Louise finally called, but there was a little harmless minor situation--

Early in the morning, Zac went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Adam. Annabel took over the work of Allen ’s funeral using the Grand Cemetery and sorted out the materials in Zac ’s office.

So, after Louise's phone was connected, Annabelle heard, "Grand Funeral Home, is there anything I need to help?"

"who are you?"

"I am Mr. Grande's secretary."

"My family doesn't have this kind of position. Give you another chance, who are you." Louise's tone was not friendly.

"Your home?" It was Annabel who first guessed Louise's identity. "Ah ~ you must be Louise Torrido."

Louise on the other side of the earpiece didn't speak, because before hearing the other person answer her question well, Louise was not going to say another word.

The phone was so stiff until Zac rushed to the office with milk stains and grabbed the phone in Annabell's hand, "Louis!"


"Uh." Zack glared at Annabel and drove the woman out of the office. "She's nothing." Zack didn't want to waste time on Annabel. "How about you?" Asked very broadly. So much as it sounds like a polite.

Louise did not answer in accordance with the polite routine, but instead, "not good. I need you first ..." Louise paused, "take a deep breath." The vampire did not adjust his mental state in advance, Louise could only Zac was vaccinated only in a human way. "Be prepared."

Zac didn't take a deep breath, but the blood flow in his body accelerated a bit, with a bad hunch, "What's wrong."

"I and I seem to be imprisoned by Zagar."


"It's just late at night, and Eli and I are going out, but we found that we can't get out ..." Louise's voice was loud when he was small, and he seemed to be looking left and right when he was talking. "We were clothed. Ruhe was surrounded. "

Zach's hand holding the receiver began to force, "Fan Zhuo's instructions?"

"It's not that. Only Vanjo can instruct Bruch, but now Vanjo only listens to Zagel." Louise replied.

Zac's face was a little gloomy, and his brain moved quickly, "Where is Eli?"

"Hi." Zac heard Eli's voice in the background, and obviously Eli was beside Louise.

"Isn't your bloodline best at assassinating vampires. Can Bruch surround you?" Zach spoke directly to Eli.

Eli also answered directly, "You also know that what I am good at is assassination. Now the hunger that Louise and I need is not an assassination. It is a breakout. But Zagel knows Toledo and me too well. Heh, hehe, it does n’t mean to give us a chance, so we are stuck here. "

Pause for a while.

It should be obvious that Zac ’s suggestion was actually direct violence. Don't you feel strange? Not to mention that Zach has never been a vampire who advocates violence. He just talks about the matter. Zac does n’t know the specific situation of Louise. Is n’t the normal process to let Louise continue to share the situation, then the two Toledo conducted a thorough analysis to find a solution to the trouble. When was the style of Torrido pushing the incident to a terrible level of violence?

But Zac asked. The wonderful thing is that Eli answered it directly.

What does this mean? Zac skipped the steps that Toledo should take. It wasn't so-called care and chaos, but the fastest speed to keep up with the situation of Louise and Eli.

This is the worst level: even violence is not the solution!

But don't worry too much, it also means one thing-in some cases, Zach can tell Louise directly, because obviously some people have torn their faces.

So, Zac really put down all his worries these days, and pointed to the receiver: "Can I think that the hidden alliance of the Republic has officially declared war on the magic banquet of my Federation."

Louise and Eli at the earpiece were naturally unable to keep up with Zac at this moment, and Zac had too much information to tell them.

But Zac doesn't want to continue to whitewash something, so he has to throw this position out and hold his feet-it's not someone else who wants to hold his feet, it's Eliezer who is in trouble!

Yes, Zac is already paving the way for Louise and Eli. What Zac said on the phone at this time was not to Louise and Eli, but to Bruch! The "friendship" with Toledo is absolutely incomparable to that of Bruce Vanjoo-

"I still remember the crisis in the secret alliance. When the Courier of the Bruch clan came to the Federation to find the ancestor to help the Vanjo clan to survive the crisis, I, Toredo, as a member of the magic banquet, still used the most sincere way. Receiving and helping Bruch's messenger find and awaken the ancestor! And this is how Bruch repays me Zachary Torrido to give the hidden alliance the righteousness? Captivity is the two most important to my life-our The loving woman Louise, and the man Eli who made me a vampire ??

There was no sound over the earpiece, and Louise ’s intellect was enough to understand that Zac was not saying these words to himself, quiet for a long time, and a distant background sound, "This is not aimed at whom, we just execute the order of Fan Zhuo. "

Louise ’s voice was inserted, and she was cooperating with Zac: "You executed Zager's order. After I came to the Republic, I respected Fanzhuo without any respect, let alone Zag. I ’ve delivered it to Eli in front of you. ”Not only did I cooperate, but I also supplemented Zac with the information Zac needs to know.“ But since the first two days, Eli and I have released the blood needed to republic Toredo. After completing Eli ’s blood exchange ceremony, Zager ’s attitude changed dramatically, and then you came! ”Louise ’s tone was not friendly,“ I ’m curious, Eli received the blood of Toledo and What's the relationship between Fanzhuo? Republican Toledo, except me, is in the hands of Papa at midnight and the Republican government, and he doesn't see anything that Fanzhuo has done for this! How to get to Eli, Fanzhuo is as if threatened Are you here to imprison us? "Louise snorted." The only threat is the fake Toledo, Zager! He is not worried that I will abandon the confederate lover (Zac, the Demon Feast) to join the secret alliance, but it is very I'm afraid of Eli! "

Zac almost got a small book to record on the receiver!

The information disclosed by Louise is sufficient!

First, naturally, Louise did n’t want to cover up on Zaguer ’s boredom at all. Secondly, Van Joo in the Secret Alliance now sounds like Zagger ’s doll. Finally, Zac was surprised by— Eli's blood exchange requires the assistance of Toledo at Papa's midnight!

Well, Zac is very clear about Louise ’s current situation—

For obvious reasons, Zagar's status at the Devil's Banquet is high, and no one threatens. After Louise arrived in the Republic, he was still influenced by Zac's actions in the Federation, and deliberately obstructed by Zaguer, and could not intervene in the core of the real secret alliance. Everything was based on Zaguer. And now, Louise is tired of this feeling of being sent to the fence. Taking the need of Eli's blood exchange ceremony as an opportunity, he tries to explore the direction of the Republic towards Papa at midnight and the Republican government.

But as soon as Louise revealed a movement, Zagar forced to block and cut off Louise's contact with Papa at midnight and Republican Toledo.

When Zac had just analyzed Louise's situation and was about to aggravate it, Louise followed the way to find Papa at midnight, and the phone was disconnected.


Louise threw the receiver in his hand angrily, staring at Bruch who disconnected the telephone line, "Like Zac said! You are declaring war !! The secret is to the feast! The republic is to the union!"

That Bruch didn't look at Louise, it was impossible to see, who didn't know the ability of Toredo, the more it was impossible to watch Toredo at this time.

This Bruch talked, "I originally left you a phone call because we still respect you Zachary Torrido and feel that he cannot be worried about you." The tone ... it seems to be really helpless, "but it turns out , Zac, really Zac, and Toledo really is Toledo. Let us continue and we will be convinced 100%, so ... sorry. "

Uh. Bruch's brain can really be dug away! Isn't it? Isn't it proof that they simply gave up thinking independently when they knew they were stupid? ! Abandoned treatment waste!

Let this kind of vampire clan survive, and Zac once did not know whether it was a blessing or a sin.

Never mind, back to the Federation.

Zach of Grandry was not so shocked by the sudden disconnection of the phone. He got up immediately, with a clear purpose, to block the neighbor, Poki Quinn.

Things are very simple, Louise already has the idea of ​​contacting Papa at midnight in the Republic, and Zac does not need to spend any more time talking about the complicated 'love for this world' whitewash for Papa at midnight, right? It will be very smooth-

Let Papa go to rescue Louise at midnight! Zac is very sure now that Louise will never refuse Papa ’s help at midnight ~ What is it called, this is called happy heart, the fulfillment of life.

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