"I never thought that I would be with Alpha on the last day of the full moon cycle. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W>.] 8> 1] Z> W?.? C} O] M "Dora stood at the window of the Grand Entertainment Room, saying so.

"A few months ago, me too." Zac was also in the window, looking at Benjamin's warehouse, with a tone of murmur, "Now someone is accepting the results of my hard adaptation." Zac said Mocavi , Mokawi touched Benjamin again, this time worse than listening to Benjamin ’s grinning narrative, because Zac could overhear—

"Hehehe, that James Lance is so funny, so hate the feast, but willing to believe Zachary Torredo."

"Hehehe, there is even more fun. His ex-girlfriend is in the warehouse on the west side, and he is fooled by Zac, but he has no idea, hehehe ..."

It's almost.

Zac pouted and drew the curtains. "We go to the basement, where it is quiet."

Dora glanced at Zac with a complex expression, "I can't believe I would say that, are you in love with that Alpha."

Zac's eyes twitched. "How did you come up with such a ridiculous idea?"

"Ridiculous." Dora shook her head. "I can't tell what is ridiculous anymore. When we found them, Alpha was a wolf, and he laughed at Mokavi in ​​human language."

Zac sighed, Mocavi not only fully accepted Benjamin ’s ability to maintain rationality during the full moon cycle, but also a step further than Zac — remember, even if not in the full moon cycle, Zac ca n’t do well Adapt to Benjamin appearing in Grande as a wolf. When practicing combat coordination, he gave up and ran away. And Mocavi, laughing with the wolf body, hey.

Dora looked at Zac ’s expression and did n’t know what she was thinking. She took off the hood she had n’t put down. It should be that she finally stood with Zac until now, and she put down her vigilance. Introducing your Louise, where did she go? "

Zac shook his head. "I don't know." Then he waved, and walked out of the entertainment room to the office. "She should have left a note."

Sure enough, Louise left a note-'I'm with Eve and Bumi, first go to the Southern Woods to find Benjamin and Mokawi to solve the misunderstanding of Mokawi, if you don't find it, go to the border of the Western District to find you , I hope it's not too late, let misunderstandings lead to tragedy. ’

Zac put down the note, and this message was expected, waved his hand, "When Matthew, Mo and Lydia find someone, they will come back."

Matthew, Mexico, Danny, these Grand members did not come back with James' car, the reason is obvious, isn't it? Lydia was also worried about going to Eve with Bumi in the southern border woods, so please ask Zach to ask someone to find him, but she didn't expect Louise to be with him. It seems that Eve didn't let her think about Zac's personal dissatisfaction and influenced rationality. It was related to the affairs of the vampire's original hidden alliance ally, and he came to Grand to find a helper.

"That James Lance also mentioned that you have another descendant called" General "."

"You don't have to use the full name all the time, James is just ..."

By the way, James is now downstairs, calling from behind the counter in the showroom. James wanted to skip the shift. Not only did he not want to shift, but he did not want his partner Coulson to call him grandly to find him, so the call was made directly to Director Darcy, no matter what the police station would do next— -For example, go to Becky station meaninglessly and pretend to investigate the broken windows and missing passengers of the following cars. None of James will and will not participate. Yes, James is taking full advantage of the hate relationship he hates, well, it's grown.

"... 'General' was an accident." Then there was a smile on his face. For years, it was still good to be able to talk to friends about the things that belonged to the vampire, "I was pitted by Eve's" Valmana " "The root cause of" General "'s accident is that Nuo took this hallucinogenic medicine as a painkiller and gave it to" General ". Remember," You can ignore it. "

"Are 'Valmyna'?" Dora seemed to be interested in this topic, raising her eyebrows, "Uh, I knew that when the sudden heavy hallucinogen-X product started to pop in the middle, I What should be thought of is the work of Rymer. Ha ha, Rymer finally made progress. If they come up with such a cash cow earlier, Fanzhuo will not abandon them. "

"Fanzhuo." Zac paused. "Finally, do you still act?"

The narrative begins.

"Um. Finally." Because Zac sat down behind the desk, Dora also sat down, limited to height problems, abnormal hands on the table, and circles like baby fingers, "and this time, Even if the alliance meeting was not held, Fanzhuo and Bruch directly awakened the ancestors and began to threaten other clans to join them, supporting Fanzhuo to become the leader. The first victim was the Mokawi clan, and they even let the messenger awaken the ancestor. Have been deprived of their opportunities, they are firmly controlled. "

Zac frowned, "You Nofil--" waiting to be filled.

"Fanzhuo knew that he could not get the support of Nophile, and he accepted several neutral clan to join. There was no negotiation at all, and he began to attack us. You can think of it like this. The clan that was 'betrayed' from the alliance. "

"Nofel's ancestor-" is still waiting to be completed.

Dora just shook her head in silence, and then looked at Zac, "Some secrets are no longer necessary to keep. I am the Nobel's" courier ". My clan won me a chance to wake me up. But, I messed up. It was a trap that was arranged. I was followed. The ancestor was besieged the moment he was awakened. If it was n’t Bumi who thought I might be targeted and brought someone to help in time, I would The ancestors died together. "

Zac frowned, "So, you and Bumi, uh, 43 Nophires in the woods of the West End--" Ibid.

"Now Noel's entire clan now." Dora lowered her head. "All members." Then she looked up and smiled at Zac. "It's better than you Torre."

"Isn't it." Now that Dora had the consciousness to ease the atmosphere, then Zac would stand together and raise two fingers, "I only have two."

Dora showed a contemptuous look, shaking her head, "Yeah, two. A century, Zac, are you sleeping. There are only two."

"I'm very picky." Zach shrugged. "So, what's the matter with Mocavi?"

Dora's face became strange, "We picked her up."

Zac pursed his lips, unable to answer the call.

"She woke up by herself, and Fanzhuo already took the" his alliance "..." Dora apparently did not like the current hidden alliance, and compared her quotation marks with her abnormal hand, "Leave the Union ..."

"I have questions about the alliance going to the Republic, why?"

"What can you expect, Fanzhuo will lead the alliance to glory? Huh. They have personally destroyed the alliance, and they have the illusion that they can control the central part like the Demon Banquet." Dora shook her head, "You, Torrido disappeared from the alliance Since then, the alliance has been full of loopholes, and no one can lobby in the social field like you, to provide political protection for the alliance. This time, Van Gogh basically ruined the alliance ’s last hope, and they expelled us, Nofil, Without our intelligence support, the alliance is completely separated from human society. The Devil Banquet only needs to be targeted one by one to remove the identity of the members of the alliance in human society. What is left of the alliance, just a group of people who do not have an identity in this country but return I thought he was in control of a piece of land. "

Zac frowned, "No." is a complex disappointment, "Fanzhuo, it will not be so stupid. When we decided to establish a federation four centuries ago, we knew that we wanted to exist on this big 6 , You must stand in the legitimacy of this country. Otherwise, the Thirteen Clan is just a group of powerful aliens, occupying the territory like wild animals, but completely ignorant of the territory of wild animals, the real master, It ’s a country, it ’s human. "

At this time, it must be reminded again that in the ranking of Zack's world masters, humans are first, aliens living among humans are second, and aliens that should not live among humans, such as soul aliens, are at the end.

"He's so stupid." Dora's face was disgusted. "His arrogance made them forget. Four centuries ago, we lost. It was humans who won the war. This country, the founder of the Federation, is also human. Not a vampire. "

Zac shook his head, still preparing to give his former allies the last trace of respect. "Does Fanzhuo want to replicate the practice of the magic feast and control the central part with the human social class?"

"Perhaps." Dora waved her hand, "Huh. But do you see a hint of it? No Toledo lobbied for them, and Nofler provided them with class dynamics. Oh, they are so decent in human society. No identity, how can they control the upper class of the human social class? And then control a piece of land like a feast? This is no longer the Middle Ages, nobles, can not rely on lineage inheritance, everything that Vandro is proud of, has no use in this generation. . "

"So." Zach shook his head. "They went to another land to look for opportunities." They continued to shake their heads. "Mo once said that the republican aliens were struggling to survive. Fanzhuo, Fanzhuo, they went there instead. Good place, if he wants the rules of survival of wild animals. "Zack smiled." Just talking about Mocavi. "

"Uh, Mokawi." Dora's expression was strange again. "We showed her at the original meeting of the league. She was alone, er, not alone, and her 'husband.' She didn't know the birth. What happened, why is there no one here. "

"How did she wake up?"

"I don't know." Dora shook her head. "After learning that Van Gogh left the Union with the Alliance, Bumi and I went to find out if they left anything. In addition, I also hope to find people who have been left behind, such as Gangaro, Rimmel. But the results were obvious, and we got nothing. Gangaro had no longer the meaning of needing to come to the league, and Rummel had no news. So, only us, and Mocavi. "

"How did you survive the chaos in the middle? Eve." Zac shook his head. "Rimmel was attacked by a suppressed alien, and the rest met Lydia of the Smith family and began to 'Wall fans Na ', at least in the realm of mankind, he built a cover for himself. "Zack poked," until I ruined, came to Patton. "

Dora raised her hand and ignited the air. "I'll ask you later when this thing is going on. That James Lan ... Uh, James said it again. I want to hear from you." The author said, “Let ’s talk about us first, Norfil. We have n’t lived well and lived entirely on the low-level alien strongholds that already exist in the central part. In the past few years, we are experiencing the lifestyle of the alien vampire that we despised. I won't believe it, I, sell blood. "

Zac raised an eyebrow. "Really? This ancient way of living still exists?"

"Existence." Dora sneered at herself, "You wouldn't believe how hot this business is, and worship the invincible hunters who now hold the" Walter "in the middle, and the vampires who were thrown away by the clan dare not Hunting outside, their only stable source of food is. "She pointed at herself.

"I have to ask. How much is it?" Zac was purely curious.

"Human blood." Dora actually answered seriously, "Look at places, big cities are cheaper, because hunters don't dare to be too arrogant, but the population is more dense. Small cities are more expensive ..." Based on this The blood is discussed as a commodity, and it is better to skip the specific price. "But the best, of course, is the blood of the vampire. There is a price everywhere. Although I am not quite sure why, there are many foreign vampires in the middle." Frowning, "almost every few days, there is a so-called vampire who doesn't know which blood line it belongs to hits my hand."

Zac thought of something and frowned. "I probably know why, Demon Torredore." Zac shook his head. "They made blood by mailing blood bottles."

Dora's complexion instantly dimmed, "How about Demon Torre. This can be said, this way of making descendants, hum, I fully understand now."

"What do you understand?"

"It's a disgusting clan. I know why this flooding method of disregarding the standard is to create descendants." Dora looked at Zac. "You probably don't know yet, the Feast of Torrido belongs to them. Talent and skills, they use the blood of vampires constantly to practice a technique to completely stop the blood flow ... "

"I know." Zac interrupted with a wave of his hand, pursing his lips. "Actually, I just wanted to ask, you guys seem to have learned this skill. Well, actually, I have a chance. I just learned a little bit slow. "Zac looked at his hand." Besides the blood practice of sucking vampires, there is a way to stay hungry. I'm using hunger. Just this morning, I was very full to prepare for the battle. Not available for the time being. "

Dora's face was surprised, "How did you learn?"

Zac listened to go downstairs, James was still bargaining with his director, but still lowered his voice, "James ’s girlfriend, uh, ex-girlfriend, in Grande, she had some twists and turns, um, The twists and turns, became the Demon Torridor, returned to Barton, wanted to kill me, of course. But obviously, she failed, and now, as a guest who ca n’t get rid of Grande, stayed in the warehouse on the west side . "

"It's here!" Dora was shocked. Zac's house had a magic feast Toledo, as shocked as learning that Zac was living with an Alpha. All are feuds, aren't they?

"Hush." ​​Zach shook his finger. "Don't let James know. Well, the process of this matter will be entangled. Now, Georgina ..." Zach pouted, "She's Georgina, uh. Now Georgina has n’t told James that after she was kidnapped, she has returned as a vampire. "

Dora's frozen face turned to Zac, because she heard it clearly, Georgina.

"Yeah, you heard it right, you were kidnapped, and you were a hunter." Zac would be misunderstood and waved his hand. "It's a very twisty story. You have time to tell you. In short, she told me the Feast Rido's secret, and this technique. "(To be continued.)

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