The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 24 Chapter 29: Negative example

Early in the morning, Zac received an angry call from Eve, saying that Smith and Lydia had been arguing at home for a night of smuggling with the Republican vaccine. In the end, he threatened Zac, saying that if the Smith family once again squeezed Lydia out, and Remmel lost the dependence of the human family, she vowed that Eternal Life would not let Torredo go!

Zach replied, "Sounds no different from now ~"

Smashing Eve's phone ...

Zac listened to a crackling noise on the earpiece, hung up leisurely, and dialed the number. He called Sibella. Remind Sibella that Eve was in a bad mood. Do n’t create a conflict on the gun.

Spira's mood was not good either, worrying about the path of cultivation as a ghost. Complaining that Annabel's choices for her were too ridiculous, and asked Zac Annabel whether it was worth trusting.

When asked by Silbera, Zac was speechless for a while-it seemed that he attributed all of Annabel's motivations to "love yourself", kind of ... uh, everyone understands.

So Zac thought about it seriously and answered objectively, "She came back to the Federation alone, and her identity does not represent the Secret Alliance or the Fanjo Clan, so no matter what her real purpose is, she Situation, I feel that gaining our trust is the only principle for her to survive in the Federation. "

When Zac said this, Annabel was listening at the door, smiling.

Spella on the other side of the earpiece was quiet for a while. She should be thinking about Zac, and did n’t let Zac wait for too long. To engage in an objective set of rhetoric, then I would think that you are not sure! Zac, you and Dora both said that she could not represent the hidden alliance and Fanzhuo, because she was the only marginal fan Fanzhuo. Who of you can answer me, why is her fringe, Fanzhuo, able to get Fanzuo ’s limited total demotion quota? "

Remember, the zombies made by Xiaobai lost a batch due to the ship collision at Massa Port. The result was that Fanzhuo ’s needs could not be met. For this reason, Fanzhuo lost its strength and forcibly reduced its population. .

Spella didn't finish, "Let the Countess, who was supposed to be executed four centuries ago, continue to live. What's the point besides continuing the emotional development of the dog blood with you Zachary Torrido?" Spella might have been really worried, "Your Louise is republic, she will come to the Federation!" Uh.

Zac tilted his head, ignoring the last sentence, and Spira's words were quite reasonable. Murphy Assamette's situation is similar to this.

"Everyone in our federation knows that you are waiting for Assamite to merge with your Toledo clan. As a result, Assamite did not come, and she alone came first. Zach, you said that the status of the countess Represent a collective interest? I do n’t believe it! "

Zac just opened his mouth, preparing to return to Siberia, was interrupted. Annabel walked into the office consciously, "Are you waiting for Assamet to return to the Federation?"

"Let's talk next time." Zac hastily bid farewell to Spira and hung up the phone. Looked at Annabel, but it didn't mean to speak, it was the kind to look at and re-examine.

Annabel not only did not mind this look, but also looked like she was enjoying, her mouth continued to sound, "Oh, do n’t get me wrong, I know from Zagel that Torredo and Assamette merged. Last name sharing It is a unique ability of Assamette, and other clans can't envy them. "A look like 'Please see me for a while'."

Zac glanced back his gaze, as if Annabel knew what intelligence Assamette had, it was something Zac needed to ask. Gee, Zac opened his mouth: "You ..."

Was interrupted again.

Another woman came in the office, Lily. She deliberately bypassed Annabel, and then directly blocked Annabel behind her, occupying Zack's vision and spinning around in front of Zack, "How do I look ~"

Lily was wearing Louise's clothes before. Louise indulged in a professional suit during the field trip last year-Lily. This is the first day of a new job to go to work in a nursing home.

Zack did not answer, but said: "You will not be relaxed in this job. Although Pooch hired you, the motivation is not what we expected."

"I'm very decent, I know what I want, I can take care of myself ~" Lily looks exactly like a professional woman, and then turns half a circle, her eyes deliberately miss Annabel, I don't know what mentality to say A sentence, "Not like someone." Then he left the office and left.

Annabelle watched Lily go out, facing Lily's back, smiling, and did not know what kind of mentality "Someone enjoys the feeling of being materialized as a substitute ~"

Zac thought for a moment and understood the conversation between the two women--

Lily directly mocked Annabel's past and present. Killing all the people you love can only be hung on Zac's tree that will never respond to her feelings. Thorough female negative textbooks.

Annabel also directly mocked Lily's past and present. Relying on being a little like himself, he was accepted as a secretary by Lut, and now it is used as a substitute for Lut's behavior at the Demon Banquet, and becomes a means of Boqi's malicious revenge. It is also a very thorough negative teaching material for women.

Zac didn't want to talk to Annabel anymore, he didn't want to be a supporting character in the negative textbook. Get up and bypass Annabel and go straight downstairs.

As soon as I stepped onto the back porch, I saw Roy with a heavy make-up walking towards him.

"What's the situation, how did you start makeup again?" Zac looked at Roy's makeup, and it didn't look like makeup that was close to In'an's aesthetic. It seemed to be in Yirong. If it wasn't for body and pedigree, Zac For a while, it was not Roy.

"Kurden ’s hunter friends will go to Newton today to pick up a group of hunters from the west. I do n’t want to be recognized."

Two sensitive points: one, the hunter in the west; two, the self-esteem of Roy Zmirch.

I won't talk about the second one. Solve the first one, "The hunter in the west is the demon hunter from the religious institute."

"Naturally it is. There is no room for ordinary hunter activities in the west. But when we vampires are too lazy to deal with some soul aliens, it is very convenient to learn the hunters who belong to the set of souls that the Holy Lord believes in."

"Isn't Koden's friends all In'an hunters, how could he be connected to the West's demon hunters?" Zach guessed, that's why Roy came to find himself.

Sure enough, "I was just asking you to say this." Roy glanced at Annabell, who came out of Zac silently, frowning and ignoring. "When the door to **** opened, the feast and the demon reached a mutual exchange. The agreement that does not affect, although the Demon Ban continues to support those religious schools in secret, but the people who come out have no place to work. "

"Because the devil banned them from expelling demons casually and creating chaos in western society."

Roy nodded, "There are a lot of demon hunters going to the middle and want to join the hunter team. Although there are a few wizards among the hunters, the wizards are not good for the souls and demons that have belonged to the belief of the Holy Lord. The solution. So I accepted the demon hunter. "

"It's like the colonial war four centuries ago." Zach shrugged. "The sorcerer can't deal with the devil, so he is hard at the vampire."

Roy was trampled on the sore spot, and stared at Annabell again, with anger, "the connection between the hunter and the demon hunter is so anyway." Looking back at Zac, he also adjusted his emotions, "I didn't intend to use This kind of thing troubles you, I'm just here to inform you. Because it is a full-time demon hunter who wants to come to Patton, they need to pass through Becky surrounded by demons, they need help. "

Zac nodded. "Well, once recognized, they might be surrounded by demons."

Seeing Zac understood, Roy loosened up. "I may be staying in Newton for a few days this time. I will find a place to live in Revelo. You don't have to worry about my safety."

Zac is more casual, "to deal with demons, I can't worry about your safety."

Roy's eyes twitched, and said much lazily, and left.

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