Just after Benjamin had taken away all the interpersonal relationships of the winged man in this world from the second floor study of Mrs. Sheila's house, Sheila died.

"These ..." Zac took the information in Benjamin's hand, "Give me." A glance at Mrs. Sheila, who was still sitting on the couch like dry bark, "You save the body."

"why me?"

"You have Cyrus Cappadocia in your house. Breath of corruption can save the body." This was explained before.

Cappadocia's ability is to get things touched by the breath of corruption out of the ecosystem to create a complete death. For living things, this ability is fatal, because living things need the ecosystem of this world to stay alive, but for dead things, the role of this ability is reversed

It ’s easy to understand that the Breath of Corruption can prevent other living things in the world from using corpses as resources in the ecosystem-the result is that the dead things remain dead, forever, just like vampires.

"And you have Roy Zmithi." Benjamin didn't seem very willing to accept Zac's arrangement. "It's more convenient for him to store Sheila's body in his body."

Strictly speaking, Benjamin is right. We have also explained the reason why Zmihi is called a fighting clan-Zmihi's powerful self-healing ability allows Zmihi to "heal" other organs of his organism into his body and use it when needed.

Compared to letting Cappadocia's breath keep Sheila's body, Zmihi's healing is more ... environmentally friendly.

The breath of corruption is ultimately a disgusting ability and dangerous. It may cause living creatures to accidentally touch the breath of corruption and cause accidents. It's safe to put it in Zmiche's body, at most worry about the private use of Zmithi's public ...

And this is the reason why Zack rejected Benjamin: "We promised that Sheila will send all of her to Maitreya into the world of magic manufacturing." Zack is not ready to give up, "If I let Roy Tsimihi save Sheila's body, Then when we want to take back Sheila, Roy wants to leave the wings of the wing man, what shall we do? "

Benjamin froze for a moment.

This situation will happen 100%. Who can resist the temptation-confusion-of the flying beasts on the land? ? What's more, it is Roy Zmithi, the leader of Zmithi who has lost his position in the Federation and urgently needs to strengthen his own strength!

This is probably the reason why Zac now looks at Benjamin with a sincere "how to do?". If things change like this, Zac, the Toast of the Feast, absolutely has no position to force Roy Tsimixi to hand over wings. of.

Then, should Benjamin, the Alpha, once again antagonize Roy Zmysh when Zmysh finally put down the hatred of the werewolf-Zmysh war four centuries ago.

Benjamin was not as smart as Zac, but he was not stupid. No more talking about the corner of the mouth, accepting Zac's arrangement, letting go of the information about Sheila's all-personal relationship, and starting to collect Sheila's body.

Benjamin is very professional in this job. When Grande's field was with him and Zac, Zac rarely touched his body outside-lack of protection. Benjamin is doing this kind of thing.

Now the two people's model is really like the work routine of Grande. Benjamin is doing real work, and Zac is tasting the privacy of his remains ...

"Who wants to replace the vacancies after the disappearance of Sheila in these people's memories?" Zac turned over the information and was already planning the route of the "Visitor's Visit to Enchantment" that was about to begin soon. It was better to solve this problem as soon as possible, and Zack did not want to run twice.

The movement of Benjamin's work paused. "I don't know." A glance at Zach, "What do you suggest?"

"Do you want my suggestion?" Zac shook his head, not because Zac didn't know, but Zac was somewhat helpless Benjamin asked himself, "If other people at the Demon Banquet know that you have to rely on my suggestion, choose someone to accept the West End. The key position ... "Zac was too lazy to finish.

Benjamin still has a tacit understanding with Zac, and he filled Zac ’s words with his lips, "If you suggest the person of the magic feast, it ’s okay. If you suggest the person of the magic feast, they wo n’t give up easily. Question your loyalty to the Demon Feast. "

It ’s easy to understand, the Demon Banquet has been trying to control Barton ’s West End. Now, the location sent by Sheila is the best resource!

The point of the situation now is that Benjamin not only can't ask Zach's advice, it shouldn't be ignored! The last person selected must be able to attend the magic feast and all people shut up! Otherwise, the vacancy at Sheila's position will become the beginning of a new dispute!

Well, in fact, the options have been shrunk to an infinitesimal limit-Barton, Benjamin's side, there is only one absolute existence that can shut up.

Zac glanced at Benjamin's still troubled, speechless, "Uh, only one person meets the requirements, what are you still thinking?"

Benjamin glanced at Zac. "How stupid do you think I am? I certainly know that only Mocavi can fill this position now, but I just don't want Mocavi to come to the West End to manage this."

Well, it was Zack who misunderstood Benjamin. But the question immediately appeared, "For Mao?"

"Mocavi and I have a good rhythm now."

The words that came out of Benjamin's mouth ... confused Zac, "Rhythm? What rhythm?"

"The rhythm of marital life!" Benjamin stared at Zac. "Now this rhythm is balanced and continuous. We are working together to maintain the business of our ancestors' office, which is good! I don't want to worry about something to destroy this balance!"

Zac stopped looking at Sheila ’s information and looked at Benjamin, confused and unconfused, but ... a more weird feeling rose from his heart, “Marriage life. Benjamin, your marriage to Mokawi is to be angry My product, your marriage, does not deserve to be considered under any circumstances. ”In order to eliminate that weird feeling, Zac is doing what Torrido is good at—distorting the way things are interpreted. Serious issues related to the balance of Barton ’s alien forces were brought up for discussion! "

"Don't be too affectionate, I got married to Mokawi because we have children. You are the one who made you the godfather! My marriage is something I will consider in any case!"

Zac did not give up, "The child is my raising, you and Mokawi did not provide the function of" parents "in any way. Your marriage on the grounds of children is not established."

Do n’t get me wrong, Zac is not excluding Mocavi now. Zac ’s weird feeling that he wants to eliminate is-

Benjamin also looked at Zac, "You never regarded my marriage with Mokawi as a" real fact. "

"I don't need it." Zac finally insisted, "This marriage is not worthy of being taken seriously."

Benjamin stared at Zach for a long time, "Aren't you convinced, Grande's brother entered a new chapter of life before his brother, there is a real marriage, and your brother is still on the spot and can only stay on the spot . "

Yes, this is Zac's weird feeling. Benjamin is serious about Zac's marriage, which seems to be a joke. At this moment, Zac is thinking of the world, race, god, man, and aliens, and Benjamin is thinking of his own marriage. Haha, do you dare to believe the views of the rhythm of marital life and the differences between the inter-ethnic brothers ...

The brothers defined by the surname Grande, Vampire and Alpha, have been completely at two different frequencies at this moment-

In fact, there are signs that from the moment Benjamin left Grande, the brothers' concerns began to appear in their own bias.

The two frequencies that started to develop in different directions sometimes coincided, such as how to deal with the werewolf relationship (Benjamin first established a relationship with the central wolf pack from the Alpha blood transaction), and how to deal with the blood of the vampire (Zack prevented How did Benjamin sell vampire blood to the central werewolves to create a new alpha), and how to establish a new relationship between vampires and werewolves in the Federation (Zack promoted the cooperation in blood supply between Benjamin and Nick Giovanni).

The pattern is already obvious. The frequency of co-productions only appears when the racial primitive characteristics of the brothers conflict. Benjamin and Zack? ?

Farther and farther away. The commissioned objects and styles of Grand and Zumen's office are in two relatively extreme directions-one human and one alien, one to promote the commission process through the establishment of complex events, one directly and quickly does not create waves.

The signs are already so obvious.

Benjamin probably told the truth that all this has come to this point-the chapter of life is completely different. Finally, in the current situation, the racial characteristics of the two people are of little help. Now, the two people enter the same frequency.

After all, it is just a matter of who gets more resources in Button. In the final analysis, Barton's resources are used for two purposes, one is more convenient to help humans, and the other is more convenient to help aliens. Whether the feast or the other party obtains the right is false. The real trouble is that those who hold this resource must bear the responsibility of distribution.

So Benjamin didn't want to pick up for his marriage rhythm.

Zac ca n’t persuade Benjamin to do anything in this situation, because Benjamin cares about things-see Zac ’s explanation of Benjamin ’s marriage above, oh, that ’s a chapter of life that Zac ca n’t step into this life. Good-paced marriage life), Zack can't care.

This weird feeling became real, Zac gave up, do not do anything beyond his power, it will affect the mood.

Zac resumed the movement through the materials and said two words, "Be convinced." Then, "You have no one to choose, and I will put it in the memory of replacing Sheila."

Benjamin was not very happy, "Who are you going to put?"

Zac shrugged. "I don't know. Let's improvise."

"Improvisation." Benjamin stared at Zac. "Sounds unreliable."

"Of course it's not reliable." Zach reads quickly, and has written down all the things he needs-a big reason is that the essence of most of these materials is the Sheila banquet business itself, and Zack needs to see Yes, only the name and contact information to complete the memory replacement, "You know how fast the thinking in my brain changes ~ I might even get a bunch of people to put in Sheila ~"

Zac is not kidding, Benjamin does n’t want to pick up, but there are a lot of people on Zac ’s side who want this position. The reason why Zac does n’t want to give advice is that Zac really does n’t know who to give—

Mrs. Quinn is an option, which is beneficial to the Demon Feast and the multi-ethnic Torrey. Ninad, who was buried by Alan, is also good. The police station in the southern area is controlled by the people in the western area. The magic banquet is happy with Zac's choice. Or, for Roy and Nick, who are currently dealing with Nofeller and Rimmer, respectively, choose a replacement for Sheila in these two directions-Nofile can choose Spira, and Kun Like Mrs. Madam, let these two dead people regain their legal human identity and a very important social resource in this world ~; Rimmer can choose Lydia or just a Rimmer, Rimmer With a new industry, the demand for the Smith human family is not so unique, which can greatly ease the pressure on Nick to mediate both sides.

Now that Benjamin doesn't want Mokawi to come out and make everyone shut up and save Zac's choices, Zac might really put a bunch of people in this position! Meet everyone's needs, easy!

"Go back to Grande for me!" Benjamin pushed Zac. "This is my commission! I don't even need you, Torrido. I have Torry, who is loyal to our ancestors." many!"

Zac glanced blankly at Benjamin, "I have already written down everyone's address."

"Forget me!"

"When Pucci captures the Maitreya who appeared, how to deal with the Maitreya is still mine ..."

"It's my thing! Maitreya is my employee!"

Well, Benjamin is also decisive enough. Zac still no expression, nodded, but relaxed completely, "The sun is too big, I still wait for you to finish and send me back to Grande. Of course, if you don't mind."

Benjamin ripped off his mouth and stared at Zac for a while, not to let Zac "roll" back to the work of collecting his body.

Let Zack forget what he saw? It was angry, and Benjamin, who calmed down, knew to stare at Zac, lest this ‘brother’ mess up with his commission.

Yes, this is the only principle that Benjamin is currently implementing. This is his commission. He does not want Zac to move even a finger in his affairs. When I came to the Western District today, it was an error to pick up Zac. One should not have happened, but now it has happened, and it can only control the errors of control.

To be honest, this is a good principle. Benjamin was right.

When the frequencies couldn't be coordinated, Zac did the right thing-Zac gave up his own frequency and let Alpha's frequency play. Give full play, otherwise you will not use the sun too much, this boring reason to give up your personal freedom ...

Haha, Toledo is cunning ~ I don't need to emphasize this point.

As for where the frequency of Alpha will take the event? Zac does n’t know, look, maybe something interesting can happen ~

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