The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 24 Chapter 30: Useless baby

At noon, Zac had nothing to do. The season determined that Zac could no longer enjoy the midday sun and could only stay indoors for lunch break.

As soon as I went to bed, I found something ... suspicious.

Why is there a pinch of white hair on my pillow?

"Adam, who moved my pillow?" Zack asked the baby.

The baby shook his hand, "Yeah ~"

Zac changed the pillow and lay down on the bed for a while. Just before entering the state of the corpse, he sat up and turned out the original pillow, a little bit of the hair on the top, and rubbed it into a ball ... the touch of this hair , The same feeling as every time you grab the white cat and throw it out of the window!

"Is there something dirty going to my bed while I'm away?" Zack asked the baby Adam again.

The little hand kept shaking, "Yah ~ ah ~"

Zac frowned and began to act. There is something dirty at home, what should I do? Naturally, it is a spring cleaning.

Zac first closed all the windows on the second floor, then took a broom and started to shuttle back and forth in Grande's room. Annabel watched.

"need my help?"

Ask everyone a question. When you really want to help others, do you directly do it, or specifically ask "I need my help?"

The former, right. But Annabel asked, so she just asked, she would not help-noble Fan Zuo would not do such a low-level labor affairs, even if there is love.

Zac would n’t take it for granted, but there are some rules to be set up and said to the air, "Anyone who lives under the roof of Grande for whatever reason is obliged to maintain the environment of Grande, do n’t let it be unclean Things go into Grande. "

Zac can make demands on the air, and Annabel has the consciousness to think of herself as that piece of air, "define something unclean."

Zach continued to the air, "The thing I have thrown out is." It means very precise, that is, the white cat.

Annabel also continued to think of herself as air, "Awesome ~ At least I know I will never be treated as an unclean thing by you ~" No one can throw the air out.

Zac had waved his broom, passed through the established air, and went downstairs.

The communication between the two is strange enough.

On the first floor, Zac closed the kitchen and dining room windows again. After the staircase door was locked, he entered the Logan guard's counter from the back door of the showroom in the back porch and locked it-"If there is anything Stray animals came in and drove away. Dirty. "

Logan took the order, and took the broom in Zac's hand. This is what people who really want to help people do. Zac sits behind the counter and reads the magazine while watching Logan clean the showroom.

Out of curiosity, "Are you worried about Lily's work? Pooch's motivation for hiring her is impure."

"She's a ghoul, she can handle it." Looking at Logan's expression, she was really not worried.

Zach felt weird. "Logan, did you think too much of the aliens, uh, idealized." Zack would say this because of the way Logan answered-Logan once saw Lily once Humans working under Rute's answer, if it was 'Lily worked in a worse environment', Zack would have no doubt. This is the logic. But Logan's answer just pointed out Lily's race.

Ethnicity has nothing to do with the pressure of working environment. Logan's answer was completely skewed.

Logan's cleaning action didn't stop-the showroom was actually nothing to clean. As the facade of Grande, there was routine maintenance. What really neglects cleaning is the waiting room next to the exhibition hall, and the elevator that hasn't been used a few times.

Logan swept out a pile of dust and dirt while responding to Zach, "Oh, I mean Lily has a way to deal with it, don't worry about her." It was still a relaxed look.

"What method?" Zac thought of something. Lily survived the initial murder of the Apocalypse. The story of the "absurd society" that was hijacked by Holy Lord West and coexisted with aliens and humans did not explain the reason why Lily survived the targeted sneak attack. Using the plot of the Holy Lord to make her alive is a bit far-fetched after all. Perhaps Lili has any special means to deal with the original sin in the western society (Lute) and the high-pressure life under the eyes.

Logan hesitated for a moment, and his movements slowed down a bit. When the cleaning speed resumed again, "I can tell you that we trust you, Grand's safety depends on you." Logan looked at Zac sincerely and gratefully, and then, "Lily will take her most important Part of her body is hidden, so no matter what danger she encounters, as long as that part of her body is still alive, she can, uh, fight herself back. "

Zac's face was crooked. "You're telling me that somewhere in Grande is hiding a part of Lily's body." Zac's ability to focus on the point didn't have to say. Logan just said, Grand is safe, isn't he?

Logan's face was also uncomfortable. It seemed that when he decided to tell Zach the ghoul's life-saving secret, he didn't take into account the current situation-Zack was cleaning up because he was filthy. "Yes, it is."

Zac sighed in his heart, forget it, "At least tell me, it's not where I hid it by accident."

"I can guarantee this!" Logan was sure.

Zac pouted, inevitably, a little curious where Lily hid things. Take this curiosity away. Zac was convinced that he did not want to know, nor could Logan say.

After sitting there for a while, Zack had no topic to talk to Logan. In addition to the topic of Lily, Logan had only one topic that he wanted to be an alien, but Logan had already said that this topic is now right For him it was pressure.

Zac has always been very intimate in this regard. He did not put excessive pressure on Logan. After he finished cleaning, he could take a break and went upstairs directly from the stairs of the exhibition hall, through the office, back to the bedroom, ready to make up. The interrupted lunch break ...

"What about my pillow?" Zac sat on the bed where old and new pillows disappeared, watching baby Adam.

"Yeah ~"

Baby, can you use it a little bit?

Zac walked out of the bedroom again, looking at the spotlessly cleaned second floor corridor, and his eyes gradually moved to Annabel watching TV in the entertainment room.

Judging by the superficial common sense, there is only one possibility, right.

Zac had to speak to Annabel clearly this time, "Is this a new hobby that you have developed in this century, steal?"

Zac intentionally said harshly, because Zac just wanted Annabel to refute. As long as Annabel refutes, Zach can confirm that he has nothing to do with Annabel, so he does not need to continue the conversation with Annabel. And the ‘dirty thing’ that appears in Grande must be a cat-shaped ‘creature’ that is not distracted.

Zac did not do what he wanted.

Annabel looked back and squinted with a smile. "You are too gentle. My new hobby is something worse than theft. Did you find that the underwear you have changed in the past few days is gone ~"

Annabel instantly pulled Zac's rare conversation with her to an obscene, obscene place.

Zac returned to the bedroom and locked the door. Sitting on the bed and facing the baby.

"Did anyone enter our room while I was sleeping at night?" Zack asked the baby.

"Yeah ~"

Hey, useless baby.

Lunch break ... Forget it, from now on, Grande ’s vampire will not pretend to sleep again.

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