The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 2: Disgusting people and things

These days Zac has been terrible. On the one hand, it is to prevent Ambell ’s habit of not sleeping again, which means that Zac ’s immortality has doubled ... The master of the funeral home in the Southern District, Not very comfortable with these extra time-Zac had nothing to do during the long night.

On the other hand, Zac did n’t want to leave Grande because he did n’t want to miss Louise ’s contact. Naturally out of fear.

It seems that Zager is not what Zac had imagined. The hidden alliance has become a pit for Louise, Toledo, and the Federal Banquet of today. Zach wanted to remind Louise, but there was no way-Alice, who was in the Republic, dared not reveal anything in front of Louise. What could Zack, a far-flung guy, do?

Zac expects to be able to test at least that Louise is safe from Louise's active contact.

The last reason is that Zac was waiting in Grandry to wait for Louise's call, and received a call from the central part, which was Oz Kozil.

"My friend, please let Nick Giovanni stop chasing me." This mind reader is not willing to waste time at all. "If he continues to chase me, I can only hide from the wizard family's territory. . I believe this is a bad situation for everyone. "

Exactly as Zac predicted, Zac can only ask Oz, "Why? Rout is dead. You can now return to the Demon Feast safely. I promise to give you a different Devil Feast."

"Although this proposal sounds very tempting, thank you, you can only coax the guy who doesn't understand anything, me? You should save yourself. In addition, I want to remind you that I have betrayed the magic feast once, I You will betray the magic feast for the second time. If you ask me to go back as a guest as Zacree Grande, I might think about it. But if you are pulled as Zacree Torrido I do n’t expect anything when I go back to the feast. "

It took a while for Zack to understand what Oz said, "So there is no special reason why you have been hiding from Nick, simply because you don't want to be related to the Magic Banquet?"

"Otherwise what could it be?" Replied, adding an impatient statement. "You should understand better than anyone else. I was in Barton. I initially worked with you. The reason for betraying the magic feast is because of my social form of Baton's aliens and humans. Curious and interesting. It ’s you Toredo who showed me that the original mixed society of humans and aliens can still look like this, completely different from the rules and worldview of the magic banquet. You might think that vanity thinks it is a society you make The relationship draws me, but I ’m sorry, Zac, I can tell you the truth, I ’m a scum man who likes new things and dislikes old ones. ”Uh ... After listening to Oz:“ Now, listen to Zac, the society of the Demon Banquet, I ’m tired of Barton ’s society, and I ’ve felt it. At this moment, I ’m feeling an alien-human society different from Devil ’s Banquet and Barton ’s, and I ’m completely attracted to this new social form. Devil ’s Banquet? Barton? These 'old' The things that have completely aroused my interest, and all my thoughts are in this new social form. I will not go anywhere until I fully enjoy the excitement this new Huan can give me. "

It took a while for Zack to understand Oz ’s meaning. “Alien chaos in the middle? Your definition of alien chaos in the middle is a new social form? Uh, Oz, what ’s wrong with you?”

"What's wrong with me? Hey, Zac, Zac, Zac, Zac." Oz on the other side of the receiver seems to be the most helpless guy. "No, it's a vampire, vampire, vampire, vampire. You How arrogant. The society of this world is not defined by your vampires. Have you forgotten? When you vampires have n’t discovered that they want to seize social power, how do the creatures of this world survive? Central, present The central part is what the world looks like! Any capable creature is eligible to sit in the position of the city lord and rule one side of the land. This is the central part now, and you call this chaos because you only have the hidden alliance in your eyes After the vampire left, every race in the middle had a chance to fight for the lord. The city of the wizard, the city of the werewolf, the city of the alien soul, the city of the shapeshifter, the city of the dead, and even the city of pure humanity. You think Is this chaos? I call this, 'beauty', in a world that contains so many species, what society should have shown! "

Zac froze for a moment, and then, "Well, you're kind of right." Discovering the aspect of things, seeing things from multiple angles is Torrido's strength, so Zack can understand the meaning of Oz, but, Zach It ’s impossible to be objective in this matter to the point of satisfying Oz. “Although you call the society of today ’s diverse rulers in Central China 'beauty', the fact is that Central China is the most insecure place in the Federation. Is it the vampire screening of the Demon Banquet, or the activities of hunters and demons in the middle, all returning to the fact that alien battles have been taking place in the middle! Oz, your mind is very strong, I do n’t deny it, but you know more than anyone else How nervous is the central forces. You can despise the vampire's arrogance, but it is also true that only the vampire's rule can deter all aliens, and only the vampire can provide safe rule to the species of this world! "

"Okay, if you have to use" my security "as your argument, then please answer me the following question: What can stop the internal power struggle in the Lesenbra clan in the Western Magic Banquet? The future of the Magic Banquet is left to No matter who manages to win the power of Lesenbula, or let Giovanni, who has never taken social responsibility seriously but is now the most powerful? Huh, let ’s be realistic, I know you Will not stay in the west to restrain these two clans-The Demon Banquet now has two ancestors, one is the Lesenbla ancestor who just took advantage of the Lesenbrane chaos, and one is rising in the Demon Banquet. Cappadocia's ancestor. And I also heard that you are waiting for the return of the Assamite ancestor. Huh, the management of the Demon Clan can't be your tortoir ancestor. "

Zac covered his head, the Assamite ancestor ... headache.

And the receiver continued, "You know that I have always used the companions of the Demon Banquet to call myself, then tell me, which team should I stand after I return to the Demon Banquet? Tell me which clan partner is safe? May I ask What's the difference between seeing ghosts talking ghosts and seeing people talking in the middle? Oh no, there are differences. I can't stay in a city in the middle. If I change to another city, I still have a strong mind People. At the Feast of the West, no matter where I hide, everyone feels that I deserve all their weapons! Zac, Rut Lesenbula, who used to control everyone, is dead, not to me. A little benefit! Got it. "

Yes, Zac understands.

Oz ’s question is not over yet, “If you want me to go back to Patton, be by your side. Then, answer me: What do you expect me to do for you? Deal with God? After you solve the Lord, you Torre Duo has been completely unable to suppress your inflated self-confidence, do you want to start against other gods. Who do you want me to help you deal with? Papa at midnight? Or the republic gods? "

Zach must defend himself, "Oz, I have to tell you about this, Papa ’s midnight and the republican ..."

Oz was too lazy to hear Zac say, "I, no, care."

At this point, both sides of the receiver were silent.

About half a minute later, "Keep Nick from following me. There are so many things in this world that are worth reading for me as a reader. I'm tired of the bad things about your vampires, no matter what." phone.

Zac did so.

Nick returned to Grande. This Giovanni questioned Zac's decision for the first time. "We need to read someone!" After noticing the change in Grande-Roy killed the demon in Newton. For fun, Annabel always followed Zac like a spirit behind her. Lily, the once Rute secretary, was squeezed by Boque Quinn every day. Afterwards, Nick said to Zac, "We need to read People !!! "Obviously, Nick couldn't even understand what was happening around Zac.

Above, each factor has led to Zac ’s mood is not good for a moment. To make matters worse, Adam is growing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Just this morning, Adam leaned on himself and completed a turn in the crib ...

As everyone knows, this is just the beginning, after that he will crawl around in the crib, then he will grab the railing to flip out of the crib, then again he will walk outside sloshing, and then again Then he will start running around, and finally he will run out of Grand to see the world ...

Pressure to change the world ...

Hell. This should be the pressure of Benjamin and Mokawi ...

Benjamin walked into Grande and glanced at the gloomy Zack on the back porch. "Very well, you are here. Prepare to go to Newton." Benjamin also saw Annabel and Nick at the same time. "You too together."

Zac opened his mouth, but what he wanted to say was stuck in his throat. Is it useful to say that his godfather forced Zack to carry out this duty because Benjamin and Mokawi were too conscious and knew that they could not do the duties of their parents?

Zac said it out, maybe Benjamin would only throw out a sentence, "What do you complain about, try to solve it, isn't this what you are good at?"


So, Zac's exit was, "Your son turned over for the first time today."

"Oh." Without emotion. Is it surprising? Benjamin has no idea about this kind of thing. In his consciousness, as long as his son is not in danger, it is enough. Benjamin only looked at Zac without moving-Zac did n’t move and Nick and Annabel would not move, so impatiently. "Tu. Newton ’s Angel and Illusionist Rich brought the commission at the same time, outside Newton. The demon of Crazy went crazy, and the aliens in the city could not withstand the attack of the demon. "Benjamin paused." Ritchie also visited the Black Witch community before he came. The Black Witch confirmed that if we do nothing, New Zealand There will be many deaths in Dunton. This city can't experience another disaster. "This is an emphasis on the seriousness of the matter," So, Newton needs a vampire. "Pushed Zac," You go to General " 'Call Novi over there. "Benjamin thought again." It would be better to call Rimmer. "

Zac got up, but instead of agreeing to Benjamin, he said, “Use the phone in the showroom.” He turned around and went upstairs. “I ’m not going. I ’m going to stay on Grande ’s phone with Louise.”

Benjamin frowned, and Nick spoke first, "I'm going, at least the vampire crushing the demon is still something I can understand!" This was obvious angry words. After finishing, Nick glanced at Annabel, "Van Zhuo is interested. Do this kind of physical work. "There is a sense of ridicule, but it is actually temptation.

Nick is not the kind of guy who has historical hatred against Annabell like Roy. As one of the other vampires who have been "conquered" by Zac and actively touched Zac, Nick has the pride that he thinks he has the most equal relationship with Zac. ——Nick has always believed that while maintaining his friendship with Zac, he did not delay his own business. Is it true that Nick is committed to safeguarding his interests as part of the magic feast, and all of Zac's narratives are 'by the way'.

This is enough to distinguish Nick from all the other vampires who came to Zac.

But Nick did not dare to provoke Annabel, because she was Fanzhuo. This can only be tempted with such recognized jealousy as mockery.

Annabel smiled at Nick—in fact, all of Annabel ’s expressions on Nick after he returned from Nick were a replica of this smile at this time.

Do you remember how Nick was harassed by Mocavi when he was in Grande before, because Mocavi felt how close Nick was to the complete body.

Annabel's smile to Nick is a reason. Annabel smiled, "I won't go anymore. If I accidentally take the soul away from the demon, I will be a threat to everyone." Annabel doesn't seem to mind revealing this about the downgrade Defective information, "But I can still help." Annabel didn't know where to find a metal bottle and threw it to ... Benjamin, "My blood, if any vampire is tired, Alpha you will allocate it. "

Benjamin threw his hands directly to Nick after catching the blood tank, and reported to the street of Newton, "You go to meet Roy, and then if Rimmer and Norfil arrive, you two are in charge, there is a problem What. "

Command two old secret leagues? How could Nick have problems, take the blood of Fanzhuo, and act immediately.

Benjamin glanced at Annabel and entered the showroom, instructing Logan to call.

Here are a few motivations to explain—

The first is why Benjamin did not force Zac to go to Newton. Benjamin knew Zac ’s concerns about Louise ’s situation. After discovering Papa ’s position at midnight on Zac ’s side, Benjamin is about to accept the fact that his employee Maitreya stands on the opposite side of the world. So Zac has informed Benjamin that it is necessary to make up the progress, and he cannot leave his Grand Brothers on the opposite side of the world.

So now Benjamin doesn't have to waste energy to convince Zac, let Grande's Logan phone call, anyway, also used Grande's name, it is no different for Benjamin.

Then, the reason why Annabel will throw the blood bottle to Benjamin is that Annabel is begging Benjamin.

Zac found that Papa's position at midnight was prompted by Annabel, right. However, Annabel is also the guy in the bar of the "General" in the southeast, which prevents Spella from trusting Ravenci!

The contradiction between them lies in the fact that Fan Zhuo's complete body was relegated: Annabel revealed to Zach that the real maker of Xiaobai was Papa Midnight. So Zac understands that although Papa is standing on the side of this world at midnight, at the same time, he still plays with the ‘honorable’ Fan Zhuo!

Annabel led Zac to discover the real pattern of the world because she loved Zac, but she also hated Papa at midnight because of her identity as Fanzhuo.

This contradiction is like any unresolved reality. Annabel has already felt from each of Zac ’s actions that Zac will not understand her, or Fanjo, then ... only from Zac ’s brother.

In the end, Benjamin shook his hand and threw Annabel's blood to Nick. It was Benjamin telling Annabel, ‘Your question, do n’t provoke me. ’

End. No one has flown smoothly.

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