The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 8: Andrew and God

As Lily and Logan were not present, at the end of the afternoon, the summer nursery at Parker Elementary School called and asked Nana if she needed a car from the nursery.

Zac is strange, what about Mu En? Wouldn't Muen, who was working in a nursery, bring Nana back?

So he asked, "What about Teacher Quinn (Mu Enguan gave Quinn's surname)?"

"asked for leave."

Zac knew that Mu En did not go to Newton with Boque Quinn, but thinking that Mu En would not explain to ordinary people what he was doing, he gave up asking, "No, I used to pick someone up."

Almost 20 minutes, Zach arrived at Parker Elementary School.

Andrew and Nana stood at the door of the school hand in hand, and Zac greeted the two children who had been 'dropped' by their parents, "Get in the car."

The two got on the bus and was asked by Zach to fasten their seat belts honestly, "If no one comes to pick you up next time, you will call me directly and you don't need to let others know that your parents are not at home, understand." This world is not a safe place. Children, pay special attention to protect yourself.

"Understood." Nana remembered, very well.

But Andrew ... "No one can hurt me, I can protect myself and Nana."

Zac glanced at Andrew from the rearview mirror. This confidence is not a good thing. It is good to suppress it early. "You can't do it. Newton was attacked by the demon today. How much will you deal with the devil's witchcraft?"

Andrew stopped talking.

Zac ignored it and started the car.

"There is still a child in the nursery who didn't go home." Nana said suddenly.

Zac frowned, "Your friends?" The steering wheel that was about to turn also stopped temporarily.

"No, it's a baby." Nana pouted, "Teacher Cuisha's child." Looking at Andrew, "But Andrew can hear him, you say."

Zac is a little speechless, Shane? The last time Shane came to Grande was because Trisha, the single mother, had forgotten that her son was still in the nursery. Now is this again forgotten? It was all dusk, the doorman of Parker Elementary School was locking the door, and there was obviously no one in the school.

Andrew adjusted his emotions quickly, "Shan is not here, his body is here, but he is actually in Newton." Andrew pursed his lips, "playing the devil."

Zac also guessed this. Speaking of Barton's strongest fighting power, it should be Shane, that is, this guy is not very controllable at the strategic level.

But this is not the point, "Despite where Shane is, his body is still in the nursery? Didn't Tsui take him home?"

"Yes." Andrew nodded. "Teacher Trisha forgets that she still has a son."

Uh. Zac stopped the engine and was about to get out of the car, preventing the doorman from closing the door completely ... Hesitating for a while, he didn't do it, and took the steering wheel away from Parker Elementary School.

"Don't we care about that baby?" When Nana asked this sentence, Zach had already parked the car.

Zac looked at the road outside Parker Elementary School and confirmed that the school's doorman drove away before getting off the car and answering Nana, "You don't need to make others realize that Trisha has forgotten her son."

Hey, how bad is the mother who repeats this mistake? Cuisha's pressure is already great, don't increase these burdens. Zac is gentle ~

Let Andrew and Nana wait in the car honestly, and Zac easily entered Parker Elementary School. It did n’t take long to find Shann, who seemed to be sleeping in a corner, and hugged him.

"My mother has forgotten me again ?!" Zac watched a blue shadow return to the baby's body, and then the baby woke up from a deep sleep, staring at Zac holding him.

"It looks like." Zack replied and returned the same way, and soon returned to the car. The baby first placed on the baby seat fitted to Adam, and restarted the car, but the car didn't move, and Zac frowned, "Shan, where is your home?"

It's not that Zack can't remember it, but he hasn't been there at all.

But Zac's question was not answered.

"Shane?" Zack asked again.

"Here." Obviously distracted, "Send me to Morman's house."

Zach remembered that when Shane came to Grande because he was forgotten last time, he said that he pretended to be a crying baby for a while to show the true helplessness of the forgotten baby.

Zac doesn't feel that Shane's request is helpless or pretend. that--

"No, your mother will go crazy after realizing that you are gone." Zach meant that Trisha couldn't even think of her son staying in a fisherman's house.

"She won't." Shane actually refuted Zac, the distracted tone has disappeared, a very certain statement, "I have confirmed one thing these days, if she can't see me, she won't think of her. Gave birth to me. "

What kind of ghost-child ethics is this. Zac was just a baby who was bullying and turned to Andrew and Nana. "Do you know Teacher Trisha's address?"

Nana was ready to answer, but after being pulled by Andrew for a while, there was no meaning to answer.

Zac naturally noticed these small movements. "What do you mean?" Zac frowned and looked at Shane again. Forget it, and drove the car. Someone knew Paisa's address anyway and asked passers-by.

After the car drove for a while, it was Andrew who noticed that Zach was detouring in Paisingzhong, "Are you looking for Mr. Cuisha's address?"

Zac didn't bother to answer.

"Shann was right. Teacher Tsuisha wouldn't think of having a son without seeing Shane." Andrew said what Zac had to ignore.

Zac didn't stop, but just split his mind, "What do you know." There's nothing surprising about this. Andrew's little action Zac knows the reason. And this reason should be revealed.

"I know this has always been Papa's hope at midnight, and Shane is the new **** he created. A **** does not need to be bound by human ethics."

Shane floated in the rearview mirror and pestered in front of Andrew. This picture scared Nana, clutching her seat belt tightly.

The next conversation seemed to have nothing to do with Zac--

Shane clung to Andrew's face, "What are you talking about?" There was no questioning tone, as if he simply asked without understanding.

"Um ... do you really want to know?" Andrew pushed the floating baby a little further.

"I'm asking you, isn't it." Shane responded in this way, continuing to post to Andrew.

"Okay." Andrew doesn't push Shane anymore. "When you were designed, it was still when Barton's vampire and Alpha both lived in retirement in Grandry." Andrew said that he was not born yet Things, but there is nothing to believe, because he is talking about his god, "No one of Barton can stand up to resist the existence of the republican **** that will appear because of the trade promotion of the magic feast. It ’s impossible to resist. So, at midnight, Papa knew he needed to make one. "

Zac parked the car by the road, feeling tired of hearing it ...

"But when I was born, the vampire had stood up and blocked the interface between the Republic and the Federation. At midnight, Papa forced Zack to give blood to let me be born and let my human mother survive."

"That's right, but Papa's purpose at midnight is not to make your mother survive, but to make Zac one of your fathers." Andrew replied, "If you want to be a **** representing all the aliens of the Federation , In your body, there must be blood representing a vampire. "

"Then my mother? The federal human being represented by my mother?" Can I just die?

"Humans don't need special representatives." Andrew said very, very ... weird words: "You have soul, you can represent the soul. Humans are just a process of soul growth and accumulation of soul marks."

Zac seemed to have a feeling of epiphany-Zac heard this sentence, I don't know why, and thought of the ability to report the death picture of the banshee.

It turned out that in the eyes of Papa's midnight, no, in the witchcraft faith-Papa's midnight is the definer of witchcraft faith. In the eyes of witchcraft faith, human beings are just a stage in the life process of this world!

It used to be said to comfort Alice, ‘the death you see is just the beginning of another life stage’, and this is the most correct statement in the end!

Shane was a little farther away from Andrew. It seemed to be looking better at Andrew ’s whole body and looking around, "I think you are right ~"

Gee, I feel this consciousness is not a good thing.

But Zalke couldn't intervene because the vampires needed to endorse humans ... it really didn't need to. Vampires themselves are a race that has the least respect for the soul. The continuation of the vampire's race is essentially nothing more than the fresh flesh of humans.

Shane thought for a while, "So my mother ..." He changed the title, "The significance of Cuisha's existence is to give me my soul."

"Yeah." Andrew nodded. "And she has finished the job." Andrew tried to go to La Nana at this time, as if to express that what he said now did not target all humans. But Andrew's hand was avoided by Nana.

Andrew's face was a little displeased, but he still finished, "Shan, your true father is Papa's midnight deceased-after death, Papa's midnight gave him a tool to regenerate briefly. Everything is in Papa Under the control of Pa midnight, now, Papa midnight is just erasing the trace of the existence of this tool, and Cuisha's soul is gradually losing the mark of her husband's life during that time. "Andrew paused." Your father If it doesn't exist, you don't exist anymore, for Tsuisha. So, unless you appear in front of her, the creature would make her realize that you are her child, she won't think of you. "

Finally, Andrew looked at Zac, but the subject of the words was "Shan, you are free."

Remember, this was once Papa used to threaten Zac at midnight. If Zac does n’t save Trisha and let Shane have a human mother to provide the so-called humanity, Shane will be free, and a free, powerful The unbound God is devastating to the world.

It is now certain that Papa is playing Zac at midnight! Is nonsense! *!

Zac responded to Andrew's gaze, "You know these are because ..." The white space allows Andrew to make up for himself.

"I asked." Andrew replied, "I know that when the Witchcraft talents of the Ingan were dying, my birth was a miracle, I was strong, and I was the most powerful wizard in the world." Uh, this child's Self-confidence, not saved, "I am not happy with my god, Papa has created a new **** at midnight with me. I am jealous." Extreme self-confidence and a narrow mind, this combination Simply, "So I asked why, so Papa answered at midnight."

Zac didn't have time to say anything.

"So you are not convinced myself ~" Shane pressed Andrew's face again.

"Yes." Andrew looked at the floating baby. "But I will accept this fact." Andrew went to hold Nana's hand again. This time, he didn't let Nana hide. "Papa explained to me at midnight, you represent It ’s all life that lives in this world, every soul, every alien. Your freedom is to start protecting this world from being attacked by those who do n’t care about it (Holy Faith and Republic of Heaven), or, etc. This world is ruined for revenge. Anyway, you are strong, and all life in this world is on you. Whether this world still exists is not important to you. You need all the power to give you Papa at midnight, what do you want? Just like that, no one can control you and no one can control you. Strictly speaking, you have nothing to do with Papa ’s midnight witchcraft faith. You are a new faith, species, and life itself. "

Andrew looked at Nana, who was reluctant to be held in her hand, and the words were still to Shane, "But unlike you, I am a human being, and I will be a human being for a long time. I am not a child of good nature. I do n’t think I I have an obligation to be responsible for other souls or aliens. Therefore, my goal is only one, to do what I should do at this stage as a human being, and to grasp the things that make me happy around me. I want to be the most powerful and the most powerful Happy wizard. "

Nana rolled her eyes and let Andrew lead.

There is nothing more to talk about. This conversation ends with a child who has set himself the ideal of being a winner in life. Zac started his car again and drove to Noor Beach-it is always good to let a brand-new belief, species and life itself have a touch of the goodness of this world. Zac wants to put Shane to Morman.

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