James took over the paper Kate handed over, and it wrote the next question to ask James. James glanced at him, disgusted at his wife.

Don't get me wrong that James is not a Kate who hates himself, he hates this problem.

And Kate glared at James directly, making a speed gesture.

James pouted silently, facing the hands-free phone, "coughing." Cleared his throat, "My last question is not about Newton." James still resisted a little. But under the pressure of Kate, he could only say, "What are you, Annabel Fandro, by Zac?"

Kate quickly wrote another sentence, jammed in front of James, to supplement the question. James glanced away, frowning as he read, "Are you answering all previous questions on behalf of Zac?"

Uh, reporter Kate has become lazy, maybe it is related to the new life she is gestating in her stomach ~ As a reporter, Kate seems to be too lazy to judge the fairness of this interview by himself, asking the interviewees to stand on their own feet.

The receiver was quiet for a while, and suddenly laughed, "Hehehehe ~"

"What are you laughing at?" James said instinctively.

"Nothing ~" Annabel finished smiling, and still asked with a smile in her tone, "Does it matter? I answered you every question you asked, I think Zack has never cooperated with you so much ~ Detective James Lance, do you care if I represent Zach? You get what you want to know, this is the point, right? "

James's lips ripped and glanced at Kate. Kate also frowned, thinking for a while, brushing and pulling, and handing the newly written words to James.

James hesitated for a moment, but still read, "The point is that the last woman who can represent Zach is Louise, and I have a special mutual trust with Louise. When she represented Zack, I was very Rest assured. But you have nothing to do with me, I do n’t know you, I do n’t trust you. "

"Ah ~" Inexplicable sigh, "James and Louise again." Annabel over the phone seemed to have escaped the question itself, sighing something.

James is facing the phone here, and the small electronic screen shows that the phone has been on for more than an hour! In fact, James's mental strength has been pushed to the limit by his wife-but this is the crime that James deserves, to be explained later.

James actually wanted to hang up the phone, but maybe it was because of the close-up of his wife Kay, what was ordered. James grabbed the receiver, gestured quietly to Kate when Kate waved his protest, and then to the receiver, "What is James and Louise again?"

"Hehehe." Annabel laughed again, and then, "You wait for a while." It was the sound that the handset was put down, and Annabel seemed to leave temporarily.

James didn't wait too long, "Are you still there." Annabel's voice reappeared.

"I'm here."

"Zac is downstairs. I probably won't be able to continue chatting with you after I say this sentence, so you better hear it clearly. I will only say it again."

"Why ..." James didn't like being hung up.

"You and Louise, take the script of the heroine. Louise is the setting that can only rely on the life of the man who lost everything, and you are the setting with a huge conspiracy behind. Together, you are the tie The heroine in the Ke story, you opened Zac's story. And this script should be mine ... Dudu Dudu. "The phone was hung up.

James stunned while holding the receiver for more than ten seconds. Kate noticed that the timer on the phone had stopped, and unpleasantly grabbed the receiver, confirmed that there was a hangup, and immediately dropped the receiver and glared James, "What did she say ?!"

"She said I was the heroine of Zac's story." James' brain might have broken.


James's head was corrected and he shook his head. "She said Zack's story started because of me and Louise."

Kate frowned, as if thinking of James' words. The result of thinking is, "She was right."

James ’s head was crooked and he could n’t understand it. “She ’s right? How did Louise and I start Zack ’s story?”

Kate's frown turned into a white eye. "If it wasn't Louise going to Grande to explain the murder at the beginning of last year, you would just be picked up by Alpha and go home!"

James blinked, not knowing what to say.

Kate rolled his mouth and rolled his eyes again, as if he knew more things, "Oh, isn't that how it is, you and Louise are missing one, neither Grande Vampire nor Alpha will be involved in Patton territory. In the case of a safe shape-shifter invasion, your identity stolen by that gold will not come back, nor will Zac rely on you to persuade Mayor Anthony to let him join the right to affect events large and small in Patton ... "

Hey, it seems so. Mayor Anthony, who has been preventing vampires from participating in city events, has let the vampires and Alpha spend a lot of time in Barton, but because of the rumor that Barton was an unowned city at the beginning of last year, it attracted dangerous aliens and directly Involved in the second-generation police detective James Lance, who was involved in the airborne, only to accept Zac to start a new activity! Then, one shot is out of control!

"No!" Well, James's mind was not really fixed. He continued instinctively to refute Kate, and said: "She is not talking about specific events! She is talking about setting, and she said that Louise is lost All women can only stay with Zac, but a guy with a conspiracy on his body! This is completely bullshit! "

"Is it?" Kate didn't care about being interrupted by his husband, but instead left James lightly, "Is this really shit?"

James closed his lips tightly.

This is not shit. A qualified female host should not only bring emotional sustenance to the male host, but also the direction of action. The former Louise gave Zac finally gave the Toledo clan a new start, and James, hehe, brought Zac a magic feast ~

If James wants to deny this, then he can really die, not worthy to continue to live, wasting his soul.

Kate took her gaze back and began to sort out a lot of information in front of her. These were the information Kate had sorted out on the phone just now. Zac guessed right, and Kate was preparing for her exclusive front page.

There is no second reporter in this city with Kate's resources and efficiency, how could she not use it.

Oh by the way, I just wanted to explain why James made this phone call because of the crime—

We all know that James's call is lagging behind for the Barton and Newton interracials who participated in the incident. But this is not entirely the reason why James did not participate directly.

In fact, James learned about Newton being attacked by the demon almost at the same time as the Barton alien, Darcy told him. However, no one caught up with James. Before he could leave Barton, Newton's war was over.

Then James began to seek the truth, using detective methods. Yes, it is the pattern of witnesses, victims, and criminals we mentioned earlier.

As a matter of course, no one wants to go to the seat, and there can be no. So no one cared about James, even if James waved his badge badly.

James ’s way was dead, so journalists with different motives came forward, “Do n’t be naive, you know who to look for in this situation.” Kate pushed her husband to the phone. “There ’s nothing to resist. , This is the world we live in, our children, the city that will be born. "Kate's words make too much sense," we should be grateful, we are one of the few families in this city who can call that person directly, What do you think, dear ~ "

Everyone knows the next thing, don't repeat it.

At the same time when Kate began to sort out the reports that will be printed on the front page of the "Barton Daily" tomorrow, the situation in Grande is more worthy of attention.

Annabel ’s words to James that broke through the dimension were interrupted because of Zac.

Unlike James and Kate, James ’childish instincts refute, Kate ’s rational analysis ... Zach, no one more person in this world is required to tell himself that his life since last year is one. story!

So Zac just glanced straight at Annabel, who was still holding the earpiece. "Where is that cat ?!" Zach spoke to Annabel.

Unlike James, whose brain was broken, James did not hear Annabell ’s last sentence completely—

"... and this script should be mine, I'll get it back."

Of course, Annabel deliberately finished this sentence after Zac had pressed hang up.

The point is naturally-"I will get this script back."

This is the only reason for Zac's judgment, the only, but also sufficient. There is only one creature in the world who can say such a shamelessly!

Annabel also looked at Zac, but she would answer Zac's question, "You asked Logan to tell me to go to the counter in the showroom to do the reception work, this is the work of Louise before, right."

Not only did he not answer Zac's question, but ... poke Zac's heart with a needle.

Annabel: "The conspiracy given to him by the banquet from James was no longer effective from the moment James met you. When the banquet was established in Toledo four centuries ago, the banquet of vampires abandoned was the same. You have never regarded the Devil's Banquet as a threat. The former federation is the unknown you and the secret alliance you have assembled to face-building a new country. James's function was to promote the republican-federal trade belt from the beginning Everything that comes here is unknown, republican alien and society. "Annabel's face did not have an expression, which was simply a gesture of retelling. As for who Annabel is retelling, hehe. "I can replace James because I went to the Republic with the Secret Alliance and returned to Vanjo."

Zac doesn't actually need these interpretations, Zac knows--

After Annabel said the settings of Louise and James on the phone, Zac saw the settings belonging to Louise and James on Annabell:

If you lose everything, you must stick to your side? Tick.

Conspiracy with a distant place? Tick.

And the most terrible thing is, without whitewashing, in this story Louise and James have not contributed to this so-called actor for a long time. We've watched Zac get bored alone in Grand.

Zac still feels good about himself and feels that he is in control of his reality, but ... the story has long lost the way the story should be.

Annabel, at such moments to make up for the attributes that should be in the story, she is ...

"Where is Madison ?!" Zach wouldn't admit it. Zac just wanted to ...

"I just tell you where it is, you can't find it, it only appears when it wants to appear. It is no longer a creature of this world." Annabel finally answered Zac's question.

Zac continued to look at Annabel for two seconds, turned his eyes away, turned away from the office, went downstairs, and pushed Roy and Nick back to the back porch.

When Zac was talking to Roy and Nick, he acted suddenly, rushed upstairs, and hung Annabel's phone. Now, Zac is back to the interrupted business—

Roy's first look was in line with expectations. "What other words is that woman! The Demon Banquet is not your threat? Huh, I remember your Toledo identity, which was discovered by our Devil Banquet!"

Zac didn't answer. Instead, Nick glanced at Roy. "You remembered it wrong. It was Zac who released the reward of the Toledo lineage to the middle, and we confirmed that the only Toledo was still alive."

Roy stared at Nick, "Who the **** do you help ?!"

"I help the facts." Nick was pretending to be objective-he looked at Zac, "she is right, she has revealed a lot of republican information to us, and each one is worthy of our attention!" Whitewashed, er, "And the advantage she has over James is that she is Fanzhuo! The punished alien Fanzhuo! If the Secret Alliance didn't look at her, we should receive this 'gift' at the Feast!" "

Nick didn't even consider Zac at all, he, as usual, considered the magic feast. Pride of Nick Giovanni.

However, after Roy gave a helpless look, Nick drifted a little, "And she is more than Louise ..."

Nick shut up because he saw James' red eyes flicked at himself.

Roy also avoided the sight of the two after he noticed, "cough." The old-fashioned topic-changing skills, "We don't need to think about these now, and now Barton's situation is more urgent."

I remember mentioned earlier that Roy and Nick spent time discussing the situation of the hidden old department of Nofil and Rimer. These two Feast Vampires will not easily let go of the situation they saw Dora and Eve leading the clan.

Nick immediately gave up what he just wanted to say and returned to the topic, "We need a reasonable plan to absorb Rimer and Nofeller, and we must let these two clans join the magic feast! Otherwise, their threat is too great! We ca n’t just count on them and your Toledo being 'friends'! "

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