The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 9: in the afternoon

Anyway, the whole morning was wasted, Zac was not in a hurry, anyway, Louise came back, Madison had not left, contacted Ford, transferred customers, and in the afternoon, as the master of Grande, arrange this first A joint business between the mill and Grand headquarters. {(八 {一 中文 W) W} W>. ) 8) 1] Z> W}. > COM

"I insisted on cremation because my father said that if I want to leave this world, I don't want to leave any residue here." This is a customer, a very young guy named Eric. And this is quite confusing, what is ‘any residue’.

"Persevere in wanting to go to the Church of the Son." The other party paused. "Just want to persevere."

As soon as the Eric enters Grand, Zac is watching him, not for a boring reason, but the Eric seems to be more inclined to look at Gran than to plan funeral affairs for his father. Virtue. And his eyes are always focused on where he should n’t be—

For example, there is nothing in the backyard, but there is nothing but Rinin. For example, the ceiling of the exhibition hall, there is nothing there, except for the new angel Jimmy.

Also, in most conversations after entering the office, he is avoiding the eye contact between Zach and Louise, clearly there is no part worth discussing about the cremation, the focus is on the ceremony before the cremation, but he seems to be conscious Only communicate with Madison.

Zac listened to the discussion for a while and said, "So Madison, the mill has to do the handover work, and the cremation part after the farewell is over." Then clearly gestured to Madison with your eyes, and you can go.

"Louise, you have a rest too, it's been a hard morning."

Louise shrugged and left, leaving a note to record the customer's request. She barely remembered anything. Eric didn't answer her question at all.

There are only Eric and Zac in the office. Zac took the notebook. "Although you insisted on a farewell ceremony at the Church of the Son, whether it is the information Ford gave me or the content you just answered, it seems that you have nothing at all. Guests can invite to participate. "

"My family, there are no relatives and friends." Eric did not look at Zac and calmly replied, "Father came to Barton to recuperate after retirement. Our life is simple and very peaceful."

"I can imagine this." Zach waved his hand. "Barton gave birth to many things, and we, now, know that you must live a very simple and peaceful life. Perhaps, I should say, a low-key life." What does Zack mean? ?

Eric's head was lowered, and his voice remained calm. "So, vampire, do you want to hold my father's funeral?"

"Aren't we discussing the funeral." Zac shrugged. "At least for mutual respect, you have to tell me, what are you."

"I am human." Eric answered quickly.

"I know, but you are not entirely human, are you, the third kind of aliens." Including wizards, demon hunters, mourning banshees, Walter ... all these humans with special powers, "specifically."

"My father and I insisted on using the Church of the Son, what do you think we are?"

"Hunter." Zack answered.

Eric glanced at Zac and was sure. Keep looking down to avoid the sight.

Do you remember the description about the demon hunter? And cross the border. As a human, execute the trial of the devil. Life expels demons for the faith of the Holy Lord to maintain the stability of the world, but after his death, he has fallen into **** because he exercised the powers that humans should not have. Destiny of the demon hunter.

Constantine studied the method of returning to the trial of faith because of his dissatisfaction (unsuccessful, but he developed a method of transcending the soul of the Lord's belief), and left the west to retreat in Barton.

Demon hunters have a special affection for the crucified Son, presumably they think they are the same as the Son.

"Father Constantine of the Church of the Son, he ..." Zac wanted to ask.

Was interrupted, "He didn't know. He heard from his father that Constantine had a principled discord with all his colleagues and was forced to leave the west. My father retired and just wanted to find a quiet place to recuperate. We don't There needs to be an intersection. "

Zac nodded and smiled immediately, as a temptation, "Barton is not quiet now."

"It doesn't matter. My father is very lucky. He has been very peaceful for more than ten years in Barton. He is very old. In the last year, he was not sober, so it doesn't matter."

Although nothing was tentatively detected, Zac was quite pleased. The other party's meaning died naturally, and it is no wonder that except for some attitude problems, he has always been calm.

Can you understand Zac's thoughts? Now Barton can't withstand the accidental death of a demon hunter. This Eric family succeeded in keeping a low profile in Barton for so long, it is best to keep it so low profile.

"It's my personal curiosity, your father now ..." This is automatically stopped, anyway, the other party knows what is behind.

"The Hell Dog appears, but it doesn't need to be. The faith trial comes quickly. The father left the cremation and the request of the Church of the Son," he paused. "Go on." Shaking his head, "then the angel Jessica came Once, after all, only people who are zealous like the devil hunters who cross the borders will have such a quick and clear trial. But we did n’t communicate anything, but she seemed to. "Frowning," I don't know. Should be It is to respect my father and my position, not to say much. "

Zac nodded and raised an eyebrow suddenly, "How old are you?"

Probably Zac was inexplicable, glancing frowningly, "24, what are you doing."

"So when your father came to Barton to recuperate, you were still a child." Zack smiled with a smile on his face.

"What happened then."

"This shows that you are not a demon hunter, you are just a demon hunter with knowledge and abilities, well, ordinary people."

Eric was silent for a while, "My father became a father when I was born very late, when someone else has become a grandfather. I guess he loves me too much, he does not want me to follow the same path as him, so, take me to come To the most remote east. "

Zac gave time to let the other party adjust his emotions, and then smiled again, "Then let's arrange your father's funeral. Well, the process, you should already know well at Ford, let's discuss the coffin. "

Eric pursed his lips, it should have changed his mood, and finally he looked at Zac and nodded, "Yeah."

"Okay. Ford mentioned it, because it is not a burial after all, so the coffin he used for the farewell is common, but Grande is different ..."

After Eric started the communication, the progress was very smooth. After discussing what Grande can do, they also discussed the arrangement of the Church of the Holy Son, because seriously, no one attended the funeral. Even if Eric ’s neighbors were added to the guest list, only Less than ten people. This may be another deserted funeral held in the Church of the Son after Pierce's funeral.

Zac asked Constantine the question, because it was not known whether Eric would be willing to another demon hunter to preside over the ceremony. But Eric seems to have no opinion-"It doesn't matter, it's not good to avoid it. I want to live in peace, and I don't want to cause any objection."

After this work-style thing was done, Eric asked, "The thing in the showroom, is it an angel."

"Yes, his name is Jimmy." Qianchen's past, there is no need to explain to this Eric in detail.

"I also felt the smell of falling angels, in the direction of your warehouse."

"The wings of fallen angels are there."

"The ground-bound spirit in your backyard, I feel witchcraft."

"That was the son of the wizard Sibera, who was not very honest, so he was bound by witchcraft on the seeds of the spirit grass and placed in Grande."

"Young men and women chatting over there." Eric was talking about Matthew and Maya. Maya was okay. Matthew was a little, well, anxious.

"Oh, that's Maya, the black witch who came to play in Grande. Matthew, it's normal to have a little emotional instability, you know, the full moon cycle."

Even when leaving, "She ..."

"Mo, the republic's ghost. Just walked back with the shape changer."

In this way, like any guest who came to the funeral home, Eric left with mixed emotions.

Handing over work arrangements to Louise, Zac is also ready to leave for the North District to complete what Louise has not done in the morning.

Before leaving, "Benjamin." Helpless, "I know that recently, you are using a wolf body is very fun, but, after all, it is a full moon cycle, a little consider how I feel nervous."

This is what Eric mentioned just now, Maya and Matthew are chatting.

Benjamin may have been the first ever to break through the limit of the full moon cycle, feel free to use the wolf-shaped alpha at other times. It did n’t matter before, but the closer to the full moon cycle, the more strange Matthew next to the Alpha Wolf body felt. According to his original words, "It ’s clear that my senses have begun to burst before the full moon cycle."

Maya is helping to calm down, "Salem ’s books have documented that the alpha that transformed itself into a wolf in advance during the full moon cycle has an effect on improving the overall tribal ability. Probably Benjamin can now transform the wolf body at will The impact of ability has also been extended beyond the full moon cycle. "

Tonight, when the moon crosses the highest point, the cycle will officially start, and now Matthew has entered this state early. Zac ’s so-called ‘tension’ is actually for Matthew.

Benjamin responded to Zac by giving Matthew the spice, "I think Matthew can use this thing."

The effect was immediate. Same as Benjamin for the first time.

But Zac didn't really know that this was not a good thing. Benjamin's two personalities were already a little troubled by Grande, and he had a special idea about Fitz's gang of otakus. If Matthew comes again, eh.

But everything is unknown and Zac doesn't know how to anticipate the future. Forget it, with the information that Louise did not submit in the morning, he left Grand. Halfway, meet Alice who came back from school, and Lola who came to Grande for a reason to "come with Alice to learn the car".

We remain focused on Grandry.

Because Alice came back, and Lola didn't really teach Alice to drive, she drove a little pink and walked around with Kyle. It just so happened that Maya had the opportunity to ask the questions she always had—

"That spice, I heard from Yuehua, that John did it right. It's amazing, can Alpha be transformed at any time, can you tell me about it." Remember that Maya touched Benjamin somehow.

Alice didn't know what to say to Maya, "said it was a rebirth of the band in the soul ..."

For Matthew, who used spices for the first time, Benjamin was also observing Matthew's changes, starting with the lighter, Alpha skin.

Benjamin took a sip on Matthew's shoulder with the shape of Alpha's skin as Maya and Alice's guards, and the illusions scattered around observe Laura's driving route.

Louise wanted to avoid Grande at this time. When Matthew's body began to be covered with fluff, he went to the Church of the Son to discuss the funeral work with the priest.

This is the time.

A little south of Grande, a point on the straight line connecting Grande and Hermann warehouse. There is still some distance from Grande, and the two figures are hidden in the shadow of a farmer.

"Are you sure Grand?" Dora frowned tightly, his tone bad. When she first arrived, she was still in a good mood, because Mokawi unexpectedly cooperated with their transfer, and expected to be busy with an afternoon transfer, which was completed in two hours. Mokawi is now honestly still temporarily abandoned In the Herman factory.

"I'm sure." Bumi frowned tightly. "That's what the female Toledo said, Grand's account information!"

"There are two Alphas in Grande now! You tell me where is Torrido ?!" Dora gritted her teeth.

Wait, two alphas? Did Dora count Matthew? Oh, don't blame her, only Alpha can use Alpha skin, unless in the battle, Alpha passes his own blood.

"Don't you always emphasize not to speculate!" Bumi's complexion is no better than Dora's, "Maybe Grandry, the werewolves are fighting!"

"Is the good news for us in the fight ?!" Dora's face was rueful. "Grandry has Alpha! Now we can know why Alpha's hair will be in the forest in the south ..."

It is quite now.

At the same time, Bumi and Dora's black face was born together. The two guys glanced at each other, "Two, wolves!" The breath from Grande's side was not as simple as Alpha's skin, but two shaped wolves! Again, the full moon cycle has not yet begun!

Dora grabbed Bumi's arm suddenly, "Vampire, the breath of a vampire! I feel a faint vampire breath!"

Two Norfil, personified breath.

be quiet. Short-lived.

"It's gone. The breath of the vampire is gone!"

"Being killed?"

"I, I don't know ..." Dora shook her head hard. "You, what kind of clan do you perceive the breath of that vampire ?! Is that female Torrido ?!" asked very eagerly.

"No, no ..." Bumi replied tremblingly, "The time is too short to disappear, and the disappearance is too sudden ..."

"We should leave here!"


Go back to Grande, Georgina stared somberly at the two wolves in front of her, "Don't ask me to do this kind of experiment in the future!"

The dark brown wolf spoke the human language, and Benjamin ’s voice said, "I can only find you. Your clan talents do not feel the bloodline suppression, so there will be no special reaction to the werewolf. You think Zac and Louise will Will you try this for me? "

Georgina rubbed her lips, "So, what happened?"

The yellow-haired wolf blinked and jumped a few times, wow wow wow.

"He said very well, even if you breathe the vampire's breath, he still doesn't want to attack you."

Georgina rolled her eyes and closed the door of the warehouse. "Say good reward! Blood! A bucket! I'm hungry every day now!" (To be continued.)

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