Zac stood by the window of the office, and the curtains opened a gap, just enough for Zac to watch Annabel coming back.

Recently Zac realized that Annabel would often disappear from Grand. It is not that Zac has deliberately paid attention to Annabel's movements, but in turn, Zac has been working hard to weaken his discomfort that Annabel has paid attention to.

Then, at a certain moment, Zach felt relaxed-the discomfort that was being followed by a nasty person at that moment disappeared, and Zack realized that Annabel had run out of Grande.

But do n’t get me wrong, Zack has no masochism, he does n’t enjoy the feeling of being stared from behind by Annabel at all. There is absolutely no Zac suddenly unaccustomed to Annabell ’s absence. If he can, Zac hopes that Annabel will never return when he goes out ...

So Zac peeked at Annabel back at the moment, feeling in his heart, disappointed. The countess, is back.

Zac put down the gap and sat back helplessly behind his desk. Continue to look at the phone in a daze, hoping that the phone will ring at any time, and then there is Louise's voice over the receiver.

Annabel's voice ascending upstairs became clearer, and then stood at the door of the office without any surprise, looking at Zac.

Watched for half a minute.

"Did you find that I was gone?" This was a question, with a very "female" grievance.

Zac will not answer this question, and continues to wait for the phone that may or may not ring.

Annabell is also used to Zac ignoring and leaning on the door-she knows that Zac is waiting for Louise's phone. She has listened to Zac answering countless calls, which is the last thing she wants to miss

the phone is ringing.

Zac took it very quickly, "Zac." The regular "Here is the Grand Funeral Home" was thrown away, and Zac's patience had been wiped out in the past few days.

"I know you are Zac, hey."

Gee. Over the receiver, it was James Lance's voice.

Zac hung up the phone directly.

There is no particular reason, but Zac is not in a mood to deal with James.

The phone rings again. Zac wouldn't risk losing Louise's phone, so he answered it.

"Are you sick……"

Still the voice of James, that Zach ... continued to hang up.

Such a naive ‘game’ lasted a few more rounds.

When the phone rang again and again ... Zach continued to answer, and when he heard James' breathing, Zac made a call to hang up.

This action was stopped, Zac frowned, looking at Annabel, who grabbed his hand and stopped himself from hanging up, and said nothing.

While Annabel was looking at Zach, James' curse floated out of the earpiece. It was very unpleasant, so I won't repeat it.

Then the office was completely quiet. Zac and Annabell looked at each other without talking, and after the James storm-like curse in the receiver was quiet, he didn't seem to expect the phone to remain connected.

Breaking the quiet, it was a burst of sorrow ... the sound of snatching. Annabel let go of Zac's hand, but immediately grabbed the receiver, as if she intended to grab it.

Zac didn't know why Annabel would stop herself from hanging up the phone, or what it meant for the woman to grab the phone now. However, Zac just didn't want to give Annabel a call!

The telephone receiver, which was secretly seized by two vampires, began to make an overwhelming squeak.

Grand phone, everyone knows, one antique. Clear cracks began to appear at the joints on the earpiece shell.

James on the other side of the earpiece seemed to hear these unusual noises. The violent curse just now was gone, and yelled over the earpiece, "What sound? Zac? Are you still there?" There was also a hint of worry.

Seeing the earpiece is about to disintegrate. Zac's face was flat, knowing that Annabel had no obligations to Grande's finances. *! This inexplicable competition, Zac lost-Zac loosened the receiver.

There was no joy of victory on Annabel ’s face. The receiver was placed on the side of her own face, and her eyes were still on Zac. “I ’m Annabel Fandro. Zac is inconvenient to answer the phone now. I say."

James was quiet for a moment, his tone regained irritability, "Let Zac answer the phone!"

"He will just hang up your phone." Annabel said, "Do you want to try again?"

The receiver was quiet for a while, and then, "I want to ask Zac Newton about it."

Annabel took the handset and sat directly across from the office, keeping her gaze on Zac's face, facing James in the microphone, "Be specific."

"What is it?" James's tone was tolerant and angry-everyone understands that if Zac is answering the phone now, James will not endure, "I want to know why the demon suddenly attacked Newton, I To know Newton ’s defense, I want to know the past people of Barton, uh, and interracial! I want to know everything! "

"The reason for the demon attack, I don't know yet." Annabel kept watching Zac and answered all of James with the truth: "The defenses in Newton include Revelo, Angel, Black Witch and Harrison Containment. The aliens in the place. The illusionist Rich didn't seem to directly participate in the battle, but he contacted Patton to support. "How does Annabel know this? It seems to be very detailed! The answer is-

It's been a few hours since Newton's Demon Defense! Nick and Roy had already returned to Grande to discuss the post-war summary in the warehouse. After the detailed battlefield information is over, what the two are now focusing on is to re-evaluate the strength of the remnants of the federal hidden alliance.

Ah. James information call for this information is too outdated ...

Annabel continued, "Barton went to Newton to assist, there are hunters, including demon hunters, interracial, vampires, demons ..." Annabel smiled at Zac, maybe because Zac still did not prevent her from continuing to pick up The reason for the phone call, "Except for me and Zach, all the people or aliens you can think of as a detective should go." Ah, maybe it's just the content of these words.

"Poche Quinn is gone too?" James is a detective, so don't underestimate his ability to catch information loopholes.

"Go." Annabel replied in a smiling tone. "It's not too late to help the black witch clean the battlefield."

"What about casualties?"

"Demon? Or the people of Button and Newton?"

"Both sides!"

"The demons are completely destroyed," Annabel replied. "Of course, objectively, there are still many demons escaped to hell, but it has nothing to do with our world. You know." The answer is suspended because Zha Ke suddenly stood up and walked out of the office.

Annabel ’s eyes naturally followed Zac, but after Zac went out and turned downstairs, the eyes could n’t keep up. Annabel, holding the receiver, frowned, and the smile on her face disappeared. A trace of irritability.

"Then? The casualties on our side ?!" James urged.

"A few of Revro died, and was attacked by another dagger in the hands of the demon. The Newton citizens also had some retaliatory casualties ..." Annabel chose to stay and continue to answer James' questions. And Zac ~~

Walked downstairs easily ~~ Why didn't you think of this key before? Hope that Annabel will never come back after running out of Grand? ! Do not! This is the right way to avoid being noticed by Annabel! Stuck Annabel's uncomfortable sight with things!

The only minor flaw is that it may cause Louise to busy her phone. But this idea is right. After the call ended, Zac decided to use some of Grand ’s work to trip Annabelle. Now Zac walked easily into the back porch and looked at Logan ’s work. It is a very good choice ~

"Hey Logan." Zach called Logan.

Logan turned back listlessly behind the counter in the showroom, "Hey Zack."

"Poki Quinn went to Newton to help the black witch and brought Lily, are you worried?"

Remember the last conversation between Zach and Logan, which is also true. Zac asked Logan if he would worry about Lily working under Pooch without goodwill. Logan's answer at the time was surprising, but this time, it was no surprise.

"Honestly, kind of." Logan pursed his lips, and the reason was "I heard Nick and Roy saying that Boque Quinn went to Newton to grab loot."

Trophy? The demon has no wreckage, so this loot is the soul dagger!

The weapon recaptured from the devil by the coordination of the black witch and the vampire!

Nick and Roy have returned to Button, and they are still fighting in Newton at this moment. It is the 'general' representing Torrido--

Toledo promised Saint Sissi to recover the dagger, and the black witch has been on Zac ’s side, so the matter should have been that the black witch directly handed the thing to the vampire from Barton, but, as Ambell told Zhan Bosque Quinn, who arrived late, intervened.

The essence of Logan ’s worry is, “Lily is from our Grande side, but this time I went to Newton, but I did n’t want to give the prize to the secretary of Poto Quinn of Torrido!” Logan wrinkled. It ’s like a rag. Obviously, I ’ve been worrying about this for a long time. The description is very accurate. "What is this called!"

Logan is the kind of habit who observes in the bystander's position first, then draws conclusions, and then acts, so his views on things are usually more, well, "transparent", for example, until now, his life goals Or to be an alien with more possibilities than the former criminal, right?

But now Logan, "transparency" can't get up. He also has a lot of knowledge, and has seen many bad things about humans and aliens. And what he described now is that Lily's contradictory position is the worst.

Zac did not intend to talk to Logan about Lily's contradictory position because it was not worth it. Zac has long known that Sissi ’s proposal to recover the soul dagger is to delay the progress of vampires in certain aspects. Remember, Zac ca n’t guess what, but the more vampires have affected the world ’s pattern. It is understandable that Sissi tried to reform the faith of the Lord and struggle for what remains of the Lord ’s faith when it came to be more important.

Then, the one who held the vampire's footsteps was Boque Quinn, which was the most harmless situation!

reason? Needless to say, Papa and Midnight and Pucci, and the vampire, are grasshoppers on a boat! This ship is called our world!

The key point here is that this matter can be dragged to a few hours after the war has not been resolved!

The reason is that Boque Quinn must have absolutely good reason to let the black witch not give the dagger into the hands of Toledo at this time-

Zac could probably guess what the reason was: the dagger that was handed over to Toledo would immediately be transferred to Saint Cici, the demon attacking the vampire's weapon, and finally it would flow into the hands of the Lord's faith.

After all, Toledo does not want to get a loot, but a middleman who runs errands for others! The move that Boque Quinn put in is an old-fashioned witchcraft faith and an intriguing fight between the holy faith!

This is the fact that the Black Witch has been unable to distribute loot.

After all, Zac is a non-person who is more transparent than Logan. In other cases, Zac may share his views with Logan, so that Logan can ease his troubles. But now, Zac still counts on Logan's troubles, so he can't explain it directly, but-"I can give you half a day off, you go to Newton to accompany Lily."

For ordinary couples, it is quite natural that one party's life is in crisis and the other party goes to accompany. But Zac gave the reason for this "benefit", which is more suitable for the current situation. "You are useless in dreaming here. Going to Newton to see the situation for yourself may help Lily."

Logan was stunned for a moment, very insightful, "Do I go to Newton on behalf of Grande-Boque Quinn's neighbor?"

‘General’ is still representing Toledo in Newton. Logan can't represent a human being.

Zac nodded. "Yes, on behalf of the neighbor. If the vampires represented by Toledo and the witchcraft beliefs represented by Boqi, bothered Lily's situation, then." Zac gestured to let Luo realize The roots are finished.

Logan finished, "Then replace those contradictions with the most spoiled neighborhood!"

Zach gave Logan a smile, "You can get off work first."

Logan didn't hold back. He immediately came out from behind the counter and rushed out of the back porch. Then he remembered, "Uh, who looked at the showroom?"

Zac looks at Grand's facade? Although the relationship between Grand's bosses and employees is casual, he hasn't reached the point where the boss will work for his employees.

Zach also pretended to be just thinking about it, "Uh, I almost forgot this." It seemed really distressed. "There are quite a few children in Newton, and the matter is arranged directly to Barton. Today After the demon defense war, Newton still had some human deaths, fearing that it was funeral ... "Zac looked at the direction of the living area and seemed to be considering whether there are any available employees in the living area.

Logan is obviously as distressed as Zac, because now the employees in the living area, everyone knows, the city government completely disrupted the Grand Midway House project. The people who can give Zac no choice.

It will be smooth. Zac looked up at the second floor, "You go and talk to Annabel and you are doing this job for me. I don't want to talk to her."

Logan, nodded.

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