The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 25: seven people

A morning light illuminates from the east, the west moon gradually dims, and another long night is left behind, and a new day begins.

This is a less pleasing start.

In the depths of the woods, some uncomfortable sounds followed the morning light, penetrated the trees and flowers, and entered the ears of Zac and Mu En. Click, click, click.

Alpha Revenge is recovering his physical form.

Mu En and Zac are both impatient, waiting for this transformation process to end. The reason is explained immediately.

Unlike the completely wild Ravenci, Benjamin knew that he was about to recover in the first five minutes of sunrise, and left early. At this moment, he returned to Zac and Muen with his clothes, and he also caught an extra set Clothes, "Ravencage might need it."

Zac grabbed Benjamin's clothes and stopped waiting. He walked to where Ravenci was. Mu En hesitated and followed behind Zac.

When Zac was close to Ravenci, Ravenci's transformation was just complete. Zac threw the clothes directly over and "give up."

Rivenchi was still in a trance, and the process of his body transformation stained his naked-exposed skin. He could even see broken branches and unnamed reptile bodies sticking all over his skin.

However, instinctively, Ravenc would not refuse to give away the clothes that he gave away. He first covered up the body part that did not insult human civilization. Ravenc saw Muen with a face on the back of Zac, and he smiled--because now Ricci Wen Qi knew that Mu En was here, and the wizard that Papa assigned to his new wolf pack at midnight did not do the night last night that had the significance of redefining the wizard-werewolf relationship.

Immediately, Ravenci's brain recovered completely, and he remembered, "Logan!" At the same time, he put on the white clothes and Benjamin's size was on Ravenci. It happened that both Alphas were typical strong. Type figure.

Zac still had no patience. Before waiting for Ravenci to sort out his clothes, he directly pushed away Ravenci, "Very well, you still remember Logan." There was a sense of sarcasm in the words. Then, Zac pointed out that he was finally The ground where Wen Qi gave way--

Logan, not Logan's head, was exposed on the dirt, closed his eyes, opened his mouth slightly, and was alive.

Rui Wenqi froze for a moment, "I ate Logan ??" There was a panic that didn't cover up in this question. Rivenchi thought he killed Logan. Because what he saw was this-there was only a Logan head on the ground.

"Huh, you didn't eat Logan." Mu En spoke, and she stepped forward two steps. She is now completely free from fear of Ravencue. She pushed away Ravencue, who was still in the way. "You just sold him." "I also glanced at Ravenci with a contemptuous look," You don't remember what you did last night, right. "

Ravench admitted, with relaxation, "I don't remember." Watching Zac was already digging the soil, revealing the trunk under Logan's head-the muddy and dirty chest had a slight undulation, and Logan was still alive. .

Mu En added Zac's action to push the soil that Zac had shaved aside to create a larger space for moving Logan.

Benjamin also came over, but he didn't mean to help Zac. He stood next to Ravenci and seemed to be teasing. "I haven't seen your strong desire to protect before."

Ravenci frowned instinctively, because he began to realize that the people who were in this wood last night, he, Benjamin, Zac, Muen, and even Logan, among them, only Ravenci, I don't know what happened last night.

And we know that this is the 'symptom' of a split werewolf personality.

"What did I do?" Rivenchi is not bad, there is no third person to distinguish himself from the wolf, and it is as if Papa personally adjusted it at midnight.

"You refused to bring us close to your first member of the wolf pack." Benjamin pointed to Logan, who had been fully exposed to the sunken ground under Zac's efforts-the torso part was still complete, but Luo The right leg of the root is obviously missing a lot.

Ravenc held his stomach subconsciously. He probably prayed, not that he ate Logan's right leg.

Benjamin paused deliberately for a while to make Ravench disgusted himself, and then, "You didn't eat anything." It was also the scene. Zac continued to dig the soil and dug out Logan's broken limb, Zac's face was wrinkled Then, looking at the amputated limb that had crawled with worm-like things, he directly came to a conclusion, "I can't do it."

Mu En seemed a little bit resentful, glaring at Ravenci in an angry look, "We are trying to treat Logan while you are biting him, and you, don't let us come near!"

Rui Wenqi pursed her lips, but she was not convinced. Mu En's blame was as if he could control what Rui Wenqi could do.

Benjamin continued to use a ridiculous tone, "Like I said, the desire to protect."

This was actually the step for Rui Wenqi, and Mu En glanced at Benjamin's mouth and continued to help Zac.

Rui Wenqi watched a bit gloomy as Zac actively bleeds into Logan, "So I knew clearly that Logan was my first wolf pack member all night." Here the clear consciousness and Benjamin's clear consciousness are Two things must be distinguished, "I don't allow anyone to approach my tribe. I even buried him, guarded, and kept others away. My protection desire delayed Logan's treatment. Does that mean?"

"Uh huh." Benjamin smiled a bit-Benjamin's understanding of his identity is quite clear. In such a scene, except that he who is also Alpha will give Ravench a trace ... well, assistance, also No one would be so kind.

The incidental work of Benjamin Alpha's identity is not over. Benjamin leaned towards Zac, watching Zac put his wrist against Logan's mouth and asked an inexplicable question, "Have you ever seen a werewolf with a broken leg."

Zac looked up at Logan. "No, so I'm not going to make Logan going out of Grand become the first lame werewolf." Zac's face was not good.

Benjamin shrugged his shoulders, ignoring Zach ’s words, but instead, “You have never seen a werewolf with a broken body because Rogan will heal himself by the night of the next month. You do n’t have to worry about you vampire here.”

Zac froze for a moment, but Mu En turned his head back to Ravenci, "At least the vampire can help Logan save a month of inconvenience." The reason for this remark to Ravenci was, "You want to send a lame man Go to the Western Feast to be your messenger. "

Rui Wenqi's mood is a little complicated. Naturally, he knows that his wolf body is uncomfortable doing things, and Mu En, whether it is intentional or unintentional, is already thinking about this wolf pack. Mu En, accepted the identity of a wolf pack wizard! This is gratifying.

So, Ravenci also stepped forward two steps, watching Zac continue to feed Rogen, "I do n’t want the messenger I sent to the Feast to be a lame, Zacree Torredo, please help me Logan restores the integrity of his body. "

Zac really rolled his eyes, as if Zac didn't do it!

Uh, forget it, since everyone in this scene knows that they are speaking the right words in their position and position, then Zarac Torrido will naturally not be absent.

At this moment, in line with Toledo's identity-

"Since Alpha has so requested, I will promise you." Zac supported Logan's chin to ensure that his blood was not wasted into the land. "May everything happen at this moment be the beginning of a new era of vampires, wizards, and werewolves in the future. . "

The historically significant summary must be said by our protagonist! !

The four were silent for a while, watching Rogan's right leg together in the sparse morning light.

The new tender tissues, bones, flesh, and skin, are slowly growing.

Four people, no desire to have breakfast.

The fifth person appeared.

It ’s Lily.

Seeing her walking in the formal woods as a work dress, you know that this is another guy with a status.

Sure enough, Lily was so self-controlling that she didn't look at Logan, but placed it on Mu En. "The boss (Bogie Quinn) asked me to look at the situation. When he asked me to go to the nursing home, His full report. "

Mu En certainly knows the reason why Lily looks at herself-Lily is angry with all the people present, because it is this group of people who let her boyfriend take the opposite path from the vampire. Even if there is a seed buried by Zach, Lily's resentment is estimated to continue for some time. All in all, this is ultimately a disagreement between the couple about the future life plan. Other people cannot solve the problem, and only two parties can solve the knot. This is the reason.

But among these four people, Mu En is the only one who Lili is pretending to be obedient, because Mu En is the wife of her boss.

Mu En did not have such an attitude of ‘thank you’, the answer was very short, “Tell your boss, all the things that should happen have happened.”

In the same way, Mu En can speak of himself as a wizard of the wolf pack here, not because of the quarrel between Poki Quinn and Mu En early in the morning, it was Zac who told the history of the day, and Benjamin took the initiative to let Mu En ride once result!

We respected the couple's grievances because of their differences, and we also have to respect the couple ... everyone understands.

Remember Zac's sigh last night about Mu En going through this kind of thing. Mu En was unlucky, gave birth to a son to Poche, and then appeared here, only to spread the duties assigned to Ravenci by Papa at midnight.

Mu En is incapable of arguing with Papa at midnight, can't he and his husband?

From a weird point of view, Lily and Mu En's mental state is very similar. They are both powerless and unable to stop the other half from advancing a process they do not want to accept.

Understand each other, neither of them spoke again.

Then, the four people continued to watch Logan ’s right leg rebirth. In the fifth, Lily insisted on keeping her sight from drifting toward Logan, while relying on herself to observe the surrounding environment to enrich Pochi. Quinn's report.

The sixth person appeared.

Feeling the breath of this sixth person, Zac's face was darkened first, and he looked back at Benjamin, "You notified him?"

This sixth person is Mayor Anthony.

Benjamin shrugged. "You tell me to continue to stabilize Anthony and report on interracial affairs, waiting for you to find a way to approach his interracial archives room in the city government." Benjamin also raised his hand and moved towards Anthony who was annoyingly moving through various branches Waved his hand.

Is it strange that Anthony came here? It's not worth it. Logan became the first member of the Ravens Wolf Pack, meaning that Barton's alien composition expanded again! Barton is about to have the real werewolf power! Do you expect the mayor of this city to lie and watch everything at home?

"I'll deal with the mayor." I don't know where I came from, inexplicable 'consciousness', and Ravenci stepped forward.

Pulled back by Mu En, "You are a criminal who once murdered Herman's son and helped Papa **** his brother Ian at midnight at Grande! What a good result you can get!"

Uh, Mu En is also a wonderful person. This wolf pack wizard works very quickly.

Ravenci frowned, "That's the past. Now that I'm the Western District's replacement for Hilla. If he doesn't give me a good result, I will mess up Barton's Western District circle." This is probably an attitude that Alpha should have.

However, Zac looked up at Ravench, "You're going to mess up the West End and asked my descendant Mrs. Quinn? Have you brained, Alpha."

It's dead.

Benjamin ... Benjamin smiled, "I'm only responsible for notifying the mayor, I'm not responsible for other things." Uh, at this time he actually just wanted to get out ... nothing seems wrong.

Anthony is getting closer. Logan's legs are still growing, don't take it for granted that the process is slow. This is not a wound healing, but a regrowth of the limb!

Zac said again, "We can leave, Anthony can't catch up with us." Zac doesn't want to be entangled with Anthony now, but it's actually quite speechless-Zac knows that Anthony will discuss everything with Ethela, and Ai Sera, I like to be mixed with 'dirty' private work. Grande's Halfway House project becomes the ghost. (Grande can't use the now-rotating Midway House project to cultivate loyalty to Grande employees. Logan The breed will not appear again.) Isn't it that Ethella did it for her own future in the Censer of Lassenbra.

It can be said that Zac is confident that in the matter of re-establishing a relationship with the werewolf, all clans of the Demon Feast are on their side, except! The Clan of Lesenbula fighting for power! Not to mention Isela, who hasn't trusted him since he came to Barton.

Zac didn't intend to emerge as a spoiler after he had just summarized the new federal alien relationship on behalf of the historical process.

But after Zac said this, all four people looked at Zac, including Lily. Uh, when did Toledo fall to this point? ?

Zac is conscious. But Zack does not admit that he is depraved, it is a mood problem! Anthony is a friend. Zach already has the secret of the city government's secret chamber to hide Anthony, but this is a two-way secret, so no one owes tax to anyone, and Zack will not feel guilty. But Zac doesn't want to continue to increase the gap between the two, and he will be unhappy.

The atmosphere was anxious, and the seventh man appeared.

This seventh man is different from Anthony's irritable face. In the woods that are not suitable for walking, the left and right leaves of the road are turned away from the left and right.

This man who was running in the woods and slamming all the obstacles was James. He crossed the surprised face of Anthony and came straight to Zac, saying, "No matter what you are doing! Zac! Come home with me! Kate is hurt! I need you !!! "

Zac raised an eyebrow, "Okay ~"

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