The Herman factory, which already belongs to Smith, is not above ground, but below ground. (August 1 Chinese website W} W) W}. 81ZW. Com seems to be an underground warehouse of an auto parts workshop. According to the information that Lydia knew from Smith, it will be planned as a planting base for plants in the future.

But now is not the time to talk about planning. Lydia missed this opportunity when he personally pulled away Smith. Now, all she was doing was frowning and mopping the wet dirt that stuck to her body.

Arriving here from Smith Manor in the West End, Bumi took a nauseating path—all buildings with people have drainage pipes buried underground and leading to the road. When she came out of the manor, Lydia saw the underground structure of the manor that she never thought she would see. Then, I fully realized that in addition to the road on the ground, there is another way to penetrate in the city.

Eve didn't have any filth on her body. She was on Bumi's back all the way. Even when she saw the sun from the drain in the West District, and when she wanted to cross the Paisin River and enter the North District underground, Bumi successfully took Yi Fu passed upside down under the bridge. Lydia, who swam in the past, was helped by the passing Kraken.

In short, this is a bad journey. All the way, Lydia hung behind Bumi and Eve, and witnessed the worst of the city as an upper-class man in the city. Still can't insert the communication between the first two people.

Oh, of course Eve and Bumi are talking, they have too many things to tell.

"I can't feel your breath, just like Zac." Eve.

"Really? Zac has mastered this skill?" Bumi, "This is the hidden skill of Demon Torrido. I thought no one could learn it except us. Zac always surprises. Uh No, how did he learn? "

"I don't want to talk about him." Eve, "Where have you been?"

"We want to ask you the same question." Bumi, "We have been looking for Rimmer for a long time."

"We hid." Eve. "We have to hide. You can't imagine that one day, our clan was besieged by aliens. When we tried our best to kill, the hidden alliance disappeared. We have nothing, I even lost my father. "

"It's a pity, Eve. But we are about the same." Bumi, "We also lost our father, our ancestor, and now only Me and Dora."

"What happened?" Eve.

"Fanzhuo." Bumi, "We should guess that since the disappearance of Toledo, Fanzhuo has always wanted to break the alliance's parliamentary system and become the leader of the alliance. For a century, they finally acted."

"Second civil strife?"

"Chaos? No, there is nothing to chaos. Vatican firmly controls Bruch, the most powerful clan of the thirteen clans. It can't be chaotic, just join or die. Nofil, we, Wrong choice. "

"What a shame." Eve, "Fanzhuo didn't even consider us Rimer."

"I didn't consider Gangaro either." Bumi, "Gangaro didn't make any contribution to the league, you Rimmel, you shouldn't be happy to hear that, Rimmel also didn't contribute to the league, Torrido left After that, no one helped you to obtain research funds. The only interaction between you and the alliance is to spend the reserve assets of the alliance. This is a very good opportunity to completely cut off the clan that Fanzhuo believes are not useful to the alliance. "

"What does Fanzhuo want? What can he get? Is it good for him to break up the alliance like this?" Eve, she obviously didn't want to put the topic on Toledo.

"No, not at all. The aliens in the middle began to resist, the Feast took the opportunity to instigate, the invasion of the Feast of Torrido, and even just in the political activities of human beings, the middle could not resist the attack of the west. The secret alliance led by Fan Zhuo Yingming can only flee to the Republic. "

"I don't know if I should be happy or sad now."

"Me too, Eve, we are all the same."

This trip does not need to care about the traffic on the road, and there is no need to care about the existing pedestrians running at a very human level. From the Smith Manor in the west, to the Herman factory on the south border of the north, there is almost a straight line of travel. So soon.

Now, three people are standing in the underground warehouse of the factory.

Eve looked at the empty space, "Bumi, you said that Dora is here, your clan of Nofil is here, and people?"

Bumi frowned, glancing in the space without a creature, "I don't know, I was here when I left."

"There is a note here." Lydia handed out something in her hand embarrassedly. This was when she started to look for something to wipe the stains on her body and took it. Now she noticed the words on it. Need to defend her, she is really not intentional.

Bumi didn't care and took the note, "Dora left it." Frowning, "She said ..." The frowns twisted together, retelling the message on the note, "Mocavi is probably south The woods of the area grab Grande ’s Alpha, and the crazy woman named Brill said that Dora and I were afraid of Barton ’s Alpha. For the two of us, Mokawi decided to remove the Alpha first. "

Quiet for a while.

"I told you just now, does Zac live in Grande." Eve said.

Before Bumi ’s face became weird, Eve continued, waving his hand, as if unintentionally, “Oh, it ’s okay, let me tell you now. You and Zola Torredo, whom Dora missed, have been at peace with each other for more than ten years. Only Alpha is together. Since they came to Barton seven or eight years ago, they have lived in the Grand Funeral Home in the Southern District and are Grande ’s two brothers. "

Bumi calmed down unexpectedly. "We have a young Toledo in the North District."

"Northern District, it's probably the" General "in the southeast." Eve didn't want to talk about Torrido, but she had to.

"Southeast? Are you talking about people in the newspaper who reported a community checkup showing 3oo blood pressure?"

"Well," General "was accidentally made by Zac ..."

"No, it's not him." Bumi shook his head, feeling like he missed something. "I saw Dora when I saw the news, but there was no corresponding 'citizen's bizarre death' news, which was excluded by us. No, I have n’t seen it. But I ’m not talking about him, it ’s a woman, it seems to be called, Louise, at the city government. "

"That's Zac's girlfriend." Eve whispered, "Now that Barton's funeral is being reviewed for injustices that have occurred after the privatization of the funeral, you probably encountered it." Then nodded, "She noticed you, Zac also told me, Zac told me, why did you go to the city government? "

"Gather intelligence." Bumi pursed her lips. "Dora's idea, we don't know anything about Barton. As far as we know, there are demons, saints, feasts, alpha, wizards ... These forces, we don't at all Knowing the status of Torrido in this city, we went to the city government. We believe that if we can figure out who controls the city ’s highest status, it should be the city ’s highest position. Dora thinks we should not appear directly . "

Eve lowered his head for a moment and shook his head irritably. "The idea is right, but, uh, I don't know." Eve twitched his mouth. "Mayor Anthony of Barton is a friend of Zac, Before Barton, he and Benjamin were on the battlefield to protect this human being, and then came to Barton together. As for Zack ’s position in these forces, er, I ca n’t describe it. "

"He's on the battlefield?" Whatever I hear now is intelligence. For Bumi, "No wonder, he has no trace at all."

"We should go." Eve glanced at the empty space again. "It's a bad misunderstanding. We're going to find Mokawi. Benjamin is better not to do anything, especially now." Eve frowned. Looked at Lydia, "You, go to the West End meeting point and tell Zack about this. Bumi and I went to the South End to find Mokawi and Benjamin ..."

"When you were at the manor, you said what to prepare." Bumi was a little puzzled. "Will Barton be born?"

"A central wolf pack is about to invade." Eve waved her hand, and she prepared to express both views together. "This was originally a private commission given to Zac by the Quinn family in the Western District, and then the entire Barton force, except for nothing. The demons and angels are all involved, and Zac completes the commission. "Eve looked at Bumi." Can you understand what I mean. "

"No." Bumi shook his head honestly, his expression changed strangely, "I heard you say, eh, angel?"

"Uh, you will see, Grande has one, called Jimmy." The ultimate helplessness, "In Grande, you can see all the forces, and the vampires and werewolves don't say anything. , Maya, the Black Witch, Ryan, the son of the earth-bearing wizard Siberia, the wings of the fallen angel, a detective (James) who sent Grande as a second house, James Torrido, even a female ghost of the Republic. Uh ... "

Bumi: "Uh--"

"You can accept slowly. Now, we don't have much time." Eve looked at Lydia again. "You, go to Zac, hurry." No longer care about Lydia, look at Bumi, "we also Hurry up. "

Go on the road again. There is no need to go underground this time. There is no underground in the southern area. There are not many sewers under the field, but as long as you avoid Highway 27, no one will notice the two rushing figures.

From the Herman factory to the woods on the southern border, what is on this line? There is Grand.


"Eve!" Louise, sitting on the back porch, looked at Eve in front of her in surprise, looked around, and didn't notice how the other person came. "How did you come here? Zack?" I ’ve already gone to the West End ... This is? "

"Bumi, I'm the guy who made a noise when you submitted the censorship information to the city government. I'm Nofeller."

"Oh." Louise blinked, thinking a little bit stuck.

"Isn't there such a person here?" Eve was impatient, and the construction man in the backyard was ignored by her. "We need help, Louise, follow us."

"Where to go?" Instinctively, "Zac shows me housekeeping."

"What's so beautiful. Now we have to find Benjamin and Mokawi."

"Uh." Louise didn't know what Eve was talking about, but Eve would appear in Grande personally, and at this moment, there was a Zac who was chatting with Nozie who didn't know how long. Le, Louise does n’t think it ’s a good thing, “Well, it ’s Georgina here.”

"Did you say Georgina !!!" Bumi.

"Uh, do you know?"

"Know? Her body is overflowing with blood from my compatriots!"

When Bumi's sudden anger confused Eve and Louise, we can recall how Norfolk learned the magical shielding technique of Torrito the Feast? Torrido, the Feast of the Feast, hunted a Nofile family in the middle.

How quickly Georgina mastered the racial talent, Eli hunted him and Robert a Nofeller to help them learn.

"Eve, you said that Grandry has a magic feast Toledo! Where is she ?!"

"Bumi!" Eve failed to hold Bumi.

The black shadow floated from the ground contrary to common sense and enveloped Bumi. This made Bumi's body disappear in front of Rimer and Torrido, "It is now day, she can't escape my revenge!" Only this sentence is left.

Half a minute.

On the back side of the Grand West warehouse, the wall burst out of the opening, mixed with splattered wood chips and cracked stones, a broken shadow traversed in the air, Bumi's gritty face and he died The frightened Georgina only appeared for a moment, and the scattered shadow wrapped in the air to Bumi again, and lost her figure.

What was left was that the workers who were preparing for the construction side looked up in surprise, and then their eyes widened and witnessed—

A burst of crimson flame suddenly exploded, as if it were a humanoid figure, falling from midair and hitting the construction site that was piling the foundation.

"It's on fire!" Austin was the first to yell, "Fire!"

"Don't come near!" Eve only came and shouted.

It's too late.

The fire began to spread.

Don't look at the tragedy here. Look at the Western District.

Zac is standing in front of the wheelchair teenager's home, many people are standing here, looking up at the elevated.

"You're here again." Zac looked helplessly at James, who moved the crowd away and walked in front of him. "This is really not where you want to stay."

James sullenly said, "I want to see how your group of aliens intercept a train!" It's not at all out of place.

"Oh, you're too little to look at the wizard." Zac waved his hand and gestured to the few people who were already standing on the elevated, of course, Spira was on top. "Do you think we're going to make a bad car accident? Haha, look. "

Spira looked down, ready to take a deep breath, raised her hands, and then did not know what to do. A dark green appeared from Spira's feet and began to spread westward.

A faint green mist floated on the railroad tracks and stretched westward along the elevated forest above the woods on the border of the west zone.

"It's inducing aconite fog. The plan is to force the wolves down before entering Barton." Zac explained.

"What about the people in the car."

"If the wolves do n’t want to drive into Becky station, the train is full of civilian limbs and shattered corpses, causing a major event that will shake up the Federation. Then it will get off before the aconite begins to take effect, and at most break a few windows. Right. "

"I'm not at all relieved!" James stared at Zach somberly, "What if those wolves don't care!"

"When the train stops at Newton Station, they will confirm it at Newton Moonlight. In addition, I asked Riley to call the Krakens. Two layers of protection, so do you feel relieved." Zach pat James.

James still sullenly, "I just have a strong bad feeling in my heart! Something bad will happen!"

"Well, when did you feel good when you were with me?" Zack shrugged.

"Huh! I'm not in a mood to joke with you!"

"Me too." Zac didn't have an expression on his face. "Quickly solve the matter here. I'm going to find Benjamin." (Unfinished.)

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