In the middle of the night, Mu En visited when Zac was counting stars. First I thanked Zack for helping her get Andrew back, and then, "I just came back from Spira, she has already chosen what kind of offering to accept."

After a long night, Zack also needs something to pass the time, "What is it?"

"Federal TV movies have subtitles in the Republican language."


"That's what I said. Spella chose to be a" **** "to fulfill the desire of the Republicans." Mu En did not mean to joke. "If the Republicans in the southeast want to see which federal film they don't understand, just Pray to Sibera, Siberia realizes this wish for them, becomes subtitles that the Republicans can understand, and then exchanges for offerings. "

Zac froze for a long time with his mouth open. "What kind of world truth is this? Is Spira sure that this kind of offering can make her stronger?"

"This truth is that anything that is put on the screen should be seen by everyone." Mu En has a feeling that she doesn't understand much, and has some rigid explanations: "Initially it was written on paper, and then It ’s a picture printed on the page of the book. Now, it ’s an audio-visual product that moves on the screen. ”It seems that Mu En just memorized the line and repeated it,“ The spread of any civilization stage is its own creation. Now, the medium that carries it , That is, those TVs and movies. Spella will become the 'god' of cultural communication in this era. "

Zac heard something he cared about and asked Mu En to sit down on the bench in the back porch. "Who do you listen to?"

Mu En sat down and looked at Zac, "Ravencchi."

"Revenge is looking for you? At Park Elementary School?"

"Well, he knew that Spira was looking for the right way to accept the Republican offering, but he did n’t want to tell Spira himself, so he found me and told me to tell Spira."

Zac's instant reaction was, "Why are you?"

Are there any intersections between Ravenki and Mu En? no.

The rigidity on Mu En ’s face disappeared, and he smiled. “I also asked this question. He answered. He said that I am a wizard, and it ’s easier to understand this kind of thing.” This laugh is self-deprecating. I do n’t understand. I memorized this sentence and ran to Spella and then came back to me again. "

Zac suddenly understood why Mu En came here in the middle of the night--

Lily and Logan have not returned to Grande, which means that Boque Quinn is still in Newton. Mu En is Boqi's wife. If she encounters any incomprehensible situation in her daily life, he will take her husband for granted. But this husband is obviously unable to complete this work now, so Mu En's needs can only rely on Zac's "helpful" neighbor ... Uh, how strange it is to describe. Zac might not have taken Andrew back during the day ...

Zac pursed his lips, forget it, anyway, this is always more interesting than counting stars. Zac sat beside Mu En and thought for a while, "Does Siberia understand?"

"If she understands, I won't be back so late." Mu En shook his head. It sounded that Sibella didn't understand the advice given by Ravenc. However, Mu En looked at Zac sideways, "Sibera and John told me that Papa once dropped a beacon at Grande at midnight."

Zac remembered the matter and finished speaking for Mu En. "Yes, Papa appeared on the TV at midnight and hid in the video of Alice's Cook Kitchen." Zac frowned as he said. "This is witchcraft. Although no one knows what kind of witchcraft would make Papa appear on TV at midnight, he is Papa midnight." Zac shrugged, "If the **** of witchcraft is not It would be strange to use some bizarre witchcraft. "

Zac means combining the words of Mu En just now-audio-visual products are the cultural carrier of the current stage of civilization. Papa had the ability to appear in such a carrier at midnight and ran to the TV screen of Grande. That was the witchcraft of the witchcraft faith, not the world truth of the republican god.

Mu En: "That's how John persuaded Sibera." Mu En looked at his hand as if thinking about something. "Witchcraft was originally a technology that simplified some of the complicated things in this world. At that time, the greatest use of witchcraft was simply to allow the crop to skip time and wait for it to grow quickly. Papa ’s midnight became the reason for God ... "Mu En glanced at Zac." Did you hear the legend of Papa ’s midnight origin? Papa ’s sister at midnight leaked witchcraft, causing Papa ’s midnight tribe to be attacked and annihilated, and then the story of brothers and sisters resenting each other ’s curse? ”

"Hear." Zac pouted.

Mu En continued, “But Papa did n’t become the **** of crops at midnight.” Blinking, “The witchcraft he created was not limited to a simple need. When he helped the In’an tribe establish a wizarding system, he taught The witchcraft for wizards is not only the witchcraft that grows crops, but also the prediction of the climate, the search for water, the defense against wild animals ... and even the contact of the dead souls. Papa became the **** of witchcraft at midnight. "

Zac raised his eyebrows, feeling that he had already touched what Mu En wanted to express. No, it was something expressed by John Papa, a midnight expert—now Mu En's words were recounting John's process of persuading Spira.

Zac, "Witchcraft is just a tool, a tool to accomplish something. Does John mean this? Spella is a wizard, and she controls the way audiovisuals in the screen are seen by the audience like Papa at midnight. The ability-witchcraft, and this is exactly the tool that Spira needs as a "ghost" to gain the Republican faith and grow up. "

Mu En nodded, "John said, they do n’t need to understand what world truth can be represented by subtitles for the Republicans, Papa did this at midnight, and Papa was still very active at midnight, which means that this behavior did not violate the Republican God ’s taboo, then we can do it. Just like Papa at midnight, change yourself to the screen to control the entire picture. Probably no wizard in the world can do it, but it is still very easy to change a line of words on the screen. Purpose, It ’s just to let the wizard ghost grow, not to go to the heavenly courts of the Republicans to certify positions, and they do n’t need to know everything. ”

Sounds reasonable, but Zac cares a little bit about the explanation given by Ravenci. Obviously, the subtitles for the Republicans represent an important world truth. Zac is thinking.

"Are you thinking about Torredo's imaging capabilities?" Mu En asked Zacque as he looked at Zac's expression.

No need for Zack to answer, Mu En: "The reason why I agreed with Ravenci to preach was that I thought of vampires. When in the wolf pack, Alpha always complained that in addition to having a human form, vampires are disadvantaged in human society. It ’s so big, but it can control the upper class of society. Why ca n’t the werewolf be used? I did n’t dare to answer it. Now I can tell you the answer-because of history. Vampires have a history of at least a thousand years. When it was so rich, it occupied the upper level of civilization-the vampire recorded in "Cain of the Divine Punishment", which was the evangelist used by the Lord's faith to crush the aliens. Then on the human side-whether the vampire is a hidden alliance or The Feast Alliance, all knowing to take the experience of the colonizers, established their dominance at the beginning of this country. All the achievements of vampires now are brought to the vampires by the vampires history. And the werewolves, the first is not that The **** who originally intended to write books for them, failed to hug the Indians to consolidate his position in humanity. The werewolf is now faced with all the difficulties, and it is the history of the werewolf. "

Zac tilted his head, and after being surprised by Andrew's life consciousness in the evening, would he be surprised by this mother now? Ah ~ also, Andrew's characteristics, the total ~ narrow distortion of the head is that Boque Quinn's inheritance does not have to run, then the perception, naturally comes from Mu En.

Mu En looked at Zuck, who tilted his head, and smiled, "I'm not praising vampires, I in the wolves, knowing that the advantages of vampire history for vampires have disappeared-the chaos in the middle is the best proof, All the vampires who are hiding in the dark are proof of this. How vampires that do not occupy the upper classes and do not have the daily ability of the thirteenth clan to give to the thirteen clans are incompatible with this world. "

Zach was shocked, but didn't have time to speak.

Mu En: "I still don't quite understand what Ravenci said. Maybe my witchcraft level is not enough. I can't imagine how a row of subtitles has anything to do with the **** of culture. But I can imagine that for vampires, you In front of the world, it represents the entire race of vampires. "

Mu En suddenly looked at Zac seriously, "Can you imagine? The impression of the aliens on vampires came from" Cain of God's Punishment "; humans' impressions of vampires are nobles and colonists (Indians). Now it is also The vampire is still the most powerful among the local aliens in the Federation; the vampire of the Demon Banquet still controls the society in the west. But all this will disappear. In the future, the aliens and humans will have the impression of vampires ... "

Zac opened his mouth, "I."

Mu En nodded heavily, "Yes, you, because of the ability to influence, because you can appear in the medium of civilization transmission."

Zac looked up and found the brightest star in the night sky: "I am a vampire **** ~"

vanity? No no no, Zac had already personally shouldered the burden of the vampire's ethnic safety. This is truly deserved.

After several days of irritability, Zac's face showed a long-lost smile, and in Mu En's confused eyes, "Annabel."


"You can tell Madison that I am willing to help him solve the republic of Fanzhuo and save those angels. Just as the Holy Lord finally gave me this gift in return. After Fanzhuo, he did not have any relationship with me."

"Okay ~" and a little bit decent, "Does this mean you accept me as a female ..."

"Shut up when you're done, Countess, keep when you're done."

"Well ~"

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