The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 24 Chapter 20: I hope I helped you ~

Evening, midnight, early morning ...

Zac was sullenly calling Paisin's Spella in the office because Sam did not return.

No one answered the phone. Expectedly, there was no one in Spella's house, right? This family, 'broken', is very thorough. The wizard ghost (Sibera), werewolf (Ravench), ghost (Ryan), person (Kordon), each no longer miss the place that was once together and called the 'home', in all directions Go forward.

Zac hung up the phone that no one answered, and called Paisin's youth activity center, the contact center of Nofil.

This is fast, Bumi's voice is over the receiver, "Who?"

"I, Spira is there."

"Oh, Zac! She's not here, why are you looking for her?"

Zac pouted, as if there was no need to hide anything, "Sam went to find Siberia yesterday, but he hasn't come back yet, to help me ask what's going on." I was too lazy to ask myself, and let Bumidailau.

Bumi didn't answer, but spoke to someone outside the phone, "Zac said that Sam came to Seebella yesterday, did you see it?"

The answer outside the phone was John, "Yesterday? Impossible. Both Spira and I spent the day in the Sky Tower and Eve. No one was looking for us."

Zac did n’t care about Bumi and John, and he did n’t care about what the wizard was pulling with Eve, before Bumi recounted, “Where is that Sam? He ’s not in Grande, and he ’s never been to Siberia. ? Where is Spella now? "Zac said to himself," I have something to talk to her. "What to talk about? Talk about what Sam did not bring to Sibera-the Republican offerings are in danger!

Bumi replied, "I don't know. Do you want to ask Dora?"


"Wait ~" Bumi put down the phone and there was no sound.

Zac held the receiver in one hand impatiently and nodded the tabletop in one hand.

There was a cool breeze blowing behind Zac's head. Zac turned back and kept the white cat sitting on the window sill.

When Zac got up and was about to throw the white cat out of the front, the white cat finally summed up the lessons of the previous few being thrown away. Instead of "miao ~", he directly said, "I have tried to warn you." Of course, This vocal is Madison ’s voice, “A series of events will unfold when you sit in the office yesterday and dial a call that cannot be answered by West.”

Zac's hand was already placed on the cat's neck, a little harder, and he could pick up this 'creature speaking in Madison's voice' and throw it away. But Zac paused.

The white cat's **** was upturned, as if instinctively welcoming himself about to be thrown out, and prepared to adjust the balance, but Zac stopped, and the white cat's **** ... also sat back with his tail circled Side, slightly tipped at the end, keeping a certain level of alertness, and seeing Zac with light eyes, "I can tell you what happened to Sam."

"Then say." Zach spoke to the white cat.

"I want a place where I can sleep."

Wait a minute ... "Are you talking to me about the conditions?" Zach pressed his hand on the white cat's neck and stepped up.

The white cat ... The hind legs lifted slightly, obviously suffering from pain, but it held back, "I want another person who brushes my hair every day."

Zac no longer hesitated, raised his hand, white across the backyard of Grande, accompanied by a "meow !!"

"Is anyone there?" Bumi's voice came from the receiver.

Zac closed the window and answered the phone again, "I'm here."

"Oh, why did you go?"

"Not important." Zac waved his hand at the air. "I asked Dora if he had."

"Ah, I asked. Dora said that Siberia accepted the Republican offering in the southeast."

The corner of Zac's mouth twitched, "About the fact that Spella accepted the offering ..."

Bumi interrupted Zac. "You wait a moment, I have something to do here ..." The receiver was silent.

Zac was holding his earpiece, feeling a little irritable. At the same time, the answering machine suddenly started working, and someone was leaving a message to Grande.

Zac looked at the tape selection of the answering machine and was a little confused. "Zac." Roy stood at the door of the office.

"What are you doing!" Zac looked back.

Roy froze for a moment and looked at Zac. "Are you okay."

"No." Zach has controlled the inexplicable irritability-no, the irritability is not at all inexplicable, it is the feeling of losing sight of each other.

Zac made a phone call for Sam. When he didn't get the result, he had the opportunity to get the news of Sam directly from the white cat, but Zac chose the phone and ‘throw’ the white cat, right?

Then, Bumi revealed on the phone that Siberia is now accepting offerings in the southeast, which hastens the urgency that Zac needs to contact Siberia as soon as possible. However, the ghost knew what Bumi was doing, and actually took Zac directly here.

To add one more thing, when Zac was picked up here, Zac obviously missed another person trying to contact himself. Do n’t forget that Grande has two calls, and only those who can get to Zac ’s office can find Zac. No matter whether there is a message, is it effective to communicate directly? Especially for Toledo like Zac!

To sum up, this feeling is that Zac did nothing for a phone call.

I'm sorry, it's not a matter of losing each other.

"I have something to tell you." Roy is quite likely to know Zac's mental activity, watching Zac still holding the earpiece in his hand, pursing his lips, "You hang up first."

Zac's hand holding the receiver was a little hard. The emotional impact of this phone call on Zac has been mentioned above. Zac is actually not prepared to hang up like this, and he is prepared to try to save it. When Bumi returns, no matter what, first tell Nofeller about the offerings. , And then Norfil went to inform the wizard that it was faster than running from Grandry to find someone.

But now Zach seems to be facing a situation of ‘thus losing himself’. Roy will not unreasonably ask Zac to hang up an ongoing call. Since he has made this request, he has important things to talk to Zac, and will not allow this conversation to be transmitted to third parties by the telephone line. Situation.

Zac was still hesitating here, and the silence in the receiver suddenly turned into a hang-up tone, beeping ...


Zac didn't scold, put down the phone smoothly, maintained his expression control, and looked at Roy, "You said."

"I have been hesitating about this for a few days." Roy felt consciously and sat across from Zac, shaking his head from time to time. "Finally I think I should tell you something."

"What's the matter." Zach's tone is calm, and his mood ... it's actually quite bad-because the backyard heard the meow "Oh !!!" and Annabel's voice, "No wonder Zack doesn't like you, you Not cute at all. "

Therefore, what Zac needs is to save Roy's mental journey, and Zac himself is not in a mood to empathize with him! Roy, it ’s best to say things quickly!

"Do you know your mayor friend, Anthony has been recruiting hunters." Roy said something.

very good! Zac instantly blocked something irrelevant and looked at Roy, "Recruit Hunter?"

"Oh, that's why I don't know." Roy actually had a look in his face in an instant, but it disappeared quickly. "I knew that Curden was a worthy object to study, and I knew that it was also thanks to his constant contact with those. hunter."

Zac completely controlled his emotions and thought. Zac actually always knew that Anthony had a group of men, humans.

Remember the White couple? When Zac exposed his vampire identity to save promises, he and the hunter who thought 'Cort' was in the hands of Noah had a fight at the White couple's house. When Zac's main energy at that time was to maintain Sino-Novo relations, all the damage caused by the alien battle was sent by Mayor Anthony to smooth it out.

Roy continued, "Kudden recently heard that Anthony wants to expand his staff. Now many hunters in Barton are contacting their friends in the middle and come to Barton. Well, after all, coming to Barton is to be a 'civil servant', not The kind of life that was not guaranteed before. "

Zac also heard the reason why Roy wanted to talk to himself about this matter. "The mayor of Barton introduced hunters in this city. Our Devil Banquet does not like this kind of thing." This is not a statement-

Roy looked at Zac. "Of course I don't like it!" This is the statement. Of course, he tilted his mouth, "I have some doubts now, you mayor friend, do not know his own position."

At the door of the office, another uninvited person joined the conversation, "Well, don't say the mayor of Barton knows his position, Demon Banquet, now I really need to raise one in Barton. What a political pawn. "This man was the secretary who used to be Rute, Lily.

Lily is holding Nana in one hand, and she is already dressed up-she will take Nana today to go to the Pike Elementary School Nursery in Paisin. The entertainment activities at Nana ’s holiday and the school at the end of the summer vacation solve. Logan's troubles ...

Lily looked at the two vampires in the office. "Van Zhuo has returned to the federal land. Patton's political significance as a federal defense secret alliance is gone." There was a trace of sarcasm in her words, and she did not know it was ridicule. Who-Patton ’s political policy was set by her boss, Ruth, when he ruled by one person ~ It has nothing to do with the two magic feast vampires in the office now.

Roy was stunned by this reminder. Just stupid.

Zac ’s response was much smoother, “New problems have emerged, such as the republican government ’s killing (federal) vaccines, such as the republican aliens who entered the federation with the republican culture, and those gods and devils. Not relying on human politics to solve, Are we going to start another alien war? Will the vampire play against the republican alien and republican government at the same time? Come and tell me the political significance of Patton, is it there or not. "

Roy ... blinked in amazement and glanced at Zach, "You are right!" Then looked at Lily, "He was right!" Then, disgusted, "Torido and Zmihi are talking about things, you What a ghoul is talking about! Do your own thing! "

Lily opened her mouth and rolled her eyes. "Nana, let's go."

Nana: "I don't like Uncle Zmich (Roy), he's not so smart and his mouth is very cheap."

"Yes, Lily, that's how it is, but it's good to keep such words in mind in the future, don't say it."


In the office, Zakra stopped Roy, who was about to get up and chase, "You deserve it. I told you many times that Barton is not the West. The vampire you used to be the master of everything, it is best to throw it away."

Roy didn't speak. In fact, he has done a good job. Look at his current friend but a retired In'an hunter! Was Roy Zmich, who was in the former western region in charge of the federal military industry, dare to think about it. Today he just didn't respond for a while, and Lily opened the door to the current federal situation without warning.

The Commonwealth is not the time when Rout was still alive. Barton's political significance has long been not a mere secret, such a boring legacy of magic feast competition!

Still, Zac waved his hand. "Anthony is recruiting hunters. Let's not interfere now. You keep watching through Curden. If the mayor is to reserve manpower, prevent Republican troubles, whether it is government or aliens. , Our demon feast, we will not support, but it is not necessary to hinder. "

Roy frowned and looked at Zac for a while, "I hope you can talk to your mayor friend!"

"If the timing is right, I will." Zac concluded the topic, "Go for what you should do." Pressed the answering machine in front of Roy and played the previous message.

Roy had nothing more to say, stood up not too readily, walked to the door and snorted, and left.

"Mr. Grande." It is Smith's researcher and his voice is exhausted. "We have done all the vaccine response tests in the federal disease prevention library." All? Uh, it ’s no wonder that it took so long to get results, "We did n’t understand what caused the death of the Patton citizen. Hey." Not only tired, but also ... a little scared, "Mr. Smith will not accept us to let him down again the result of."

Zac's uncomfortable emotions are back.

Zac reported the results of the first examination of the body to Smith out of the idea of ​​protecting these researchers before. Now, listening to the signs of this message, the other party is also going to let Zac go to help them to do nothing again. pressure?

Zac is not a saint!

And because this is a message, Zach missed the notification message of direct negotiation opportunities. Zach seems to have no possibility of rejecting this group of people-"So we think that if we are so sure that this drug is the Gran of the Republican vaccine Mr. De, uh, can you use our channels to help us get republican vaccine samples, or, standard literature or the like? Let's continue testing? As long as the sir can provide resources, we believe we can understand what is in Let us Patton suffer ... well. "

The message is gone.

This is worse than letting Zack go to the pressure to report to Smith! Isn't this just dumping the pot? ! The very high-end kind, you Zachary Grande said that this is an exotic vaccine, our gang of federal researchers only got nothing! You are responsible for what you say, you have to provide us with resources!


Zac was sitting at his desk in a confused order of priorities in his hands.

"Sam was taken away by Maitreya, because Maitre seemed to be blaming Sam for his enchantment." Annabel stood at the door of the office, stuttering, "Bumi suddenly had something to do with Siberia in the southeast. Being attacked by Mazu, Dora summoned Nophire to help. "The reason for the slurred speech was-the countess's mouth was stuffed with white hair ...

Zac turned his head, looked at Annabelle with a mouthful, and gave himself a ... terrifying smile, "I do n’t want to see you so irritable all morning, my heart will hurt, I hope I help You ~ "

"I hope I helped you"? How did it help? ?

Zach spoke to Annabel, "You ate McGrady ... that cat?" The ellipsis is a strategic word adjustment.

"No ~ I took a bite ~" A horrified smile, "Maybe three ~"

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