The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 1: Eli's Blood Exchange Ceremony

Republic, Eli's home, at noon, but Eli did not sleep. He came out of the bathroom, like a ceramic man. As she approached Louise, Eli faced Louise firmly, "Come on!"

Louise threw a blind eye directly, "lie down." At the same time, he picked up the spiked pile that had been prepared.

Yes, Eli is going to perform a blood exchange ceremony. If all goes well, after a period of time, Eli will become a real Toledo.

Eli did not lie down on the ‘operating table’ as required by Louise. The ink spot counted the objects that were on the side—burning candles, fragrant incense, the cross of the faith of the Lord, the vampire maker,

The neatly arranged clothes and the blood of the dead used to completely destroy the original blood of the vampire.

Eli attaches great importance to the exchange of blood, to the point of piety. Louise has repeatedly emphasized that he does not need to bathe and change clothes. The blood exchange ceremony is a very messy and disgusting process. The point is only to empty the blood that represents the attributes of a vampire and replace it with new blood to complete the rebirth.

Any symbolic behavior that has nothing to do with blood is meaningless. Rather than creating a pilgrimage-like atmosphere here, it is better to pray for Louise to wait for a while, and not to shake her hands, accidentally ending the bumpy eternal life of Eli.

Louise was holding a stake, and her patience was running away-Louise did n’t want to spend all day here. In the early morning Eli said suddenly that he was ready, and Louise had already abandoned her original itinerary I was preparing for the blood exchange ceremony. I did n’t want this Eli ink to make a mess of preparation activities. The ritual sense was there, but I did n’t get into the topic at all. Until now, it was a bit of a formal start.

"I said, lie down!" Louise stabbed at the wooden pile in Elias's vest.

"Hey!" Eli finally lay on the ‘operating table’. Don't worry, Eli has no blood exchange, and the fighting strength is much stronger than Louise ... It is impossible for Louise to stab him. He looked at Louise, "Relax! Don't use your hand to arbitrarily. I'm giving my life to you. You're not ready for me to do mental construction ... Ao! ! "

Louise raised her hand and dropped her hand, and the stake had been nailed to Eli's shoulder. "That's a lot of words!" He turned to get the new stake.

The new stake is already in hand, Louise's already impatient face, frowning, staring at the stake that has pierced Eli's shoulder, a little gloomy, "Ira, the meaning of using the stake It's about letting you bleed. "With that said, Louise's hand rested on the stake on Eli's shoulder and began to stir.

Eli started crying in pain.

It ’s not Louise who is aligning Eli, but Eli ... Hey, instinctive control of blood-this is the first person of the vampire lineage that created the blood control skills, resisting the weapon that kills the vampire most! There was no sign of being soaked in the blood of the vampire by the wood fiber on the wooden stake pierced into the shoulder!

"Don't disturb! Just insert a few more! My body's instinct resistance will collapse sooner or later! And your pain will only make my body's resistance more focused !!"

Louise twitched her lips, "as you wish." Slap, the new wooden stake in his hand was inserted into Eli's other shoulder. After waiting for two seconds, Eli still didn't mean to actually bleed. He lipped his lips and continued to take the new stakes, crackling and crackling ...

This situation was considered by both Louise and Eli.

Eli's pedigree is very special. He doesn't know what type of vampire he belongs to, and the reason he created the blood control technique is only-he can.

Blood control techniques were also clearly stated when Eli was taught by the Federation. This technique can be used by vampires, but the most suitable is only Eli's blood.

It can be roughly understood that a vampire has a charming pupil that can change a person's memory, but when others only change short-term memory, a charming pupil that can completely change a person's self-cognition like Torrido, only Torrido One. And if we go to ask Zach how he made others believe that one plus one equals three, Zack's answer is just one sentence-I can.

Therefore, both Eli and Louise have considered the upper limit of the ability to control blood on Eli. If blood control is no longer a simple skill for Eli, the blood exchange ceremony will be threatened at all.

To this end, Louise also deliberately chose a wooden bloodletting tool that is more dangerous to vampires. Remember, ordinary metal utensils are enough for vampire weapons that are generally used to control and manufacture bleeding. Wooden objects are constantly being actively absorbed because they will misunderstand the blood of the vampire to cure the dead plant, which will cause the vampire to lose a lot of blood.

As for why the two did not choose silver, the reason was a bit embarrassing, Eli could not afford it, and Louise had no money. Originally relying on the relationship with Zagel in the hidden alliance, money was not a problem, but Zagel refused to help Eli do this, the reason is: if I want to use the hidden alliance to buy a bunch of silverware , And also made a weapon (cone) to the vampire, Fan Zhuo would question my loyalty.

This reason is quite reasonable. Considering that Louise is also asking Zager to cooperate with Assamite to provoke the clan of Mokawi to attack Van Joo ’s dominance, and that the Clan of Bruch has joined the battle in the hidden alliance The situation of the hidden alliance is actually quite tense, and it is not appropriate for Zager to take risks for this kind of "little thing".

In addition, long snacks, in the republic of this country, do not use the extraordinary ability of aliens to commit crimes. Do n’t forget, the Republican government is a government that stands up and clears up alien races that disrupt the process of human civilization. This alien race includes gods! In the republic, there is no such thing as the double standards of alien and human society that Zach teaches James. Do n’t be jealous. The republic will not get used to it.

A dozen stakes had been inserted into Eli's body, and Louise was disappointed to find that there was only a little red blood stain spreading on one stake.

"Why stop!" Eli was obvious in pain, and he could be allowed to yell, "Continue! I can bear it !!"

Louise was no longer moving, speechless, "The meaning is to make you unbearable. Uh." Louise pulled her hair a little annoyed, "This road doesn't work, according to this efficiency, even if I put you It ’s full, and it wo n’t let out much of your blood. ”

"Lois! Don't give up!"

"I'm not ready to give up." Louise glanced at Eli, and the speechlessness was actually inspired by the other party. "Zac said, your lineage needs to disappear from this world. And I will let it disappear."

Eli fixed on the operating table stiffened and began to struggle. This is probably just an instinctive reaction to danger.

After struggling for two seconds, Eli saw Louise fall into thought. Brief relaxation-Louise was not about to kill him. Then, "What are you thinking?"

Louise replied, "I want to directly use the blood of the deceased to contaminate your blood. Since your blood refuses to come out by yourself, let it be destroyed in your body."

"No!" Eli objected. If you still remember the process of exchanging blood, you can understand Eli ’s reason, “You do n’t have enough Toredo blood to support the replacement of my contaminated blood! You can only give me a lesson of Torredo ’s heart, let I survived with Toredo after the blood exchange! The blood of the dead can only be used last when my blood is only in the heart that sustains my life! "

Louise glanced at Eli, "That's right, but now our problem is that we can't let your excess blood drain out, right. We simply can't take the last step. Then we have to be flexible, and now most The immediate goal is to make your blood disappear, and the blood of the dead can do this. "

"Then I will die!" Eli stared at Louise, "and if you are crazy enough to give me all the blood, then we will definitely die together!"

As for the blood of the deceased, everyone knows that the blood contaminated with poison will be contagious and continue to contaminate new blood, so in order to save a vampire threatened by the blood of the deceased, a lot of blood will be consumed. In the current situation, ordinary blood is useless for Eli, because this is a blood exchange ritual. All new blood flowing into Eli's body can only be Toredo's blood, otherwise these busy things are meaningless.

Eli ’s meaning is obvious. Now, only Louise can provide Toredo ’s blood here.

Judging only from the visual point of view, we know that the reality of a female body of Louise is here, and it is absolutely unable to meet Eli's blood exchange needs.

"I didn't plan to give you all my blood." Louise glanced at Eli, "I'm not the only Torrido in the Republic."

"You mean ..."

"Yes, I mean we need Zac's help in the Republican descent. That is, we should take the initiative to find Papa at midnight."

After a short silence, Eli: "If Zac knows that you are so self-assured to contact Papa at midnight, he will be very angry!"

Louise looked sideways, "If he gets angry, then we won't tell him."

"Nazar will also tell Zac."

Louise shook her head and looked at Eli with some sympathy. "I won't tell Zagel, unless you tell him, no one knows how this blood exchange ritual is done, and there is no way to study it. "Louis patted Eli's forehead." Anyway, you won't shed a drop of blood. Put all the blood into your brain. Think about it. "

Eli had probably done this, "Why didn't I tell Zager?" I was trying to figure out why I wouldn't divulge this process. This at least means that Eli agrees with Louise ’s plan to look for fear of midnight, right?

"What's the point of telling him? I remember that when you first came to the Republic, you were relying on Zager to be a 'made Zack', and you were ready to come and go in the republican forces, but look at it now, Zager has been deeply plowing Fanjo ’s side is inseparable from the hidden alliance. Telling Zager we need to contact Papa at midnight, what is the point? ”

Eli shook God for a while, this guy's IQ was really at this level, otherwise it would not be ridiculously sent to Zac in the story of Zac's origin, he was still a slave, "I mean this! You It is already known that Zagare is digging deep in the hidden alliance. How can he make contact with Papa at midnight? Are you not putting Zagare in crisis? "

Louise glanced at Eli, "Elly, do you‘ love ’Zac or Zager?”

Good question!

Louise saw Eli's expression as the brain stopped and shook his head. "I don't care about Zager's life and death. He will always be a 'dummy' in his eyes." Saying Zag to Zac without using whitewash Oh, Louise has to think about Zac's feelings. Be gentle, right? Straightforward talk is more effective. Louise continued, "I don't even care about the hidden alliance. When I came to the Republic, I discussed the situation of the republic with Zac. The hidden alliance was to embarrass Zac and me as Toledo. Exists. If it were not for the Assamite clan that merged with the Toledo clan, and some free hidden alliance intelligence that was greedy for Zagar, do you think I would be willing to stay with you. I have represented the real Toledo , Between republican angels, midnight Papa, and republican gods. "

Suddenly Louise had an outweighed expression, "Huh, it turns out that I was staying with you. It was a waste of time. I do n’t know what happened to the Federation. Zack delayed the return of the Assamite clan to the Federation. "Unhappy," I didn't get the little white secret of the relegation of Fanzhuo; I didn't know the purpose of Papa's republic at midnight; I didn't know the angel's situation; the republican god, uh, didn't say it. Say, I stay here with you, and nothing has been done for Zac, for our Toledo clan! "

Frustration is at the core of Louise ’s words, and then driven by this core, “Since the current hidden alliance, Van Zhuo shrinks behind Bruch ’s ancestor to deal with the attack of Mokawi, the situation of the Assamite clan Stable, nothing I can do. ”Louise concluded,“ Zager and the Secret Alliance are not worthy of me to waste another second. Eli, do n’t forget, you and Zagel have no substance. Sexual relationship, you now want to become a real Toledo person, follow me back to Zac's 'embrace', or continue to spend with the dummy (Zagl), choose one. "

This choice is so good.

"You don't need to be so disgusting." Eli pouted, "I choose the real Torrido."

"Finally, pick up the IQ you lost four centuries ago." Louise nodded with satisfaction. "You know, Eli, I will never really hate you." The inexplicable topic, accompanied by Louise was pulling out the pile on Eli's body, liberating Eli's mobility.


"Because of you, Zac, a human who should have died four centuries ago, has lived to the present and let me meet." Louise really smiled at Eli, "Can you imagine if I Didn't meet Zac because you started immortality, where am I now? "Luck a little, shake your cash cow on the street, almost luck, hang up ... Or, the other way around?

Eli accepted Louise's kindness, "You don't have to draw me on purpose, I will follow you and Zac, I'm a member of Toledo." No problem, this is Eli's four centuries of action, Chasing 'Toledo'.

"Very good." Louise pulled out the last stake on Eli's body. "Then you hear clearly. The next thing we need to do is ask Papa for help at midnight, and Papa is not a philanthropist at midnight. He Will ask for a return. "Louise, laughing," And once Papa asked us to do something for him at midnight, that's the first step in our understanding of Papa's midnight republican purpose ~ "

what! This is the purpose of Louise! She does n’t mind showing her weak side in the Republic, and the reason why she needs Papa ’s help at midnight is-Louise, what she wants is to use her own weakness to lure the strong man ’s desire to point ~

Dangerous, but very efficient ~ Ha ha, Louise hasn't appeared in this story for a long time, we almost forgot, this is Louise ~ This is what Louise is best at!

Yeah, but Louise is going to be disappointed this time, Papa at midnight, hey, really a philanthropist.

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