The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 16: Replacement

Ancestral office.

Zach is teaching how to use the enchanting pupil efficiently in Toledo's office.

"The trick is not to look for short-term memories easily, but to find the deepest memory, replace it, and let the brain do the rest." Zac's attention has shifted, leaving the teaching scene while doing the final Explain, "For this job, all you need to do is change the scene where everyone recognizes Sheila, and then the brain's automatic error correction will do the rest."

Then Zach stood by the window of the ancestors' office and looked at Benjamin's Mokawi who was talking about something in the window. "Don't distract you with irrelevant things." This was said to Benjamin. "Discuss a candidate to replace Sheila with Mokawi, and let me go home."

Benjamin and Mokawi were discussing the matter of Zac suddenly vomiting blood halfway.

Benjamin drew down the curtain and cut off Zac's face, and then the discussion with Mokawi continued: "Have you ever seen this? The vampire suddenly spit out blood that is not his own?"

"I haven't." Mocavi was unexpectedly very serious. As a vampire who once bluntly told Zac and wanted to thank Toredo, this topic made Mocavi very serious. "Do you still keep those blood? It ’s not Zach ’s blood, I might be able to use the feeling of Lesenbull to taste the information in the blood. ”

Benjamin turned over the clothes he had changed when he returned home and handed it to Mokawi.

The blood stains on the clothes had dried up long ago, and Mokawi made some water, holding it in his hands and sucking it. Although this picture is ridiculous, the effect is there.

"I tasted it ..." Mokawi tilted his head. "Joy, the kind that is hard to control. Then, frustration, the kind that is difficult to control ..."

Benjamin's face was wrinkled. "You just said two emotions that can't be mixed together."

"They are not mixed together." Mokawi continued to **** blood, "Joy was at the beginning, lasted for a while, and then turned into frustration. It was like someone suddenly got something that they dreamed of for a while. Then It will soon be lost. "

"Who changed from joy to frustration?" Benjamin needed more information.

"I don't know." The clothes in Mokawi's hands were completely soaked. "I can't taste it. This emotional change time is too fast, and there is no special information recorded by these blood."

Can curtains stop Zac? Can't.

Zac entered the room and stood in front of Benjamin and Mokawi. "Please don't waste time on this kind of thing. I'm fine. Maybe it's just that there is something dirty on Sheila's cup. I didn't pay attention ..."

Benjamin started to speak and was preempted by Mokawi. Mokawi put a hand on Zac's shoulder, "No, you're not good. We are named vampires for a reason, we suck, we don't vomit." Uh, "And you vomit, unless you're not a vampire Now, there must be something that we cannot ignore. "

Zac felt Mocavi on his shoulder, not honest ... Mocavi was rubbing Zac's shoulder.

Zac soon realized what Mocavi was doing and asked blankly, "Am I still a vampire?"

Mokawi was not embarrassed to be dismantled, and withdrew his hand. "You still. At least it still feels. I can still feel your eternal body and corrupt soul."

Zac looked at Benjamin-he wasn't prepared to reason with Mokawi. "Even if you came to my" bad "conclusion here, then?" He took the wet clothes in Mokawi's hand. "Is there a solution?"

"We don't even know why you vomit blood, where is the solution." Benjamin frowned.

"Yes." Zac gave a very agreeable expression. "It sounds like I have no idea about vomiting blood, even your wife." Zac didn't want to call Mocavi with this title, but in order to make progress The topic can only be tolerated, "I can't even say anything about your wife. So, I think we can reach a consensus. This is a little accident that is not worthy of wasting any of our time. I skipped it, right?" Look at Benjamin. Frowning frown, Zach pressed, "Right?"

Zac can actually see that this is the situation where Benjamin cares about himself, but splits at the frequency of the two brothers now. This care will only create ... melancholy.

"You're right, happy?" Benjamin responded to Zac and shook his head. "Out, our couple needs privacy to discuss life issues."

Zac nodded and left consciously. Life issues? This is how to arrange Sheila's replacement.

Coming outdoors again, Torrido, who had previously listened to the teaching of the pupil of Enchantment, has left, looking for a target practice, and Zac is standing on the back porch, “eavesdropping” the progress of the discussion in the room.

Mokawi and Benjamin had similar ideas, and did not want to take over the position that Sheila had vacated in the Western District, on the grounds that Sheila's work was very busy and she was active in the two classes in the Western District non-stop 365 days a year. If Mokawi took over the job, she would have no time to participate in the commission of the ancestral firm.

And Mocavi is very conscious, she knows that she is not good at dealing with people, especially those in the West End. Mokawi prefers to stay in the ancestral firm to work for the needs of aliens.

Before this discussion was interrupted by Zac's little accident, Mokawi was mentioning a thing Zac never thought of ... worldview--

Mokawi said that her stay in the ancestral office is necessary for the vampire race. The ancestral office is different from the secret and the magic banquet's attitude towards aliens. As a vampire, she is a vampire on the top floor. What she can represent in the ancestral office is more 'big' than what she represents in the West End.

Mocavi is a symbol, a symbol that breaks the vampire's stereotype in other aliens' minds: she is not another vampire, like the secret or the feast, who is buried in the process of human civilization.

Zac was kind of expecting Mokavic's wonderful thoughts, and what other interesting words he could say in this worldview. It is a pity that the discussions between Benjamin and Mokawi did not follow Zac's expectations. The couple who restarted the discussion are already listed in addition to Mokawi, who can let the ancestral office take over the work of Sheila.

And most of the names spoken by the couple, Zach has never heard of--

The good reputation of the ancestors' office among aliens has long allowed its social resources to exceed Zac's understanding. Unlike Baton ’s aliens who have a stable and maintained life, many aliens from Newton did not have a stable social identity before they commissioned the Zumun firm, and these aliens now clearly become the ancestor ’s network. .

This is to fill the pits where Benjamin asked Mayor Anthony for legal status. Zac believes that if you write down the list that Benjamin said now, and then check with Emilia, you should be able to know a bunch of new aliens who have obtained ‘residence recognition’ in Barton.

But Zac did n’t want to do such a boring thing, and continued to ‘overhear’ Benjamin and Mokawi to discuss the merits of each nomination. until--

Mokawi proposed to let Ravenci accept Sheila's job.

Mocavi: "If it was Ravenci, he could dramatically change the tension between the werewolf and the vampire in the middle of the Federation. Because Ravenci, like you, is a lone Alpha, and he also represents Papa's direct line at midnight. Starting with the current position of the magic banquet vampire in the world because of Zac ’s change, and the gradual unification of Papa ’s midnight world view (love this world), Ravench can do more than you, the alpha who married a vampire as his wife Revenge can change the werewolf's attitude towards vampires with a more objective and authoritative position. For example, after finally obtaining a stable and rich living environment, he can start to expand his wolf pack and spread the present magic feast and werewolf. A new world view that needs to be accepted ~ "

To be honest, Zac was not surprised by anything Mocavi said. This ancestor that gathers all the abilities of the thirteen clan has a reason for her existence.

Benjamin: "So, let Zack change the vampire handling principle, and Rivench change the werewolf handling principle. Then our ancestors office, in the middle, do what we are good at without being disturbed to benefit all other aliens. Run us The marriage life makes this world better. Sounds perfect. "Pause," I love you, mine ... "

Hearing this, before Benjamin said what made Zac uncomfortable, Zac left the back porch and could go home.

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