The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 5: Q & A and Funeral

Zac stood on the back porch for more than half an hour, and the phone in the office upstairs had not ended.

This is no longer the cause of James or Annabel's wordiness, but the content of the phone has become an internal issue of the Lord's faith.

Speak slowly.

In fact, we can all understand that James's call is likely to be caused by his character. This happened to Newton, and he couldn't ignore it. But the whole thing is that he is a state where human beings can't participate at all, so he can only ask questions afterwards to show his presence.

At the beginning of the call, the question of why the demon suddenly attacked Newton was just the beginning. James asked a bunch of very detailed things behind him.

For example, Revro, who has always been building a monitoring network in Newton, why did the vampire of the Feast take the initiative to join the Newton defensive battle and stand opposite the demon.

Another example is why the black witch came out to defend the city. After all, the black witch is not a kind group. Their consistent attitude towards death is that death is everywhere. As a bloodline cursed by Papa at midnight, Just learn to ignore.

Another example is why Richie came to Patton for support in the first place, which is even more puzzling. Even if Richie asked Benjamin ’s ancestors office, he also asked the Mayor of Patton to transfer people. thing?

We can think that this is the detective's attachment to the truth. James wants to get more information without his involvement? However, this call went to this length of time, and Zac can already confirm that this is not James's ... er, style--

James is a detective. The detective's request for truth is carried out by obtaining clues provided by witnesses and victims and interrogating suspects.

And this phone call, may I ask Grand, oh no, Annabel, who has been asked by James for more than half an hour, is it a witness? Is it a victim? Or the demon criminal who attacked Newton?

James's mind about the texture of the event is understandable, but this behavior is not James' model.

So what is this person's behavior pattern?

There is a person in this world who, like the police, is very eager for the truth. But the purpose is different. The police motivated the incident as a case that could be resolved and used justice as the ultimate goal to obtain the truth.

But this kind of person, their motive for obtaining the truth, is not to solve the incident, but to expose it-to let everyone, including those around them, know the truth of the incident.

So this kind of person questioning does not care whether the person being questioned belongs to the witness, the victim or the criminal itself. They don't care about justice, uh, that's wrong, but they care more than law enforcers who serve a fixed legal system. How to explain a thing well enough.

This kind of person is called a reporter.

That is ... hehe, James's wife, Kate.

Unlike James ’professional needs, James ’s perseverance may only result in a final judgment issued by the judicial system to criminals, and what Kate wants is a 4D, everyone can spend a dollar Buy front page news reports.

Different needs make the way of doing things completely different. So Zac can be very sure that James, who is on the phone with Annabel, is now just a microphone.

This call has long been not just a question and answer, but an interview. A reporter controls his police husband and gets all the clues he can get from the person who is most likely to understand the texture of the whole incident.

Then the content of the call started from various directions, the motives of the various groups began, and finally gathered into a problem that might become the front page title-if no one helped Newton, what would happen to Newton.

See, this is a question that the police can never ask, but a press conference.

Annabel answered the question: "Angels will be crushed by demons, and Newton will become a city of demons again. The next one is Barton, where the fallen angels are."

Just like a qualified reporter, "You mean that if no one helps Newton, Newton's angels are vulnerable to the devil?"

"That's what I mean. Now the angels of the Federation are a joke. How can the angels of a city's population base be compared with the four-century **** of the Federation."

"But Jessica of Barton now has most of the time in hell!" This may be James's true heart.

"Yeah, so there will be so many demons coming to Newton to attack the paradise in this world. You think if Jessica in Hell manages the demons who have lost their time territory, it is our turn to human cities in this world. Come to bear such an attack? "Annabel replied, Zac could not tell whether it was mixed with private goods. This is a risk that the reporter must judge for himself in each interview." This is the internal battle of the Lord ’s faith. Oh, all It ’s not the old angel to the devil, the devil to the demon, the devil to the angel, the angel to the demon, huh, huh, I told you that Harrison (Angel plus Ghoul) in the shelter will join the war, so there are angels to angels This Newton defense is a situation caused by the contradiction of all the creatures of the Lord ’s faith. Our living creatures are paying for these guys who believe in the Lord. ”

Zac was unable to continue to "overhear" the phone content on the second floor. Because ... the predictions I spoke to Logan before came true.

Grand funeral home, came to business, a large number of sad guests stepped into Grand's main entrance.

The office is occupied, Zach can only work like a cabinet sister, and write down each guest's request one by one.

In the process, Zac got a little post-war news that Nick and Roy did not bring back—

This demon defense battle is a racially alien event. If it occurs in Barton, it is unsolvable, and it is impossible to find a corresponding and complete vicious event in human common sense.

However, this battle takes place in Newton, and Newton, there is a powerful existence that can make a connection between humans and aliens, Illusion Rich.

Zac heard the words of the incident in the mouth of the Newton City Government from the mouths of these sad relatives-

Because the Newton City Government has allocated all funds to Newton ’s facade project: Newton University, which is about to usher in an international exchange student project, has caused no improvement in the civilian infrastructure that has been hit hard. The community, mostly occupied by older citizens, is the most neglected place.

Then, under the 'attack' of midsummer, the negligently maintained community suffered from the breakdown of the basic life support system, such as water, electricity, and sewage, anything that modern humans depend on for survival.

Finally, in the composition of an urban population, the most vulnerable, the most helpless, and the least motivated group, so ... dead.

Sounds ridiculous?

In fact, there is not much absurdity-

The beginning of the demon's attack on Newton was to seize the human container outside the city of Newton as a support for action: someone had to wave the soul dagger, right?

It is ridiculous if a city is surrounded by strong, resource-rich and powerful executive groups.

Everyone must distinguish this incident from the last time Newton was devastated by demons. The last demon was to destroy Newton ’s upper class, the elite in Newton society, and the devil standing in the center of Newton. , Knowing that he can no longer hold back the revenge of this city.

And this time: The demon attacked Newton, which was an attack from the outside to the inside, starting with the vulnerable community outside the city as the target of the invasion. The sacrificed groups are naturally these disadvantaged groups that are not taken care of by the municipal government.

Silence does not disturb anyone's retirement, and then is robbed of the body by the demon to die, and neglected by the city to take care of death. Look, compare the two, and the latter looks more comfortable and reasonable.

At least, the latter has objects that can be cursed. Otherwise, are you going to curse the devil? What is the significance?

People, dead. Someone's father, mother, brother, sister died in a way that made people doubt modern civilization. Those who are still alive need an exasperated object. Who can it be?

This is the result of the post-war period. People want an object of curse. The illusion ‘hears’ people ’s desires, and then turns this desire into reality. And this object is the Newton City Government.

At this point, Zac can answer a question James asked for Kate on the phone, why the illusionist Richie will ask Mayor Anthony of Barton to support, the good thing is that Anthony really sent support to Newton.

This is probably the reason. The Newton City Government, compared with the Barton City Government, has been completely rotten, and rotten to no longer exist! !

Barton wanted to annex Newton's plan, and finally, after the West Side's plan failed with Blake's unexpected failure, there was substantial progress!

Zac kind of hoped that Kate ’s reporter could smell this news point. After all, the twisted battle between the Lord ’s faith and creatures could not be printed on the newspaper, but the people of Newton were completely disappointed with Newton and would be a great head. Edition title.

Zac continued to work, in addition to arranging Grande ’s guests, he also received calls from other funeral homes, Alan ’s Nenad, “Is Ford contacting you?” Nenad asked because he called first The phone in Zac's office stayed busy until it was transferred to Grand's counter.

"not at all."

There was a grumpy tone in Nenad ’s tone: “Ford has sold several of his burials to me! You ’ve heard it right! He sells customers! He scorns Newton ’s people for occupying his high-end burial funeral space , And sold it to me out of the bargain! This guy is getting less and less bottom line now! "

Zac didn't want to talk about Ford. "Have all three of our funeral homes received work." Zac frowned. "How many people died in Newton?"

"Revro is still counting." Nenad answered very quickly. "The figures released by the Newton City Government and the police can be ignored. Our funeral home is now busy because of these known dead people. There are relatives in Barton! It was Barton who put pressure on Newton and arranged it first! "

"How do you know Barton put pressure on Newton?" Zac was really curious-Nick and Roy only brought back the information in the war. This information was completely lacking after the war.

"I asked Ethela!"

"Oh." Zac pouted, which was convenient. Esera was wearing a feast of Lesenbull, who could fight Zac, the guy who caused the civil strife of the Lesenbula clan, but he couldn't. Against Nainad.

The message that Zuck can sum up now is that the Newton City Government is still struggling to survive in the reality of the illusion Richie. Good luck.

"I'm busy here, too." Zach knew that Nainard's phone was not a mere complaint. "You bury the burial over there, and I don't care." Zack added. "Ford sells your money, you deduct it directly from the royalties of the Grand Cemetery, I don't care."

This is actually quite heart-wrenching—Grand's business is now becoming more and more scattered, Zac's gray professional income is enough, and Grand has no need to make money to support him.

The employees in the living area, strictly speaking, are members of the Halfway House and are the responsibility of the municipal government's community transformation project. This Lesenbula will not prevent Grande from paying them for her political purposes (Barton's political career, and Lesenbula's restrictions on Toledo). So Zac can get along very easily.

And Alan ’s funeral ca n’t be easy, because the mill is now Alan ’s funeral, and the mill is cooperating with the Southern District Police Station, and the future represents the control of the Demon Banquet on the new port in the Southern District. .

Nenad over the receiver seemed to sigh, "Can I tell the truth."

It all started like this, Zac: "You say it."

"I don't think there is a need for a Ford funeral home." Nothing is surprising. "Zac, the reform of the funeral industry in the west is almost ready. I know you won't want to stay in the west all the time. Huh, basically the west. The people at the top of the magic feast also voluntarily came to you. "For example, Roy, Nick," there are only Lembra and a few ancestors in the west. "Including his Cappadocia ’s Ancestor, "It's a waste to keep you in that kind of west. Your stage is in Barton! It's here in the Commonwealth and Republic!"

Although Nainard tends to be more and more excited, Zach knows that the point is not that Nainard blows rainbow farts to himself, so, "You think there is a dissonant sound of Ford funeral in Barton, which is very embarrassing. Kerry Toledo ’s face, right. "

"Yes!" Nainard knew Zack understood what he meant. "And really, Barton doesn't need three funeral homes to compete. Grande has burials. Allen here specializes in cremation. He exists for Ford. What is the significance? Is it just to provide a contract to the North District Police Station? A mortuary like the West District is enough to meet the demand! "

Zack not only understood what Naynard said on the surface, but also understood the meaning in this sentence. Zack smiled, "Do you want to hold Ford's cooperation with the North District Police Station in his own hands ~"

Nenad was quiet for a second, "Yes!" Then it was done in one go, "Ford to do those activities in the North District is also a burden to Darcy, not to mention that the real trouble in the North District is always that James Lance. ! Why should we let Ford stay there to make everyone unhappy? "

Zac didn't laugh, Ford did cause a lot of trouble, Xiaobai's living corpse, supplementing the necessities of Harrison, and trading corpses with demons. Every thing has him a human funeral operator under the control of vampires. Helpless in the industry, but everything is disgusting, in various senses, even deliberately put on a look against Grande and the vampire, "But you let me go against a human funeral boss, I also feel embarrassed. "Zack replied to Nenad in this way.

"I don't mind this!" Nenad was very simple. "I'm just a three-generation Cappadocia. It's not an important role in any clan. I don't have to represent anything. I just feel uncomfortable. A human jumps in front of me. Just to deal with him, it's no problem at all! "

Indeed, Ford realized his consciousness very early, and his opponent was a vampire. This is an extremely unfair competition, but after Zac's constant tolerance, the ‘magic’ competition became balanced.

"No one needs to pay the price of life." Zac added a new chip to Ford in the end, hypocritical? No, this is truth and goodness.

"Of course, otherwise it would be meaningless." This is hypocrisy.

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