If the life forms of every creature in this world are left to your choice, what do you want to be?

Discussing this issue a bit harder, let us divide all life forms in this world into three categories.

The first category is ecological. There is nothing to say, this ecologically self-sustaining evolutionary species, from humble to incomplete cell viruses, to intelligent creatures that require a large collection of cells to form, such as humans.

The second category is creation. Vampire, made. Werewolf, made. Wizard ghosts, made ... maybe more, but our story can't cover the species that have been abandoned by the times.

The third category, which does not belong to the normal species in this natural ecology, but is not created, is somehow transformed into that ghost-like or originally kind of species. Well, such as Papa midnight, such as the Holy Lord, such as the gods of the Republic.

Okay, choose one.

It's a bit hard to choose, right? The first category seems to have the most advantages, after all, it was born naturally from the natural ecology of this world, this world is born. But ... the nature of this world is not only the beautiful thing of species evolution, but also a very bad thing, called the biological chain. If you choose the first category, you must accept the fact that you will join this primitive ecological cycle.

Well, the second category. It seems that the advantages are also good. On the basis of the first category, some creatures have hybridized some advantages that override the first category of life, such as eternal life. .

For example, the human crystal of love is ‘let ’s make a child ~’ The vampire ’s crystal of love is ... it ’s ‘called dad’.

The third category. Ah, although the description is a bit mean, it is undeniable that it is jealous. People are powerful, with the ability to create the world, create species, change the world ’s processes, and affect the countless first two types of life.

The only problem is that you will be the only one.

There is no more past and future in this world for you to create **** and heaven. You cannot be the second holy Lord. The wizards have hated Papa ’s midnight very much, and I believe you will not be the second Papa ’s midnight to help him share ‘worry’. As for the **** of republic ...

In the last chapter we left a question, right, why the worshippers of Spira were killed by Mazu.

Now answer this question-

Mazu is in charge of the sea. She does not need another Republican monk to compete with her for the world truth she represents.

Yep. So, if you are going to be chosen as the God of the Republic, which represents the truth of the world, be careful, do n’t crash with the guys who have become gods, you will be chopped to death on the way to God, and the blood of the vampire ca n’t be saved ~

Wait a minute, the truth that Mazu Tian punishes Spella's devotees shouldn't be revealed so easily. While everyone is thinking about which life form to choose, secretly fill a hole.

The time is one day ago. Zac has just returned from the ancestors office, ready to call back to the office to ask West about the magic. (Volume 18)

The location is West's home in Barton North.

Based on the fact that everyone already knows that Zach's call is not answered, so there is nothing to say. West is not at home, only a black cat in the kitchen is trying to grab a closed cabinet door.

"You are too pitiful." Madison's voice came from the mouth of a white cat sitting on the kitchen door and looking at the black cat. "You didn't even have a paw print on the cabinet. Stay. "

The black cat looked back and glanced at the white cat, "Republican **** spell!" The black cat's pupils are constantly shrinking and expanding, not a physical expression, but emotional anger. "I think this cabinet is connected to another world by West. Go! I can't touch my cat food! I'm going to starve to death! "

White cat swallowed her mouth.

The black cat's ears stood up, "Are you hungry ~ how about you and me, opening this cabinet together ~ just like when we were brothers ~"

The white cat got up and walked to the cabinet door. He lifted his paw and saw no movement. When the paw was lowered, the cabinet opened a bag of cat food and placed it quietly.

The black cat jumped straight up, plunged into the cat food bag, and banged ...

For about half a minute, the black cat raised his head from the cat food, "Teach me!"

"You give me half the control of the hellhound, and I will teach you." The white cat plucked a handful of cat food with his paws, and replied.

"Oh, it's impossible ~ Hellhound is the means that the Lord gave me to make up for the disadvantages of hell."

Regarding this, recall the discussion about the pros and cons of **** demons and angels of heaven.

The white cat didn't seem to be promised yet. While sipping the cat food of the black cat, it was flat, "Then, eat more, I won't come over to help you solve the food problem in the future."

The black cat's head was lifted up from the cat food again, and he looked at the white cat. "You're going through time again? You're asking for trouble."

"You are just too stubborn to dare to hold this power."

Remember, the Black Cat once took away the ability to detect the future from Madison, and later returned this power to Madison.

"Don't forget how your Madison identity died." The black cat gave the final warning, "This world does not need future guidance!"

"That death made me now, isn't it." The white cat glanced at the black cat, and was silent for a moment. "You really hope that the future heaven and **** will completely lose the appearance of the Holy Lord, created by the vampires of this world. In that way, disregarding the doctrine of faith and arbitrarily assigning souls. "

"The distinction between good and evil in **** and heaven is originally a boring trick. You and I know that the purpose of the Lord is only to control the timeline of this world, and to use the heaven and **** to hold the world! As long as the world can provide soul to heaven and hell, other Nothing matters. "

"Huh, you are a fallen demon, of course you would think so."

"Huh, you still think of yourself as an archangel, hypocrisy!"

The two cats glance at each other, each paw draws a line at their own position ... No, they just divided the cat food evenly. Gam Gam Gam Gam ...

When West's phone rang, the black cat was already comfortable sleeping on the sofa. As for the white cat? Already in Grande, flying over the air from the window on the second floor of Grande, "Meow !!"

After landing, the white cat lifted its hind leg that was aching under the impact, licked it twice, the pupil contracted into a line, and looked up to see the Grand window was opened again, Annabell ’s eyes swept the white cat, it seemed I didn't see the figure of the white cat. "It doesn't seem to be an ordinary cat ..." The window was closed again.

The white cat tilted his head and seemed to think about something, and it really disappeared in Grande.

Then the place where the white cat appeared was ... time, the wall that bound the world, the place where the **** dog walked.

The white cat walked gracefully in the passage marked by Roman numerals on both sides, until it stopped before a time mark, carried the cat step, and stepped in.

This is obviously not hell. It seems to be the ancestral office. Maitreya is standing in the same place, and his body is scorched by something invisible for no reason. (16)

Maitre did n’t seem to realize that his body was being hurt by invisible things, and stared angrily at the air in front of him, “Republic where we were born! It is obliged to provide us with room to grow! This is not republican mercy! Nor is it the charity of the Republican government, it is what we deserve! "

The white cat sat in front of the self-talking Maitreya, "Hey, wake up, Zac and Sam are no longer in front of you. No one can convince you."

Mile looked down and stared at the white cat in front of him for two seconds. "You ..." looked up in surprise. "Where am I?"

"The world you created yourself. Your demon."

"Me, am I enchanted?"

The white cat seems to have some sarcasm, "Don't be so surprised, this is not the first time you are enchanted ~"

Maitre's eyes suddenly became gloomy, and he looked back at the white cat, "How do you know!"

"I know all the things about all the creatures bound by time ~" Two all ~ The white cat licked his front paws, "You may still have passion and vampires who don't know the republican aliens to debate your enchantment" truth. " The encounter is complete, "With me, you're fine, I know all about you, the Republican God, the Republican Interracial. Ha ha, as long as you haven't found a way to get rid of time ~ this will not change ~"

"Why are you here!"

"Give you a suggestion ~" The white cat put down the wet paws that were licked. "You do something for me, I will save you from this world of magic obstacles every time you fall into the magic ~ Go for a long time ~ "

"I do not need you……"

Interrupted, "the chance of proposing is only once ~"

Maitre was silent, and as a result, "What do you want me to do?"

"Sam will go to Paisin in about half an hour and tell Spira to tell you about the enchantment, I want you to stop him."

"Sam ?! The wizard ghost who is not qualified to deprive me of looking for living space in the Federation!" There was still a smile in life on Maitreya's face. No more, it was full of malice, "Okay! I do this!"

"Awesome ~" White Cat turned, "Follow me ~"

Shortly existing in the world of the ancestors office on the timeline, disappeared, Maitreya and the white cat entered the time-stamped channel, and the white cat stood again in front of a time stamp, "You are here ~ go ~"

Before Mile stepped on, after leaving the world of magic obstacles, he finally recovered a bit of reason and looked at the white cat in disbelief, "What are you? What good is it for me to do this?"

The white cat didn't answer, jumped up, his legs facing Maitreya's face was a paw. When Maitreya "Oops!" Called a head and planted into this world, the white cat fell to the ground, "There are so many nonsense"

Turning his head, he looked at the far distance of the channel, the **** dog running wildly, the small paw hesitated, and made a stretching action, vaguely can see the tip of the paw, the nails pierced out, what is good ~

With one paw clasping the head of the running Hell Dog, he adjusted it slightly and sat safely on the Hell Dog. The Hell Dog seemed to be running too forgetful, and he continued to run without realizing that he was being ridden by a cat. The white cat felt the wind-like experience, was carried by the **** dog, and plunged into an unknown time mark.

The location was in the southeast, and Nofil blocked the street. But the time is not dawn or dusk, and no one knows that a **** dog is swiftly passing the crowded vampire and running towards the coast.

What about cats? The moment the cat entered the world, he hit one of Norfele's bodies, dropped the **** dog, and was flicked.

When the white cat crossed in the air, he saw Zac, Dora, and Bumi in front of the crowded Nophire ... surrounded by an anxious Republican body. (twenty one)

After landing, the white cat licked his painful hind leg under the impact everyday. As she looked up, a republican woman stood in front of her, carrying a struggling **** dog, "I thought you were black." This republican woman, Mazu, gave the **** dog anxiously in his hand. hand.

"You admit the wrong cat, the black one is not me." The white cat replied, glancing at the **** dog that seemed to be stunned. "Is it necessary, anyway, it can't drag the soul of that monk into hell."

"Necessary. I hate dogs."

The white cat's tail wobbled, "What about the cat."

"More annoying."

The white cat didn't seem to be surprised by this answer, and glanced at Nophire, "So, what's going on?"

"I believe we have just met and are not familiar yet."

"Yeah." White Cat stared at Mazu for a while. "You think the monk with the help of the wizard is a threat, so kill it."

Mazu's face was gloomy, staring at the white cat, "Another cat that has lost its time, holding knowledge we don't know, I hate you even more."

The white cat looked at the thunder and lightning that gathered in Mazu's hands, without any fear. "Are you serious, you West deliberately abused the biscuits and didn't feed them? You still have to attack me. I think your Republican God is I ’m not going to get the secret of the world of the Lord ’s faith from our mouths. "

The lightning in Mazu's hand disappeared.

After an awkward silence, Mazu said, "Don't you feed the black cat? She has been reporting that her cooperation with the black cat is going well." A little irritable.

"Do you know where is the problem with your republican establishment?" Establishment? Uh, leave it alone, listening to the white cat, "What is in charge of discrimination is" Jian ", then what would you do if she was lying?"

Mazu froze for a moment. Did not answer.

"I have a proposal." White Cat looked at Mazu. "You help me once. I help you figure out what Papid did to her when Pucci took Pian by midnight." Remember Put it, just before Jian becomes West.

Mazu stared at the white cat, "What do you want."

"You give me a spell that can help cookies open the cupboard closed by West."

"That's it?" Mazu looked at the white cat very puzzled.

The white cat glanced at Norfil, who was still there. "That's it."

Mazu was very clever, throwing up a bunch of things and being thrown away, caught by the paws raised by the white cat, "Why is that Fan Zhao around Zach always talking for you? This is not a world punishment, it ’s just that you defend your own personality Behavior only. "

"Annabel?" Mazu also glanced at Novielle. "We are friends in the Republic." Then he looked back suspiciously, "You can't see the timeline of Fanzhuo?"

The white cat shook its tail, "Fan Zhuo is a vampire connected to purgatory, and time no longer exists on them."

"But she was demoted."

"Due to the downgrading shared by human souls, taking away the human soul, Fan Zhuo is still a full body Fan Zhuo."

Mazu frowned, "Are you telling me that my friends have always had a way to escape time?"

"It's purgatory, it's not about getting rid of time, there's no time, it's the degradation of the world dimension." The white cat seems to be intentional. "Don't think about it, you republic God, you will regret it."

"Really." Mazu finally glanced at the white cat. "Thank you for reminding me." It disappeared.

The white cat also turned around and had already returned to the passage of time, with a faint **** dog lying beside him.

The white cat stayed in place for a while, stepped up again, and walked in time, stepping into a time mark.

The location was Grand, the window sill of the office, watching Zac sitting there, holding the receiver in one hand, and impatiently nodding the tabletop with his other hand (20).

"I have tried to warn you ..." The white cat gave up and said "Meow ~" that Zac flew away every time ...

After a period of time, the white cat succeeded in attracting Annabel's attention with her own unloveliness, and let herself be captured by Annabel away from Grande.

When Annabell ’s open mouth clasped his neck, the white cat quickly said, “I can make Zack ’s attitude towards you change ... wow !!” The countess ’teeth failed to penetrate the white cat ’s skin, The hair is too thick ...

"Why are you helping me?"

"Not counting you, I have a very evil conspiracy to implement, you need to stay with Zac."

"Wow, it seems that the cat's brain capacity is very small." Annabel tried to bite the white cat again.

"Zac didn't get the information by calling. I knew where Sam was ... Aooo !!" The white cat began to struggle and began to feel that it was a bad plan to be deliberately caught by the countess, "Don't bite me anymore !!"

Annabel, "Really? You talk about it."

"It's Maitreya! Maitreya seizes Sam! The revenge is Sam's words that made him enchanted!"

Annabel tilted her head, but opened her mouth again, revealing two rows of fangs, "This is not a help. Vampires have no way to get the demon Republican monks. Even if you tell us the truth, we ca n’t do anything. Ke hates me more. "

"Wait a minute!" The white cat's speech burst when he met the white cat in the third bite, "Your friend Mazu attacked the Republican monk in the southeast! Spella was involved! You can use this Reason and Zac travel alone! "

Without recovering the third bite, Annabel looked at the white cat. "Mazu will not attack the Republican monk casually. She is the **** who protected the Republicans from crossing the ocean to the Federation."

"Unless that person is grabbing the same personality with her!"

Annabel frowned, slightly pulling the corner of her mouth. "It might be possible."

"Look, you now have more reason to stay with Zac, right? You want to use your knowledge of the Republican God to cover up your friends' selfish behavior! Guess Zac is knowing that the Republican God will attack so cruelly After being a monk who is a legitimate citizen of Barton, will you still meet your friends? Do n’t forget that Zack has just contributed to the special security in the southeast, Zack will not tolerate a murderous god! Ke will hate you more! "White cat's mouth Barabara.

Annabel ... "What should I do?"

"Remember! You are the one who knows the Republican God most here! You can only choose to believe what Zac says! As long as you help Mazu, Zac will not discover the truth! And the Republican monk, let alone come back to reveal the truth ! "

"You said, it seems very reasonable ~"

The white cat grabbed Annabel's shake, "I'll teach you how to do it better! You tell Zac that Mazu attacked Sibera ..."


"Do n’t interrupt me, listen to me! Zach must go to the southeast quickly to protect the sovereignty of the Federation! You follow, find a good opportunity to insert, reverse the incident, and an analysis shows that Mazu must not attack Sibella Bella ’s own worshipper has problems, and no one will doubt you! Zac will pay more attention to your opinions in the future! "

"Wow!" Annabel stared at the white cat, "I take back what I said earlier that you have a small brain ~"

"Thank you! Do you want to cooperate with me?"

"To ~"

"Then you heard my request to Zakti?"

"Sleep place and bristles ~"


"Wait, don't you have to eat?"

"I have solved this part."


Going back to the original hard-core problem, I do n’t know if anyone has chosen what kind of life to be. what? You ask what kind of life is the white cat wearing in time? It looks very happy ...

Um ... The white cat is the kind that shouldn't exist, it's a bug.

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