When he returned to Grande, Mr. Smith was waiting for Zac in Grande. Looking at his face, he knew that the researchers who had dumped the pot by leaving a message to Zac had already thrown the pot out. Smith ignored the newcomer of Grande, Annabel, and greeted Zac directly to the office.

"You have to tell me you are in the Republican intelligence source!" The demand-style opening.

Zac didn't say Louise before, and now he doesn't. But since Smith began to explicitly request Zac's intelligence resources, it means that the siblings within Smith have reached a bad stage-the siblings can no longer speak well, and they are starting to have bigger fists.

So Zac ’s response was, “Do n’t control the vaccine experiment. On the republican channel, although your sister Lydia has already walked in front of you, you will only be led by her in pursuit now. It ’s better to abolish her smuggling channels if you can master more republican resources. "

Zach actually doesn't care much about the details of the negotiations between Smith and Lydia. As long as Smith still doesn't know that his sister is a vampire, Smith can't take the advantage of being a human being. In front of a person who does n’t know the real problems in his family, Zack has hindered too much—

Before Zac did not hesitate to tell Smith the vampire many times, he finally decided to remain silent and leave the vampire to Rimmer.

On a certain level, this is actually not how much Zack is a "gentleman" and does not deprive others of the opportunity to communicate within the family. It is Zack's maintenance of the status quo.

Think about it, the logic is actually very simple. For Smith, his sister Lydia and her important 'helper' Zack are non-human, vampires who are selfish. Well, whoever shows his inhuman facts to Smith first is the first to hit Smith's suspected muzzle.

Reimer first said that he was a vampire, and Smith would begin to wonder why his sister had been trying to separate the rights of the Smith family from herself.

Zac first talks about his vampire, Smith will examine everything Zac does in Barton, and finally come to a conclusion that this vampire wants to rule this city ... Okay, exaggerated, but everyone understands this Don't be too optimistic about human nature.

To be clear, in this case, Smith is a passive person no matter what. Whoever has the greater impact on his worldview, who is his first priority malicious object!

And Zac doesn't want to be Smith's malicious target. Emotionally, objectively. Zac doesn't say much about Smith's appreciation, let alone the status and influence of the Smith family in Barton.

So there is now Zach's proposal. Rimmer was hiding in Smith ’s 0711 pharmacy and the federal-republican trade—that is, with the support of the Patton City Government to obtain illegal smuggled drugs from the Republic. What Smith wants to do is not to create a competition to ‘pamper’ Lydia ’s behavior, but to contain it.

Smith didn't seem to think about it, watching Zac fall into thought.

Zac let Smith think about it, and he was not idle--

On the way back to Grande, Zac, under Annabel ’s intentional guidance, understood the reason why Papa cooperated with Republican God Puch at midnight, and it was time to use this knowledge.

Zac started calling in front of Smith.

"Pochi." Smith looked up at Zac as he called out the name of the person over the phone.

Zac did n’t respond, and did n’t treat Smith as an outsider at all. “I want to thank your wife Mu En, help Grand guests, Lily, recommend Pais Impak Primary School, and help arrange things for Nana School. At night I Would you like to invite your family to Grande for dinner? "

Smith's eyes were taken back, Lily and Nana were not Grand guests who were completely unknown to Smith, right.

The West Side people figured out the details of the Grande ’s new guests through Lily ’s adoption procedures at the Barton Orphanage.

Including Smith, while watching how Grande made contact with the secretary of the former mayor of Vega in the west, heh, I didn't expect a Grande neighbor to take the lead.

When Smith thought that Zac was intending to release Poeque Quinn's actions in front of himself, what Zac was really doing was actually to find Papa through Pochie at midnight and start his plan to save Sam. Toledo has always been so 'smart' in his work, and there is nothing surprising.

Boggy on the other side of the earpiece didn't know that there was Smith on Zac's side, "Huh, no need."

"No, I insist that if you mind the atmosphere of Grande, we can also leave some recipes in your home before Alice goes to the Republic. I can take it and take it, I think I still have a few bottles of good wine , Bring it together. Anyway, so close. "

"Uh, it's up to you." The phone was hung up.

Zac also put down the phone, did not explain his phone, huh, he would not explain that Alice, who went to the Republic, was mentioned on the phone--

In a short conversation with Poki on the phone, the social interaction between the two families and family sounds reasonable, right? But for Smith, a third-party observer ...

Smith's wayward rebellious baby daughter, Kepler, is also republican.

Smith ’s face suddenly went dark and looked at Zac, saying something, and was also a little 'jumped off,' "No, Lydia is also Captain's aunt. Into the child! "

For Zach, Smith did not escape at all. "The only way to confirm that the child is not involved in the battle of adults is that there is no battle. Break off your sister Lydia's relationship with the Republic, Smith."

That's right, Zack is pushing his own proposal and pushing it on the non-human level-Rimer and Yu Gonghe, is there only a murder vaccine? Isn't it, there is the ghost of the Siberian wizard ghost in the Tiantian Tower and Rimer on the theory of republican culture!

I've been awakened for a long time. Zach should not confuse his identity with humans and vampires. Zac will no longer commit to use human identity as a vampire, or use vampire identity as a human thing. Toledo and Grande are unified into Zac. Everything Zak needs only one position.

And now, Zack's position is already clear-Rimer does not need any advancement in republican research. In the contradiction between Rimer and the wizard ghost in the North District, Zac stood the wizard ghost. In the contradiction between Rimer and the Smith family in the office at this time, Zack stood by the Smith family.

Relax, Zach does n’t want to stand on the opposite side of Rimmer. Does Zack need to say more about Rimmer ’s 'infatuation'? Follow the mistakes in the secret alliance. Zac's position is called: Rimmer, self-strengthening does not mean doing things.

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