The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 2: Come back home

"Now we are home.? Bayi Middle School

Benjamin got off the co-driver, glanced at the west side of Grand's backyard, frowned, "What's going on here."

Zac only glanced at it, then turned away. "The construction team is here today. Forget it." Then he looked at the two who had also come out of the back seat-the woman who looked around with curiosity was Mocavi. The dwarf under the hood is Dora.

Zac looked back at the construction site again and raised his eyebrows a bit strangely. There was no difference between when he left and the progress of the project was almost zero.

"Hey! Mr. Grande, you are back!" Austin came over with a smile on his face.

"Where is Louise?" Zac didn't want to ignore the foreman at all.

"Miss Louise, went out with friends."

"What friend."

"Bumi, and a little girl." Austin answered with a smile.

Zac glanced at Dora, who asked, "Rimmel. Eve."

"Well, Mr. Grande, we are about to piling and there will be vibration. I was thinking, would you check the warehouse next to it. I'm afraid there will be something valuable inside that will be damaged by the vibration! Louise Miss is not there, and there is no one in Grandry. I will wait for you to come back and make a decision! "

Zac pouted and glanced at James, who was still trying to push the car door, and answered Austin, "There are no valuables in it. I don't care about shaking and doing your work."

"Good!" Austin ran away.

I don't want to control James anymore. I let go and followed up directly with Benjamin who had entered his warehouse. He looked back at Dora with a complex face. "Let James show you around and I will come over in a minute."

Zofac was not happy when Norfil appeared. happy. But with Mokawi, it's hard to say. The priority order of things has been clear. Before going to the old and Nofeller and Mokawi, Zack cares more, not right, is angry, Benjamin's disappearance and reappear in this way!

James could n’t refuse Zac ’s arrangement because Mocavi had gotten in front of him, “Detective Lance, we have a lot to talk about, Benjamin told me, you ’re in the event of framing me as a wanted criminal, Has an important role ... "

And Dora ’s interruption, “Mocavi! Do n’t care about these useless things anymore! This Detective Lance is the person of the Demon Banquet! It ’s under the chief of the airborne Demon Banquet, and Kozier People together! And you saw in the woods just now, that wizard Siberia is protecting him! "

See, James has his own troubles to solve. We do n’t care here, we just need to foresee that when Zac and Benjamin finish talking and formally hold a vampire meeting with Dora and Mokawi, they do n’t need to explain the complicated situation of Patton, James has already explained it for him. .

"From the very beginning." Zac followed Benjamin directly through the warehouse and was closed by a door of Benjamin outside the open-air bathroom. "How did you and Mocavi encounter!"

"Southern woods." The sound of water began to sound, and Benjamin had no emotions.

"Specifically." Zac can only adjust his emotions and calm down. But it was not easy, Zac frowned, "Benjamin, do you know how dangerous this is! That is the ancestor of Mokawi!"

"You mean powerful." The sound of the water was clattering, and Benjamin's voice caught in it was extremely brisk. The world is not saved, the vampire Zack is talking about the danger of his Mokawi, and Alpha Benjamin praised Mokawi for being powerful. You have this skill. "

Zac pouted, "I don't have it, my father has." It is helpless to wave your hand, "You are proving my point of view! You can fully understand how dangerous she is!"

"Hehe." There was actually laughter in the sound of water, "I just feel lucky that she is on our side."

Zac covered his face, still helpless, "Now you can feel lucky, but when you meet with her alone, don't you understand? Today, those werewolf corpses that were dragged away by Sibella's bag, maybe It's you!"

"Um--" The ending was lengthened, and then, "No. I'm lucky." The sound of the water stopped, and the soapy chirping sound appeared, "Zac, I know you are worried, thank you." Very unsincere Thanks, "But don't worry, Mokawi and I met in a special situation, and, um, I don't know what to say to you, but, whether you believe it or not, Mokawi found me, It would be inevitable, I was lucky to have encountered the best situation. "

"Then tell this 'lucky' situation!" Zac's mentality is a bit at this time, um, how to say, let's judge for yourself-Zac and Benjamin met on the battlefield, it was a lucky situation, the two broke away Race-affected feuds are not fighting at that moment **. That is the ‘eternal moment’ at the beginning of the friendship between Zac and Benjamin. If you can, Zac personally feels that this situation should not be copied. Uh, even if it was copied, please do n’t be Benjamin and the lunatic Mokawi.

"Do you know the traps that Spella arranged, using your blood." Benjamin didn't have Zac's careful thinking, "If you think about it, it's simply genius. During the full moon cycle, the hook-leader-wolf group is the most What is a good trap? Vampire blood. "

Uh, so Grand gave the most blood, and Spella was so wasted. Uh. Zack did n’t want to waste his emotions on this matter, "Then."

"Of course I can feel it. While thinking if the trap is not your blood or some other vampire, will I be successful, while continuing to learn about the layout of Spira with the wizard."

Zac opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, because part of his heart hoped that Benjamin must win, and partly hoped that Benjamin would never win. a little complicated.

If the situation is reversed and the trap-vamp-vampire's trap contains werewolf blood, then everyone can rest assured that the vampire will never make a move. Seriously, the werewolf's blood, which is the vampire's poison, is too late to hide.

"And of course, I felt that it was Torre's **** person, not only me, but also a Mocavi in ​​the woods. Ha ha."

"Don't laugh." Zach asked, "I'm serious now, don't make me look like a fool and worry about meaningless things."

"Hehehehe." Benjamin deliberately, "In short, when you are unwilling to cooperate with practice combat, and when I run into the woods, Mokawi is now me, and keeps up with me, she said, she planned to wait When another yellow hair appears, let's do it together ... "


"Well. You do n’t know yet. Before Siberian ’s wizard started laying traps on the border of the woods, she had collected all the intelligence in the woods to solve the Baton Alpha that Bumi and Dora worried about, me and the horse. Xiu Mao, turned into a course of action, everything. "

Zac's expression froze, and he glanced sideways to the east, Grandry blocked by the warehouse. James was trying to explain to Dora that he was not a magic feast. Regardless of.

"So, I guess, there is some reason for your worry. We don't know that Mofeville entering Barton is the Nofeller you are expecting. They have never appeared in the police station. We don't know what they want to do in Barton. You are right, if things are not so lucky, Mokawi will probably kill me and Matthew, Nofiler ca n’t see you at all, and there will be a crack between you. "

At this time, Zack did not want to continue to emphasize the danger, because now think about it, this danger has almost come true, and that is the worst situation.

"You keep saying luck." Zac didn't want to admit, "It means that when you and the wizard were learning about the trap arrangement, Mokawi showed you and the blood of Toledo in the trap, Bumi and Dora came. The reason for Button, I, is a friend. "

"That's right. 'Friends of friends are things that my servants are afraid of, and you seem to be working together to cope with what, what should I do'? Oh, I can understand why you always say that Mocavi is crazy when she is Appeared in front of me, so hesitant. "

Zac covered his face again, this is the reason why Zac was always afraid of Mocavi. Even Torrido, who is infinitely proud of his observation and interpretation ability, could not understand Mocavi's behavior at all. standard.

Zac didn't want to waste much energy thinking about this question, "So you guys met, and didn't attack each other, why don't you go home!" This is really angry. Can you imagine that one afternoon and one night when Benjamin disappeared, Zac looked like a dead vampire novice, looking for signs of Alpha around the full moon cycle.

The sound of water rang again, and this time Benjamin did not answer immediately, and across the door, Zac could not receive Benjamin's emotions.

"Um, sorry?" Uh, after waiting for a long time, Benjamin apologized in a questioning tone?

Zac's eyes twitched and opened the door, staring at Benjamin's bare back. "Sorry? Is this what you're talking about?"

Benjamin continued to tilt his head and gave Zac a smile, silently closing the door again, "We, chat, chat and forget."

Zac froze in place for half a minute, turned around and left.

Zac went around in the warehouse, around the backyard, walked back and forth on the back porch of Grande, and returned to the outdoor bathroom door again, "What are you talking about."

"Everything." Benjamin answered quickly this time. "At the beginning, after hesitating for a long time, she began to react, why I didn't attack her. I told her that I could control my attack during the full moon cycle ** Then she told me that she had recently acquired a similar ability, shielding her breath, and by the way, she complained that this ability was not good at all, and no one respected her. Then I told her that you have the same ability, I learned from a magic feast Toledo, and then she said that she did not learn it, but learned it directly from Nophire. Bumi and Dora, they learned it, but the process was not very happy. Then I said that you are similar, and the process is quite tortuous, you know, you basically cheated. Then she began to wonder why I and you will be friends, I said I met, I am alone, you are alone , Just born. She said she was alone, except for Dora and Bumi, I asked why she was alone, she said ... "

Zac ’s eyes widened in Benjamin ’s more cheerful tone and more and more watery narrative. "Enough!" That wonderful psychology appeared again. Zac and Benjamin met on the battlefield. Ke also tried to drag the injury on the front line to the rear with a slight degree of humanity in the howl of Anthony. , Sincerely don't have any 'he said, I said, he said again, I said again' this kind of thing! Only while staring at each other in a bad environment, he kept asking himself in his heart, ‘Am I going to attack? Is he going to attack? This friendship began when Zac continued to drag his wounded soldiers, and Benjamin continued to point the blade in the direction of the enemy.

"Hehehe." Benjamin made such a sound, and he was obedient.

Zac closed his eyes, heaved his chest, slowed down the fierce blood, and opened it again, "How are you going to the West Zone when you are in the South Zone?"

"You missed a part." Benjamin actually reminded. "How did we merge with Dora."

"Uh." Zac took the lead, "How did you meet Dora."

"Brill took Dora and found it." Benjamin's tone was inexplicably cheerful again. "I don't understand what happened to that Brill woman ..."

"Seriously?" Zac was incredible. "You don't understand Brier, but you chatted with Mocavi all night ?!"

Benjamin did n’t respond. “Dora and they directly used Nofeller ’s ability to release the whole woods. They first found Matthew who was sent by you to find me, then they found me and Mocavi, and looked at these cloths. Riel didn't seem to have any particular reaction. "There was a pause." I don't understand, but when we were found, Mocavi and Briar seemed very familiar, and I knew I didn't need to care ... "

"Uh, I don't care about this anymore." Zac waved his hand outside the door. "Anyway, Bumi and Lydia went to the Smith Manor, where they met Rimmer, and Dora and Brill came to the South, where they met. It ’s up to you. Okay, how did you get to the West End? Poach said today how the wolves will come to Patton. You ca n’t know in advance that they will enter Patton from the elevated. ”

"I feel the mist of Aconite." Benjamin smiled. "Still on the full moon cycle, I am still very sensitive."

"Then you came over?"

"Well, the plan is very simple. I just used the bait under the overhead, and Nofil was hiding. Those wolves first saw me when they jumped out of the train, Alpha of Barton, ready to attack. They were about to pass blood and began group wolfing. , Mocavi blocked with the pupil of enchantment, Dora raided from the elevated shadow with Norfil. Um, the whole process, but five seconds. Zac, hehe, you must admit, it ’s more chaotic than yours. It ’s better to be together. ”(Unfinished to be continued.)

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