The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 24 Chapter 32: for the kids

Appointed dinner. Indian cuisine is filled with Grande's table.

Do you know what the most embarrassing part of this exchange-style dinner?

It was yesterday's dinner. The food brought from the Grande to the Bourgeois family was eatable by all three humans of the Bourgeois family. But tonight, Zac wo n’t eat the food brought from the Poche ’s house.

Zac does n’t eat, and the people of Grandry do n’t move.

So the situation now becomes that the Boque Quinn family does n’t eat well in their own home, and they have to bring the dinner to Grande to eat ...

The strange atmosphere spread on the dining table. Zach tried to relieve him, and kept making his eyes let Logan eat, but Logan ... I don't know what evil was in, and his eyes were empty and he couldn't accept Zach's sign.

Well, this is to be objective. Logan's identity is so great that he is an employee of Grande. He is a little bit uncomfortable being invited to Grande's dining table.

The reason why Logan was invited to participate in this dinner-Lily can appear in Grande, without having to talk about those interracial and political things, the most direct, Lily is the woman he brought back from Logan. No one refutes it.

As for Lily's reason for being at this dining table, I don't need to explain more-today's dinner is a continuation of yesterday's dinner. (The reason for the dinner yesterday was to thank the Boque Quinn family for helping Nana school affairs)

Lily and Nana have to be on the dining table.

This way, Zac was the least necessary on this table.

what? You said that Annabel actually has nothing to do with the situation in front of her. Zac shouldn't be on the dining table, so shouldn't she the woman who insists on following Zac?

No no no. Annabel did n’t insist on following Zac this time. She asked Zac before dinner, “I ’m going to sit next to Boque Quinn.

Zac faced the air with a ‘give me a reason’ expression.

Annabel replied, "I have to stare at him, not to let him have the opportunity to make small moves and find the human container that shares my soul with me."

Zac is accurate.

The dinner has been going on for ten minutes. Zac does n’t want to endure this kind of embarrassing neighborhood socialization that makes no sense at all. Ready to leave ...

"Why don't you eat." Andrew only seemed to find that no one at Grande was eating.

Just like yesterday, the answer to Andrew ’s question was Nana, “He did n’t eat.” Nana was referring to Zac.

Andrew glanced at Zac, "He is a vampire, he doesn't eat anything."

"I know this." Nana also continued to respond.

"Then you care what he does, you eat this." Then, Andrew got up from the chair and handed the plate in front of him that could not be seen, "I like this most."

Nana did not show interest in the food that Andrew handed over, but looked at Zac, seriously and unexpectedly, "He is the master, I don't care what he is, anyway, he doesn't move, I don't move."

There was displeasure on Andrew's face, "He still didn't move at my house yesterday, you are not eating well. I think you just don't respect my Indian food."

Andrew, a fan of the Indians, was obsessed with and succeeded in gaining a glance from Nana. "I think you are stupid." As soon as this word came out, the atmosphere on the dining table shifted instantaneously-both Boqi and Mu En showed up They looked nervously at their son.

Needless to say, Andrew's behavior is not stable, and it is very easy to go to ... extreme.

Just as Andrew's little face was about to show up, Nana continued, "Yesterday's dinner, the owner is your father, your father began to eat, the guests can eat. Today's dinner, your father is only a guest." Nana didn't know the danger she might encounter in the last moment, and she continued to throw a blind eye, "Do you understand the table etiquette."

Andrew's face stiffened, and he glanced at the dining table. His eyes finally fell on Mu En. "Mummy, is this the case?"

"Well! Nana was right!"

Andrew bowed his head for a moment, and the tableware was put down.

Then, the tableware in the hands of Boqi and Mu En was put down.

Gee, Zack began to regret not leaving as soon as possible! Watch Boqi look at his mocking eyes! This guy was obviously intentional, and awakened with his son's table etiquette Zuck!

Zac twitched his mouth and stared at the closest plate of food that could not be seen as raw materials. With a heart, he stretched out his hand to prepare for the dinner, the owner's duty ...

"Wait a minute." Andrew looked up and looked at Nana, looking for advice seriously. "Why is the owner of my family my father, but the owner here is Zac?"

What a question this is, Grand Master has always been Zac.

But everyone should realize that this is a question from a child. Perhaps only children can understand the meaning of this question-

Nana is a child, and she replied, "Because your home is your home, this is just the place where I stayed with Lily, not my home."

But remind everyone not to underestimate because this is a conversation between children.

"It's like ..." Andrew tilted his head and thought for a while, "When I used to stay with the mummy in the wolf pack, the wolf pack was not our home, but the place where we were staying. Whatever Mimi does, it depends on Alpha ’s eyes. "

Nana also tilted her head, "I want to talk about how I felt when I was an orphan in those host families, but, almost."

It turned out that Nana always emphasized etiquette during two dinners because of this ... also a poor child.

Andrew nodded, not knowing what was going on in the little head that was easily extreme. When he looked at Nana again, it seemed as if he had no head and no end— " Let you not suffer, let you have your own home. "

The plate in Zac's hand almost slipped!

Has Andrew's brain been taken away? Did he regard Grande as the wolves that once imprisoned him and Mu En? ?


But Zac didn't have time to stare at Pooch and Mu En, and questioned if this was a good way for parents to teach their son.

"Giggle ~" Nana's laughter was unusually crisp and sweet. This seems to be the first time this girl has made such a happy laugh after being tricked into Patton, "Giggle ~ Do you want to save me and Lily? Uncle Zack is a vampire at Devil's Banquet, the former boss of Lily , Toledo, who is still awesome at Lesombra, what are you? "

"I will be the most powerful wizard." Andrew actually sorted out his Polo tie, a look of pride.

Does anyone believe that none of the adults in this restaurant can keep up with the children's thinking?

Nana is still laughing: "Meaning you are not myself ~"

"I'm too young, but you can wait for me to grow up."

"Giggle ~ That's an appointment, I'll wait for you ~" The food that Andrew had handed him before and was pushed into the middle, "Let's eat together ~"

"OK ~"

Zac was supposed to stare at Boqi and Mu En, and put it on the gloomy Lily's face.

Do you know what Zack is thinking now?

Zac was thinking that he should watch these failed parents make mistakes, and then make sure that his godson, Adam, does not have to go through these.

Can understand it. The family of Lily and Portage Quinn, as parents, are both failures-they have not repaired the shadow of the past in these children's hearts, and now, they have no chance to fulfill this responsibility. The two children completed each other's healing in an almost impossible miracle way. Isn't it, what background does Nana come from? The Western Feast! What background does Andrew come from? Descendants of wizards in wolves! If it weren't for the story of twisting dog blood, can these two children meet together and share an Inan cuisine under the roof of a vampire? ?

How can Zac avoid the background that comes from a child's birth and create shadows in the child's growth?

Huh, no matter learning any so-called educational skills (in Volume 1, Zac wants to learn how Lily educates Nana), it is impossible to meet the needs.

There is only one way-before this Zac was working to reshape the world for the future of this race of vampires, now? To do this for the children.

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