Why would Zack inexplicably say this to Constantine, for his good neighbor is not worth it. Bayi Chinese Network W> W> W>. > 81ZW. COM

Constantine is different from Spella. Spella once disdained the vampires and werewolves of Grandry. When Papa ’s midnight crisis of the dead appeared, she did not hesitate to let Grande rush ahead. And unabashedly commented that Grande was swaying around from the beginning of the year.

Constantine, just beside Grand, has been doing his own thing. I have never given Grande trouble, nor have I involved Grande in my own affairs, making my own decision. Where to find such good neighbors.

After Zach said so many things, Constantine fell into contemplation, and finally concluded with "You made an interesting point."

Just after sending Constantine away, Spella came back. Nodded with the leaving priest, and greeted Zac again.

Zach Xun adjusted his emotions, "I missed you so soon? What about John? Alice is not here, this guy doesn't want to see me?"

Spella ignored Zac, "What did you say to Constantine."

"Discussed the philosophy of life and death." Zac laughed and sat down on the bench in the back porch. It was a good time for Siberia to come back, didn't she, just like she didn't go far, paying attention to Grande After watching the vampire communicate with the priest, he came back immediately.

"Well, if you're doing it for him, don't get him in." Spira turned her head and looked in the backyard—Ryan didn't know where to hide.

Zac just waved his hand. If Spella still said that she and Saint Cici were suspicious of the position of the Church of the Son, Zac still didn't want to respond. There was no need to trouble yourself.

Before waiting for Zach's response, Siberia frowned, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to control, I have personal things to say. Before, there were many people and it was inconvenient."

"Please." When others have something to say, Zack is the intimate listener ~

"Your commission ..." He said, "Pokey's commission to save the wizard and the wizard's children. I need more information about this wizard."

Zac raised his eyebrows and smiled at Spella. "Spella? What kind of brains are you using? I know that you came here to help so actively, not simply."

"Don't laugh at me!" Others will make such a request, er, Speylar pulls the corner of his mouth, "It is my job to rescue the wizard controlled by the wolf pack (Ryan told Maya, Spella's past when she was young) ), I now want to find out what I am about to be ... "Fortunately, she was a little conscious," We, the saved wizard, is there anything weird worth it. "

"Okay." Zac still smiled, but he didn't look at Sibella obediently. "I can help you ask Pooch, but I advise you not to hope too much. Pooch talked to me about the commission. At that time, she said that the woman had no last name. "She turned her head to the side." Powchi's relationship with her has obviously passed the stage of borrowing or playing casually. If she has a surname, Boqi should know. "

Zac turned his head, "My guess? She is the inherited wizard of the wolf pack, and she doesn't know what generation it is. The former family surname should no longer exist."

Sibella's frown was obviously raised by Zack. "The surname doesn't exist anymore, it doesn't matter, any information is fine!" Sibella pressed her eyebrow, "She is a wizard, she was wolves. Forcing the inheritance of production, at least that her talent for witchcraft is good, and the wolves have the need to retain this wizard's talent ... "

Yes, for a parallel wizard like Max ’s girlfriend, the wolf pack had a new wizard choice, so it was simply abandoned, and there was no need for inheritance.

"That means, her lineage, must, no!" Spella changed a very subjective word, "must, must! Is a good lineage of witchcraft! It must be the lineage of a powerful witchcraft family. "She shook her fist." Save her, I can ... "

"Use it as a bargaining chip and continue to fight for the support of the witchcraft family outside Barton." Zac finished with a smile. To tell the truth, now Silbera's thinking is very good. Because Sibera was also in a hurry, the enchanting oolong made her carry a rake that was too large. Now what Siberia wanted to do was to remedy it.

Spella stared at Zach. "Huh, you understand it, then I'll just say it. That's how I planned! The day before yesterday I talked to the raging waves in the nursing home (the report that Nophire got in the woods), The result was not satisfactory. The Nutao family was more stubborn than imagined. "Yipiao said," After knowing that his brother Nutao is the undead of the Lord's faith, she refused to negotiate with me ... "She frowned and said nothing," I need the support of other witchcraft families. Huh, exactly, you have received a useful commission. "

"Then I said it straight." Zach still smiled. "I don't care much about the situation over the raging waves. After all, on that commission, I can only be regarded as a passerby. But this time, Pooch's request was very demanding. To be clear, I, Grande, will save the witch and the child and return it to the Quinn family. "She shrugged towards Spira." It was not given to you as a bargaining chip. "

Spira pursed her lips irritably, and spoke again for a long time. "I can go to the Quinn family ..." She automatically muffled and shook her head. It should be thought of the special attribute of Pooch now-the second Boyson, "Uh, as long as this sorceress is safe in Barton, it's ok, I can use it as my bargaining chip!"

"Then, isn't it a copy of the current situation of the raging waves?" Zac did not give affection enough, and directly attacked Siberia. "The raging waves belong to the saint's side and are not in your hands. You can also refuse to negotiate with you. After that, the Quinn family is also the same. Although you rescued the lineage left by a witchcraft family, but the people in the Quinn family are still Boque Quinn, ha ha , The child ’s mother, Mrs. Quinn ’s granddaughter-in-law. Do you think the witchcraft family needs to negotiate with you. "

"Can you ..." Spella glanced sullenly and glanced at Zach, "I'll try it all!"

Zac looked at Silkela for a while and shook his head with a smile. "Well, as long as you don't affect my commission, I don't care too much about what you want to do. Well, I'll ask Pooch for you."

Spella stood up without saying thank you, she was leaving.

"Always remind you." Zac looked at the back of Spella's departure. "You also saw it. When you said the number of wizards and hunters that appeared in Barton, the saint's face. Even Eve. Rymer ’s butterfly avatar also instigated the lower wings. They all began to realize that your power is the largest in Barton except for the demon that came up because the door to **** opened. "

Spira turned her head, glanced at Zac, and said nothing.

Zac also stood up, "Even Constantine, who just left, mentioned this."

Spira frowned, "Constantine is reminding you, about me?" The tone was malicious.

"No." Zach shook his head. "He's not reminding me, but expressing the fact that he is still in the demon camp." Zac raised his hand. "The largest number is still the devil of fallen angels. "Then there was a lively ridicule." Rimmel has the Smith family, which has an absolute advantage in the influence of human society. The saints have angels, and now there is the coaching angel Crowley, which has the highest growth. The feast has the entire west. Backing. You, the wizard and the hunter, hehe, I wo n’t say it, and finally, the worst thing is me, the funeral home that no one loves, Grande. "

Spira snorted and rolled her eyes slightly. "Say what you want to say directly."

"I approve of and support you to seek outside help to protect Patton and expand your influence in Patton. But Sibella, you should also pay attention and have a long-term vision. You do n’t want Patton to be a city that can resist the invasion of outsiders, but Internally it is torn apart. "Zac tilted his head slightly." Instead of maintaining the self-esteem of your witchcraft faith, trying to find the support of wizards outside Barton, it is better to be in Barton and find a trusted ally. "

Spella stared at Zac for a while, but she didn't respond, her eyes twitched, and she left.

Spella ’s back just got out of the Grande, the colorful spots gathered in front of Zac, and Danny came back, "Eve let me tell you that it ’s more than the Sharp Manor ’s Kraken, uh, it ’s noisy, let you think Method."

Zac froze for a moment, before his thoughts turned around, and scratched his head. "Go chase Sibera and let her solve the Kraken problem quickly."

The illusion turned into a light spot and led his life to chase people away.

Zac froze for another moment before shaking his head. Who cares about those Krakens. Turn around and go back to the room, ready to go down to the basement, and start preparing blood for support.

Zac had just entered the door, and there was a faint feeling that he seemed to have forgotten something, uh, what ...

"Mr. Zack." Angel Jimmy floated in front of Zack, his face helpless, "Sissi has something to tell you."

Zac was already in the basement, looking for an empty blood tank. Shake your hand, "Let her say."

"Oh." Jimmy stood still in front of Zac. His eyes became aloof and occupied by gold. Apart from the difference in color, there was no difference from the demon's convenient way of communication. "Sissi asked, did Siberia return? To find you. "

Zac shrugged. "Yeah." An empty can was retrieved. It's worthy of commissioning for Grande. Carefully, Eve used a small bottle of liquid foundation, Zac, and a jar with a high leg.

Jimmy copied and shrugged, "Sissi said, she knew that the wizard had a problem with parking halfway ... well, this doesn't need to tell Zach ..." The expression was awkward, "Well, Sissi asked, what did Siberia say. "

Zac cut his wrist and looked at Jimmy, not knowing what expression to put on. This guy is more ‘magic’ than Mike. Zac replied this way-"Compared to how you only care about fighting wolves, Spella cares about my commission itself, and I'm so relieved."

Jimmy was quiet for a while, "Sissi said that Siberia would not care about your Grand commission for no reason, for what purpose."

Zac still shrugged and looked at the blood dripping from his wrist. "Yeah, how come I didn't expect you to be there, maybe we can work together to test the purpose of Spira."

"Uh, Sissy said, who wants to cooperate with you." Jimmy pursed her lips and made a gesture of closing her mouth to Zac, meaning to listen to the conversation between Spella and Zac just next to Grande. People, he doesn't say one more word.

This kind of loyalty is natural. Zac was upset and drove him away. Where can he go? Whether to go to the wizard for research or go back to Sissi and die, or go to the church occupied by demons to make a white lotus in countless blacks.

"Sissi said that the day before yesterday, Siberia borrowed the raging wave and went to the nursing home on the grounds of helping us get the coaching angel Crowley. After returning, the raging wave situation was always wrong, and Camille didn't know what it was. There must be something wrong with pulling, and you should pay attention. "

"Thanks for the reminder." Zac responded casually, and at the same time smiled at the incoming Louise. Louise took an empty can and joined Zac.

Louise ’s ability to control wounds is better than ‘general’. I do n’t know where it is going. There is a continuous flow of blood from a small mouth of blood. Do you know why? Because in this basement, two unscrupulous adults often exchange body fluids, so Louise does not need blood-letting training like a ‘general’. This kind of thing is easy to understand.

Louise sees Zak talking with Jimmy's Jimmy, and is not bothered for the moment.

"Siqie gave a sigh." Jimmy's mission work was really conscientious, "and then said that since she decided to contribute in the battle, make it clear, fighting vampires, she has no opinion, in the west, this She also did this kind of thing with the Demon Feast, and the cooperation between them was not a problem. With Gangaro, it was also a tacit understanding because they did n’t come to Patton when they shared the wanderings. They also learned about the fighting style of Toledo. Some, it should not be a problem. But there is no concept of Rimmel ’s fighting method. Rimmel is very mysterious even in the secret alliance. Legend has it that they tend to use magic instead of fighting with vampires. Well, Sissi said that when Rimmer was there, she did n’t want to show her lack of this. Now tell you, Zac, when the battle is over, cover her up. ”

Zac frowned, shook his head, and covered, not for the sake of the enemy, but for the sake of not being a comrade, and now he did n’t understand his comrade ’s way of fighting. Is this saint really just a girl, and the brain circuit could not understand, “Tell Qian Qian, let her not go to the time when the readers will be present, you do n’t have to worry about the coordination problem. "

"Cici said she would not let Xinxin people enter her mind. There is no discussion about this."

Zac waved his hand, "Well, I'm covering you, satisfied?"

The gold in Jimmy's eyes disappeared directly, "She cut off contact."

Zac shook his head and looked at Louise. "What do you want to say?"

"James hasn't come back yet, are we going to find it?"

Uh, I forgot this. (To be continued.)

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