The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 23: Descendants of vampires

Putting down the phone, Zac walked directly past the 'General' and their two descendants, and really didn't want to control it. [<八 (一 中文 << W? W) W. 81ZW. COM

"It's no use!" The "general" pushed the head of his descendants again.

Zac shook his head in the corner of his mouth, still stopping the footsteps about to walk out of the bar, "Because you are controlling them **, not themselves."

Zakra opened the 'General', "Now you think of imitating me, it's too late. You've screwed up an opportunity to teach them, and I'm sorry to tell you that vampires are not humans, and we didn't have eighteen years before we became adults. With such a long period of mental growth, we can let our parents teach us to be the 'right people'. We only have one or two days to become vampires, to realize that you are a vampire. You missed a chance and did not teach you what to teach The thing is the end, you do n’t have a second chance, make up now? There is no such good thing. "

Zach's remarks may be difficult to understand. But this is the ethics of vampires, humans do not need to understand. Seriously, as I said long ago, vampires are a race that can choose their offspring and take pride in it-the thirteen clan chooses their descendants according to their own standards, yes, selection is not the crystallization of love and Hard birth. Why do we have to understand them!

‘General’ stared at Zach somberly.

"Okay." Zac waved his hand, shook his head, and looked helplessly at two 'grandchildren' he didn't want. "The two of you, guys who have received a second chance." 'About' making his own descendants There are some clues about this matter before, "General" once said when Zac was present-those who were resurrected by the Kraken, and then sent back to the soul by Mike, wanted to avenge Aix and Falken, You must unite with him, and if the "general" feels necessary, do not exclude turning these people into vampires to increase their gang strength.

So Zac used "the guy who has already got a second chance", "This is your third chance." The cold tone has fully explained that Zack does not like this kind of people who are constantly given opportunities, "Since you "Father" has completely messed up your educational work, and I will take care of it. "

Zac pressed the heads of the two people and pushed them together with irresistible force. "Did you see the carotid arteries of your companions?" Zac looked down and pressed under his own hands, almost sticking together. People, "bite."

"You ..." "General" tried to stop again, because he had already seen what Zac wanted to do. It is obvious that Zac, who has just criticized the 'general' for not controlling the two men, will never make the same mistake. Zac's holding of the hands of the two descendants also proves this, he is forcing the two to **** on each other, and will never let go.

"You're a bad 'father', be quiet." Zac glanced back at 'General', the strength in his hands increased, and the two people under his hands were extremely unwilling. Their teeth were already slightly ambiguous. -It's just pasted the weakest part of the body, and then, the vampire's ** began to control his body.

"Right-handed guy." Zach said quietly, "Your companion is dying." The guy on the left began to struggle, as his skin began to pale and dry, but Zac's hand was still.

"General" tried to step forward, "back off." Zac was very direct.

Soon, the struggle on the left began to stabilize, and the body began to return to normal. But this should not be a sign of things going in the direction, Zac said quietly again, "Very good, the left-hand guy, continue with this degree, you will hold your third chance to seize your companion's third chance Way, because if he is about to die. "

As expected, the guy on the right started to pale and his skin was dry. The guy on the right started struggling, too. Zac's hands were still.

This is not teaching descendant control at all **-

"You guys on the right, what are you going to do, fight for and retain your third chance, or just give up like this." Zac continued to do the narration calmly, as if this is now a 'which grandson can survive game'. No, this is a game. Zac did not choose to put the "General" in his Toledo pedigree, nor did he put the two in. It's already the kindness of Zac's "grandfather" to waste a little time here.

The struggle on the right seems to have eased, but in fact it is not, but the guy on the left also struggled and struggled desperately. In order to preserve their third chance, the two guys are completely indulging their **, drawing the blood of the other, a balance point that is completely opposite to teaching, and is reached at this time.

Zac released his hand. Balance is Zack's purpose, a phased purpose.

Under the gloomy face of 'General', Zach sat down according to 'General' and watched the two descendants who sucked on each other, without Zack's coercion but regardless of loosening each other-the reason is simple, no one dared to lower his own The degree of smoking, and the balance being broken means that this side is dead.

"Why did the 'General' choose the three of you to become vampires." Zac said, not forgetting to mention the vampire ashes that had disappeared and were completely distracted from the ground during this time. Deliberately proposed that the companion who had become a victim caused some kind of mood swing? Yes.

The answer is naturally impossible to be completed by two guys who are desperately alive. It is a "general", "because they are loyal." Gloomy, "I can trust. Now the people who are here with me, we are the most specific goals People who want to avenge and revive the gang! "

One loyal and trustworthy person has now disappeared. Gift from Bezac.

Zac lowered his head and thought for a while. This was not guilt. It was just that the two close-fitting guys in front of him were too ugly. When zooming in, you did n’t teach them to control. Instead, they abused their loyalty and revenge, and amplified these right. "

Have you ever seen a typical movie of a hero of that kind, which villain is not like this? To gain powerful power, do not think about control first, but use it directly to destroy the world or whatever, and finally play yourself to death.

"General" is working hard all over, and Zac is right.

Zach shook his head in disappointment. If the "general" accidentally missed the opportunity of education, he could still forgive. As a result, it seemed that it was not a miss, but a "general" deliberately did it.

"I will look at Nuo's friendship and help you once in taking care of Grande." Zac raised his hand and looked back at the two descendants, "Let me tell you what you are facing now The situation. "Zac's eyes glanced casually on the two guys, expressing that his 'grandfather' will never be eccentric, because neither of them loves," You have no choice now, you can only maintain this mutual relationship. Use your strength to balance each other. "

Zac squinted at 'General', "What I'm going to do next, no, your boss ..." The gang level, "Your father ..." The vampire level, "What you want to do is to take you as food." Ignore the change of the 'General''s complexion at all, "randomly, destroy your current balance, and use his food to weaken one side."

Ignoring ‘General’ ’s face and pushing ‘General’ out, “You have to change your strategy for maintaining balance, if you do n’t want one more companion.”

This is a simple transfer of goals, to achieve balance in order to live, and then to achieve balance in order to stay alive. The difference is that the former is forced to let go of smoking **, while the latter, they must be controlled, are also forced.

"I do not……"

"Otherwise they will stay like this, knowing that both of them are weak because there is no external food supplement. How many days? A week? Huh, in their condition, it was a week old. Then finally died together." Zac interrupted directly The rejection of 'General', "The fate of your descendants, you choose yourself."

"This, this is your help? The way to remedy the failure of education? You, really cold-blooded ..."

"I? No." Zach shook his head. "This method of education is not Torrido's, it's Vatican's." Zac is not prepared to accept the comment of the "General". "There is no remedy in the education of the vampire's inheritance. , The descendants of failure, we give up directly. "This is the argument that the" general "should use." This method is not used to remedy the failure of education. It is a method for Van Crow to maintain the noble lineage of the clan. You need help. I will put this The method is slightly modified for your use. "General" you should thank me for trying to remedy the mistakes you made. You really have no position to comment on me. Choose it. "

The door of the bar was pushed open, and it was Mason and Blitz floating behind him.

"Zac?" Mason was surprised to see Zac here. But his eyes were immediately attracted to other scenes, looking at the two vampires sucking at each other and the ashes of the place, "This is ..." Then shut up, he has a strong intuition, he absolutely does not want to bother.

Zac spread his hand to the "General" and stood up, "Mason, Brez." Beckoned, ready to leave.

"Zac!" Mason stopped Zac, "Since you are all here, it happens, um, I have something to do ..." His eyes are not on Zac, but on the "general", he seems to be seeking advice. .

At this moment, the "General" opinion does not have any sentiment, and he ignored his eyes and looked at his two descendants. He is making a choice.

Mason, who didn't get a response, pursed her lips and looked at Briz behind him. Briz shrugged, indifferently.

"Zac, did" General "tell you? Aix's ..."

"No." Zac interrupted with a wave of his hand. "He didn't say anything, so." It was still the way to go. "I don't think you need to say." Because it must not be a good thing. When Zac first came in, 'General' is burning him with three descendants kneeling on the ground. Don't forget, he also mentioned 'killing' or something.

Zac still holds the same view. In the newspaper news, there are no bizarre homicides (such as blood pressure 3oo.), So he doesn't want to bother.

Mason frowned and looked at ‘General’ again, “But I think you should listen.”

Zac all walked to the door of the bar, tilting his mouth and sighing helplessly, "Well, what's the matter."

"General ..." He glanced at "General" again, shook his head, and changed his personal name, "We, attacked Aix Security once."

Really, it is not a surprise at all. Do you want to remind the stories of typical movies again, what will the villains do when they gain strength? Yes, do not want to control the power, use it first.

Mason was really heading towards ‘general’, ‘us’, forget it, it did n’t make sense to pursue, he continued, “Several people died, the people of Aix.”

Even the figures of the dead are not specific. Mason does not do any homework to help the "General", hey. Zac didn't want to respond and waited for Mason to finish.

"Briz and I were asking about Aix's movements." Mason frowned. "But it's strange, I'm also worried. Aix is ​​very quiet, as if a few of them are dead, they are dead, There was no movement. "He glanced at the" General "again and pursed his lips." Ax knows that we will be targeting him on this side. I worry about what Aix is ​​preparing for the general (General) ... " It ’s a heart-warming guy to switch back to the person in time again, “What do we do.”

Zac felt no need to look at the 'General', and looked at Mason with a worried look, thinking, "Aix should be quiet, what do you expect them to do with a security company, call the police? Let the outside know that you are a security company Being attacked? The lives of their employees can't be protected. Count on them to protect customers? "

Mason opened his mouth, suddenly realized after being reminded, and nodded, "So, what are they preparing for?" But still worried.

"Of course." Zach rightly affirmed, "Who will attack Aix, the fish that was cleaned in the southeast before, 'General'." Zac does not need to use 'you', 'General' with Mason's warm heart. The general 'general' should be memorized by himself, "but prepare it." This is for the "general". "My suggestion, you are also prepared to deal with it." This time I used "you", yes Tell the 'General' that you want to be the leader of the gang, then take responsibility for your actions and take care of your men.

"Zac, uh, you will help ..."

According to the trend, this kind of talk must be interrupted as soon as possible. "Are you in touch with Constantine? You should know that now I really have no energy to distract." Looking at the empty bar, it means that Tam did not work hard. It's time to mix here.

"You don't need his help!" "General" actually spoke at this time, irritable and gloomy, "He didn't call us about his affairs! Huh! We don't have to control our affairs!"

Zac glanced at 'General', oh! It turns out that ‘General’ already knows! The wolf pack is coming, and the Baton interracial are preparing the news. No wonder, when Zach asked Tam's contact information before, the general's attitude was strangely silent. It turned out that he was waiting for Zack, and the father said it himself. , Called to face the werewolf together, or just to discuss countermeasures, but the facts we also saw, Zack did not tell the general at all.

Zac turned his head and looked at ‘General’, his expression could not be interpreted. “That ’s right.” Push the door and leave. (To be continued.)

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