The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 3: The strongest Van Gogh blood


A skinny humanoid tumbling on the street. Behind him is a violently stirring black mist of demons like a tsunami.

The demons are discussing who will give the skinny thing a final blow ...

This skinny thing is Roy Zmithi.

And the devil wants to give the vampire a final blow, not a joke. In the turbulent black mist like a tsunami, bright red light sometimes erupted-Thousands of years ago, creatures and angels believed by the Lord Lord used the same methods to deal with vampires. They used the soul dagger to forcefully kill the soul of the vampire, so that the vampire lost the restraint of the soul. Then, the vampire is nothing more than an advanced ghoul, possessing the sacred creatures of the Lord who have taken the flesh of this world at will and turned it into their own. There are countless ways to deal with the ‘super ghoul’.

Now, Roy's condition is worse than the vampires thousands of years ago.

Roy struggled to stop his rolling on the street and tried to stand up without success. Because Roy is just a personal shape, he has 'thrown away' too many functional things-

From the moment the soul dagger was sacrificed by the demons in this battle, Roy had only one combat policy! Don't let soul dagger touch yourself!

This is a perfect plan to completely negate the threat of the soul dagger. Haha, the only problem is ... Everyone understands that anything that is crowned with the word "perfect" is not allowed to make mistakes.

Roy's first mistake was a provocative move when bleeding drops. When Roy felt the cold, pungent sensation on his right middle fingertip, Roy Zmithi discarded his middle finger.

The second error was the rotation Roy made in order to increase the radiation range of his blood. In the area where the side view was not enveloped, he felt the coldness of his shoulder. Deltoid muscle.

The third mistake was Roy ’s tactical withdrawal when he tried to stop the loss. The pattern was already obvious: when he felt the coldness of the vest, Roy Zmithi discarded his spine.

Next ... there is no need to count the mistakes made by Roy Zmithi one by one. The end of the chain of errors one by one is at this moment-

Reitzmichy still barely kept his humanoid skin, and was powerless to provide his last barrier to the soul that would disappear anyway.

Yes, the demons huddled together, laughing at Roy and the vampire.

This is the humblest, most ridiculous, and most worthy of 'watching' that vampires can show in this world ~ a funny show that has disappeared for thousands of years, and once again in the world, how can the demons not enjoy this once belongs only to angels and holy The highlight moment of the Lord?

Discuss who will give Roy the final blow? Ha, they are fighting for the glory of this performance on stage!

Roy's face touched the ground and rubbed, removing the ridiculous heavy makeup on his face. At least at the last moment, accept death in his own way ... he knew he had nothing to resist, he ... gave up.

Dark red spells floated beside Roy, and ribbon-like spells pulled Roy's body.

Roy raised his head reluctantly, and a dark ink pulled the dark red phantom shadow across the edge of his field of vision, rushing into the demon black mist. Roy didn't respond to what rushed into the demons, his body had fallen into a white embrace.

The black witch Yuehua gave Roy a smile, "Don't be too comfortable ~" After that, he raised his hand and threw Roy, who had no weight, behind him.

Corden caught Roy, and the Indian man wrinkled his face and stared at Roy for a long time. "We will let your body parts recover."

Roy reacted this way. The black witch's offensive and defensive combination came to help him. Not only Yuehua Baiying, Roy saw more black and white combinations and rushed into the battlefield ... Roy struggled in Keden's arms. Why are you here? "Roy's face was not happy to be rescued," What about the defensive line to the north ?! "

Newton, the geography of this city is very simple, because it encompasses Barton by the sea, that is to say, the geographic periphery of the city of Newton is three directions from north to southwest.

The black witch's community is in the north, and the black witch naturally assumes the demon defense in the north. But, as Roy sees now, the black witches ... are really just defenses. Witchcraft can't deal with demons!

The Black Witches, led by Yuehua Baiying, can only do so now that those demons cannot come to enjoy the thrill of Roy's last blow—

The demon black mist on the street suddenly began to roll violently, as if vomiting, a dark figure was spit out of the black mist in the air!

It was Baiying. She hugged the human in her arms tightly, using her own hands to hold the arm that the human was trying to wield-in this human hand, holding the soul dagger that was going to give Roy the last blow!

Baiying's back sprayed out a dark red spell, pushing her dark body away from the demon's pursuit and landing! Yuehua's white figure stood up immediately, blocking Behind Baiying, the firework-like spell exploded from the surface of her white dress, and any demonic black mist trying to approach was bounced away!

The grounded Baiying card killed the human in his arms and pressed it to the ground. This woman who only said the key, her eyes flashed 'ominous', "Get out of this human body! I have seen your death ! "

More and more of the black in the black witch group dragged the possessed humans in the demonic group behind their white companions-

"Demon! We have seen your death!"

That's just it! !

The only thing the Black Witch can do is to cut off the progress of the demons to continue to erode the city and seize the human container!

Verbal death threat? ? Pointless! !

In Roy's judgment, if the black witch came to the west defense line where he was talking, the north defense line had collapsed to the point of not staying there!

"It's okay to the north." Corden held Roy away from the battlefield. "The ghoul Harrison of the shelter came with the demons of Jessica and Barton. Now the north is completely demon-to-demon." Corden's Speed ​​... well, for an old man with a heavy load, it is already amazing. But apparently, while running with a heavy load, he explained that it was not an easy thing for Corden, breathing, "And our side is an advantage, because Jessica has her Newton Angel Crowley and Black Witch's assistance. "

Roy did not relax because the advantage of one side was not enough-"What about the south side? I was attacked by a demon with a soul dagger, something that Revero (Newton Revello's surveillance network) did not anticipate! Revelo in the south must also be in crisis! "Roy looked in the direction of the black witch who had maintained stability." Do you still have anyone ?! The south also needs assistance! "

Kirden panted very badly, but still answered Roy, "There is a helper to the south, Magic Ritchie contacted Barton. The interracial and hunters of the two cities, including the demon hunter, were under the command of Mayor Barton. Go directly to the south. "

Roy still did not relax, because ... Although it sounds like there is no need to worry about the situation on the other side, but where are you, don't you worry?

Roy determined that in the eyes of the black witches, there was no demon death! Just delaying time ...

Corden's footsteps stopped, gasping heavily. This is not a break, but—

Nick ran in this direction at a speed not much faster than a human ... Giovanni's speed was really ... a vampire's shame. No wonder this product cannot catch up with a mind reader in the middle!

Nick Giovanni is only a little stronger than humans, I am afraid it is the snout that does not need to breathe.

I saw Nick's stern expression close to Corden holding Roy, raised his hand to Roy's chin, pinched, and flicked left and right, "Are you imitating my aesthetic."

Speaking of skinny, we have not forgotten that Nick is the appearance of a human skull.

Roy showed Nick the **** that no longer exists.

Nick ignored it and looked to the black witch—the white defender was still defending the demon who was trying to recapture the human body, and the black attacker was still using death threats to force the possessed demon from the human body ...

Uh, the black witches really saw the death of those possessed demons.

Nick stretched out one of his fingers, snapped and torn apart (Giovanni would rely on his own violence to break the defense of his skin), and with his flesh and bones, threw it at the nearest black witch, Baiying.

Baiying raised his hand to catch it, very important, "Death is coming!" Nick's finger, which was like a bone spur, was inserted into the struggling human shoulder on the ground!

The tumbling black mist struggled and hissed away, and after the hand of the human container finally let go of the dagger in his hand, Nick's finger was thrown by Baiying to another black witch.

Roy ... relax? No, I started to have an advantage on my side, but why is Roy a little bit upset ...

Corden did not continue to hold Roy and ran away, there was no safer place than Giovanni. So Roy watched Nick stick out his second finger, "Who is imitating who's aesthetic now!"-"Sacrifice" his body parts ~ Dotzmihi ~

You have to give Roy a compliment. In this case, he still has this kind of comparison between the Clan of the Feast.

Nick glanced at Roy, as if he was about to say something, and a scarlet red slipped under Nick's feet.

Eve's delicate inhuman face appeared from the blood on the ground, "Giovanni." The objects of ridicule were Nick and Roy. "Aren't you rushed over the first time, how can you let your companion Has it become like this? "Understand, Nick is slow and Roy miserable.

"It's important." In the side lane of the street, Dora walked out of the darkness. The tiny Nofeller didn't look at Roy and Nick at all-Dora was too lazy to care about the new Friend ', what she cares about is, "It looks like the Black Witch has lifted the soul dagger that threatens us the most. That."

The fierce tumbling and hissing broke out in the black mist of the demon intercepted by the black witch!

Along with the tossed sewer cover and the building's vent cover, what flew together from the real darkness came to Nofeller, and the despair they brought to the demons!


It's not just the Vampire of the Feast.

The blood-red nets will be wrapped by the real demolished and torn demons. The demons that were just like the tsunami pressure are now like foams in the Rimmer's body transformed into the blood itself. The destruction!

Eve's face, Dora's face, right together, the two of them "hum!"

Then, it was Eve who grabbed the words, "Then fix it quickly! And then split up ..."

It's impossible for Dora to get Eve to **** it completely, "Then separate to support North and South! I don't want to be with you ..."

"I don't want to cooperate with you!" Eve just grabbed the last sentence.

No, the last sentence is Nick Giovanni ’s. He shook his finger back again, "You have to listen to me ..."

Dora and Eve had separated and walked away in two directions.

Nick ’s lonely fingers stayed in the air for a while, and when he retracted, the tsunami-like demons had ... only the spray left, and Rimmer and Norfil were no longer interested in these scattered demons. Both directions disappear.

Nick withdrew his fingers and looked at Roy, each feeling the emotion in the other's eyes.

This feeling lasted for half a minute.

"Did I miss something." The "general" came with a bunch of gangsters.

Toledo's speed ... Forget it, everyone knows it.

'General' looked at the battlefield being cleaned by the black witch, and pouted, "Uh, am I a trip in vain?" , "Uh, I promised everyone that they could see the blood of Fanjo!" Obviously disappointed, "The effect of the vampire's strongest blood!"

"General", the motive for coming here is slightly strange.

Roy flicked in Corden's arms, "Fan Zhuo's blood ?!" stared at Nick, "Annabel is here? Where?" Roy was excited because he was eager to get rid of his current embarrassment. !

"She didn't come." Nick glanced at 'General' and reached out the blood bottle thrown to him by Benjamin. "But her blood is here." The gaze retracted, turning the lid open, tilting the bottle slightly, One drop, a drop of bright red stained Nick's finger.

Nick passed his finger to Roy's lips.

Corden cooperated and leaned in with the impotence of Roy.

Suck ~

Roy pursed his lips, as if afraid of the little red that had been inhaled by himself just now.

Two seconds passed.

"Uh, then ..." "General" didn't finish.

Kirden almost used the throwing method to throw Roy down. And Roy is no longer the skinny look of the barely humanoid, it is huge, bloated, as if he had half an elephant in his body!

Everyone stepped back and let the incredible expansion of Roy's activity look like this!

"Ha!" Roy smiled under his ruddy cheeks, "Ha ha ha! I am the most powerful !!!"

"Don't waste time." Nick took the blood bottle coldly.

Roy glanced down at Nick, a toothpick in contrast, snorted, and then rushed to the street behind him, disappearing quickly.

For two seconds again, "Uh ..." "General" glanced at Nick, then at Curden, "Who will explain?"

Explaining Corden, this In’an man who turned his profound understanding of aliens into a profession, “Fan Zhuo ’s blood is a vampire ’s“ king ’s new clothes ”, no matter how grand the battle is, it ca n’t be changed. The man sitting on the Chinese shelf, without clothes. "Curden pouted and changed a popular explanation." He can let the vampire show what he thinks is his strongest gesture for a while. Each Vampires all behave differently. Roy Zmithi ... thinks his strongest look should be like this. "

"Isn't that invincible ?!" The "General" has fixed his gaze on Nick's pocket to store the blood bottle.

Nick noticed, so, “Listen carefully, it ’s been a while. The king of the parade will eventually find himself naked-run-in front of the people and ended in humiliation by everyone. The appearance of vanity will eventually collapse into the already decayed inside. Nick snorted. "If Roy didn't actually replenish his health before the effect ended ..." Nick stopped talking.

‘General’ raised his eyebrows, and the focus was still very strange, “That ’s always the blood of Fan Zhuo, is n’t it always strong!”

Nick looked at the "general" and educated Zac's idea of ​​the "general"? No, Nick said, "You're right, this is the feeling of being 'noble Fan Zhuo'. Every drop of blood flowing in your body is a person who praises the king's new clothes and arrogance in the parade. There will be no unintelligent child in eternal life. You are the noble and extraordinary king, eternal, enjoying every eye that falls on you, which I believe is very beautiful. The son of Zachary Torredo , Would you like to experience it? "

"General" frowned, pulling his clothes subconsciously, "Thank you, no need."

Remember what I told you about the relationship between Fan Zhuo and love.

Fan Zhuo loved each other to the utmost, and he had the miracle of all his ancestors.

Fanzhuo ... also loves Fanzhuo himself, the ultimate, that is, the king eternally dressed in a new dress to parade in front of his subjects.

Grand, no. Somewhere away from Grand, somewhere in the south, midsummer, no one can find it by hiding in a dense field.

A white cat lay on the pillow that Zac lost a few days ago and turned over comfortably so that Annabel could brush it.

"Don't worry, everything is going according to plan ~" Madison said comfortably in his voice.

"Are you sure? Zac still doesn't communicate with me." Annabel frowned. "I've given him enough topics to confront me." Annabel shook his head. "He was just silent. Digest, ignore me at all. "

"God ~ This is the purpose ~ If he starts to question you, it means that he completely treats you as a tool to obtain resources ~"

Annabell tilted her head, seemingly trying to understand the white cat's words.

She understood successfully, "Oh, you mean now, all the information I gave him was actually given to him voluntarily, and it was all my own choice. He did not force me to threaten me."

"Yes drops ~"

"Okay, what next?" Annabel asked the white cat.

The white cat ’s eyes, squinting comfortably, in the gaps of the eyelids, I do n’t know if it ’s the relationship of sunlight or what, the pupil is a line, “Next, you have to let Zac realize the contradiction between the beliefs of Fanzhuo and the Lord How unadjustable ~ "

"I've told him about the question of the complete demotion of Fan Zhuo, he has been ignoring him."

"No, no ~ It's not a question of Van Zhuo's complete demotion, it's in the Republic, Zagare teaches you that Van Zhuo deceived the angels of the Republic, let them fall and betray the angels, and the angelic power that was trapped in the Republic was completely abolished Drop this thing ~ "

Annabel, "This matter has nothing to do with me." The countess was a little dissatisfied, "There is no" you Fanjo ". Don't mix those Fanzhuo together, I have never been fooled by Zagar."

The white cat tilted his head and looked at Annabel with slit-like eyes. "Do you hate your fellow race so much, I think Fan Zhuo is the most loved vampire in the world ~"

Annabel seemed to shake his mind, and then, "All my love for Fanzhuo is dead."

All, she said.

The white cat turned his head back, "It's all grown up to Zac ~" It may be saying another dimension, murmured, "Why don't you come out early, this is the mistress's material."

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