The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 24 Chapter 21: The crisis of Spira

Prioritize transactions? No need, the Republican God is actually attacking the Patton natives. Zachary Toledo, the vampire who announced the sovereignty of the city, will not watch.

Go to the southeast.

The action was quick, but Zac did n’t know what would happen if he went or not ...

As you can imagine, Bumi's phone hung up directly, which means that Nophire himself did not have the will to seek Zach for help. The reason is not easy to say. Then there is the question of Zac's strength. What kind of means can the federal vampires who can't restrain even the Communists and ordinary ghosts control the true God of the Republic?

But going is a must. This is a matter of sovereignty!

Annabel followed Zac.

Ten minutes later, Zach had arrived in the southeast, and in a small alley, under Annabel ’s unobtrusive peep-peep-out, he changed his clothes and walked to the place where the conflict took place-it was good to feel that there was blood in the air odor.

When the smell of vampire blood in the air, especially the blood of Norfil, became stronger, Zac's emotions were also accumulating!

This can already be used as a reason to launch an alien war! The God of your Republic, on the land of my Federation ...

The southeast street near the coast has been blocked by Nofile covered in a hood. When Zach approached, he was seeing the outer Nofile bleed himself ... and passed the blood to the center.

No fighting, no casualties, vampire blood in the air is the result of the natural volatilization of the sea breeze blowing in this midsummer season.

"Where are Spira and the Republican Mazu." Zac grabbed a Norfolk casually and asked.

The other party pointed to the center, and Zac cleared the congestion of Nofile and walked toward the center. Zac has gone very fast, but the news of 'that Torrido is coming, that Torrido is coming', has spread faster, and has been in front of Zac in the whispering of various Nofellers around him. , Into the center.

On the southeastern coast, there were dams that protected against moisture. After crossing the dam, Zac saw Dora, Bumi, Spella, and John.

They took the vampire blood that was passed from the outermost periphery, pouring bucket by bucket onto a republican human lying on the concrete shore ... Yes, just bucket by bucket.

Blood has stained a large area of ​​seawater, and the whole body of the man who was watered as a plant is still covered with terrible scorching wounds!

"You're here." Siberia glanced at Zac, not very happy. "Since it's here, let yourself use it a little! Go outside and set up a cordon, don't let humans approach!"

Zac didn't move, watching the vampire's blood pouring into a bucket, but the wound had no republican human meaning to heal, waiting for a conscious person to explain to himself.

What Zac did not expect was that the person who would play this conscious role was Annabel—

"Oh ~ it turns out that way ~"

Zac stabilized his emotions and insisted on not looking at Annabel. This does not prevent Annabel from making the self-asserted explanation next to him, "Mazu didn't attack you, right, the wizard Guisibela ~" Sibella glanced at Annabel, frowning, and didn't speak, "Mazu attacked, It ’s this enchanted monk ~ "

Zac couldn't help it anymore and looked back at Annabel. Enchanting is enchanting again.

At the same time, Dora, Bumi, and Siberia, including John, "Enchant, what enchants?"

Spella smiled and faced Zac's gaze, standing steadily beside Zac, as if she was Zac's person ... "Is this person hit by a purple lightning?"

"I'll say this vampire knows the republican thing!" Spira's reaction was really quick. "We should keep her for information!"

It seems that Annabel was right. Purple Thunder ...

Dora looked at Zac and shook her small hand. "What's the difference? The countess is by Zac's side. It's the same. Look, isn't this sending us the information ~"

Zac glared at Dora, and Dora just smiled and motioned to continue to pass the vampire blood to stop passing, "Countess, is this man still saved?"

"There can be no salvation, God will let him die, he will die ~"

"Okay." Dora's reaction continued to take advantage. She took the lead and left the republican humans who were trying to save her, looking at Spira, "One of your devotees died, the worst happened, and finally began to accept the federal wizard The ghostly republican died under our refuge. We need to control this situation, we cannot lose the trust of the republican, but to control this matter ... "Dora looked at Zac," We need Torri many."

Zac was ordered. No, I haven't heard a complete account of what happened to Zaclian! Zac was inexplicably instructed by Dora so unprepared!

"I'm going through, from beginning to end!" To understand, Zack's mood is really bad!

"Sibera." Dora pouted and gestured for Siberia.

Spella's expression was unwilling, but her eyes were focused on Annabel. Obviously, she wanted to figure out what was going on. Everyone agreed. "This person prays to me. He wants to understand the creatures in the sea." , "The Kraken. I promised. Benjamin cleaned up a group of invading Krakens yesterday at Noor Beach, demonstrating the Krakens around the coastline, I just know that the southeast side is because of the 'General' 'General', this was mentioned before when Benjamin organized against the sea monsters), some sea monsters are relying on Toledo's indulgence to recover the sea monster's body. So, he brought him over. "

Zac's mood calmed down a bit, because listening to this narrative, things seemed to return to Patton's model. This is familiar to Zac.

But immediately.

"But as soon as we arrived here, we hadn't seen any Kraken yet, and there was one in the sea ..." Spella's brow furrowed, "Republic of God."

"Mazu." Zac was very direct.

Spella didn't give any response, deliberately, "she didn't make sense at all and ordered my offering to stop curiosity about the Kraken. My worshiper only asked one why, and she attacked!" Looking at Annabel, "A purple thunderbolt that I have never seen hits my devotees in an instant. All my attacks have no effect on the Republican God ..."

"The republican **** who represents the laws of the world is invincible ~" Annabel said, "Of course, there will be no effect. You are attacking the world ~ The 'world' has no counterattack, killing you, it is already kind ~"

Spira's face closed a little somberly, regardless of whether she agreed with Annabel, the fact was that Spira had no reason to refute.

Zac can only say, "Represent the world law? If Mazu's purple thunderbolt is a world punishment, why understand the sea monster punishment by the world law? What a messy world law."

"It depends on what the real reason this man wants to know about the Kraken ~" Annabel watched the republican humans whose life conditions deteriorated sharply after the burnt wounds were spread all over the body and after the blood supply of the vampire stopped. If you want to hide from the ghosts of cross-border wizards, you ca n’t hide the republican gods who have truly represented the truth of the world. They are punished, and there is really no reason. "

Annabell has not finished, "You should be grateful for the world punishment that Mazu shot, if the world itself is executed, the southeast may be destroyed ~ Look, Mazu has helped you control the impact to a minimum ~"

These words are chilling.

And this time, the republican ... died. No **** dog appears, recover the soul.

The vampires around started to move away from the body.

Zac was a bit gloomy again, "John, you save this body first." Zac began to order, "Sibella, you come with me, I have important information about the offering." "Dora and Bumi, investigate all the intelligence of the deceased. A republican cannot suddenly disappear on Barton's land inexplicably. Who will ask for a statement about this matter, and you will report the plan for the aftermath to you."

Then, Zach turned and walked out of the crowded vampire street first, and Spira followed, as did Annabell.

Zac saw the 'general' who only brought people to the corner at this time. Zac knew that if it were not for him, the 'general' might not show up at all.

But right now, Zac took Spira directly to the "General".

We do n’t repeat Sibela ’s words. We already know the dangers and enchantments of republican offerings and skip them.

After Zac finished the information that brought Bengsem to Spella, the 'general' who was watching-Annabel's "general" who had been watching before, spoke at the interface, "So now live in the Republic in the southeast Among people, there are people like Maitreya and the one who was killed by thunder today, and there are people who have been demonic and punished by the world? "

'General' is now the representative of Toledo, who was placed by Zac in the North District of Barton. To answer the question of 'General', "It looks like this, to help this kind of republican is to ignite the upper body. Spella, You must pay attention to this when you choose the consecrator. "

"Attention? How do I pay attention?" When Siberia listened to the demon, she already had a look of being fed to shit, and now the expression is even worse, "I don't know how I choose the 'world truth' .. I am a wizard! I was born in a wizard family, my husband ... ex-husband "Uh," I am also an Ingan! My entire life is in the atmosphere of Ingan! I have never received a republican education , How do you ask me to choose a world truth that their republican culture believes to be correct? "

Zac, there is no suggestion for Spella ...

‘General’ has. He looked at Spella, "Spella, in fact, you have someone to help you understand the republic ..." All eyes are on the "General", "Your son, Alpha Revenge."

‘General’ will mention Ravenci, which is actually a very weird situation, the two did not intersect.

"General" lifted this weird feeling, "If you want to find him, I can help you contact him and arrange it."

What the hell? Although the family of others is broken and scattered, they are mother and son after all. You do n’t need an outsider to meet you, uh, ‘arrangement’.

All eyes are still on ‘General’. ‘General’, it seems that he is enjoying this attention, “Ah, you do n’t know, I occasionally give Ravenci some, uh ... part-time, to help him feel more comfortable in Barton.”

Zac thought of something. Before, Ravenc intended to go to Benjamin to ask for Barton's legal status. Zac did not pay attention to this matter. After returning, he asked Benjamin.

Spira's eyes were locked on the "General", "What do you give Ravenci," Part-time "," it was not a curious question, but a question asking for answers.

"You know." "General" looked even more stern. "Routine affairs of running my bar ~" He shrugged and looked at Zac. "I hope you won't mind, and Ruiwen When Qi is together, I will occasionally inquire about Ian. "

Gee. I'm afraid this is the real reason why 'General' will meet Ravenci, Ian!

It should be conceivable that after declaring Patton ’s sovereignty, Zack assigned the power of his descendants in Patton. Except for Charlie, who represented Zac's descendants in the Devil's Banquet as early as in the west, all of Zac's direct descendants obtained the right to be Toledo. Except Ian at midnight in Papa!

No matter what psychology the "General" is curious about Ian-it may be that he was a descendant of Zac, and his continued ignorance of his life is too suppressed, or it may be displayed after he is authorized ... no matter what, "General" The attention to Ian is not surprising, and in the place of Barton, the only way to satisfy the attention of the "general" is Rivenchi.

Zac waved his hand, "I don't mind, you just have to remember the difference between you and Ian." This is to remind the 'General', Ian did not inherit the image ability of Torrido, but 'General' There is inheritance. If ‘general’ pays attention to Ian because of some boring taste, do n’t foolishly lose your advantage.

Then, Zach forcibly pulled Sibella's unfriendly sight to the "General", "I heard that yesterday you also clashed with Rimer in the Tongtian Tower. It was about Rimer's hands. Republican Cultural Information. "

This is the result of a simple thing linked to another thing-Zac knows that in the Tiantian Tower, when Rimmer and the wizard are still working together to study the demonization of the earth, it is Rimmer who will organize The information of the Republican culture provides the theoretical basis for the wizard. Remember, Solin Rimmer was the vampire who originally administer the Tongtian Tower CCP Republican Archives.

Therefore, Remmel's understanding of the Republican culture has always been higher than that of the wizard. Zac can imagine that after Zebra ’s intervention successfully opened the possibility of using the Republican ’s worship to become stronger, Rimmer deliberately withdrew Republican information in order to continue to suppress Siberia ’s wizard ghost. .

Hey, it is the open fight that will appear in any collective, using John's original words on Bumi's phone-rash.

Spella did not deny it.

Then, Zach said to "General", "Contact Ravenci."


The crisis of Spira was solved. Next, Sam ...

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