Louise should not expect anything-Grande ’s personal relationship with the mayor will not cause Grande ’s affairs in the city hall to be increased. ? < [. ? C] O> M]

It ’s been an morning and Louise has met with only four civil servants in total. Each of them replied after hearing Louise ’s instructions, “Uh, the review of the funeral industry? Submit information? Say, wait a minute, I will react to the superior. "Then it will appear again after more than half an hour. . "

At this time, Louise was sitting outside an office, staring at the painting on the wall, she made a decision, five minutes, if the answer she got was still unknown or invited to other departments, she went directly to the mayor office.

It doesn't take five minutes.

Louise's face was somber, she had heard the conversation in the office--

"It's finally lunch break."

"Uh, there seems to be a woman outside to submit some review materials."

"Afternoon ..."

Louise stood up without going to the elevator. Looking for the direct mayor on the top floor, it's time to take advantage of the personal relationship between Grand and the mayor.

Louise entered the elevator. No one else was fine. Louise flipped open her bag, took out a metal thermos and unscrewed the lid. Guess what is inside, not brown sugar water, but vampire food.

Of course, Louise does not put a wine bottle in his bag at any time like a man, so he can only put a jug. Fortunately, it is a common thing for women to carry insulated pots and men to bring wine bottles.

Louise frowned as she looked up, looking at the ceiling of the elevator. She was not sure, as if she heard a sound.

Louise took a step back a little later, slowly moving away the thermos, adjusting her senses, trying to hear if there was anything above her head.

This is not the first time this has happened. Every time Louise walks into an enclosed space, or an unoccupied hallway, he will hear some abnormal movements, like an illusion, not like it, and cannot be confirmed.


The elevator stopped, and after the door opened, Blake stepped in. Suddenly, "Lois?"

"Blake?" Louise also raised her eyebrows, and then looked around Blake, without seeing Necro Jackson.

As the elevator continued to move up, Blake also noticed Louise's movements and pouted his lips. "Just disappeared, maybe where did I go?"

"I'm here." From the top of the elevator, the blue undead floated down, a look of irritability, "not caught up."

"What didn't catch up?"

"I don't know." Jackson glanced at Louise, "a shadow-like thing, above the elevator, I just ran away."

Louise tightened her hand holding the bag, but didn't speak.

"Shadow? What?" Blake asked, but he didn't seem to care much. He stared at the elevator door. Once the door opened, he didn't care what Jackson was doing. He was going to report to the mayor about today's work.

"I didn't see clearly. I saw a shadow. The elevator shaft was dark and black, and it disappeared at once." Jackson said with a lip, "It's probably because I read it wrong, I didn't feel anything."

Blake shrugged and glanced at Louise, "Right, are you coming to the mayor?"

Louise still didn't speak, frowned and stood at the corner of the elevator. He glanced at Blake, hesitated, and suddenly pressed the elevator button, shook his head at Blake, saying that he had always been weirdly silent and apologized, then As soon as the elevator door opened, I walked out immediately. Walk into the person who is about to leave on the same lunch break and wait for the elevator to go downstairs.

This is vigilant.

Let me put it this way, in the morning, when Louise was coming to the North District to submit information, Zac had planned to go with him. At that time, Ford had not come. But Louise refused, saying that such little things do not need to be accompanied.

Zac agreed, but still told Louise to be careful, because the reliable news-Yuehua, they have said that Mokawi may have arrived in Barton, and there are unidentified guys accompanying him. But it is strange that Mokawi did not show up at the police station and questioned her about the ‘framed’ warrant. This means that for whatever reason, Mokawi and his party are covering up their whereabouts.

Zac didn't quite understand the significance of Mocavi's coming to Barton at first. When James said that he received Mocavi's phone call-Mocavi directly said that Toledo was an alliance traitor, Zac was honest Responded that he did not know how to think about it.

Even in theory, Mokawi will not be Zac's enemy, but the opponent is Mokawi, a lunatic that Zac does not understand. Now he is deliberately hiding his whereabouts, and Zac does not know how to think about these things. Be careful, it is always good.

Louise followed the people into the elevator, paying careful attention to the movement outside the square box. There was nothing, at least Louise could not perceive anything.

After the flow of people left the city government, Louise was completely not ready to submit information, and the reviewers were not in a hurry, so she was in a hurry. Standing in the noonday sun, Louise wondered where to go now.

Zac has confessed that if anything is wrong, he will immediately return to Grand. If Louise is completely obedient, there is nothing to think about. but……

Louise looked back, looked at the city government building, pursed his lips, walked to the municipal square, and sat down on the bench. She wants to watch all the living things coming and going from the city government.

Haha, Louise, was the woman who had frequently disappeared and slaughtered by fellow women. She was still on the side of the road, and she was unscrupulously showing off her cash cow with two police detectives on the corner. Well, now she, a vampire, sits on the square in the daytime and looks at the city government. Is it worth wondering?

Let Louise sit here, we look back inside the city government, still, really inside, where no one should pass.

Bumi, "Uh, why didn't you remind me just now, I was almost revealed by that necromancer!"

Dora, "How to remind you?" Is uncomfortable, "Shout, you are not careful, blame me?"

"Forget it, the woman sat down in the square." Bumi's tone was confused, "I should go with her ..."

"No!" Dora strangled the dangerous thought in the cradle, and looked a little gloomy. "We, don't know her."

"But she is indeed Toledo ..."

"But we don't know her!" Dora emphasized again.

"Uh." Bumi was puzzled. "But I can feel her pedigree, not low, she is probably ..."

"It's because it's very possible!" Dora's thinking seemed very clear. "We shouldn't have such a hasty contact! Especially at the municipal government, here!"

"Why?" It was all confused again.

"I am the one who follows the Necromancer!" Dora was very determined. "Do you know who is next to the Necromancer?"

Bumi is not ready to speak, just waiting for Dora to explain.

"It was a **** of a dead soul. The person he followed was a child of Barton's famous political family, named Blake Stone. Now it is the public relations of the mayor's office. Move your mind!"

Bumi was quiet for a while. "Are you trying to say that the mayor of Button is controlled by fallen angels?"

"I don't want to say anything, I'm just telling you the truth! The most important public relations of Mayor Barton is a person who has something to do with Hell Necromancer." There are also doubts, "And that public relations, how to look at it Ordinary people, but there are traces of witchcraft on him and the undead, which should allow them to communicate with each other ... "

"Wait a minute, you are talking about Barton's wizards and fallen angels. They control the city together ..."

"I'm only telling the truth!" Impatient.

Little was silent for a while, "I don't understand why, like other cities in the east, such as Newton, he is directly attached to the mayor. The mayor Anthony is still an ordinary human."

"It's no use asking me. Barton is already very strange. He came from the east all the way and he can see the demon possessed everywhere, but Barton, we haven't seen it yet. The only thing related to the demon is this PR." Dora paused, frowning tightly. "Barton's forces are more complicated than we thought!"

Bumi hesitated, "I have followed that female Toledo all morning, and I have something that makes me uncomfortable, well ..."


"She seemed to be submitting censorship information for the Patton funeral home, but she was pushed all the way and no one took care of her. In the morning, things were not done. Um, Dora, you think that means what this means ? "

"Funeral home?" Dora confirmed this first, then frowned tightly, "Torido, at the bottom of Barton's forces ..." It was just speculation, and it was still a very bad speculation, so it was automatically silenced. .

"But she seemed to know the PR and the undead you said." Bumi added the obvious facts.

"But she didn't mean to communicate with the undead and public relations at all." Dora shook her head irritably. "We can't know the relationship between them."

"Uh." Bumi pursed her lips. "I probably, maybe, um, to remind the female Toredo ..."

"What are you ?!"

"Well, that, when she was alone, I wanted to touch it, knock on the wall, make a sound, see if she is showing up now. Well, you know, we have n’t always done this before Zachary playing, he communicated with the nobility in the banquet hall, we banged a secret sign in the vent pipe, let him ask some interesting things out ... "Inexplicable, Bumi's pitted face, revealing the past Brilliance.

"Why do you do this kind of thing?" Dora waved her small arm in the narrow passage, not knowing whether it was a ventilation pipe or something.

"I, I don't know, just wanted to ..." Bumi shut up, "I'm sorry." Then he changed the topic, "So what should we do now, continue to spy on the city government's intelligence."

"How to spy?" Dora twitched her lips impatiently. "Now that the PR and the mayor are together, the undead is floating around there, already alert, you will be noticed if you are not careful!"

"Then let's go to the square now ..."

Interrupted, "No! Don't think about contacting that female Toledo! At least not within the scope of the city government! Who knows if there will be other demon fallen angels around, we can't expose now!" Then, It's when we heard that we can breathe a sigh of relief, "And if Toredo is really the bottom of Barton's forces, we have to be more careful. As Torito's secret support, we have to be more careful now!"

"Then we ..."

"Funeral home!" Dora made a decision. "Which funeral home is that female Torrido?"

"It seems to be called, Grande."

"Grand." Dora said in silence, nodded, and then looked at Bumi who was hidden in the shadow. "Bumi, what are you doing?"

"Go to Grande." Of course.

"Back to the camp." Dora pulled the corner of his mouth, "Ready to shift, tonight, the full moon cycle begins. Although Mokawi is now in the forest of Alpha Mao, we can't take the risk and continue to stay in the forest, we are right now The size of Alpha ’s ethnic group is not yet known! You can help others settle down! "

"It's not fair!" Bumi countered dissatisfiedly, "I want to go to Grande!"

"Uh, that's a funeral home, and it won't disappear suddenly! We all have to go back to the camp! Move first, make everyone safe, and then investigate the funeral home! Together!"

"Okay." Helplessly agreed, "But you are in charge of Mokawi, and I will not trouble myself and persuade her to transfer."

"I'm coming!" Dora snorted, and at the same time, the two Nofellers, who had written down the plan, began to move, leaving here.

Where can I go to Nofeller, who has moved to avoid the full moon cycle? Well, there aren't many options. This is Barton, not a big city. There is no abandoned underground transportation facility. But fortunately, Barton is a sea-side city, not only leaning on the Massa Bay, but also flowing through the Charles and Paisin Rivers inside. Barton's sewer project is still very perfect.

Better yet, did you guess? The Herman factory at the junction of the north and south districts and south of the Paisin district. Because it is a factory, the drainage demand has allowed it to have an underground route from the Paisin River to the inside. The factory is now in the abandoned stage, and Smith's project has not yet begun.

There is no need to stay in a wet sewer, there is a small water channel that can lead to all parts of Barton, a perfect hiding place. The Norfolks are ready to go there.

Go back to the square in front of the city hall.

Louise shook her thermos, empty. She was too young to see the sun at noon in autumn, and her highly distracted senses added to her food needs.

Louise pursed her lips, shook her head helplessly, and stood up, but she still looked around her vigilantly, maintaining the maximum sense. It won't last long.

With her age as a vampire who was not new, she was completely eating her old bloodline. Must go back to Grande.

‘Afternoon let Zac come to the city government. ‘Louis decided in her heart,‘ Zac must be more able to figure out if someone is following himself. And Zac ’s words will certainly not be fooled by those civil servants. This morning, it was a waste. "(Unfinished to be continued.)

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