The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 15: Zac's accident

Benjamin drove, Zac sat in the co-pilot, and Mrs. Sheila ’s body was in the back compartment. This was the return journey.

The car was quiet and terrible, and the atmosphere was so bad that neither Zac nor Benjamin wanted to make any positive attempts to the bad situation between the brothers, and let the atmosphere pile up and ferment.

There is nothing to decorate, say in two ends, Zach first-

Zac knew that Benjamin would not send himself back to Grande, but took him to his ancestral office and put him under house arrest. Because letting Zac go back to Grande will give Grandry's Demon Vampire a chance to intervene in the commission of the ancestors' office.

Everyone must understand that the attitudes of the ancestral firm and the magic banquet society to the needs of alien life are conflicting in principle!

The Zuma Office regards aliens as customers and serves clients to meet their needs. The magic feast treats aliens as labor value, labels them, and exploits them at a fixed price.

The frequency discord between Benjamin and Zac is only the "brother problem" between him and Zac. Once it is extended to the principle of dealing with aliens, er, this matter cannot have a good ending.

Do n’t be too stupid about Benjamin. Benjamin has never been vague when it comes to safeguarding the principles of the ancestors ’firm. For example, he never did anything for Zac for free.

Zac deeply understands Benjamin ’s principle, so he knows that he will be under house arrest, and he does n’t want to make unnecessary resistance. Everyone knows that Zac and Benjamin now have a power level that is not in the same dimension. It is meaningless to rebel and fluke. Zac is the best choice to give his head to Benjamin. At least the scene will not be too ugly. cunning!

After finishing Zac, say Benjamin—

It is not only Zack who is conscious. Benjamin was also very clear that Zac ’s suggestion was the optimal solution for Sheila ’s end-of-life commission. Mocavi is the only person who can shut up everyone. The only shortcoming is that it may threaten the private lives of Benjamin and Mokawi.

And this "private" problem can only be solved by a private person. This means that Benjamin will have a heart-to-heart discussion with Mokavi about the future development of their marriage in front of Zac, and ultimately decide which of the ancestral firm ’s commission and their marriage life is more important.

In front of Zac, Toledo, revealing his private life is Benjamin's last thing.

Even if I just imagined that I was seriously discussing with Mokawi, Zac squinted beside him, this picture made Benjamin goose bumps all over ...

Just as Zac understood Benjamin's principles, Benjamin knew Zacary Toledo too. This brother will hang a mask that I am a gentleman and do not make any comments, and then I will comment on the life details of Benjamin and Mocavi from head to toe in my heart!

This kind of person is the most annoying!

At this moment, the two brothers in the car can predict the part that made them suffocate in the development of the subsequent events, and they naturally took this responsibility to the other party, so the atmosphere in the car is like this, there is no solution.

Get out of the west zone and enter the south zone.

The atmosphere continued. Both brothers opened the windows beside them, symbolically letting fresh air into the car, physically dispelling the depressed atmosphere in the car ...

Suddenly, an accident happened.

This accident happened to Zac.

Zac had no reason to feel a feeling he had never experienced before, rising from within his own body.

Zac only had time to withdraw his head in confusion, then glanced in the direction of Benjamin. Then, Zac opened his mouth, intending to ask, "Did you do anything to me?"

But only one word was said, "You." Then, the word that you should export later was replaced by a big dump from Zac's body, rushed into the chest cavity, broke through the throat, and found the bright red blood of the exit!

Benjamin was leaning on the window edge with one hand, controlling the steering wheel with one hand, looking at the afterglow of the eyes in the road ahead, seeing Zac suddenly turn his head, and he seemed to be talking to himself. Benjamin also intended to say, "Don't talk to me."

But only one word was said, "No." Then, the word not following the exit was sprayed out of Zac's mouth by Yi Tuo, and was blown away by the wind that poured into the car, splashing into his face. Interrupted blood coming!

Car, continue to drive forward as usual.

The two people in the car stopped for three seconds. The first to move was Benjamin. The hand leaning against the window lifted up and wiped the blood from his face. Nose, twitching in the gap of this action. Then, Benjamin's eyes turned a little, making Zac's still confused, dull face occupy a little more space in his field of vision. "Your blood smells strange."

Tangled why Zac suddenly spit blood on his face? Does it make sense, look at Zack's idiot! He himself didn't know why!

Gee, vampire vomiting blood? If a vampire has this physiological function, you do n’t have to hurt yourself every time you bleed!

So Benjamin didn't ask this question, at least there is no answer at all. He said something more constructive-Zac's blood, not Zac's blood! Do n’t argue with Alpha ’s nose.

Benjamin's words pulled Zac back from the dullness.

Zac did move, and reached out and touched on Benjamin's blood-stained face ... Putting his blood-stained hand in front of himself, he said nonsense-"Really, this is not my blood."

A new question appeared, Benjamin asked, "Whose blood?"

"I ... don't know." Zac tilted his head and reached out to wipe the dirty hand on Benjamin ...

In other cases, Benjamin may have taken Zac's over-conscious hand directly. But now, Benjamin just used Yu Guang to watch Zac scorch the blood on himself, and calmly said another constructive sentence, "Don't you take back the blood from your body."

At Sheila ’s house, Zac ‘recovered’ the blood that was going to relieve Sheila ’s pain, did n’t she? Oh, actually speaking of taking it back, it was Benjamin who gave Zac this vampire face. Any vampire, except Lesenbull, who has a serious cleansing habit of blood, will not treat the blood of non-deceased blood as filthy!

Vampires will waste their blood for fighting, but will never waste food!

"No." Zac didn't have an expression, just covering his confusion. "Since I came out of my body, I probably don't want to go back."

Zac's gentleman's spirit has begun to develop in a ridiculous direction-Zac even respected the blood's sense of autonomy? ?


Never mind. This accident took a few minutes of the car, and then the car was quiet again.

The bad atmosphere before was gone, well, another bad way ...


The moment is deep at night, usually this time, when Eli is in the Republic of Zhenghe, now, Eli is not very hilarious, standing with Louise, looking at a wolf-shaped giant creature tearing paper 'S slaughtering Bruch imprisoning them.

Eli said to Louise: "I have also fought against the werewolf many times in the Federation. The blood control ability was also exposed because of the battle with the werewolf. I have to admit that the werewolf is very strong. The failure of the colonial war of the thirteen clan is justified. Yes. But is this werewolf too strong? "

"He is not a general werewolf, he is the dead Alpha that Barton accidentally created. The witchcraft belief is the most powerful combination of two creatures except the mourning banshee." Louise replied, "but he also does not look now. So strong. "Louise frowned." It feels more like these Bruges don't know how to fight with werewolves. There is no common sense to fight with werewolves. They are just giving someone a head ... "Louise shook his head. , "Not to mention that, the dead Alpha is Papa ’s midnight man, so I strongly suggest that we do not discuss the history of vampire and werewolf hostility now, let us only keep a heart that is grateful to him to save us at this moment. How ? "

"good suggestion."

The perspective suddenly cut to the Republic, in fact, it is not to see Louise and Eli, but to show the fact that Bruch was slaughtered by Alpha. From this, we can take God ’s perspective to see another cause of Bruch ’s slaughter. one thing.

Zagar looked at the Bruch's ancestor, who dared to rush out of the secret alliance base, ignoring Fan Zhuo's drinking, and flirting, "Let him go, the strongest fighting clan of the thirteen clan, Bruch should also meet in person. Look at the werewolf. This is just the 'compensation' that Bruch has been absent from the battlefield four centuries ago. Papa wants this at midnight and satisfies his little desire for harmlessness. It doesn't matter if he can make Papa conscious of midnight. To his creation, the werewolf, how weak is in front of the real vampire fighting limit, it will be beneficial to me and us. "

Louise and Zagel mentioned the same thing-the lack of Bruch and the werewolf fighting, I hope everyone don't ignore it. As for the bifurcation of Louise and Zager's conclusions, huh, everyone can appreciate it.

Then, Zagger lowered his head and looked at a lotus on his chest-the bright red on the petal of a lotus was fading (when Pucci gave Zagger life, a lotus appeared on Zagger's chest), Zagr looked up and looked at Fan Zhuo, who seemed to have been persuaded himself. There was a smile on his face. "But, I did feel that I was the real Zacree Torrido. This feeling is wonderful. ~ I still want ~ "

Fanzhuo, looking at Zagar, the face just persuaded has faded, looking down absolutely, "No, the blood I gave you just now is just a reward for you, and you still want my blood to feel absolutely powerful? Ha ha , Continue to work hard to serve me and be the dog of the secret alliance! If I am happy, maybe one day I will reward you again! "

With a smile on his mouth and a slightly lowered head, Zagar is obedient to the other's dignity, and may be the cheapest way to cover his eyes. "Of course, noble Van Zuo ~"

It's time to end God's perspective.

Faded lotus, Fanzhuo's blood, Zagar.

Those of you who have been fortunate enough to learn about Fanzoo's blood in Newton's Demon Defense, have you guessed why Zach of the Federation spit out blood that is not his own?

Yes, there is really another existence in this world, and is competing with Zac for Zac's identity! Not a surname, not a pedigree, not all unnecessary false names, but the real, Zacary Torredo himself! !

Zagar's new king clothing is Zac! The reason why he was made! !

But don't worry, it seems that this competitor who is already addicted to the king's new clothes has now encountered the first big problem-Fan Zhuo, not a meal ticket that he can use at will ~

No, considering that one sentence can convince Fan Zhuo to let the strongest Bruch leave his side and go to the dead Alpha who can't be guaranteed by anyone.

This conclusion needs to be revised-

Fanzhuo, I still do n’t have the consciousness of being a Zager meal ticket ~ It ’s just not yet ~~

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