The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 24: He didn't

Zac is ready to face Grande being crowded by aliens, well, crowding is exaggerated, at least it should be Grande's most popular scene. [[August 1? {

There were only two people coming, Tam and Walter.

Zac can blame Tum for this indifference, and Tum has no appeal at all. But why bother to deceive yourself, it is obvious that Grande is too unpleasant.

‘Huh! "This is a leaky air, and Walt, who has half of his front teeth, comes out," Slowly die! Only come back! Hurry up and say something! I will deliver the goods when I have finished! "

Zac glanced at the motorcycle parked in the backyard, and a small cargo box was tied to the back seat, with the "Crescent Moon perfume" printed on it. Walter and Maggie New Moon started living together and running their own small custom perfume business, remember?

Zac pouted and opened the cargo box without the owner's consent. There were actually a few boxes of perfume gift boxes inside. Zac's expression looked weird. "Walter, everyone is preparing to fight to protect their city Patton from being invaded." Of course, the higher the bigger the better, "You are delivering goods for your business."

This is not only a fact, but also a step Zack gave himself without any appeal, Walter helped explain—

"Yeah! Everyone is preparing, but you still have your mind swaying in Barton! Asking about things that are both irrelevant and not your business!" When did Walter politely treat Zac.

"It's okay." Zach smiled and swept around in Grand's backyard. "You are lucky, Alice is not at home, you can say that without any burden."

Walt wrinkled his face. Similarly, Walter never took advantage of Zac. "Don't waste time, just ask what you want!"

Zac waved his hand and looked at Tam, who was sitting quietly on the back porch. Zac, who had self-knowledge, did not want to accuse Tam of calling only Walter, but, "How are you doing?"

"Me?" Tam ripped off the corner of his mouth, impatient, and seemed to be too lazy to answer, expressing it with action-he opened his mouth, and after reaching the limit of human opening, his upper and lower jaws continued to expand, opening his mouth more than his face Bigger, continue to expand, bigger than the head, continue to expand ...

Zac glanced at the opening of the black hole and looked strange, "You have two cans of foundation in your mouth."


The opening was closed, and Tam rubbed his hands against his cheeks, as if he had buttoned some joints, and said, "Yeah, Rymer sent it." He glanced at Zac, shaking his head, his expression not expressing. Knowing whether it is helpless or something, "Just Grande sent you two big cans." Know what this is saying-the blood of the vampire, Grande canned it, Morrel, we saw it, used it Kepler's empty cosmetic bottles, "Gangaro sent a few thermos bottles, hum, Rimmer, two cans of foundation."

Zac pursed his lips, whitewashed, "Rimmel's body is half-human after all, at least it should be. Ganggro, his little guys are still young. Grande, I, naturally It ’s a good example. ”He ’s a fart, he ’s not using it at all.

Tam waved his hand. "You don't need to explain it to me. Anyway, even if you three clan gave you two big pots, it's not enough for us." That's the truth. The wizards and hunters of Spira are also human. It has already been said that Barton ’s three-party vampire blood cannot support their numbers. Now that he has joined Barton ’s local aliens, it is not enough.

Tam pouted, "It's me who's the last luck anyway. Once the battle begins, who needs the blood and who gives it is all for me to judge."

Yes, Tam is supporting logistics. In the mouth he just opened, there are more than two pots of foundation. There are countless things in the dark hole.

"With Morrelin, you don't need to feel pressure." Zach shrugged.

"He can read the heart, not the death." Tam said irritably. He glanced at Zac, and the hesitation that appeared instantly disappeared. "Anyway, I must ask. Will Alice participate in ... "He shook his head and put it in a more correct way," Will you let Alice participate ?! "

Once the crisis of death is encountered, everyone loves to report the banshee. Papa did a good thing at midnight, at least he did you, am I right. Well, the werewolf is also a good thing. Is n’t it good to guard our homes?

"No." Very simply.

Picking up Alice on the street is the first vampire and werewolf who came to Barton, so now those guys who are eager to express their love to Alice, Zack can say without burden, no.

"Before the war, let her meet everyone is the limit I allow, enter the battlefield?" Zach raised an eyebrow, affirming the statement, "impossible."

"Huh!" Tam shook his head sullenly. "That's not useful at all. The situation in the battle is changing rapidly. It's useful to look at it before the war!"

Yes, even if the mourning banshee predicted the death before the war and successfully prevented the first round of casualties, what happened to the changed battlefield afterwards? No longer on the battlefield, let the mourning banshee 'look'.

Tam didn't give up, "So, what about Maya ?!"

"She's a guest of Grande, and I certainly refused her contact with all dangers." Zac turned his head, "but, ultimately, it's up to her own will, and that of Siberia and the Witch of Newton No need to ask me anymore. "

"Huh!" Tam still wanted to ask, "Then, do you have ..."

"Okay! Okay! That's enough !!!" More and more than once, Walter's irritability of the air leakage interrupted Tam, "There is no end! You can wait for me to go slowly talk about this matter, good Talk! Do n’t pull me! Waste my time! "

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, there is a guy here who is delivering while everyone is preparing for battle.

"You don't feel it, yeah." Zac looked at Walter and shrugged. "Are you ashamed, everyone is involved in things that you don't care about at all."

"How do I care?" Walter with anger, "What ability do I have to care ?! Bring a candle to burn the werewolf's hair on the battlefield!" This anger is true, and the picture described is also very clear. Yes, what Walter can care about, his power, the power to cross the world, there is no fighting power. It seems that Walter thought about it, struggled, and finally only thought about such things as burning candles. So the one who gave up did not want to participate at all.

Zac shook his head, disappointed. I do n’t know if you still remember, Zach once said that Walter was a waste of his talents. This is what I mean now—Walter's way of using his abilities is wrong. The guy who can break through the barriers of the world and can travel between hell, heaven and this world can really only help the soul escape? Tell the truth, does anyone believe it?

Walter was completely angry, Zack's attitude. With a glaring glance at Zach, he stepped on his motorcycle angrily, "too lazy to control you!"

Zac pouted and lifted Walter's back collar with one hand, unscrewed the car, "I won't say it, okay." Put it on the back porch, "I don't want to bother Tam's preparations any more, I see his belly Let ’s put something down here, let ’s finish quickly, so we can do our own thing, how about it? ”

Zac used inquiries, and it was too hypocritical to describe it. Wasn't he the one who procrastinated?

After making sure that there was no response from anyone at all, Zac went on, "The first thing I want to know is how Apa, who was raised by me and Benjamin, came to me at midnight three years ago. To Barton. "

"You're asking us." Tam, who spoke, but didn't answer the question, "How is a 'god' of Indian culture, Alice was raised by a vampire." Tam pointed to his indifferent face, "Look Hold me, do I seem to know. "

Zac looked at Walter and got a similar answer, "Is my face beautiful?"

Zac continued without any expression, "My second question is whether Spella did anything. Otherwise, I can't think of any, any, Papa will leave Alice at Grande at midnight, and It ’s the reason to leave some information for Spella. ”In case I get the same response again, Zack added,“ It ’s also involved in you, so do n’t say you do n’t know, you ’re involved, it ’s impossible. know."

Silent for a while.

The answer is Tam, "Sebella's only thing is to protect Alice. She is the reason why Papa didn't appear in your Grande at midnight!" He was still a little excited, squinting at Zac, there was a kind of The meaning of contempt-Grande was not picked up by Papa at midnight three years ago. Isn't it a good thing? What are your qualifications to comment on what Sibera has done now.

"Why?" Zac frowned, puzzled. "Why did Siberia protect Alice, the Fireflies themselves ..."

Grande's air spoke, Ryan, "Three years ago, I died."

After the artificial man's diary, Zac looked at the habitually ignoring earth-bound spirit again, frowned, and pursed his mouth.

Therefore, it is human nature, the empathy that the mother does not want the child to perish. Sorry, I am correcting that it was Sibela who lost her two children. He was influenced by human emotions and wrongly applied his emotions to the fireflies. I thought, yes, I thought I needed to protect Alice. Otherwise, another mother feels the pain of losing her child.

This amendment is to respond to the calm analysis of the vampire. Probably, do n’t calm down. The eyebrows are wrinkled and the mouth is pursed. Zac has emotions.

It ’s untimely, after all, it ’s a vampire. It must be the fastest to get out of human emotions. “The third question, Papa ’s 'message' left at midnight, I do n’t understand, using Barton alien You, as 'materials', make something. What's the point? "

"Meaning?" Tam seems to like to use this keyword that repeats each other's questions, and then add a rhetorical tone to express sarcasm. "Can't you think of this, this 'thing', has us, Spella was at the time All of Barton ’s allies, the characteristics of all! Transfiguration of my devours (Tam ’s stomach can hold a house, uh, maybe two, or three, I do n’t know ...) Ghoul The regeneration (recovery of eating corpses) of the mermaid's water-sucking wing ... "This is a long list, but because Tam did not break sentences in order to express a certain emotion, half of the air was cut.

When Tam began to gasp, Zac pursed his lips, "I understand what you mean. But, I still have doubts." Looking at Walter, "This power, and Morrillin's mind, this is The power of human beings, Papa ca n’t directly make 'materials' at midnight. "This is uncertain, and it can make people feel that they will be really cut off. The special powers, such as mind reading, such as penetrating the realm, can be made into a collection. That Papa should go at midnight, no, it has already conquered the world.

Walter ripped a corner of his mouth, "You forgot that Crowley just appeared ..."

"Jessica." Zac corrected it. "Now the fallen angel is called Jessica."

Walter tilted his lips, "Jessica!" Heavily, "what did you do to me when you first came!"

"She wants to send some special people in Patton to hell." Zac waved his hand, and the person with special power was unlucky, unless he was as strong as Morrillin, he would not be caught, "This past is not necessary. mentioned."

"Papa did something similar at midnight."

Zac frowned and stared at Walter. "Don't tell me what contract you signed with Papa at midnight."

"Of course not! I'm not stupid!" Walter snorted, and then frowned, his momentum diminished. "He copied part of our soul." Just before Zac asked, he went back, "Don't ask me, I do n’t know what he is going to do! Do I look like a god! "

Tam took the conversation and gasped, "Now, you should know the meaning!"

Zac nodded, "When he comes to Patton again, Spella, and Spella's allies, are no longer able to stop him. Everything about Patton, he has mastered, or, has studied."

"Humph. You are not stupid." Walter said.

Zac did not respond, "The fourth question, this 'something', why I haven't seen it. Papa had already visited Grande at midnight at the beginning of the year, and the goal was indeed Matthew and Yi (En) ..." Zac The correction was quick, "The person I am concerned with is not Alice. Why?"

Just after asking, Zac pouted, and he was really stupid. How could these two guys understand the idea of ​​‘God’, Zac did n’t understand, or else he would n’t ask questions here.

However, neither Tam nor Walter showed the expression just now, but frowned and looked at Zac together, which was incredible.

It was Ryan, Grande ’s air, “Are you stupid, I can hear it, and now Papa has both werewolves and vampires at midnight, and Barton ’s aliens are truly penetrating!”

Grande ’s air is not looking for a sense of presence today, then okay, Zac moved his chin, shook his head, and answered, “No, he did n’t. Ian did n’t get the power I got from the saints, he The werewolf in his hand was Brother Ravenci, not the blood of Matthew Benjamin. Papa didn't get anything from Grande at midnight. "Still frowned," At least not all. "

Tam and Walter froze.

"I have no problem, you can go." (To be continued.)

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