Dinner started. ? Bayi [(中? < 文 〔

Sum up the contents of the appetizer. Quoting Zac's original words.

"Well, it ’s totally against me. I ’m really honored to be so taken care of by Papa at midnight. But I do n’t need to worry about you going against Quinn ’s overall interests again, what you did in the mayor ’s campaign, yes, I accept . "

Need explanation? Let's quote Pooch.

"Of course, Quinn ’s interests are tied to the military (veterans), and Esra knows herself that the Quinn family ca n’t give up Anthony to support her. As for Papa at midnight, he does n’t care if the mayor of Barton is Who. What he wants is only his wizard believer, but he ca n’t do anything to Spira directly, he also wants Spira ’s soul (Sibra once summoned Papa to midnight for Ryan), the only thing he can do is Patton suppresses only you, Grand, the influence on the wizard. He said that you always seem to pull the wizards in the right direction. But always provoking you, he (Papa midnight) is embarrassed , Exactly, you have to stand up in the mayor's campaign and set up a rake for Ethela. He does n’t mind aiming. "

It should be clear, then let's go to dinner.

Probably the guest was Pog, who didn't even like Grande. The old dinner frowned old Hank, "How about meat ?!" he roared.

No one cares. At the table, humans are a minority group and have no say. The girl was eating green vegetables to keep her figure. Mo and Danny pretended to be eating. Zac placed an empty bottle in front of him. Louise doesn't seem to be coming back. She should be with the nun in the Church of the Son.

"Talk about your commission, Mrs. Quinn's phone does not mention any commission-related content, you have to start from the beginning. But the words are in front, I may refuse." Zach is very direct, "giving you the opportunity to say commission, is already I have respect for Mrs. Quinn. "

"I know." Boqi was also very self-knowledge. He actually looked at the Great Dane in the corner of the restaurant. He didn't know what he had thought of. He shook his head and used an inexplicable beginning. "I am 28 years old."

Zac glanced at him without answering. This Zack knows that in the third generation of the Western Conference, Pooch is the largest and Blake is second. But to some extent, Boqi was ignored, because he was really not a role model to learn from.

"Unmarried." Still inexplicable, "normal orientation but no girlfriend."

Zac glanced at him again, and lost his mind. Does this guy need to extract this kind of thing? Isn't Laura the only third generation in the West to know Blake's secret? Well, it is understandable to think about it. Blake can only be called the elder brother in the third generation of the Western Conference. It is not surprising that Pooch knows.

"I did a lot of ridiculous things." Boqi continued.

It's funny, this guy said himself. I still vaguely remember that when Mrs. Quinn, who was dying for the first time, came to Grande, the guy who kept saying that Grandry had a smell of cow dung. Just to name it, Grande does not smell of cow dung, which is the inherent prejudice of the upper-class people in the Western District to the ‘country place’ in the Southern District.

"In the nursing home, one room per person will make people think." Pooch looked at Zac. "Your two visits also reminded me a lot, um, important things."

Zac waved his hand, "If you want to thank you, you don't have to." Zac really didn't care anymore. He used to visit Pooch in a nursing home with a watchful mind.

"I don't want to thank you. Now think about it. At that time, you were completely appreciating the work of your first-hand director. I am the role of your work. Still guiding me and arranging my own way ..."

Zac only smiled and turned his head.

"Don't disturb my thoughts." Pooch pouted, "I have done a lot of ridiculous things, one thing is that I was in the central part of the group to monitor the veterans' home ..."

Zac raised an eyebrow and suddenly thought that James once said that Pooch's reputation in the Federation was bad. He was outside and embezzled the group's funds in the name of Master Quinn. Zac thought Poche would say this. but not.

"I did a woman."

The two girls, Alice and Maya, looked up from their plates and looked at Poki, their expressions beyond description.

Zac opened his mouth, "Alice, Maya, you first ..."

Not finished yet, the two girls had consciously stood up and quietly left the restaurant with their plates.

Zac looked back at Pooch, "And then."

"Then I stole money from the group." His words were straightforward, "recovered by grandfather and grandmother."

Contacting the appetizer mentioned the issue of future generations, Zach raised his eyebrows, "You wouldn't mean to say that you had left seeds before Papa was castrated at midnight." Zack deliberately used this expression.

"That's what I want to say." Pooch shrugged. "It's already a year old. Do you want to see the photos."

"Please." Zac is completely immersed in this dog blood show, why not watch it?

Boqi took out a picture and handed it to Zac.

"Is this a boy or a girl?" Zach looked at the crumpled picture in his hand. Some years ago, there were a lot of human-like creatures in the blood. It was a picture of when I was born, "Oh, I saw it."

Zac pursed his lips, "Boy. You don't have any recent photos."

"This is the commission." Pooch looked at Zac. "I didn't, neither did my grandmother."

Zac frowned. "Explain."

"Facts have proved that my grandparents were completely unaware of the poisoning that I carried out under the suspicion of Boyson at the beginning of the year." He actually used the temptation, and Zac didn't want to say anything. The attitude is like this, and it can't be changed. "What I did together, they are all clear, including this one, I have an illegitimate thing ..."

Old Hank also left the seat, and cursed for no meat, of course, no one paid attention. The illusionist Danny also left, only ink left, looking at Pooch and Zac as if listening to gossip.

"... Grandma has been dealing with this matter between me and this woman. If you understand what I mean."

"Let the other party be quiet, right." Zac understood that once in the boring time of Grande, soap opera was the only entertainment here.

"Yes, this woman has always been very cooperative. Until, at the beginning of the year." He frowned.

It started to be clear, and Zac thought about it for a while, "If your plan to poison Mr. Quinn and his wife succeeds, you will inherit Quinn. This woman does not need to remain silent. You can take your son to Patton. "" Zach glanced at Boqi, and besides what he said, there was a meaning. This woman may not have been done by Boqi at random ... you know.

"Yes, but I failed. I think now is a good opportunity to tell you that this woman is an Indian."

A piece of debris joined the picture, and Zac narrowed his eyes. "You said, Boyson bewitched you to poison Mr. Quinn and his wife."

Boqi's face was unexpectedly calm. "That's what I said."

"What's the woman's name and surname." This is important.

"There is no surname." Boqi took a deep breath. "When I met her, she was alone, given to me by a group of friends, wine and meat friends who met in the middle." For him? What do you mean, don't worry, behind—

"I didn't even care about her identity when I was just planning to play at first. Later, we started to get acquainted. I started to feel that something was wrong. Her freedom of life seemed to be controlled by the group of friends who introduced us."

"Under control." Zac asked, "What do you mean."

"That group of friends in the middle ..." Pochton paused. "There is a characteristic." He suddenly looked out of the restaurant and started the conversation, "What about Benjamin."

"Out." Zac waved his hand. "Focus on it."

Pooch glanced at Zac. "Every month has three or four days, which is now. This group of people who are always on call will disappear. And during these three or four days every month, Mu En, her Name, my son ’s mother. Mu En is constantly proposing to me one thing and taking her away. "

The picture of the whole event seems to be clearer and clearer, and Zac frowned, "You are telling me that your group of friends is a werewolf, this woman without a surname, is a wizard. You are the werewolf group , The sorcerer's borrower. "

Remember, Max ’s girlfriend, the woman who once worked as a wizard for the wolf pack, she was freed, and the evaluation given by Benjamin and Zack was really lucky-because in order to continue the wolf pack ’s wizard service, female wizard Will be controlled by the wolves to breed, give birth to children, inherit and train wizards belonging to the wolves!

Pooch nodded and continued. "After the poisoning failed at the beginning of the year, I entered the nursing home, and I was disconnected from Mu En Duan. Initially, my plan, or you can say it was Boyson's plan, I can The plan to bring Mu En, or the entire wolf pack to Patton, failed. "

"I have a question." Zac interrupted temporarily. "Boyson has always been Papa's midnight ..."

"I don't know." Pooch replied directly. "Boyson only said that he was not valued on the side of Spira, because he wanted to increase his Patton's influence, so I confuse me to do this kind of thing. In order to unite with the outside forces of Patton. I do n’t know if Papa ’s midnight means. And, I ’m like this now, Papa did n’t actively contact me at midnight, and Esra can find me, It ’s because she had a connection with Boyson before. "

Zac thought for a while, "I haven't heard what the commission is."

"They are coming, Mu En, and the wolves she serves, come to Patton." Boqi frowned, "Mun and the grandmother contacted, notice, no, warned us." Look gloomy, "Mun should return I do n’t know that my grandmother and I already know about the interracial, and she has been quietly accepting her grandmother ’s monthly seal fee, and took the initiative to contact, vaguely warning that we said that she will bring her child to Patton, and fight for the child ’s future. Interests, let us prepare, she will not come alone. "Look at Zac," Huh, do you think this is not isolated and helpless, what does it represent? "

Hey. Represents a pack of wolves.

"Still, be clear, what is the commission." Zac asked again.

"Grandmother means that children, you want to stay, Mu En, women, you can also stay, but everyone else, don't even think about Quinn."

it is as expected. After Siberia and John came up with the enchantment that had no use for fart, it is conceivable that aliens outside Barton will have great opinions on Barton, especially those created by Papa ’s midnight hand, such as Werewolf. Coupled with the regained freedom of Boqi now, if there is a chance to invade the mysterious city of Barton, it must be an ambitious alien, you should try it.

Recalling Mrs. Quinn's phone call, she described the commission as a family matter, uh, it was really self-centered, could it be considered a family matter?

"Although I have had completely opposite ideas with my grandmother in a variety of things since I was a child, this time, I agree. Children, my son, I want to stay, Mu En, I also want. Those so-called 'friends' , The best is gone. "

The commission has appeared, Quinn asked Grande to fight against a wolf pack, um. Put it here first.

"Although I am very happy for Mrs. Quinn, her grandson is finally turning back." Zach laughed, ironically, "I'm really thinking about the interests of the family. But, Poki, are you too optimistic, Pa Pa did n’t necessarily want the werewolves to disappear at midnight. "

"If he doesn't want, why don't you stop me coming to Grande to entrust you." Pooch shrugged. "He can let Boyson commit suicide, and I want to stop me from coming here. It's a simple matter." He sideways , "I'm still here, eating ..." He glanced at his plate, "Raw potatoes."

"About Boyson." Zac thought of something else, "His soul."

"It's extinct, and it's his soul who has caught the flu in the North and South District." He glanced at Zac. "I can feel that day, the morning of the withdrawal of the enchantment, the direction of the North District Police Station, his soul." Completed the last Papa mission at midnight and disappeared. "

That morning, Siberia tried to seal the midnight corpse of Papa, who was infected with flu, at the police station, but witchcraft stimulated some kind of trap, spreading the deadly "flu" to the point that the vampire's blood and the mayor could not control it. In the end, Sibera had to convene a book party and revoke the enchantment.

"Or else." Pooch looked at Zac and chuckled, "Papa might just want me to ask this commission, and then when you go to confront the werewolf outside, he has a better plan waiting for you Jump. "Continue to laugh," Who knows. "

Zac raised his eyebrows. "It's very possible." Grande wasn't led by Papa at midnight any more than once or twice. Immediately, he shook his head with a smile, "But I have to accept the commission."

"Yes." Pooch nodded. "To sum up my entrustment, in fact, it is for you to leave me women and children when you kill the alien forces that invaded Barton."

This is clearer, right. Barton's delicate balance of various alien forces cannot be threatened. And the wolves in Pooch's mouth, a group of wolves that were not expected to come in by Barton insiders and entered invasively, and would train wizards who served themselves from generation to generation, belonged to the threat of being eliminated.

Oh, and Boqi's commission was just that when Grande wiped out the invading forces, he made two fewer cuts and left two alive. (To be continued.)

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