A new day, a new beginning.

Zac waited for Louise ’s phone call in the office to republic the result of Eli ’s blood exchange, and Zac intends to discuss with Louise about the unified world view of the vampire and witchcraft beliefs. After all, this time ’ The battlefield of safeguarding the world is no longer the federal continent where the witchcraft faith resisted the invasion of the Holy Lord faith brought by the vampires four centuries ago, but in the republic-the republican government, clearing all republican aliens who have no sense of belonging to the republic .

The others in Grandry have their own goals today. Roy and Nick are just the tasks that continue to make Demon Feast more powerful, so let's focus on Lily and Logan.

Yesterday, the quarrel of the cross-ethnic couple did not end in a horrible life. The tit-for-tat confrontation was forcibly interrupted-Nana returned from the nursery. At least two adults know that they need to maintain their image in front of a child.

Nana was sent back by Mu En. Although she was young, she was not mentally handicapped. She could feel the tension between the two adults, so she acted as a very good isolation belt overnight, occupying Lily, and asking various girls to grow up. The "little troubles" you will encounter in the process-such as the little boys who are too sticky to themselves ... Everyone knows who, Andrew.

When Lily changed her mood and seriously played a mother to provide advice to Nana, Logan, on Zac's side, was depressed.

Zach would not endure his curiosity and asked Logan what he was predicted to be a werewolf.

The whole dialogue process did not proceed smoothly because of Logan ’s personal emotions, so I will not repeat it completely here, let ’s describe it in a narrative way-

The habit of the black witch is not to directly predict someone's death scene, but to watch with a heart that can be said to be evil, to see how things have come to that step. Everyone knows this, and Zac knows it well, so Zac ’s first curiosity is why the Black Witch directly told Logan about his life direction?

Logan ’s answer was that the Black Witch felt that his life had no need to watch, and things happened quickly and for granted—

It should be noted that the things described next are all future processes.

Ravenci, who succeeded Sheila, had the resources. He needed someone who was familiar with the magic feast society in the western part of the Federation to send out the news that Barton had an Alpha that would provide a stable life for the werewolves.

The reason why I chose to start this news from the western part of the Federation was that some time ago, the Feast had captured a group of werewolves trying to make Alpha (Nicka Cappadocia's ancestor Xiaoka led the team, and Xiaoka also took the opportunity to come to see Grande Zac side), remember?

Rather than sending messages to the right audience in the middle of the chaos, there are a group of poor werewolves in the western feast that need to be rescued from the vampires of the feast, waiting to make a name for the Ravenci Alpha in the Federation.

As mentioned before, of course, Ravench came to Grande to find Zach's dignitaries, and what he wanted was Logan who could perform the job perfectly.

The second curious thing Zac wants to ask has already been answered-which Alpha descendant will Logan become.

The answer is already there, and the reason is very good, so Zac continues to ask Logan that although Logan now knows in advance that he will become a descendant of Ravenci, if this is not foreseen, why is Logan now? Will agree to the invitation of Rivenchi.

When Zack asked, Logan obviously thought about this question. His answer was straightforward. If you want to get rid of all the troubles about the fate of vampires he saw beside Zac, the werewolf is the best route. Werewolves also have Papa backing at midnight, and vampires can only rely on themselves.

This answer was heart-warming. Zac could only add a few words that West Side was a good position. Logan could provide Lili and Nana with a stable life in the future. It is also a comfort to Logan who can't reach a consensus with Lily-he can use the present world to refute Lili's view that only vampires are 'good' races in the future.

So, to this day, Logan and Lily did not have the initiative and good intentions after a night. Lily stayed in Grande. Her work scheduled by Boque Quinn today was to persuade Zac to betray the promised Qian. Qian ’s promise to let the black witch hold a soul dagger ...

Lily stayed in Grande, and Annabel also meant that she did not want to return to the Logan post (showroom counter), overwhelming Zac's 'secretary' status. Logan had no place to stay in Grandry, so he decided to go to Zum's office, which was to speed up the process, relying on Zum's office and Revenge to get online in advance.

Hey, because of Logan ’s initiative to greet the process of life, Lily stayed in Grande became very irritable-

"I want you to grab Logan now and forcibly turn him into a vampire!" Lily patted the table and ordered Zac with a forceful attitude and gesture.

Zac would hear a ghost, "No."

"Then forget the promise that Sissy threatened to make you! Let the black witch keep the soul dagger obtained by the Battle of Newton Demon!"

Zac raised an eyebrow. "Did you treat me as a child? Give me two options that suck!"

"Is there a problem ?!" Lily almost fell on Zac's face.

"No problem." Zac shrugged his shoulders, quite innocent. This pair of men and women who were "written" by West once into a couple quarreled, and they were completely innocent implicates! However, Zach ’s will not say anything redundant, "It ’s just that I do n’t expect you to support me, so I can say no to both options."

Lily took her arm and sat across from Zac, looking so angry that she didn't want to talk anymore.

Zac shook his head, "Well, at least Poki Quinn sent you to persuade me to give up my promise to the saints. Is there any reason to be ready, let's listen."

Lily's face was very gloomy, and she didn't look at Zac. She stared at the table. "His reason is that I imagined that I was under pressure from work. I must resist you, a guy with a flower on his tongue, to make him happy!"

Uh, what is the reason for the bad taste.

Zac shook his head again, and raised his eyebrows after being quiet for a while. "So, Poki Quinn didn't expect you to persuade me. He kept you here just to ..." Zac grabbed Lily just now The main point of the expression is, "Hold me." Zac tilted his head and smiled, "Hold me, don't let me go to Newton to find the black witch to get the soul dagger ~"

Lily glanced at Zach, and then naturally turned into a white eye. This is the attitude of too lazy to deny.

"Oh." Zach smiled again. "Then your work will be very easy today. I have no plans to go to Newton today. I will wait for Louise's phone here."

Lily listened to Zac's words and meant to get up, but immediately sat down again and said, "For security reasons, I'm still here to watch you!"

"You're free." Zac doesn't matter, Lily just doesn't want to be caught in a job slack by Boge Quinn.

But one thing Zac has to ask, "Anyway, you will accompany me here, it is better, explain to me, if I give up to recover the soul dagger, what can the black witch do with the soul dagger?" There is another question. Another way of expressing it, Boque Quinn, said how to convince the black witch not to give the dagger to Toledo.

Lily glanced at Zac again, not hesitating, but using her eyes to prepare Zac for--

"Soul dagger, can destroy the inheritance of the black witch." Lily looked at Zac, "the soul that was hurt by the soul dagger will not be able to give birth to a banshee."

Remember, mourning the banshee has nothing to do with lineage inheritance. It is a curse that was born randomly among the wizarding families who were paid by Papa after midnight to Papa.

Now we know that the curse of seeing death is attached to the soul ~ and the way to break this curse is to attack the soul as a soul dagger with a sense of being created.

A little extension-Zach continues to ask Lily, "The black witch left the soul dagger to cut off the birth of the banshee? Or to ensure that the banshee will continue to be born?"

"How do I know that the two friends Boqi Quinn told you, Yuehua and Baiying, no matter whether the future mourning banshee will continue to be born or extinct, the choice should be in the hands of the black witch anyway, and It was n’t given to Toledo in vain, and then handed over to the greatest enemy of witchcraft beliefs—the saints who believe in the Lord. ”

"Well, it makes sense."

Zac was sentimental.

The Black Witch ’s lack of control over her ‘race’ continuation, huh, huh, the same as the temptress and sea monster who just lost the last matriarchal race, do n’t they ~

Please connect the above black witch to the Logan Werewolf prediction-there is Sheila replaced by Ravenci.

Putting the pieces together, Zach already understood why it took so long for Pooch to persuade the Black Witch in Newton--

In fact, Boqi did not convince the black witch, but the black witch himself saw the death of the wing man Sheila in the death picture of Logan. It was the black witches themselves, realizing that they were similar to those of the old-world aliens. It is the black witch herself, who wants to change.

Once such an analogy is matched, Zac sincerely hopes that the black witches who have gained a little control over their ‘race’ inheritance will find their place like the charming demon Riley. Do n’t be like a Kraken, go crazy in despair ...

Zac decided not to go to Newton to find the Black Witch and ask for a soul dagger, nor count as a betrayal of her promise to Sissi. Because Zac knew that this time, the friendly relationship between Toledo and the Black Witch would no longer work, and the Black Witch would not give Zac the soul dagger. Zac did not betray, he knew he could not do it.

As for Sissi ... well, whether she can accept it or not, Zac is not in the mood to be led by Sissi, especially after being informed by the White Cat that Sissi ’s real purpose is to manipulate the vampire ’s behavior and complete the new alien Bible !

Does Sissy want to use this thing to reshape the vampire into a stray dog ​​of the Lord's faith to **** the image of the black witch? Dream!

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