The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 26: Friend's visit

"Mocavi ..."

Reinforced steel and broken walls are all around, and the burnt residues of the black cover the original colors of the ground and the walls, so that the gray linen skirt Brill fits this place. [<八 (一 中文 << W? W) W. 81ZW. COM

Oh, this is the Herman factory that was blown up. Brielle ’s new friend, tell her address, do n’t forget.

"Mocavi, Mocavi, Mocavi ..."

Brill didn't call anymore, she showed a good thing, and was crushed under the collapsed locker and the piece of shattered land, um, metal baffle. Brill was not afraid of dirty hands and pulled this thing out.

It should be a car front cover, but the paint has been completely peeled off, and it is also covered with indentations. Now it looks like a wide metal plate. But Brill knew it was a good thing. The bedroom window of her house was always cluttered by some nasty guys, throwing in some words such as "Crazy man!" If the window is sealed with this board, the world will be quiet.

"Miss." Smith has been quietly observing Brill for a long time at the door of the room, and he didn't intend to disturb, but the other party began to take things that belonged to him (Smith bought it here), which would not work ,"what are you doing?"

Brill dragged the large metal plate and looked back at the stranger at the door. The delicate clothes and extraordinary temperament were not what Briel valued. He turned his head and ignored it. Continue, "Mocavi, Mocavi ,where are you……"

Smith frowned and walked two steps forward, revealing Lydia behind him as if he were staying. Ignore Lydia first, "Miss, I'm going to ask you to leave here now."

Brill dragged some heavy metal plates and glanced at Smith again, "Why?"

"This is my property." Smith was straightforward. "And you are illegally invading," pointing to what Briel was dragging, "still trying to take my things."

Brill looked at Smith for a while, and his mouth was crooked. "You lied to me, you are much younger and more handsome than Herman." He turned to look for Mocavi.

Smith froze for a moment, pursed his lips strangely, "Uh, thank you. But I'm not Herman, I'm Smith, I bought this, here is mine."

Lydia added a sentence in the back, "Thank you for my reminder."

Smith rolled his lips and glanced at his sister. "You don't have to keep reminding me about this matter. I know very well. Isn't this bringing you here."

"Yeah, bring me here." This was probably the most rejoicing tone. Lydia rolled her eyes and touched the wall with her hand. "I'm so happy."

Smith frowned, "Lydia, don't get too far. You know that I can't take you to a project meeting. I'll take you here for a field trip and understanding the project planning is the limit I can do."

"Oh yes. The last time I confirmed, the Smith Group was still surnamed Smith, my surname is Smith ..." Lydia was expressing something, but the expression was interrupted by another voice.

"Mocavi, Mocavi, Mocavi ..." Brill continued to call her friend.

Both Smiths shut up and looked at Brill together.

Without realizing it, Brill continued to call, "Mocavi, where are you? If you give the wrong address, I will be angry. I thought we were the same kind of person ..."

"It's nothing beautiful." Lydia said suddenly. "We're going back." While saying this, she pulled Smith with her dark hand.

"Lydia." Smith probably got it wrong and thought his sister meant blame. "Mature, I've already tried it. You think I don't want to run with my sister ..."

Having been pulled away, Smith began to be amazed at when his sister had such great strength. Let's tell him—from the day her sister became Rimmer. And now this Rimmer believes that it is a bad idea to stay in this place where Mocavi is likely to appear. So, ignoring Barbara, who was still going on, dragged him into the car and "goed home."

Brill is alone, and any episode will not affect her behavior. She still, "Mocavi, where are you ..."

At a position covered by the collapsed wall and the debris, a door was lifted on the ground, Dora's head was exposed, and he looked at Briar from a distance, frowning tightly. Another head appeared next to Dora, "Smith's car drove away." The voice was very quiet, limited to the communication between the two.

"Then why are you still here." Dora said for granted, "to keep up."

"But, that Lydia, obviously very young (Rimmel) ..." Bumi apparently hesitated.

"But it's still Rimmer!" Dora interrupted directly. "We're looking for Rimmer! There's one there, even if he's not young! So why are you still wasting your time here!"

Bumi pouted, "We are not looking for Rimmer, we are looking for Toledo." This was correcting.

Dora stared at Bumi angrily, "Yes! We are looking for Toledo! But the last time we followed your clue to Grande, the vampire's breath disappeared, replacing two wolves! You still Want to go to Grand? Go! I will never stop you! "

Dora's mood seemed very bad, of course, for a reason.

Bumi leaned his head and shook his head. "Well, then this woman who keeps‘ Mocavi, Mocavi ’, what are you going to do?" Brill said.

Dora squinted and looked at Bumi, "Do you want to change, I'm happy! You deal with this 'Mokawi Mokawi' woman, I'll follow Smith over there!"

"Oh, no." Bumi simply disappeared.

Dora closed her eyes, adjusted her emotions, climbed to the ground when she opened again, and didn't know how she did it. She immediately bypassed the rubble that blocked all the way, and walked still shouting a whole metal plate. Brill, "Mocavi is not here."

Brill turned around and missed Dora's sight first, because Dora was short, like a young girl. When Brill lowered his eyes, he saw Dora. When he raised his eyebrows, he immediately saw Dora's shrunken arm, hanging like a baby on his side.

"Are you Dora?" Brier asked.

Dora frowned, "You know my name."

"Well, you are a servant of Mokawi, she told me, a girl with a congenital deformity, an ugly man, well, called Bumi."

Despite the fact that this statement is true, Mokawi is the highest-ranking person of a clan, she can say that anyone is her servant, and, Dora is indeed deformed, looking at her hand, Bumi is indeed ugly (full face pit) . But this is a very, very offensive opening.

"Then who are you." Dora began to circle around Brill, no matter how she felt, Briel was a human.

"I am Brill, your master's friend." Brill answered honestly, again, in an offensive way.

Dora is also very self-cultivated, "Well, then, Miss Brill, we have only been here for a few days, I don't know that Mokawi has made friends." Yes, this is temptation.

Brill pouted, and did not follow the plot at all. "Sure enough, you are not a good servant. Your master knows friends and doesn't know." Brill waved his hand. "Where did Mokawi go?"

Dora's unusually small hand clenched into a fist, "What are you doing for Mokawi?"

"Friend's visit." Brill dragged the metal plate and walked out. "You have to tell me where did your master go."

Dora followed behind Brill without keeping a distance. "Yes, I'm not a good servant. I don't know where my master is now. I'm still expecting you, you. Friends of this owner, can tell me. "Still trying to tentatively.

Once again, Brielle frowned, but still did not follow the plot, "You ask me? I know I won't come here in vain."

Dora felt that she was talking to a wall, her forehead twitching, and following Brill. "I just told you, my master and your friend are gone. Are you saying nothing?"

Brielle stopped and thought for a while, then shook his head, "What did you say?" Looking at Dora, she was puzzled. "Are you worried about your master?"

Dora looked at Brill's face and frowned. "Yes. I haven't seen her in two days." He looked away. "And I haven't found her before this evening. I'm afraid she will What danger is encountered! "On the last night of the full moon cycle, the werewolf was forced to transform.

"Are you brave?" Brill waved his hand and moved on. "Afraid of the werewolf or something." Wasn't Mocavi told Brill, her servant was afraid of such a werewolf, "and afraid of the night. What. There is nothing to be afraid of at night. "Although there is no expression, but this is undoubtedly ridiculed.

Dora froze in place, it was a crash-Brill did say 'werewolf', right, but actually to separate the werewolf from the night, can we be separated from the werewolf tonight! It only took a while to slow down, "What did you just say ?!"

Brill had walked out of the door as if he didn't want to bother, and frowned at a large distance from the factory gate, as if estimating his strength, enough to drag the things in his hand over there. This was considered very quickly, "Dora, help me, carry this, too heavy."

Dora looked at the woman with unbelievable eyes, and she didn't move. "What are you."

Brielle seemed to be unable to understand the question, and the corner of his mouth moved. "Not helping." Take a deep breath and continue to drag forward.

The weight in his hand disappeared in an instant, and Brill watched Dora hold the metal plate with her same hand as the baby and lift it up. He tilted his head, "You are so powerful." Then she raised her hand and pointed to the factory door. "Get there first, no, no, it's so easy to see you, take me to the station."

Dora held the metal plate immobile, she didn't mean to help Brill, but the facts observed made him make Brill can answer questions honestly--

Even though it is completely impossible to understand the reason why Briel is dragging such a metal plate, the reality is that. Taking this metal plate, he controlled Brill.

Brill walked a few steps forward easily, and now Dora did not keep up, and looked back, "The road is here, keep up."

"No." Dora held the metal plate. "I stay here with your board."

Brill frowned and walked back, "That's my board, I'll show it first."

"It's not yours, it's Smith's. Smith just said it personally."

"Then are you Smith's servants?"

"Do not."

"Then you should listen to me and help me take the board to the station." Brill actually nodded. "Because you are a servant of Mocavi, I am a friend of Mocavi, you should listen to me, Not Smith. "

Dora stopped talking, and the metal plate in her hand swept in the air, Cang! Inserted into the concrete floor, with a sullen face, "I'm right here, nowhere!"

Brear was silent for a moment, frowned, and folded her arms, staring at Dora. "The same is true for me. I won't go anywhere. When Mocavi returns, tell her that you are a bad servant."

"Huh!" Dora's tolerance has been pushed to the limit, regardless of whether she is Mokawi's friend! His eyes were red, "Answer my question! What the **** are you!"

The answer to Dora was that Briel reached out and touched her cheek with a hand, "Red eyes, you have the same eyes as Mocavi." When Dora's face was completely confused, "I didn't say that , My name is Brill, forgot? "Shaking his head," I am your master's friend, you better remember my name. "

The redness in Dora's eyes disappeared, and the confusion also changed, becoming self-deprecating, and looked at Briar with her mouth closed. "So you are the same kind of person as Mokawi."

Although Brill did n’t know Dora ’s thought process, he clearly understood something wrong, “No, I ’m not. I did n’t want this board for marriage. I have a fiancé, a real man.”

Dora frowned tightly, as Brill was still rubbing her face, "Where are the red eyes? Mocavi also has sharp teeth, how about you, do you have?"

"Do you know Mokawi, me, what is it?" Dora said somberly.

As with all of Brill ’s previous comments, the answer was not in Dora ’s script at all. This is only a warning to all mentally sound people. Don't try to communicate with people who are no longer at the same level of mind. It's better to hit the wall.

"You know, you are coming to Patton to scrub the wanted offenses and prove yourself innocent." Brill touched his chin, as if recalling her conversation with Mokawi, "but now it's delayed." Pouting and glancing Dora, her face was actually disappointed, "Because you and Bumi, afraid of the werewolf, she was only for you, and lost her time to prove green ..."

"What did you say ?!" Dora heard something she had been afraid of.

Probably Dora interrupted too abruptly, "What did I say?" Then he shook his head. "What the werewolf? Mocavi didn't tell me. Come and tell me ..."

"Where did you and Mocavi meet! Tell me!"

"The woods behind my house." The first direct answer to the question is rare.

"Where is your home!"

"Southern District." The second one.

"The woods in the Southern District ?!" After finally communicating with a wall, Dora's worst expectations became reality. (To be continued.)

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