The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 25 Chapter 26: Kate's exclusive

When Zac was sitting in James's car and was driving on Highway 27, Benjamin had already returned to the ancestors' office at the speed of Alpha, and Lily accepted her job. Only one sentence should have happened: 'Leaving the woods, Ravenci took Logan to cover the trees deeper under Muen's witchcraft and continued to heal Logan with the blood left by Zac.

Zach is right, if this group of aliens wants to escape, it is impossible for a human mayor to catch up. So, in the woods, there was only a confused and angry fat mayor, who used his leftover rot leaves to vent his emotions.

Thanks to James's siege, it only lasted for a little while in Zac's heart. Soon Zac realized the new problem.

"James?" Zac glanced at the dashboard and silently tightened the seat belt. This is a good habit. "How is Kate now."

Zac ’s way of thinking is this-James is in a hurry, and the speed is enough to explain, but, since it is such an urgent action, why come to the South to find Zac?

Are there fewer vampires in the North? Norfil, 'General', and even Darcy (who got the blood of Nick Giovanni) can save people. Zac knew that James, now James, who had been one year ago, would only have his overly upright moral pointer to "point" others. Now James will turn his moral standards into threats. James will "blackmail" those non-humans who succumb to their own moral code. Zac teaches well.

So why come to Zac.

And we know Zac, he wouldn't ask so straightforwardly. So, Zack asked about Kate's situation.

"You want to ask me why I ran so far to find you!" Uh, James is not at all outright, straightforward.

Zac turned his head down and defaulted, "I just hope that your Kate will not become serious because of the delay."

James' lips moved a few times, but there was no sound, and he should be scolding Zac. Then, "Because I trust you!"

Zac raised an eyebrow, which seemed to be the first time James had admitted Zac's position in his heart. Zac took it, "Then I will try to live up to your trust." Seriously, "I still need to know what happened to Kate."

"She ..." James Card gave a bit of speechless words, "It's okay!"

Zac was quiet for a while, "You said she was injured."

"She was injured!" James suddenly became irritable, and what she said began to change ... feeling for herself, "She fell in the bathroom! She bumped her stomach! We have gone to the hospital! The doctor said it was okay, But I do n’t trust the doctor! "

Zac blinked. Was this progress or regression? James does not trust the human science process? ?

Zac shook his head, "So you came to the Southern District to find me, just because your pregnant wife fell in the bathroom."

James suddenly glared at Zac, "Can't you! I hope that every time I come to you, what a terrible human tragedy happened in the North District! Then I can't solve it myself, can I only come to you as a vampire?"

Extreme, but it makes sense.

Zac pouted and kept silent.

Either way, James is in perfect timing, and Zack would like to thank him.

Without further ado, Mercedes-Benz's car went directly into the North District, stopped at Liszt Back Street, and James almost dragged Zach out of the car and pushed it up to his apartment.

I haven't been here for a long time, and Zac still wanted to smile at some familiar employees in the beverage shop. Those were all James' predecessors, Georgina's friends, and the Georgina who thought it was ...

Things are changing.

Entering James's house, James has already summoned his pregnant wife, "Kate! Kate!"

Zac had time to look at James's home ... changes, it's quite big. Unlike the unmarried James family who used to be familiar with Zac, many things were replaced.

But do n’t make any expectations first, the number of changes in the James family is not the typical marriage and family type-

The first thing Zac noticed was the disappearing bar. The bar that replaces the bar is already a bit boring ... work area. The reason why it is said to be scary is that it looks a bit like a serial murder victim display area.

Many people's photos, reports, and files are nailed to the wall, and markers of various colors are marked with various symbols beside these materials.

Perhaps this looks like a clue board for police detective reasoning work or reporter investigation work, but no, this is a victim display area. Because it is already the truth, there is no need to reason or investigate—

Zac knows everyone and everything mentioned in these materials.

Yes, the content displayed in this workspace is everything that Zack has done in Barton, and everyone affected.

The couple of detectives and journalists did not convert their home into a place more suitable for the family, but contributed a space to place ... Zacree Torredo.

It is Zac himself.

Zac didn't care much about Kate, and glanced at James. "Are you serious? You didn't have any polite humane care before you came to me. Cover the place first?"

Let's review Zac's research on his mentality towards others.

For Madison-From the beginning, as long as Madison has a hobby to pass the time, and will not complain about work every day, Zack does not matter. Later, Madison sent out his own manuscripts, making Zack feel that Madison's understanding of himself began to cause trouble. Later, Zack's infinite resistance to his life was manipulated, and the white cat was frequently thrown out of the Grand. In the end, it ’s now, ‘Okay, I ’ll define my own Bible’.

We can't say that this is a positive mental journey, but Zac does have such a thing ... maturity.

Therefore, Zack will not waste his energy to rebuke James and Kate to study this experience. Zach probably has a mentality of ‘I ’m doing, you see, I ca n’t pull your eyes anyway’. But at least, you do n’t have to put this kind of disrespect on Zac ’s face anyway.

You have never seen anyone blatantly take a magnifying glass to steal-Kun-life of others! The same reason.

The answer to Zac is Kate. It looks like all Kate is normal except for some haggards. "There is nothing to hide. You are a rare visit now, if it is just because of someone ..." Staring at James, despising, " I ’m nervous, I believe you also think it ’s a waste of time. ”Kate ’s eyes returned to Zac.“ It ’s not as good as us to do something business. ”With that said, the person had already walked to the work area and sat behind the office chair.

James did not respond to the contempt, and pushed Zack toward Kate. "She hit the belly with a clear bruise. The doctor said it was not suitable for medication. So there was nothing ..." Kate's clothes.

Kate slapped it off and stared somberly, "Don't you have to go to work today, Detective Lance." Actually called her husband in a public office. Kate's attitude is very clear.

The daily interaction between husband and wife is not what Zac wants to see now. Pull James away, "I can check Kate, you, and go to work."

"Not only Kate, I also ..."

"Your children." Zac glanced at James. "I know. Now, bye! Barton citizens need their detective protection."

It can be said that Zac is urging because Kate has sorted out some of the manuscripts on her desktop and gave Zac a look of ‘you should take a look’.

James' eyes rolled back several times on Kate and Zac, with a grunt, and left.

There are only reporters and Zac at home.

Kate handed out the manuscript in his hand and spoke directly, "The manuscript of the Newton Demon Incident."

Zac took it and scanned it quickly. Kate ’s reporters are well-educated and have a news point that captures the Newton ’s Demon incident we discussed earlier—Barton ’s political intentions for Newton.

Zack's eyes are nodding frequently, and he has not forgotten to really implement the reason he was drawn here by James to check Kate's physiological state.

The two things ended at the same time, "It's okay to write, people in the West End will like it, and Patton's sense of urban pride will rise." And, "I don't feel anything unusual about you, but vampires are very pregnant with any creature. ... "No need for whitewashing, the way the vampire ’s inheritance determines this fact," Ignorance. "There is an example, Mocavi, right," If you are really worried, I suggest you still believe in your human medical treatment science."

"I don't trust James. I said it countless times. I'm okay." Kate didn't care about degrading his husband. The new manuscript already in his hands, the same, was handed to Zac.

Zac also swept quickly, raising his eyebrows-two things he didn't wait for last night: Nick and Roy's progress in the North District and Paisin, respectively, actually made up for this human reporter!

"Your information is better than I thought." Zac didn't hide his praise.

"Thank you." Kate answered frankly, "So, do you have any exclusivity for me." As always, directly.

Nick's side.

Kate wrote in her manuscript that Falcon will undertake the construction of the new port in the Southern District, and will receive a sponsorship from Herman, who has established a foothold in the Western Union. On the condition that Hermann ’s new port in the Southern District will have an exclusive import and export warehouse storage place, in exchange for Herman ’s financial support, the construction of the new port has been completed.

Kate did not mention in the manuscript that the Falcon family—fiaona (Mrs. Falcon) and Mr. Falcon ’s family struggles were the reasons for the serious delay in the construction period and engineering resources of the new port in the Southern District.

So the so-called exclusive that Zack can give is, "In this manuscript, the builder of the new port in the Southern District, the Falken family, was replaced by Mrs. Falken. Let Barton readers know who the Falcon family is now. Steward, "

Kate raised her eyebrows and tilted her head. "Understood. Let Barton readers know who is the Falken family steward now." Withdraw some of the manuscript, take notes immediately, and then continue to look at Zac.

Don't be a bar, Kate is a good reporter. She doesn't bring any rhythm of public opinion, just shows the truth to readers, doesn't she?

It's time for Roy.

The narrative method of the manuscript is very vague. It only said that Paisin ’s Indian community had been targeted by hatred before, and then prepared a proposal to apply to the government for the protection of Indian culture.

Do you remember that Zac once discussed with a police necromancer (Kou Sen's friend) the crime of sabotage against the An'an culture? In the federal legal system, the destruction of the nature of the cultural affairs of Indo-An is the same as the destruction of public trash cans by boring gangsters. Cultural labels cannot change a society's view of something.

It seems that Paisin ’s Indian community is also clear about this. They really started to legally change the meaning of the label of the An'an culture.

Kate's manuscript ended in this trend in Paisin's Indian community. It does not really cover what we know. What Roy and Sibera really negotiated was to plan the protection of the state of India and the State with national power in the middle.

Zac can understand the gully that Kate encountered here-Kate is just a reporter from Barton. She has no way to predict the future changes of national laws with the pattern of a city daily newspaper! So, "The main idea is correct. If the Indian community needs social preferential treatment or protection, it must go to the legal process. Just by virtue of everyone's moral level, it has proved impossible. When morality cannot meet the needs The law must stand up, this is civilization. "

Kate's expression of "I wrote, I know, without your value summary". But in his hand, it was brushing and pulling down the words, which should be added later.

Zach continued, "But the place where it takes the lead is very important. Whether it can play a positive role in the course of the times depends on where the question is raised. Can we implement this change."

Kate frowned, as if he didn't quite understand Zac's meaning, "Can't Barton?"

Zac shook his head, "Barton can't do it, at least in the eyes of the public, Barton can't do it." Zac said very objectively and didn't mean to disparage his territory. We all know that Barton is where all the patterns now begin! Zack: "Barton has too many things going on at the same time. Newton, trade, and Republicans are all the focus, but in fact, Barton is just a 50-year-old baby city."

Kate still frowned and nodded. "The Federation probably already knows that Barton is a crying baby. Now Barton will see if he can grow up." The symbolic meaning is very heavy, but it should be well understood, " For Button, this is not the time to lose sight of each other. Too many things are not good for Button. "

Yes, which of annexation of Newton, international trade, and republican immigration can be taken lightly?

It ’s not that it ’s the original owner of this continent, Indo-an, it ’s not important, but, “Indo-an ’s protection, it ’s not Baton ’s turn.” Zack looked at Kate. “The federal population and resources are stronger. The In’an community is in the middle. ”The wizard family.

As a reporter in a small city, Kate can't predict the future, can't he analyze objective facts?

Kate's mouth twitched, "Compared with the Indian community in Barton, which can only continue to take Mrs. Quinn's relics, the Indian community in the central federal government has more resources and social status to promote the Indian culture. The law of protection. "Look, so the negotiations with Roy and Spira are progressing ~ the people of Patton can see the world ~

But immediately, Kate frowned, "I wrote this, the wizarding family in the middle ..." There is nothing surprising. After finishing the content that can be displayed to civilian readers, the topic immediately enters the alien level. "Will it be Remind, before you vampires occupy the central part, do it yourself and protect yourself with the law? "

Zac waved his hand, "No." Say yes, Zac is a sincere affirmation, "Because the current Central Wizard family does not need protection, they are well mixed in the Central, and they are all rich and the like. They just suffered a loss at the Tongtian Tower in Patton, but this is something they could not announce. They are in the middle, and they are doing very well. In this case, they want to make the national laws more “biased” them, then It ’s a dream. The protection of the law will only make sense when they become victims. "

Kate couldn't hold back and laughed, "Oh." Withdrew all her manuscripts, which is exclusive and so valuable-"Yes, after your vampire has crushed the middle, the wizard family is the absolute victim. At that time, they sought protection again, and everything came to fruition ~ "Was n’t it natural, Roy fulfilled his promise to Spira, but then, hehe, to take over those Indians in the Indian protection state The person is Spira, not the defeater who is regarded as a resource provider-the wizard family!

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