helped widen Annabell's horizons. "Now I will. Your analogy is better."

Then, "You can understand the reason why republican humans worship" God "." Annabel continued to answer the question, "for the wish to be fulfilled. But what you really doubt is that this is only for the benefit of humanity, for the republican" God " 'What are the benefits of those aliens, right?'


"I will continue to use the analogy of the Lord's faith, you have a better supplement, you can insert it at will ~" Annabel, the answerer, gave Sam a lot of freedom, "People in the Lord's faith, pray, are to Believe shows your desires, do you agree? "

"Agree, there have also been incidents in the southeast of Barton where the desire of the Lord's faith led to the priest's murder."

Annabel chuckled slightly, seeming to ridicule something, but she did not lose her concentration. "The desire of the Lord ’s faith changes with the desires of mankind. The scriptures of the Lord ’s faith change countless times and the teachings continue to follow the human age Change, not the belief of the Lord, is changing, but the person who believes in the Lord ’s belief is changing, and finally the appearance of the belief of the Lord can only follow the change. Is there any doubt. "

Sam is very real, "No, because I don't care."

Annabel smiled and looked pretty. "Human prayers, or the desire to give faith, add something to the faith of the Lord."

Sam nodded with no expression, indicating that he understood.

"The way the Holy Lord believes in accepting these things given by mankind is the constant change of the entire faith. In order to be more suitable for the face of the current era, continue to satisfy the prayers of more believers."

Something in Sam's head was touched, looking at Annabel, "The adaptability of the Lord's faith is getting stronger!"

Annabel nodded with a smile, "Can you imagine how simple the human requirement for faith is in the era of material scarcity for millennia. Let's look at the requirements of faith now for humans."

Sam frowned, "If you want me to use Inan's witchcraft faith to make an analogy, it is that the wizards of today are definitely stronger than the wizards of thousands of years ago ..."

"With increased demand, there will be increased supply to meet demand." Annabel summarized the relationship between faith and humanity in a very modern way of thinking, and then, "This is the principle of republican worship. At the same time, republican culture is very ... Focus, one need, one god, one prayer, one offering. "

"That's why they can become gods on behalf of a certain truth in the world!" Sam suddenly realized, "When the faith of the Lord and the witchcraft are satisfying the complex and complex prayers and become stronger in a broad sense, the republic Faith only focuses on one 'truth' and constantly improves its ability! The growth of faith in the republican culture has never been the promotion of the entire faith. It is an individual and an alien who only represents a world's 'truth', gaining a lot on a path of concentration Believers pray for the power to grow! "

Annabel kept smiling, and Sam, already aware of her doubts.

Suddenly, Sam yelled into the air, "*! Nasbella's expectation that she will become stronger when enshrined is doomed to failure! She didn't know that she had to choose a 'world truth' in order to become stronger by enshrining her We must also choose the correct 'world truth', and we must not realize the wishes of those republicans, otherwise we will take the wrong path of spiritual practice like Maitreya, and be punished by the laws of the world! "

Annabel was still smiling, and Sam had withdrawn the entity and floated to Zac.

"Have you heard?"

Nonsense, of course Zac heard it clearly, shaking the crib and glancing at Sam, "Then?"

"Shouldn't we remind Spella?"

"It's time to remind Spella." Zac continued to shake the crib. "But it's not me. You're the guy who got the intelligence from the 'intelligence resource (Annabel)'. I won't grab your limelight." "

"Uh, then I went?"

"Go." Zac waved his hand.

Sam disappeared.

After a little while, Annabel passed from the master bedroom and stayed at the door for a while, "Sam is not the type I like, I can get along with him friendly, because he seems to be a good guy, but you encourage him like this The behavior that takes up my attention will not have any results ~~ Well, just tell you ~~ "

Annabel, smart. Breaking Zac's careful thinking.

Zac, looked up at Annabell, said nothing, took back his eyes, and continued to shake the crib. Hungry again.

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