The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Before dinner

Grandry was a little embarrassed, why? When Zac came back, there were two wolves in his backyard now. Instinctively needed some strength to replenish, but now there are two large canisters in the basement to store food. Eh, sheep blood. Bayi Chinese Network W> W> W>. > 81ZW. COM

Louise was clearly still talking about the work in the Church of the Son, and Zac went to the warehouse on the south side. Sure enough, Georgina was having a feast.

"Don't ask me, ask your Alpha friend to go!" Georgina said.

So, Zac looked at the two wolves in the backyard. The yellow-haired one was Matthew, clearly a wolf. In the eyes of ordinary people, the giant wolf had a pair of puppies' eyes, blinking, whining. Wow.

Hey, forget it.

"I hope you know what you are doing." Zac said to Benjamin the black-brown one.

"Let ’s go, Matthew, and inspect the woods. (Qualified Alpha will check the woods that will be active in the cycle before the full moon cycle for the ethnic group, to prevent being targeted, such as hunter ’s aconite trap. It has been mentioned before .) ”Benjamin did n’t respond directly to Zac, but he still vocalized the upcoming action, turning into a black-brown afterimage, with a yellowish color, disappearing into Grande and heading south.

"Hanke." Zac called the old Hank who came back from the graveyard. "When I submitted the information, they mentioned the license issued by the city government when the city government started the funeral industry. Do you know where it was placed?" "

"Don't remember, anyway, find it in your office!" Impatient.

"And Ford is here today." Zac followed Hank, who was shaking his hand and striding. Looking at his direction, he should go directly to the kitchen to urge dinner. Now the old Hank ’s life rule is not enough, eat, sleep, go to the graveyard to walk the **** (find someone to chat and play), "I raised the issue of the loyalty of the funeral industry in the future, especially in the current privatization. , I think you should consider this issue. "

There was no expression on Zac ’s face, "I. I can't be here forever."

At the door of the restaurant, Old Hank stopped.

Is this topic coming suddenly? No, vampires live forever, can Grande's owner always be Zachary Grande? No way. When Alice grows to a certain stage (from childhood to adulthood, and then enters a period of slack). The reference object that reflects the passage of time in Grande will disappear. Even if the funeral home appears in people's field of vision, outside, sooner or later, people in Grande will not grow old.

Old Hank raised his footsteps again, "I don't care, I can't live when you leave!"

Zac smiled and shook his head, "Hanke, you are too modest, you will live a long time. But you are also right, the moment is coming, it is still far away, and the discussion is indeed a bit early." Zac continued to follow, "However, Ford mentioned that the employees in the current cemetery came to work in Grande because of the transition. There is no loyalty. To cultivate loyalty in places like funeral homes still depends on the old method of letting employees live here. During this time, you often find those people chatting and playing time. Do you think that in the future, Barton will have a new exhibition period, when various job opportunities are spared, will they stay? "

Old Hank stopped again, staring at Mo and Alice busy at the desk, glancing at Zack, his face gloomy, "No, they will resign, no surprises!" And added, "Most of the topics we chat with are Although their previous work and the current work are good, people in life always have different eyes. "

"That's it." Zac was the one who consciously ordered, and came to the kitchen anyway, and began to cut potatoes. "Sure enough, Ford is right. No matter how privatized, the tombkeeper is still a glorious job."

Seeing that lunch was being prepared in an orderly manner, Old Hank turned away with a sullen face. He should have gone to the second floor to watch TV.

"Do you think that Grande should follow Ford's suggestion and start building an employee dormitory here to do some hard work to cultivate loyal employees in the future?" Zack looked at the potatoes in his hand and asked when Old Hank walked out of the kitchen .

Listen to Zach. Is he talking about whether Grande needs to follow the advice, not himself?

Grande, whose vampire is the homeowner, is not suitable for ordinary people to live in. This should not need to be explained. What does Zac want to ask? What he wanted to ask was whether Grande needed for human funeral. This makes a difference.

Old Hank stopped again and stood for a long time in front of the kitchen. It may be old, the sound level of breathing is loud, breathe-breath-breath ...


This is the decision.

Zach just raised his eyebrows. "Okay, it seems that I didn't lose Austin (the former foreman who renovated Grande) 's business card. It was a wise decision." Old Hank left.

"Zha, Zac ..." Alice said nervously.

"Don't worry." Zack smiled at Alice. "My appearance can be stable for more than ten years." This is based on the experience of rotating as a secret alliance. From maturity to aging, this is the most stable phase of human appearance change. Our vampire has experienced such a rotation that I do not know how many times.

Picking up the second potato, just under the knife, the phone rang.

Zac wiped his hands, nodded at the two in the kitchen, and went to the office.

Picking up the phone, it was Mrs. Quinn, the earliest Mrs. Quinn who had the deepest friendship with Grande.

So it ’s straightforward, "I have a commission and need your help."

"Speak on the phone?" Zac glanced in the office, and came up anyway, looking for the license just mentioned to Old Hank, and his hand was rummaging in the drawer-Austin's business card.

There was a silence on the receiver for a while, answering the question, "According to your request, it is not a matter of interest, family affairs."

Zac smiled, and turned to Austin's business card and took it in his hand. "It doesn't matter anymore. The family affairs of your people in the West District will definitely affect the interests of the family. Ha ha, I almost have this truth "The most central position on the desktop is to remind yourself that the first thing tomorrow is to call Austin.

"To be honest." Mrs. Quinn's voice was calm, "but anyway I will support Anthony in this campaign, help Quinn's interests, and also help your mayor friend, you should not care."

Is n’t it too direct, but, oh, our vampires do n’t mind. Mrs. Quinn knew what Zack was and what Grand was, and it was not just outside. Speaking of that, Zac also has something to do with Mrs. Quinn. Just out of Mrs. Quinn's treatment of someone, yes, it's Bocchi, Bocchi who made his second appearance with Boyson. Quinn's complex emotions about his grandson made Zach never know how to lift it, and he could only drag it.

It ’s better to be now, "Mrs. Quinn, I have something to do to you ..."

"Not on the phone, dinner." Mrs. Quinn interrupted.

"Now?" Zac looks at the time. It's dinner time now. Now go to the West End? Zac didn't even think about Mrs. Quinn's next words.

"Immediately, you should be there right away." Pause, "Pochi."

Zac pursed his lips, "Poche came to Grande."

"I know you probably have an opinion, so looking at the time, he should be approaching before calling you."

Zac actually smiled, helpless, "So I have no way to refuse, right."

"Yes." Hey, it was still too straightforward. "After the Boyson incident, I lifted Pooch's house arrest and let him out, he ..."

"Ma'am." It's just as straightforward, and it can't be delayed. "Pochi is not the same as the previous Pochi, he ..."

It was a series of interruptions, "I know, I can feel it." Then, let Zack have nothing to say, "but he is Quinn's only heir, my grandson. His problem will be Quinn. Question, my question, now I have a question, let him come to you for help, what are you going to do, Grand Master. "

There is a fact, do n’t ignore it. The reason why Quinn helped Grande get rid of Boyson was that Boyson threatened Pooch ’s future. Boyson used the plan to slap Valmyna onto Pooch, remember What. Coupled with Mrs. Quinn ’s own mixed-blood lineage, it has a dip to the niche Indian tradition and the common culture of the Federation, and has long expressed vaguely neutral beliefs.

Therefore, Mrs. Quinn probably really doesn't care about other things. What she cares about, as she just said, the only successor, the problem of Pooch is the problem of the Quinn family.

"I see." Zac nodded with no expression. "Then I'm here, wait for him, I hope he brings cash." Zac laughed, as if it was an active atmosphere, "Yes, now Grand No checks will be accepted. "

"I know." Mrs. Quinn's tone was relaxed, and she was still worried that Zac would directly refuse, "heard of the funeral industry's censorship, and rest assured that he brought cash."


Why didn't Zac refuse? Very simple, the new Poci must be seen.

Mrs. Quinn's time was really tight. Zac had just stood up from behind his desk and opened the curtains, and a limousine stopped in the backyard.

Pooch got out of the car with a bottle of wine, raised his eyes, looked at Zac behind the window, raised the bottle in his hand, and stepped into Grand.

Boqi did not go to the office, went directly to the restaurant, sat down directly in the seat next to the main seat, put down the bottle of wine as a souvenir. Looking at Maya who was also waiting for dinner at the table, "What's your name, little Banshee."

It ’s already impolite to call someone ’s race name for the first time, and it ’s also a ‘little demon’.

Maya glanced at Boqi and turned her head, "Sad guy."

"That's what I would like to know in detail." Zach walked into the restaurant and sat down in his place. There will be dinner for a while, and now it ’s an appetizer, "How sad."

"It wasn't a pure-bred In'an." Maya seemed to be happy to talk to the host, Zac, about the bad talk of the guest, in the opposite direction, "Relying on that thin In'an blood, accept Papa at midnight "Blessing" hum. "Ironically," You have polluted your entire lineage ... "Maya shook her head, yes," I don't think you have the possibility of inheritance now. "

Zac raised an eyebrow at the corner of his mouth. "Are you saying this Mr. Poki Quinn was castrated-cut?" Yes, Zac used the term deliberately in front of someone.

It is worth mentioning that Maya does not go to school and is also family education, so there is probably no ordinary people's so-called taboo, "That is what it means. In Salem, the seniors studied the witchcraft used by Papa at midnight. Papa changed and made at midnight. The racial way. He has a principle that any of his works can be inherited by the Indians, such as me, the mourning banshee, such as the talent of the wizard. It is absolutely impossible for non-Indians to inherit. "

"This is a very good, strong principle of his own ethnicity." Zac actually nodded and looked at Pooch pretending to be comforting. "Your Inean descent may allow you to pass on for generations." But strange , Boqi kept smiling,

"Impossible." Maya said the conclusion, "I can feel that the witchcraft in this mixed-race guy is gathered in the present body at the cost of the inheritance of his future lineage. He cannot have offspring. Papa is more midnight. It is impossible to risk letting the ability of witchcraft faith fall into the lineage of non-Indians under the future hybrid inheritance. "Sneer," Huh, unless, you forcefully create a descendant and let it eat you, like Alpha Pass on that. "


Zac smiled and answered, "But the werewolf used the holy Lord's faith, the blood of the vampire Gangaro, and the belief system, so this kind of inheritance method that Papa did not want at midnight appeared, right?"

"Oh." Maya really cooperated. "Yeah, I almost forgot, really." Looking at Pochi, who called herself the little Banshee, "You are still castrated."

Boqi still kept a smile, "My physiological function, very good, thanks to the vampire and the little banshee's concern." In fact, the hands holding the bottle are all green bars and pushed towards Zac, "The gift to meet again It is an empty bottle. I think that you only need the bottle, so ... "It turned out to be prepared.

"That's so sweet." Zac took the empty bottle. "Your predecessor, Boyson also gave me wine." Herman's luncheon, "but he put 'Valmyna' in it. Framed me and left me a lot of shadows. Ha ha, you are really thinking for me, thank you. "Holding the wine bottle in both hands, looking at the label and the vintage," Nice bottle, I like it. "


Poche actually kept smiling, which is quite good. After spending so long in the nursing home, plus house arrest, it is a little bit more advanced.

"I'm glad that you mentioned the matter of future generations." Poki is not going to continue to provoke the banshee. "The grandmother has already called. She has the matter of commissioning, then I think you are deliberately mentioning the offspring ... … "

This is the end of the appetizer. Is this the topic?

"I didn't mention anything deliberately." Zac waved his hand, which foreshadowed that the commission had something to do with future generations. "Dinner will have a little while." Zac laughed, and this smile did not know how much sincerity Boboci , "Let ’s talk about something else first. I heard that as soon as you regain your freedom, you are very close to Ethela." I ca n’t refuse, "I want to know why."

Echoing our previous worries——

"Why? Is there anything incomprehensible, Grande, not Barton's only alien force."

Sure enough, Ysera went to provoke Papa to midnight. (To be continued.)

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