The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 13: The faith of the soul

When everyone started to leave, Austin's phone also came--

"Oh, I knew that Mr. Grande would still find me. So, I had the last renovation of Grande's building. This time I made the design directly. How about coming back? "

Of course Zac had no opinion. After seeing Father Constantine, who was too late to enter the office, "Now Grande has nine employees. [August 1 (Chinese? [? [W] W] W].] 8> 1] Z] W]. Com "Zac said that the graveyard guards the tomb." Since it is decided to build an employee living area, I do n’t want to be too narrow. You should design according to the specifications of twenty people. "

The receiver froze for a while, and then laughed, "Understood, the exhibition space is the most important." Once I said that Grand was the symbol of Barton's funeral industry, it was this Austin, so he understood quickly, "hehe Rest assured, I ’ll call you when the design is complete. "

Put down the phone and smiled at Constantine, "The funeral home."

Constantine didn't smile, and looked at Zac with some doubt, "Are you going to build an employee living area in Grand, here?"

Zac used a final answer, "Old Hank wanted it."

No need to say more.

Constantine shook his head slightly and then had a helpless smile on his face. It was a change of topic. "It seems that I am late, you have finished the discussion." He shook his head again, but still helpless, "I am a demon hunter's strength , Seems to have been ignored by you. "

Zac shrugged, comforting, "The powers of demons and angels have been ignored." Of course Zac would not say that Spella and Cici questioned the positions of Constantine and Taylor. Constantine's lateness is a good thing.

"Oh." Constantine nodded. "Understandable. Then, what are you going to do?"

"The wizards and hunters at Spira will start to investigate and prepare traps at the border." Zac waved his hand. "You know the habits of wizards and hunters. They don't fight unprepared battles."

"It's a good habit." Constantine smiled, already caring about being ignored.

"Saints." Zach shook his head with a smile. "Let me remember to call her then." The confidence of Sissy's girl is regardless of time and place. "As for the vampires, our task now is to do logistics for Spella." With a laugh, "Spella didn't let this opportunity to scavenge our blood slip away." Literal blood.

Constantine also laughed, "If the battle will be born in the full moon cycle, they really need some protection. After all, we are still humans. Ha ha, but now Barton, only Rimmer, Gangro, you, Constant Ding began to count his fingers, and ten fingers were not fully raised. "Can you support the healing of the entire group of wizard and hunters? In terms of numbers, apart from the demons, they are now the largest group of Barton. "

This seems to worry that the vampire has curative blood, and if the supply and demand may be unbalanced, it is actually reminding that Grande looks like a wind and water, and he does not respond. But the reality is here, Toledo, only Zac and Louise, Werewolves only Benjamin and Matthew, forces outside Grande, there are three Remer, five Gangro, one saint, Three angels. Leaving aside the demonic forces that were useless for the defense against the invasion, the largest number was the wizards of Spira.

Face Ford has said that there are many Indians recently.

"They are wizards who have nowhere to go and are abandoned by the family." This is Zac's answer, and then return to the topic, "It is difficult to supply them, but we also have Alice and Maya, and the ones in Newton. The Black Witch is our biggest dependant. "Zack smiled, meaning that as long as he didn't die, it was enough," It's not good, I still have a 'general' in the southeast. "

"By the way, speaking of 'General'." Constantine's face with an uncertain smile, "Mason said that 'General' still turned a few resurrected men into vampires."

"I know." Zach pointed to today's newspaper. "Blood pressure 3oo?" Shaking his head. Zac did n’t explain much when reading the newspaper. Now, everyone can think about how to increase the blood pressure to 3oo. Well, it should be the same as a pot of rice that can only hold a bowl of rice.

Zac paused. "But he didn't take the initiative to find me, I think." Raised his eyebrows. "He should still be able to control the situation. It's enough to remind me." Then laughed, "I'm saying there are still you People, Mason and Bridz are watching over there, and I feel relieved. "

Constantine turned the cross on his chest, then nodded with a smile, "Now the situation is still under control." Looking at the desk for a while, all the emotions before were removed, and we became serious, "We can talk The funeral thing on Monday. "

Yes, the low-key hunter ’s funeral was scheduled for Monday. After Zac and George finished talking yesterday, Louise returned to the headquarters and went to the Church of the Son to make arrangements. So Constantine already knew that he was in Barton, and he had a low-key companion.

Constantine mentioned this matter, and Zac was also very direct in expectation, "Do you want to see it for yourself, the corpse is now in the basement of Grande because it is going to prepare for the ceremony before the cremation."

Constantine frowned for a moment and nodded.

Needless to say, Zac got up and led the way out of Grande, bypassing the basement door on the east side and going down.

After pulling away the cabinet where the corpse was stored, he directly took out the information in the file cabinet. The old-looking demon hunter didn't say the name, "... If he died in the hospital, he should walk quietly. His son, George, also said that the faith trial is going fast and he should have no pain. "

Constantine stared at the pale body. The corpse was complete and there were no anatomical scars-no need for natural death. Objectively speaking, it is convenient for Grande's grooming afterwards.

"I know him." Constantine said. "He used to be my teacher for a while."

If Zac's understanding of the demon hunter is correct, then the teacher-student relationship that Constantine said is meaningless. The learning process of the demon hunter will experience many teachers. Why? The teacher from the previous day may go to **** the next day. Very long ago, probably before Zac was born, in order not to let this bad emotion affect the growth of the demon hunter, the tradition of training the demon hunter was stipulated to be a state of constantly changing teachers.

"George also said that in the last year, his thinking was not very clear, not very clear about Barton's things, and his life was very stable." Zach used the tone of a funeral professional to tell the truth without personal feelings. , Of course, comforting facts, "So, he lived a very happy life. That is, he served his faith, adhered to his own path, completed the work of the demon hunter, and for the last paragraph of life, for himself Descendants paved the way for a peaceful life. "

The basement was quiet for a while, a little cool, and the freezer was white mist.

"People will take it for granted that such a happy life ..." Constantine said, "Here will be in heaven." Can the priest have a personal feeling, of course.

Zac said nothing. People will take it for granted that the priest is the guy who comforts everyone, and who will comfort the emotional priest. This great duty, a vampire under the faith of the Lord, can not afford it. It is the work of the Holy Lord that the priest claims to be able to listen to the Holy Word.

Constantine shook his head, "I'm right." The white cloth for the last ** of the dead was replaced, and pushed back to the mortuary cabinet, looking at Zac, "The demon hunter's long-standing philosophy is wrong. , The cause and effect of the world should not be like this, serving sinners who believe firmly, but in the end they become convicted and sentenced to hell. This is wrong. So I studied the method of calling the trial of faith and left the west. "

"Can I say something." Zac spoke still, not comforting.

Constantine nodded.

"You may not like what I said." Zac also put back the information of the deceased and looked at Constantine seriously, "I don't think you are right."

Constantine frowned.

"Believing in the Lord ..." Zach began to pace.

Zac is not really a believer in the Lord. Perhaps the original vampire is, but from the time the vampires began to punish them-eternal life as a racial pride, it is a little hypocritical to maintain this belief.

Need to be clear.

The magic feast did not maintain faith, all they wanted to maintain was the gift of the Lord. Because of the colonial work, the thirteen clan can walk in the day, so what can be achieved if this work is completed? Although it is impossible to know, but in the place where the Lord trusts, what may be obtained in the future, right?

In a sense, the vampires now are just like those who have retired and have nothing to do. They can only go to church every week to listen to the sermon and spend time. I am one of them, but I am not really there. Understand?

"... I don't think the profession of demon hunter should exist." Zac raised his hand and temporarily stopped Constantin's intention to open his mouth. "Following the guidance of the priest to become a believer, of course, joined the faith of the Lord. Way, but not the only way. People will have a myth that all believers will go to heaven, but Constantine, you know this is wrong. Every time you say, the Lord will forgive you, it ’s all false, you There is no right to forgive anyone on behalf of the Lord. You are just a human being, not a saint, not an angel. "

Constantine pursed his lips.

"But you still say this to those who confess their sins, because you are a priest, this is the job. Your job is to spread doctrine, to make people believe, even to deceive." Zach shook his head, "Deception is too serious In fact, we all know that the priest is the master of the transfer point, you do n’t need to cheat, just transfer the attention of the pacifier and make the other person feel comforted. "Just like the priest comforting Matthew ’s father, The problem is clearly that he has no work, which drags down his family, but the last thing he is comforted is that he is a good father and has a good son.

Zac did not want to be ironic, so he said very flatly, "The work of the priest is to preach and let people come to faith. It is the Lord who gave you this work, and you have done a good job. Then, the question I want to ask now Yes, who gave people the job of expelling and hunting the demons of this world. "

Constantine frowned and said nothing.

"Whether it is heaven or hell, when you enter, it is already the soul of the Lord ’s faith. For faith, there is no difference." Is n’t it right? Heaven is the belief of the Lord, and **** is also why the Lord cares about where people go. Not all of him. The Holy Lord at the top of the faith, according to Sibera, is the belief in stealing souls in this world, which can never be borne by the witchcraft faith that believes in nature. It ’s all stolen, do you need to care about which hand the stolen goods have to squeeze, "The angels come, you think it is good, because they can guide people to go to heaven, but the devil, you think it is bad, because They are here to seduce people into hell. They all bring people's souls into the place where the faith belongs, but they are treated differently. Why. "

"Because people all hope that the future is good." Constantine lowered his head. "Since the beliefs are polarized, people have the right to expect that they belong to the good side."

"Then who gave the demon hunter the right to respond to people's expectations." Zach followed closely, "I'm sure that the Lord didn't do this, otherwise, the demon hunter will not be directly sentenced to hell. . Who is that, not the priest who serves, and who else can give you this right. "

Constantine frowned tightly and looked up at Zac, "No one. We ourselves think we should do this because we are human."

"So it's sacrifice." Zac nodded. "Sacrifice his own expectations, respond to other people's expectations, expel demons, and increase the chance of believers being able to go to heaven."

Constantine's look had become strange, and he began to figure out Zac's direction.

"Like the Son, sacrifice yourself." Zac continued to nod. "But unlike the Son, the Son sacrificed himself for faith. You, sacrificed for the good expectations of others. That is not the Holy Lord. Faith, that is simple, human **. "

Zac looked at Constantine, "The Lord loves, no, the Lord loves the soul. The entire faith of the Lord is based on the soul. I probably should n’t say that to a priest, but the Lord does n’t care. Human expectations, the Lord created the hell, that is, hope that there will be a soul put in it, otherwise why make hell? Devil has never been an enemy of human beings, is part of the faith of the Lord, is a growth of the soul of the Lord Orientation. Whether it is entered by the trial or tempted by the demon, it is the soul of the belief of the Holy Lord. The tragedy of the demon hunter is not going beyond your borders, trying to judge the demon as a person, but because you put down The persistence of faith turned away from this bipolar system created by the Holy Lord himself, putting human expectations at the highest level, and even willing to sacrifice himself. You have stood where the Holy Lord is upset. "(To be continued.)

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