The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 17: Reporting and death education

Grand, Lily and Logan are back.

Zac happened to hit the two in the room ... arguing. Zac listened for a while outside the door, quite confused, but he didn't hear anything at all--

Lily: "Tomato is a potato, there is no difference between these two things!"

Logan: "How can these two things be the same! Two completely different races!"

Lily: "It's the same thing-what I don't eat!"

Logan: "It's just that you don't eat it! More people in this world are willing to eat!"

The confusion is that Zac really doesn't think the two will quarrel for food. So tomatoes and potatoes here definitely represent something else.

"They have been arguing since they came back."

Zac glanced back, and Annabel was at the other end of the corridor, reporting to Zac what happened to Grandry when Zac left. She professed her job as a secretary.

It is impossible to avoid communicating with Annabelle, but Zac still pursues the principle of minimalism, "What's the noise?"

"When Logan was in Newton, he was" predicted "to death by the black witch."

Zach raised his eyebrows. Is Logan dying? The way the Black Witch misunderstands death's "prophecy" is incorrectly-Logan's current life as a human being is about to end. The meaning of this sentence is that what kind of alien road Logan will become in the future has been determined in the eyes of the black witch.

Continuing the principle of minimalism, "What will Logan become?"

"The werewolf." Annabel replied, and approached Zac, and consciously puzzled Zac, "You missed the beginning of their metaphor with ingredients. Before they argued about tomatoes and potatoes, there was a metaphor. , Meat. Meat, referring to vampires, then tomato refers to werewolves, and potatoes, the remaining interracial. "

Zac understood what was going on between Logan and Lily.

In Lily's cognition, only the vampire has a bright future. She has been pushing Logan to the vampire road. With Lily's magic banquet background, that's right. Meat, like a vampire, is the only food Lily eats.

But Logan has been repelled to become a vampire. There is nothing wrong with the experience of Logan around Zac. The life of a vampire is no better than the human life that Logan tried to get rid of. In addition to the meat that represents the vampire, Logan's vision is broader, and he also sees the vegetarian food that is placed next to the meat.

Lily's life at the Devil's Banquet is potatoes, the life of any alien other than vampires. tomato? There is no such thing as a tomato in the magic feast. Out of the magic feast, potatoes are no longer the only vegetarian: in the world outside the magic feast, the alien classification is no longer purely vampire and non-vampire alien. Tomato-Werewolf, this is the game.

The core of this quarrel is that Logan did not completely disappoint Lily's lifestyle of choosing potatoes, but still chose a tomato that made Lili unfamiliar-

Lily has no idea about the living state of werewolves. She may be familiar with the history of werewolves and vampires because she was Lut ’s secretary, but hehe, the history of vampires and werewolves, especially when interpreted from the perspective of the magic feast, can confirm that What a good thing.

Therefore, Lily's overall perception of the werewolf could not be better.

So, the conclusion is the content of the quarrel that Zach heard: In Lily ’s eyes, eggplant and potatoes are the same thing, and neither is Lily ’s cognizant ‘good’—vampire. In Logan's eyes, there are no ‘good’ races in this world, only races!

Another pair of people who are not on the same frequency, Zack no longer pays attention, and returns to the bedroom to see Adam.

Annabel was ‘conscious’ and followed Zach into the bedroom and continued to report Zac ’s missing information, “Your descendant Mrs. Quinn came and left half an hour ago.”

Zac already guessed that because the bedroom was filled with new baby products, Zac knew that Bain ’s family income could not afford so much (Bain ’s wife would help take care of Adam when Zac no longer). Then Zac knew that it was not Benjamin and Mokawi, so there was only one Mrs. Quinn who had said she would see the baby.

In addition, Zac also knew that things would not be so simple. He took a toy and teased Adam, "Mrs. Quinn is only looking at babies."

"No." Annabel also took out a memo, "Mrs. Quinn told me to tell you that Sheila, the wing man in the West End, was dead." Annabel was reading according to what she had recorded, "but When she and Mrs. Patton rushed to Sheila, Sheila ’s relics had been scraped by unknown people. "

Annabel glanced at Zac ’s face and continued, “She said Sheila ’s relics were cleaned up very well, including Sheila ’s career information. She guessed that someone wanted to replace Sheila ’s position in the west and intervene in the West End ’s affairs. Discuss countermeasures. "

Zac waved his hand with no expression, meaning to let Annabel continue to report on other situations-Zac was too lazy to explain the commission that Sheila gave to the ancestors office with Annabel!

"Finally." Annabel closed the memo. "Your girlfriend Louise called and said she was safe. Now she and Eli are preparing for a blood exchange ceremony at a place provided by the Republican government." Annabel had a trace on her face. Smile, "She is hostile to me and doesn't want to talk to me more, and will contact you after success."

Zac glanced at Annabel. The countess apparently intentionally said that Louise was hostile to her. The purpose was obviously to stimulate Zac.

Zac will not give Annabel this kind of satisfaction. After taking back his eyes without any response, he will no longer ignore Annabel.

Annabel watched Zac teasing Adam for a while. After all, she felt bored and retreated to work.

As soon as Annabel left, Zac got up and went to the office, contacting Mrs. Quinn.

The phone call was directly to Barton Manor. At this time, Mrs. Barton should be enjoying afternoon tea.

The phone was picked up, and after Zac reported Grande, the voice over the receiver changed to Mrs. Patton.

"Are you looking for me, or are you looking for your daughter who now regards herself as my mother." Directly, and with irony-apparently mocking the vampire's ethical relationship: Mrs. Quinn, a descendant of Zac, is also The future will give Mrs. Barton eternal life.

"Mrs. Quinn." And Zach naturally responded with his own name.

"Huh." Opposite the receiver was Mrs. Barton's complaint that Zach wasn't answering, and then the receiver was replaced. Mrs. Quinn: "You're finally home, I should wait half an hour."

"It doesn't matter." Before the topic, Zac had something curious to ask. The first one: "How do you know Mrs. Sheila's death?"

"Bi Sharp's demon, Riley." The answer was very simple. "She felt it." It was also mixed with unknown meanings. "What a strange inheritance sensor, the demon can sense that her race was born, from This world is gone. "

Zac raised his eyebrows. The amount of information in this sentence is a little bit-Sheila, is it the last existence of the wing race? Another race disappeared in this world. At the same time, it also means that there are two other races, because there is no matriarchal race, and officially entered the stage of exit from this world-the demon and the sea monster.

Mrs. Quinn apparently did n’t feel this way, and she was vomiting, “If you die, I would n’t have any strange feelings either. Riley felt very depressed when she sensed Sheila ’s death. I ’m over For such a depressed age, you better not let me experience this kind of thing. "

Uh, just treat this as an alternative blessing to Mrs. Quinn. But the fact still needs to be explained, "If I die, you won't feel anything. Vampires don't have this magical ability."


The people on both sides of the receiver were quiet for a while, silently feeling that they had no magical ability.

Zac ’s second question is an extension of the answer to the first question: "How are you with Riley?"

"You have to ask your friend Nicholas Giovanni, who suddenly started to sway in the West End, which makes all the people who know his identity nervous. As the representative of Torrido in the West End, the demon will certainly come to me Ask about the situation. "

Also, if Nick had been quiet in Grande for so long and suddenly ran to the West End, it would naturally attract attention. Zac might as well tell Mrs. Quinn the feast of Rymer, and let Mrs. Quinn cooperate with Nick.

Get it done in one sentence-"Nick's goal is Rimmer in the Smith family. If you are convenient, take your hand. Specifically, Nick should take the initiative to contact all Westside people. You are ready."

"Received ~" Mrs. Quinn's tone is very pleasant, should be happy that the West Side people have interesting things to do.

The third question, "Why did you take Mrs. Patton to see Sheila?"

"Another old man we all know is dead, I will not miss this opportunity for death education ~" Mrs. Quinn seems to be in a good mood, "The vampire's pride is eternal life ~ You taught me ~ I naturally have nothing Leave it to the next person ~ "

Zac's mood is also happy, "Not bad ~"

You can go to the topic.

"Regarding Sheila, don't worry, I'll watch the whole process." Zach wants to explain the ancestral office, "because Sheila commissioned the ancestral office before she died ..." Don't repeat it.

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