The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 24 Chapter 24: Wash in vain

Just like life planning that affects a lifetime, choosing the path of republican spiritual practice is not something that can be decided immediately.

And the road of growth of republican aliens seems to be tens of millions, but Spira did not know if she had brought her prejudice against Annabel, or a lot of questions-

"Achieve the devotee's desire to not lose sleep? Do not those Republicans buy sleeping pills, do I need to pray for this kind of thing?"

"Why should you buy medicine yourself if you can solve it with prayer?" Annabel asked back.

"Huh, but even if you want to learn about the creatures in the sea, you will be punished by the laws of the world. How do I know that it is correct in the Republican culture to realize the desire of the devotee to sleep well?"

"Eating good and sleeping well is the wish of every republican, no, it is the wish of all humans and all living things. The universe is universally correct. You do n’t have to worry about it. The food you eat, the republic has the **** of eating, you just sleep. All right, "Annabel said.

"Then I would rather conservatively implement what has been proven by the Republican God to be okay, eat. Didn't you just say that the Republican God of the Stove and the God of Eating. What has become a **** and a truth can't be wrong."

"No." Annabel will continue to mention her friend Mazu to cover up the truth about the murder of the Republican monks, so, "In terms of eating, the Republicans already have real gods to pray, why not find you who can't experience it at all They are unaccustomed to the feeling of Inan Ghost? You are more realistic, Spira. "

"*! So what am I? Sleeping God in the eyes of the Republicans?"

"Your goal is not to be a republican god, you just want to become stronger, you control the republican eyes, what are you?"


This matter will be unproductive for a while.

But Zac has something that can't be delayed. Sam's crisis.

Forcibly interrupted the communication between Spira and Annabel, "Provide Spira with some options to choose, and let Spira investigate how to interact with the republican devotees." , But this direct order seems to please Annabel very much, "Let's go back to Grande."

In this way, Annabel left sabella with ‘homework’ and followed Zac with satisfaction, returning to Grand.

It's just that the way back this time was not as rushed as when he came, Zac seemed to deliberately slow down the speed of returning home, using human walking efficiency to walk from the southeast to the south.

Two vampires walked on the side of Highway 27, and when they were still in the northern area, there were ordinary passers-by walking with them. After entering the southern area, there were no other passers-by, and the two vampires slowly moved and fell It's like admiring the idyllic scenery of Southern District ...

Zach was naturally so slow in his heart. Zac didn't know what to do with the republican **** Puppy around Papa at midnight.

As for Annabel, it is probably just to enjoy Zac ’s ‘companion’, smiling and staying with Zac all the way. She has no opinion on the destruction of the world on this 27th road.

The summary of the mention is to be mentioned. Zac knew that Sam's situation was getting worse.

Since walking on Highway 27, then the topic is used-

"I was trapped by my soul expansion for the first time, on this road." Zac looked straight ahead and threw a topic.

"Really?" Annabel was looking for more expressions, looking on Highway 27.

"Now think about Papa ’s midnight and Pucci being trapped in the expansion of the soul like me, but there is a fearful way to explore the world. It turns out that Papa ’s midnight relied on the existence of Pucci and was not there at all. Fear of the temporary circulation world. "

Zac didn't treat this forced exchange with Annabel as a dialogue at all. Zac only regards this as the advancement of his own ideas. There is absolutely no interactive title in what is said, Annabel will answer it if she wants to answer, and Zac will never look at Annabel.

"Yeah ~ Pucci doesn't worry about what world he is in, he is like that ~"

Zach felt that this policy was playful, and could test Puqi's information a little bit.

"If it weren't for the cycle-time world that threatened vampires too much, I'm really curious. The world created by the soul outside the timeline of this world looks like a large death recurrence, constantly in those souls Cycle through the scene of death. "You can recall Zac's situation in the expansion of his soul.

"Yes ~" Annabel seems to be very good at this kind of call. It is a bit like the new host of the TV show. He dare not dare to grab the field with his predecessors. He can only say "Uh ~ Oh ~" Wow ~ 's tone words look for presence.

But ~ Annabel is a little different from that kind of host, she, Izak. Therefore, her tone will usually be followed by, "Just like the recurrence of death ~" points out an important point.

Zach vaguely felt that Annabel had pointed to himself a way of thinking, "Is the recurring world created by the soul a rebirth of death?" Of course, the sentence structure and the feeling of speaking are all self-talking, "It's all a cycle, and it keeps repeating. It's just that the recurrence of death seen in the Federation stands on the sidelines of the real timeline in this world. The world created by the expansion of the soul is inside the soul that reappears."

This idea of ​​Zac was actually trapped in the expansion of the soul for the first time, and was found at the beginning and end of the time cycle. When the mayoral election vote was attacked, and a group of people were trapped in the expansion of their souls, Zac also shared this information, using the fact that the time cycle will constantly reset, went to the city government to investigate the problem of Anthony ’s vote , Found the truth of the mayor secretary Gina through the city government's alien file secret room to vote for the package.

Now this idea is only advancing a bit under the guidance of Annabel.

The swollen soul created by Zmirch based on the banlin that was rejected by the laws of the world. The manifestation in the present world is that the soul explodes. The broken soul will not only tear the container of the soul-the physical body, that is, the ban Lin himself. It is also because the scattered soul fragments will pull the contacted creatures into the world of cycle time, forcing the creatures involved in it to experience the scenes of soul death.

The exploded soul cannot naturally execute the normal death that can be seen by bystanders, then create a world in the soul that is separated from the present time to reproduce the scene.

Then, at this time, please think of the republican death, there is no **** to the earth, and there is no **** to the death to reproduce this link.

Is it really there? Or is it just that there is no explicit for the onlookers in this world to see that this process is carried out inside the soul ...

When the law of the world determines that you should n’t be there, be enchanted.

This is the recurrence of death. This world does not allow your soul to repeat the scene of death in my timeline, you create a world to repeat yourself!

Annabel, "That's it ~" and the point of continuing to guide Zac, "The world, within the soul that reappears from death ~"

Zach walked and stopped, "Solin told me the legend of the birth of the world in the republican culture, which is a romantic story." Remember, "An ancient creature, with its own death, turned into Everything created this world. "

"Ah ~ Pangu ~"

Zac didn't know what the thing behind Annabel's tone said, and he didn't care. Zac looked at Annabell, "Puch, what is it?"

Annabel smiled, with the lush rural scenery in the midsummer in the Southern District, "He is a **** ~ truth ~ is an incarnation of every soul is a world-reasonable **** ~ is the republican creation legend" I "~"

With it, Zach knows why Puqi has a way to deal with the demon, because Puqi is to manage ... forget, no need to sum up the culture of republic, too vague, we use the federal culture to sum up-Puqi, that is the management Death reproduces God.

Huh, no wonder Pucci and Papa came together at midnight. They both represent one thing. The soul is the essence of the world. They hate everything that takes the soul of this world out of this world-Papa hates the Lord, Pucci, huh, hates the heaven of the Republic at midnight.

It all made sense. Why did Papa midnight and Pucci help the republican government clean up republican aliens? All creatures that did not take republican as their own, no, did not take this world as their own home, and practiced with the purpose of going to another world, they really were not worthy of living in this world!

At midnight, Papa has lost the war on the land of the Federation and the Lord ’s belief in stealing souls to other worlds. He is helping Puqi to defend this world ...

*! Why Papa was washed in this way at midnight, hey.

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