The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 14: Smith's Rimer

Smith Manor. [August 1 (Chinese? [? [W] W] W].] 8> 1] Z] W]. COM

"It's over?" Lydia came in with a tray of fruits, leaning on Eve's desk, glancing at the book spread in front of Eve, "You are too easy to be serious, and you really do your homework, you Probably the only person in Smith's family who can do homework honestly. "

"Education helps me understand here." She glanced at Lydia. "Do you know that part of Patton's history education is dedicated to teaching Patton history." She shook her head, "It is a city without history. "

"I remembered." Lydia blinked. "I've learned it before." She waved her hand. "It's the history of Barton, it's better to say the history of the land. The history that belonged to Newton before it came out In addition, it actually dates back to the time before the establishment of the Federation. Um ... "She frowned, it was a memory, and it seemed to be a guy who didn't like to study very much. It was estimated that there was not much left to forget. It was during the colonial period, the colonists climbed to the west in the sixth, and now the big six. Then the native Indians initially gathered to avoid the invasion. Here, it seems that there was a gathering of some Indian tribes ... "

"Get ready." Eve suddenly interrupted and closed the textbook in front of him. "The wizards and hunters over Spira need our support. The blood of the vampire." Eve glanced in his room. , "Go find some bottles."

"Uh ..." Lydia reluctantly, "does this kind of thing need us to do, we only have three people, uh, wrong, four." Lydia herself, Eve, Flanders, Who else? Do n’t forget Earl, the artificial man who surrendered, “Why do n’t you let Gangaro and Toledo do it.”

"We all have to prepare." Eve pouted, "Siberia doesn't say, I don't have any idea yet. Now the wizard is a hunter in Barton, there are more than one hundred people." Lydia raised her eyebrows. Surprised, Eve continued, "The vampires of Barton simply cannot support such a huge number. So everyone has to contribute."

"Uh." Lydia shook her head and didn't seem to understand. "Why do you have to support these wizards? They are all useless guys abandoned by the family. I'm afraid it is a quantitative advantage and there is no fighting power. I still remember you It was said that when I first came to Barton, on the train, I saw the battle between Alphas, and the accompanying wizard would not even have the right witchcraft choice. "

"Don't support them, are we going to investigate the vigilance?" Eve looked at Lydia and shook his head, emphasizing, "During this full moon cycle? You won't say it, even Flander or even me, in the month Encountered wolves in a round cycle, they can't get away. "

Lydia whispered, "Aren't there Alpha Benjamin of Gangaro and Grande." It means that if you are only investigating an invading wolf pack, you don't need a wizard hunter.

"Then we don't have any advantage. You forgot what I told you, wizards and hunters have their talents. What they are good at is never the frontal battlefield, it is the preparation before the battle, and the only way to kill the aliens in person , Trap. "Eve waved his hand." Now Button's defender, although I don't want to admit it, I am very pleased that I have wizards and hunters. "

"Okay." Lydia pouted, "I'm going to ..."

Eve ’s door was pushed open, it was Mr. Smith, “You ’re here.” He smiled at Eve, the family member brought back by his sister. Sure enough, only Eve could be a little comforting. Smith smiled and looked towards Sister Lydia, "Looking for you for a long time, I have something to tell you." He lowered his head, meaning not to talk in front of the child.

Lydia pursed her lips, was originally going to go out, but now she simply sat next to Eve, opened the textbook and homework that Eve just closed, "then say here, I will teach Eve to do operation."

Remember the awkward atmosphere between the siblings at Smith's house, and Lydia really didn't want to deal with this family problem now, so she squinted at Eve and asked for cooperation.

Eve was helpless, glanced at Smith, and began to pretend to be doing her homework. This is the only thing a child stuck in adult contradiction can do and keep quiet.

No, Smith raised his eyebrows and walked in happily, sitting down beside Eve, "Homework, what do I see?" A smile on his face was actually kind, "History, I have a good history . "

Damn it, this guy, Smith, who had been thinking about tutoring Eve's homework came true at this time.

Lydia's face was black. "What's good, I've never failed." The Smiths turned out to be scumbags.

"It's better than you." Smith glanced at his sister, with a smile on her face, and looked at the title in Eve's homework, "" The Impact of the Migration of the Ingan Tribe in the Colonial Period on Later Generations. "The smile was a bit stiff," Do junior high school students have to write papers now, huh ... "

After Eve bowed his head in frustration, Smith struck his spirit, "Let me see what you have written, oh, yes, 'because of the initial migration, everyone in the western An'an suddenly fell' right Yes, even the population of Indo-Ann in the west is the lowest in the entire Federation ... "

Of course, the west is the place of the magic feast, but it is not a place friendly to the Indians.

"Let ’s see what else you ’ve written, and I ’ll add, oh right, 'also because of the initial avoidance, the colonists established camps in the west. The main battlefields of the subsequent colonial wars were concentrated in the center, and the east became the Indoan organization. The base of resistance ... 'Yes, Eve, it really is excellent, and the writing is correct, it seems there is nothing to add. "Awkward.

"Don't bother knowing that you're useless!" Lydia rolled her eyes. In front of her brother, she didn't pay much attention to the image.

"You are the same." Smith squinted at his sister. "Can you add anything?"

Lydia stopped talking, took the textbook, and began to flip through the book.

It's a waste of time to continue here. Eve closed his homework, "I'll go to Kepler's room to write homework." Salute the two adults and turn away.

"Your good deeds were despised by Eve!" Lydia glared at her brother.

"If you were willing to follow me at first, there would be no such thing." It feels bad to be despised by the juniors.

"Follow you? Do you think I don't know what you are going to say? Er, I said it a few times, why don't you give up? Interesting! Flander is my husband, Eve is the daughter, they are mine Family! Accept this fact! "

Eve stood at the door ready to listen to what Smith was going to say, not to eavesdrop, it was her room.

"I'm accepting." Smith replied, "I'm not talking about this, I'm going to say that Earl."

Lydia's voice became impatient, "What's wrong with Earl."

"He's fine, except for the long ugliness." Smith's voice was helpless. "I want to know how you met him and why he was recommended to work for me."

"Why, you didn't secretly do a background check yourself and thought of asking me?" Lydia was proud.

"I did it, the results were exceptionally good, the background was clean, I used to accept only one-time commissions, and I was considered a half-gray professional, with strong financial ability. I am very happy that such people are willing to work for the Smith family. But I also Doubts, you usually pick up Eve to go to school, how do you know this kind of person. "

"What do you mean? I went back to Patton and went home. Now I know someone, but I need to report it to my brother ..."

Eve felt that there was no need to listen. Lydia handled it very well and transferred the problem to the siblings. In addition, the siblings still had family problems. Smith was destined not to get any results.

That's it. Earl, who is good at accounting-Barton's fourth Rymer entered Smith's family business, and Rymer took another big step forward to take over the Smith industry. The remaining problem now is to slowly wear away Smith's trust. After all, Smith was betrayed by his own people. But as above, once this problem is dragged between siblings by Lydia, everything will only take time to solve. Smith can not trust his subordinates, but in the end, he still has to trust his family.

Uh, Zac brought Earl to Eve, after all, he helped Rimmer. Eve pouted and walked to Kepler's room.

The multicolored light spots began to appear out of thin air, and the illusionist Danny followed Eve into the room. "Flander and I showed nothing unusual, and I should go back to Grande."

There is no one in Kepler's room. The girls go to Parker Elementary School. Remember. So Eve had nothing to worry about directly, "I know, you go back and tell that guy by the way ..." After pursing his lips, he made it clearer, "Zac, my neighbor recently, Bishapo Quiet, let him deal with it. "

"Oh." The illusion responded, and the light began to dissipate. Eve also started looking at Kepler's room and locked out several cans of used cosmetic bottles. Pouted. She wants to prepare to support the blood of wizards and hunters.

After a while, the illusion's light spot reappeared, "Well, I think it's better to ask, what's wrong with Sharp Manor?"

Eve sat at Kepler's dressing table, squeezing a jar of liquid foundation, frowning, and looking at the light behind him, "You wouldn't let Zack ask the charming demon himself."

"Last time Zach suggested that Siberia go to find Lily to raise the Krakens, Lily was a little unhappy." Danny hesitated, but said, "Their relationship is just normal, not you The thought of the demon is to work for Grande. Riley went to Bishape for money. Zac just wanted to make Bishape live for a while. He did n’t want the evil spirits to be too impulsive and directly exterminated Bishape. "

Eve frowned, shook her head, and thought for a while, "I don't want to control your Grande's affairs." With a wave of hands, "The gang of Krakens are too noisy, 'screaming' every night, vampires don't dream , But I ’m Rimmer, and I still need half of the human body to rest. I do n’t care what your Grande does, so that the Krakens are quiet. ”Looking at Danny again,“ You do n’t want the entire West End manor These people, what a strange spring dream every night. "

Remember, when Boyson was still alive, Blake rarely had a shy spring dream while resting at Stone Manor. Because of these Krakens. There is also a small thing. When Boyson controlled the Kraken, he went to the dream. In the dream of Ike who was then, he met the dream demon and a black cat.

The illusion's light flashed, "Oh ..." did not disappear, "Why do they 'scream'?"

Eve started to be impatient, and looked at the illusion, "Do I look like you know?" Then he whispered to himself, and said irritably, "Sepela and John should be hurry up The demon healed away. "Impatient side," Let's find Yuehua them. "

Danny had already felt Eve's irritability, and finally flashed a few dots of light and disappeared.

Eve was alone. Squeezing an empty liquid foundation jar and taking a deep breath, her skin started, well, reddening. The image of the porcelain doll has been changing all the time, and a thin line of red begins to emerge under the clear skin. It's like a spider's web covering it, but it's red.

Eve raised her hand and scratched her fingertip, and the bright red was still poured into the empty can.

"That ..." The multicolored light spot appeared again in this room. "I was thinking, is it possible, in fact, no one spied on Smithtown ..." The multicolored light spot receded into the corner because Eve was dissatisfied Bloodshot eyes looked over.

"Have you ever seen Rymer bleeding?" Eve pouted and shook his head, not wanting to control the phantom.

"No ... for the first time." Danny was honest. "You, uh, look different."

Eve also looked at herself in the glasses-there was nothing but the two red dots in the eye position, just like Zac who had not yet acquired the image ability, "Of course it is not the same. What you usually see is me The human body, now, is the body of a vampire. "Eve shook his head." This blood will save the wizard, hey, shall I give them my human blood. "

Danny was quiet for a while, "I was wondering if no one would actually spy on your Smith Manor, it's Bishape Manor, you're just close."

Eve blinked and pondered for a moment, "I don't like the feeling of being snooped anyway." Then he shook his head. "You go back, it's not your Grand business, it's my business." . "

"Oh." Danny responded.

Do you think these two guys are good at talking? Do n’t be surprised. Danny ’s long-time orders to harass and disturb the two have laid the foundation for the relationship between the two. Too.

"Yuehua said that Newton has a special school (mentioned by Kyle who gave up his scholarship for a part-time job), specially prepared for students with physical disabilities. Your friend, if you are really good for him, please suggest it. "Yes, Eve also knows that Danny will make a small detour every time he comes to the West Side-to see the teenager in the wheelchair," I can ask Yuehua to help me understand. "

Danny's light spot stalled for a while, "Well, thank you."

This time, it really disappeared. (To be continued.)

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