The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 13: The Ugly Lady's Will

Benjamin did not disappoint Zac, and carried Zac to the West End.

In the western district, Mrs. Shira, the wing man, personally called Benjamin of the ancestors office and commissioned a business. When Benjamin was about to go out, Zac touched it, so he took it by the way.

Zach in the car has been in Barabara. Benjamin played the role of the ultimate listener, without expressing his opinion at all, and finally, "Who is taking care of my son? Your new mistress?"

Zac gave Benjamin a white look, "Bain's wife."

Then Benjamin said nothing. When the car drove into the West End, he lost a piece of information and showed it to Zach. It is a commission record.

Mrs. Sheila ’s occupation in the Western District is a banquet contractor. The social composition of the Western District needs no explanation. There are two classes, the privileged class and the people who serve the privileged class. Mrs. Sheila belongs to the latter, but because her work has a certain role in inheriting and unifying, so ignoring the fact of alien identity, Mrs. Sheila is not bad in the Western District.

A person who deserves the status of Sheila will not encounter any trouble. Even if there is, her interpersonal relationship can be easily solved. Ordinarily, I don't trust the ancestors to do anything.

After Zack opened the information, he only realized that Mrs. Hilla's needs were--

Mrs. Sheila, dying.

This winged man has entered the final stage of her life.

According to the commissioned instructions, Mrs. Sheila said that as early as three (four) years ago, after Papa took part of her body at midnight (wing man and fish man combined the ability to create new species) (wing man all women, fish man All men, as the races of the old age beliefs, each has no ability to inherit the offspring. The two cross-ethnic combination, but the birth of two species, the sea monster and the charming monster, who also have no inheritance ability and only plunder the desire), know their own lives It's almost coming to an end, but I'm not sure when.

Until the beginning of this year, Shane was born, and then frequently displayed the 'new god's power' in the Kraken invasion. The wing man Sheila, which actually acted as the matriarch of the two species of Kraken and Shane, began to feel obvious. My sense of being in this world is becoming more and more indifferent.

So Mrs. Sheila felt that she was really dying this time, and let the ancestors office, an organization that serves the needs of alien life, prepare her affairs ...

Zac closed the entrusted materials and was slightly dissatisfied. "No matter how Grande is still a funeral home, why didn't Sheila go directly to Grande."

Benjamin didn't look at Zac. "She didn't find it, but did you follow me?"

Zac was choked, frowning and not talking.

At least Benjamin didn't say "you only care about the future of human beings". But Zac had a hunch that he would hear this after seeing Sheila. Zac was wrong, the next thing went in a strange direction.

Nothing left of the remaining drive, Benjamin drove to the address of Mrs. Sheila's house.

Benjamin pressed the doorbell, and after a long time no one responded, Zack pushed the door straight away and opened it.

Zac and Benjamin looked at each other and went into Mrs. Sheila's house together--

The dark room was filled with depressed twilight.

In the dim, a bright red appeared. The figure of a long red dress, how elegant, leaned on the cane beside him, standing in the corridor between the rooms, "You are here." And, "I also brought a troublesome person." Refers to Zac.

This figure is Mrs. Sheila herself. The dim light in the room does not affect the vision of the creatures on the top floor of the two alien ladders of Zac and Benjamin, so the expressions of the two are somewhat uncomfortable-not related to Mrs. Hera ’s words, but Mrs. Sheila Looks like.

In addition to the red dress, Mrs. Sheila's face is full makeup.

Do you remember what we used to call Mrs. Sheila, ugly woman?

Now you can imagine that you are trying to draw a beautiful face on a bark with the brightest paint ... This work is impossible to achieve, because the medium of painting is bark, which is potted, wrinkled, and cracked. Bark. No matter how expensive the paint and technique you use, it can't be changed. It's still a bark, a colorful bark.

Benjamin was not good at words, Zac kept silent in the mind that Benjamin's commission was not willing to intervene too much, so the silence lasted for ten minutes in this dull room.

Don't understand the reason for this silence?

It's actually very simple-both Benjamin and Zach think that this is how Mrs. Sheila has taken care of her goodbye to the world.

This should have been a very sad scene, but Mrs. Sheila, sincerely, is really ugly. This makeup and the red dress that is forced to be 'beautiful' make this scene not a little beautiful, only sad ...

No one wants to be the one who tells the truth.

Ten minutes later, Zac glanced helplessly at Benjamin, knowing that this task can only be done by himself, "Sheila, let's talk about your ..." Zac didn't want to say it, expressing it with his eyes. What he refers to-Mrs. Sheila's full body.

Mrs. Sheila received Zac's eyes, but she never received Zac's meaning, "Everyone says you are a gentleman, and this is what a gentleman should look at a lady."

Zac pouted, not wanting to speak anymore. Zac tried to block this problem for Benjamin, and failed. Next, see Benjamin.

Zac turned around and said to Benjamin, "I'm waiting for you in the car." At the same time, the super-fast reaction dodged Benjamin and tried to grab his hand and walked outside the door.

"Since you're here, don't leave in such a hurry." Mrs. Sheila's cane moved, and her body moved with it-it can be clearly judged that Mrs. Sheila's current ability to move depends entirely on the assistance of the cane. Her prediction of her death was not a joke. She was really weak. "I think there is still some blood in the storage room for Bisharp's Rimer." Mrs. Sheila only took two steps, her entire body supporting the red 'S long skirt leaned against the wall, so that the cane was released from the work of supporting the movement, and slightly tapped towards the back.

This is how to guide the vampires who come to her house to entertain themselves.

Zac paused in his footsteps, and his observation was always Torrido's vain ability, so Zac saw the weakness of Mrs. Sheila exposed in this short series of actions.

Zac knew that he could not refuse the host's good intentions to take care of the guests' needs in such a weak situation, gentleman. He glanced at Benjamin, then nodded at Mrs. Sheila, turned around again, and went in the direction that Mrs. Sheila had directed.

When Zac went to pick up hospitality that he didn't need, he heard the sound of Mrs. Sheila's cane on the ground-very heavy, and Mrs. Sheila was moving towards Benjamin.

"Why did you bring him here?" Mrs. Sheila said, complaining, to Benjamin, "Do you think I'm going to treat my death like a human. Funeral?" Uh, this winged man is just mocking humans now Tradition, "Let those creatures that I didn't care about when I was alive remember the time of my existence in a ceremony after my death? Huh. I don't have such bad taste."

"I didn't find him." Benjamin, heh, finally said, "He happened to follow."

Mrs. Sheila looked at Benjamin, as if judging whether he was telling the truth. After watching it for a while, it moved slowly to Benjamin's side, leaning on the cane and letting it in—sitting in—no, it was more like falling to the sofa. It should not have been judged from Benjamin's face, Sheila withdrew her gaze, "I don't want the funeral, let's talk ahead."

"There won't be a funeral." Now even Benjamin, who is not very observant, can see Sheila's weakness. This entrustment is probably the simplest entrustment Benjamin has ever made-all the requirements of the customer, just say yes.

"But since you have brought this Torrido here." Mrs. Sheila turned her head slightly and watched Zac walk back with a bottle of 'wine', her dry hands arbitrarily posed, letting the two casually Sit, the words continue, "Then I will talk about my request."

Benjamin and Zac sat seriously opposite Sheila. Benjamin was nothing. He listened carefully-Benjamin was good at this gesture. Zac is a bit weird, because it has to seriously respect this ... and the last wish of an alien who has to exit from this era, and also to cooperate with the host's hospitality to the guests-Zac is shaking his glass seriously.

"The trust I gave to the Zuma Office actually valued the Toledo in the Zuma Office."

Remember the descendants of General. This is Tam's male and female human followers. Tam wanted to 'care' for these two humans, so the male was sent to the 'general' and became a descendant of Toledo, and the female was handed over to the wizard who was still in good cooperation. With Rimmer, studying the way the human soul of the Federation becomes a republican alien-debunking the spirit.

Mrs. Sheila looked at the wine glass swayed by Zac. Her muddy eyes were printed with red. "I want Torrido's enchanting pupil to erase the memory of each creature after my death."

This ... this is really confusing ...

If Mrs. Sheila ’s last wish is to erase her memory of others in this world ... she wants to erase the traces of her existence, then she is red ... who is the poignant to show?

Don't expect Benjamin to think of this contradiction. When Benjamin is still following Sheila's statement, he nodded and said, "Since Zac has followed, then the job will be given to the strongest Toledo." Zac has stopped shaking the glass.

"Why?" Zac looked at Sheila.

"I knew you would ask." Mrs. Sheila should have shrugged her shoulders, but this action was not completed, stuck in half, she leaned back with pain, trying to hide the tremor of her raised back.

Zac's movement was very fast. The blood in the glass in his hand was poured out directly, and the wound had been cut on the wrist. Torredo's blood was once again easily given by Zac himself to other races that survive in this world.

Sheila looked at the wine glass Zach handed over, and the pain in her eyes seemed to be relieved, but she still refused Zac ’s gift, "No, this is not a pain or disease that can be cured by the blood of the vampire. It is the original process of life. . "

Zac frowned, the cup in his hand was directly in Benjamin's hand, got up and walked towards Sheila. Zac wanted to check Sheila's health.

Sheila had an intention to rebel, but, just for the purpose, Zac easily stood behind Sheila, pressed Sheila's neck, from between the clothing and the skin, and looked behind the wing man—

The wings of the wing man who once took Zac (using 0711 and the behavior was abrupt) to the sky, the decay visible to the naked eye ...

This speed made Zac have to ask, "Sheila, how long do you have?"

This is not Zack's knowledge category. The vampire's powerful knowledge of death is limited to humans, because vampires need to grasp the timing of human death to complete the expansion of the vampire race. For the death of other aliens? There is not much research on vampires. So Zac can only ask the person.

"It's not long." Sheila gave a very vague answer, and then dissatisfied, "You have seen enough, I am still a lady."

Zac frowned, turned back to his original position, took the cup back from Benjamin's hand, and recovered his blood—to express to Benjamin: Sheila was not saved.

Benjamin frowned too, but all he could say was, "Do you have anything else to ask?"

"I have." Sheila glanced at Benjamin. "I'm also a businessman." Instead of continuing to ask her, instead, "I know this is a commission based on their respective benefits, so I should now When I was awake, I gave you the remuneration I can pay to the ancestors' office. "With that said, Sheila's eyes have drifted to the second floor." I have a Western Party banquet contractor in my study All of the information, customers, partners, subordinates, all interpersonal relationships and resources. "The sight then drifted to Zac," that is, the list of all personnel who have memories related to me. "Finally looked at Benjamin," I die Later, it ’s all yours. "

Therefore, Sheila means that she asked the ancestors office to erase the traces of her existence, and the reward was to give her ancestors ’business in the Western District to the ancestors office!

"Too many." Benjamin responded quickly. "Your commission does not require such high compensation."

This is very objective-

Sheila's career, as mentioned earlier, represents the supply relationship with the two classes in the Western District! Just to help Sheila fulfill her death wish, not worthy of obtaining such a huge resource!

"My commission hasn't been finished, how do you know that the reward is too much." Sheila's eyes seemed to have no power to move around, and along with the slightly bowed head, she fixed it on her cane on the sofa, "Zha Kerry Torredo. "Called Zac's full name." Are you already curious, who am I supposed to dress like this? "

Zac answered, "Yes."

"It's Maitreya." Sheila continued.


Zac and Benjamin sullen their faces at the same time.

"Hehehe." Sheila's eyes were low, but she couldn't see Zac and Benjamin's face change, she was smiling, "He said I was beautiful, hehehe, he said too many times, let me I started to think I was beautiful ... "

Did Maitre say that she was beautiful to the ugly lady Mrs. Sheila ... said, we witnessed it once. Now listening to Sheila, it seems more than once, many times ...

Mrs. Sheila continued, with a smile, "He was not in a good mood because of the republican interracial thing some time ago, so I want to make him happier and use my beauty ..."

God! Sheila ’s intelligence is seriously behind!


"I know he's enchanted." Mrs. Sheila's smile didn't weaken, "He trapped himself in his vision of 'lifetime fulfillment' which is impossible to achieve in this world ~"

Mrs. Sheila raised her head, her previous bow was originally to reserve power. Sheila stared at the vampire and Alpha, and she was still laughing, "This world does not recognize his truth, and wants to obliterate his presence in this world ..." Flowers appeared on the bark face of the ugly woman Sheila, "as This world has never made me feel as beautiful as myself ~ Ha ha ha, then, this world is not worthy of accommodating me and Maitreya ~ "

Sheila ’s commission is worthy of her payment— “Vampire and Alpha, my commission is to recover all traces of me in this world that is not worthy of me, and send me to the world of Maitreya, let me Be part of his world, a beautiful part ~ "


"Okay." After a brief silence, Zac agreed on Benjamin's behalf because-"all those who do not want to stay in this world, I will send you away."

Vampire, this is to listen to Madison's suggestion and define your own Bible ...

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