Boqi came, not at the time Zac expected, but when he came, he could only explain one thing-"They are coming, if the train is not late, Mu En, the mother of my son, will be in Arrived in Becky an hour later. { W ?.] 8? 1> ZW.COM "

"An hour." Zac was infused with blood in the basement, not because of Becky's notification, but because Benjamin hadn't returned yet, and had no idea why Zac could only do what he could do-prepare, for anything ready.

"Yeah." Pooch didn't want to be close to Zac, and stood in the corner of the basement. "They, stayed once after entering Massa, but of course Mu En didn't tell me the reason. In her opinion, I am still a Ordinary people who have been borrowed ... "

Zac waved his hand and said that Podge didn't have to always emphasize this point-the invaders didn't know that Patton was already 'expecting' their arrival. Boqi was the meritor of accomplishing this. He predicted the arrival of the wolves and brought in commissions, right. If he said nothing, no one would know that Button would break into new forces.

Pooch shrugged. "But she mentioned that their number has increased, and it seems to be meeting friends in the east."

Zac glanced at Pooch. "Isn't it more specific."

"No." Pooch shook his head. "I can't tell her. I know she is a wizard. Her" friend "is a pack of wolves who come to Patton to grab ground. The same is true in the reverse. She cannot tell me that she is a wolf. The group of wizards is coming to take over the Quinn family, and the wolves that control her are going to occupy Barton. The only clear message between us is that I am the child of the family who once promised her the future, and now I let her down She brought her friends to fight for herself. Under such a premise, any communication between us cannot be specific. "

Zac expressed no expression, and Louise said, "So, can we now think that the number of intruders has increased." Looking at Zac, he asked uncertainly, "Otherwise, how to understand 'meeting with friends'" ? "

"No need to understand." Zack answered Louise. "We didn't know the size of the upcoming wolf pack at the beginning, and we still don't know that all the forces that Button can move have moved. How much is coming, our side The number of people will not increase nor decrease. So it does n’t make sense. "

Louise stopped talking and quietly continued to add food.

Zac looked at Pooch, "Did they tell Spella the time they arrived?"

"Of course." Boqi said of course. "Paisin who passed by first when he came, gave her all the information about Mu En according to your request." She raised her eyebrows. "She wants these What does the data do? "

"Ask Sibella, don't ask me." Zack chuckled, mockingly.

"I asked." Pooch actually had a honest side. "She said 'Get out of my home.' I'm obviously not very popular."

"It's good to know." Zack smiled, not thinking about it. Do n’t be surprised if you do n’t welcome it. The simple thing is that Papa ’s midnight and Papa ’s midnight creations are all hatred by Spella, in various senses.

Portage was quiet for a while, "What about Benjamin?"

Zac couldn't answer this question, so he ignored it.

"What about Matthew?"

Continue to ignore.

"Although there are only two famous Alpha groups in Patton, but they are powerful fighting forces. At this time, your disregard is best ..."

Zac put down his empty blood jar and glanced at Louise. "You stay in Grande." Before Louise refuted to look at Boqi, "out."

Pooch swallowed what he wanted to say and followed Zac.

First called Spella to confirm the location of the meeting, and then got on Boqi's car, the target is the west border of the West District. The train will enter Barton from the overhead, the plan is to intercept it at the border of the Western District, and it cannot give the wolves a chance to enter Barton.

Because of the uniqueness of this location, Danny the Magic Man will go with him. It should be remembered that the wheelchair teenager Will, who lives under the elevated border of the West End, Danny must go, for protection.

Mo also had to follow, probably just to join in the excitement, and the result was that the Great Dane also got into the Podgie's car. I don't know if it was the bad taste of the Great Dane. It occupied the first officer and looked at Pod.

"Yo!" Austin, who commanded the construction team beside the Western warehouse, ran over, "Mr. Grand! Go out!"

Having said that this construction team is coming today, don't forget. Zac used this reason to come back from the Church of the Son in advance. Now this reason can be used again. "Yeah, it's up to you and Louise here." Zac looked directly at the basement and frowned. Louise, "Hopefully nothing will collapse when I come back."

"Hehehe! How come! Come and come, Miss Louise, you see, the workers and materials we prepared this time are ..."

Louise was stopped, very well, Bogey's car drove out of Grand.

First go to the Saint's Villa in the northeast direction of Southern District to inform Gangaro. Now is a good time to divert attention.

Ripter High School was still in the classroom, the radio sounded, "Cissy Yeshir, please go to the Academic Affairs Office." Then the crispy sound of potato chips stuffed into his mouth, "Buddy Yasir, grabbed Net fried five ... "

In a classroom, everyone's eyes turned to Sissi sitting in the last row.

Sissi stood up expressionlessly, nodded toward the teacher with **** and chin on the podium, and walked towards the back door.

"Sissi ..." Alice just shouted, and was held by Lola and Kepler at the same time, shaking her head hard. why? Because a girl in a cheerleading uniform sitting on the other side raised her eyebrows and was looking at Sissi, with a provocative look, she even opened up—

"What did our" One Thousand Pieces "girls do? Academic Affairs Office? Ha ha, good luck ~"

"Shut up, xx." Caesar, "You are the most **** girl I've ever seen. Shut your mouth and don't have to keep proving yourself the most bitch."

Then it was out of control.

"Caesar! You are also the most masculine boy I've ever seen. The cheap guy has Chris. You are still around, like a dog!"

"Are you stupid turning your head every day! Is there a problem with understanding? I said, shut up, mouth!"

"It's all quiet!" The ass-chin teacher said, "It's still in class ..." But he was immediately overwhelmed.

Everyone in this classroom knows where such a dispute originated, and it originated from a party that Caesar helped Sissi before, and like the party, everyone has their own supporters. Some people support Caesar, who may be the son of the next mayor, and some people support the 'upper society' girls who control the entire Ripter.

Kepler and Lola were protecting themselves, lying on the desks and pretending to sleep. Only Alice in the whole classroom remembered the reason for the start of the chaos, and looked worriedly at the Sissy who had already left the classroom.

Before going out, Sissi looked back at Alice. There was only worry in Alice's eyes, and no strange picture flashed. Sissi pouted, still unable to match the expression of gratitude, and left the classroom door.

"Sissi!" Two young men with their unique vitality ran in the hallway. The one who called Sissi was Chris Allen, her boyfriend. The sweaty (team) face was worried, "Cici, what happened?"

Sissy's face became very smooth. When she looked back, she was already smiling. "It's nothing." She glanced at Kyle running together, but didn't pass any emotions away. Continue to Chris, "You really I want to get rid of this bad habit that worries me. "

Chris scratched his head awkwardly, before he could say anything else, he grabbed Kyle anxiously and forcibly turned around, "Hehe! Thank you, Captain, for accompanying me to see Sissy, hehe! It's okay! Let's go back to training!"

Because Sissy had lifted her feet to the Academic Affairs Office, her feet didn't touch the ground.

Colorful high school life.

"I am Sissi." Siss looked at the fat girl sitting behind the front desk of the academic affairs.

The fat girl grabbed a handful of potato chips, "Oh, you have a home phone, your housekeeper called, uh, Camille, let you call back as soon as possible." She lifted her chin to the side phone.

Sissy raised her eyebrows, somewhat anticipating, so, "The class of the **** and chin is messed up, are you going to check it out." I already picked up the receiver and started dialing.

"Uh! Chaos again ?!" The fat girl moved her body impatiently. "I shouldn't have said this nickname." Moving out of the front desk, I was going to the classroom to maintain order. "Now he No prestige at all, eh. "

Sissy nodded pretendingly, not caring about such things in her heart, but involuntarily understood why Lola was so nervous when the name **** and chin began to spread on campus.

"Camille, what happened." The first time the receiver was switched on.

"Zac is here, they took Thomas, and they went to the west border to meet Sibera. You have 5o minutes."

There was no hesitation, "Got it, what about Rimer?"

"Sibera's side is in charge. No one on our side can directly contact Smith. The Black Witch has a way to contact. Well, good news. The Maya in Grande has been with Sibera."

"I don't care." Sissi whispered, "Where is the Demon Feast." Sissi has a lot of problems. There is no way. At first, the confident ‘I can do it’. When things are about to come, I am a little nervous.

"Detective Detective Lance is at the police station, so we don't need to worry about this. Kozil's side should be informed by Morrillin."

"Okay, I know." Sissi hung up the phone, ready to leave.

Now, it's a good time to switch focus, we have three options. First, look at James's tweaks to inform Darcy, uh, did I say tweaks, um, sure. Second, go and see how Morrel communicates with Kozil. Remember the last two exchanges between two mind-readers. That was a communication that I and other mortals could not understand. Three, Rimmer.

The choice is obvious. Smith Manor.

Eve had just returned, and was still accompanied by Xiandi (Fisher) and Charlotte (Falken). Lydia had greeted the door, "Oh, my poor baby, what's wrong with you?"

Eve glanced blankly at his 'mother', "Gastroenteritis."

"The health room has given Eve medicine, and the teacher said let her come back to have a good rest." Charlotte.

"Thank you for sending Eve back, I have just returned, or I will pick you up personally, oh my baby, poor baby."

Eve can only bow her head, she really does not perform as strongly as Lydia **, "Thank you, you go back, I am already home, and I will have a good rest."

"Yes! Take a good rest!" Xian Di seemed to be unhappy, and piled a pile of books into Eve's hands. "Don't forget your homework when you rest! Being sick is not a privilege!"

"冦 迪!" Charlotte rolled his eyes. "You can stop for a while! Eve is sick! It's not the privilege of the West Side! It's sick! Everyone needs to rest!"

Xian Di turned his lips away and turned away.

"Don't care about Didi, he is sick!" Charlotte shook his head.

Eve fully understands, remember, when she started school, she saw the beginning of Yan Di's "illness" and the "false privileges" of the children in the West End.

Charlotte took a deep breath, "Okay, you have a good rest, let's go. Goodbye"

"Goodbye." Eve nodded and pulled Lydia, watching the two children leave. The car had just opened the gate of the Smith Manor. "Ready, Lydia, the border of the Western District. Yuehua contacted me. What about Frank?"

Lydia took Eve and walked in, whispering, "Talking with my brother in the study."

Eve shook her head, raised her hands, the light and shadow converged, and a butterfly flew out of her hand, around the manor, and flew to Smith's study.

"Forget it, I don't think my brother will let him out after a while."

"Why?" Eve frowned, then shook her head guessing. "Lydia, are you stimulating your brother again? Now we have a good rhythm and use your brother and sister's emotional contradiction, but don't overdo it. Do n’t push him too far, it ’s not good for anyone ... "

Was interrupted, "I don't have one." Lydia whispered. "Today I finally persuaded him to take me to see the Herman factory that I bought."

"Okay, that's good." Eve nodded. "He is loosening and accepting us, we should soon get the real power in the Smith Group."

"Don't be too happy, as soon as I went, I pulled him back." Lydia seemed to be in a tremendous entanglement. Fortunately, there were no servants in Smith's Manor, and their conversation was to nowhere to avoid. As they said, they walked towards Lydia's room—

When Eve spoke out for the first time, a dark red under his feet had swam out against the ground, and should have been transformed in Eve's room, lying on the bed in a sickly state. Going to Lydia's room, it's just Lydi Asia-Pacific Water, who can't accomplish this magic by himself.

"Because there is a woman in the factory, she kept shouting Mo ..." Lydia was interrupted, Eve suddenly stopped her footsteps, and then her face became surprised, pulling Lydia to her own The room runs, yes, run!

"Eve! What's wrong?"

"Bumi!" Eve's face was filled with joy, "Bumi is in my room!"

"Bumi? What is it?"

"Nofel! They're here! I can't believe that Zac's stupid plan succeeded!"

"Did I hear you say Zach?" Bumi blinked behind the door. (To be continued.)

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