The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 4: Dora and James

At lunchtime, Zac thought he could finally settle down for a while, because vampires didn't need food, James needed it. (Eight (one Chinese W) W> W>. 81ZW.COM

But James was completely unconscious and continued to intervene in the vampire's conversation while holding the dinner plate.

"Dora, continue what I just said. The third conflict between the Demon Feast and the Secret Alliance ..."

"Why are you so interested in the history of the Secret Alliance?" Zack puzzled and glanced at James obliquely. "Do you have any special purpose?"

"I just want to know, do you have an opinion?" James replied.

Zac looked sideways, helplessly, "No opinion." He glanced at Dora, the main object of James' harassment-and gave a casual look.

Dora had no expression but looked at Bumi. Oh yeah, Bumi and they came back. After learning the latest news, Eve left the West End, and Louise now sat quietly beside Zac.

"Like the second time, it is also because of Beilian. It started with the support policy of Beilian (the country in the northern part of the Federation)." Do not know what eye contact with Bumi, Dora began to answer James' questions, " Although the first alliance conflict was barely the victory of the secret alliance, many problems remained. The west did not intend to provide aid to the North Union, but the central government tried to promote the aid policy. "After seeing Zac," Baitoredo ’s lobbying As a gift, the political core of the Central Federal Republic recognized the unopened mineral resources of Beilian. The aid policy can be exchanged for federal control of Beilian resources, which is a huge help to the country ... "

Although this history seems to be another great achievement of Toledo, Zac does n’t seem to want to listen to it again, poking out Louise ... It ’s the couple ’s flirting-love-, everyone knows, "After you come back, just Very quiet. "

"Yes." Louise gave Zac a smile with a low profile. "You are talking about old topics, I don't even know, I can't get involved."

Well, a very reasonable explanation. Zac smiled and looked at Bumi. At this time, Bumi did n’t wear a hood. To evaluate objectively, he was fairly average, completely ruined on the pitted face, like a chiseled stone carving, "Bumi, when you were with Eve , Are there any interesting topics to talk about. "

"No mood." Bumi also lowered his head and pulled a hole in the corner of his mouth, which was a smile for Zac. "I'm worried about Mocavi, and Louise is worried about Benjamin. We don't know, and we barely spoke. "

Okay, a reasonable explanation.

Zac shrugged and looked again at James, who was listening to Dora's history, and said in Dora "... Torido, this one in front of you, intercepted Senator Lesenbra at the Congress dinner, Give the central and eastern representatives an opportunity to reach an agreement to advance the aid policy ... "interrupted at the time," How long will you stay here, James. "

"As long as you want, how long." Poor tone, "What do you vampires do, don't you want to be disturbed by me."

Dora shut up temporarily and looked at Bumi again. Bumi's expression was a little weird, and he lowered his head and ignored Dora.

Zach did not see it, but was directly amused by James. "Yeah, now Grand has a rare Nofeller I have been waiting for, and ..." Raised his hand to Benjamin's warehouse and pouted , "Mokawi, my kind, you human beings are here, it's annoying."

With a schematic look at the West, the construction site was empty, and they went to take a lunch break in Austin. Zac is showing a point, hoping that James will be conscious.

"Then I'm honored to make you feel annoyed!" James stepped on the guardrail of the back porch, probably feeling this domineering posture, "Dora! We continue to talk to us!"

Zac shook his head and said nothing to James. It happened that the phone rang and Zac gave up his hand and went to the office.

The call came back from Alice, "Zha, Zac! I can't help getting rid of Lola, how are you doing ?! Is anyone injured, is anyone dead ..." Anxious and didn't want to say anything Inquiries.

It ’s always good to be cared for, and Zac replied with a smile, “It ’s unexpectedly good, Norfil is here, and Mocavi is here too. I ’ll tell you when you come back.”

After the receiver was quiet for a while, there was a long breath of relaxation, "That's good, then that's good." Then what was wrong with the receiver, "Ah, Lola! I, I'm telling my brother ... "The receiver was snatched and turned into Lola's voice.

"Just right, Lola will come back later in the afternoon and tell you." The tone of the information.

"Why." How to say Zac is also the guardian of Alice, must ask.

"Girls matter, so much to do!"

Zac looked at the earpiece for a while, the girl thing? Forget it, probably where to go to play again, Zac shook his head and put down the receiver, glanced out the window. The conversation under the back porch continued. Zac did n’t want to chat or listen. The things that once concealed the alliance, in the form of the current 'Vanjo Alliance', the only little missed meaning once disappeared. of.

Yes, James started a topic that Zack didn't like. Zac tried it and signaled Dora to ignore any questions from James, but Dora didn't know what the abnormality of the thought was to cooperate with James' questions.

"Louis." Zac summoned below. "You will not be interested in the useless history like James. Come on, I will tell you other meaningful things."

Louise actually shook her head and gave Zac a smile. "It's okay, I'm interested. I want to hear." She did what she did best, leading the conversation to make people smile and not refute On the spot-squinting, "It's not that you mentioned so many achievements, are you shy ~"

Bumi also assisted, "He will not be shy, he will only complain that he does not have enough space, want to be a storyteller, and better modify his image. He is a very cunning narrator, believe me, know this Guy for four centuries, I know him too well. "

Zac laughed dryly, forget it. He had just heard that Louise and Bumi met first, and it seemed that the two had little communication, so he wanted to introduce Louise to the Nophire clan, and help Louise understand that this group of friends belonging to Zac, Lay the foundation for getting along.

But now it doesn't seem to be necessary anymore. This foundation has already been laid. As long as both parties are willing to start using Zac as a topic, they can chat at any time.

Now I can't go to Benjamin, er, Mokawi is over there. This inexplicable combination made Zac at a loss--

"Why only Matthew?" Mocavi.

"It was just an accident, but he was a good boy, so he stayed with him." Benjamin, "What about you?"

"Me? I have very objective requirements for my descendants. Hehe, you know, what do you think of that Brill ..."

Zac did not continue to overhear, the headache of listening, why these two guys are discussing the issue of descendants! Still so straightforward, Zac and Benjamin rarely discuss the rhetoric that they both desperately want to discuss at once. Why these two guys have such a natural discussion!

Zac sipped his lips in the office for a while, dialed the phone, and called the mill. Now in the extremely boring mood, Zac remembered that there is still some work today-

"Madison, is the father's cremation of Eric (low-key demon hunter) over?"

"It's over." Madison replied coldly. "It's still waiting for people to get things there."

Zac raised an eyebrow. "What does it mean to wait for someone to get it?"

"After the ceremony, Lyon sent the body over. The relatives did not stay together and stayed in the church."

"Eric stayed in the church? Why do you stay there?"

"Are you asking me." Madison's indifference was answered here, "Mr. Boss who gave him away at the church and shook his hand away. Is this the attitude of the first joint business with the mill."

"Uh ..." Zach whispered his lips silently, "Madison, you know what's going on today, you can't expect me to stay in the church to observe the ceremony."

"What can I expect from you." Madison was really unkind. He calmed down for a while. The tone finally calmed down a bit. It should finally have some intuition from the staff. "Never mind, no one has come to take it anyway. That guy knows that the funeral home only saves people for one day. If he does n’t come to take it away, I ’ll throw it to the “commemorative heap”, and he wo n’t find him when he wants to find his father. ”

The commemorative heap, er, a statement that countless layers of whitewashing is garbage, non-recyclable garbage. The ashes of the deceased are ignored by the family. What do you expect from the funeral home? It is said that cremation is a product of the convenience of the times. This convenience not only shortens the funeral process, but also these details. Understand that the corpses that no one had paid attention to were to be buried in Beiyuan by the funeral home. You can't just find a trash can and throw it away.

"Uh, I will remind him." Zac waved his hand at the air. "Hang up."

Go to church in person? It is impossible, Zac dialed the phone of the Church of the Son, and was answered quickly.

"Father Constantine? Is Eric still with you?"

"Zac? Well, he's here, right in front of me." The priest replied, explaining to the outside of the receiver, "Zac."

"Are you there, uh, chat?"

"Uh, huh, I'm also a bit surprised. We seem to be able to talk about it. After the ceremony, I have been chatting. I look at the time ..." A short wait, "Uh, it's noon, no wonder I feel a little hungry. "

Zac did n’t know how to interpret the trivial information, and pursed his lips, “I just talked to Madison over the phone and wanted to inform Eric that his father ’s ashes are ready, he should go get it back, otherwise one day later Will be disposed of casually by the funeral home. "

"Oh." Constantine over there was quiet for a while, then turned to the receiver, conveyed Zac's notice, and turned back, "I told him, he said thank you."

Zac frowned, always feeling like to say something. For example, why would there be a son who did not follow his father's final journey after the funeral ceremony of his father, and chatted with a priest to forget the time. For example, these two positions are unconventional demon hunters, what can be talked about, so speculative ...

"So, Zac, is there anything else?" Constantine broke the short silence.

What Zac still wanted to say was beaten back, "No, huh." Finally, it was over with a joke, "Don't let yourself be hungry, neighbor."

"Oh, thanks for caring, neighbor." Hanged up.

Zac also put the earpiece back, hoping that Constantine could be a little conscious because of the last neighbor's name, and then he would come to Zac to answer Zac's questions.

Button is already very complicated, please, Constantine should not enter a demon hunter who has been low-key and no longer recognized by anyone in this already infinitely complex force.

But, of course, this is hope, and Zac has no control.

Zac glanced again at the window, and James ’question was already" Why is there not a major event in the hidden alliance, and there is Toledo? "I do n’t know if I even noticed that Zac peep-peep-irritated. One finger above, "Is there him?"

"Why not?" Dora didn't look up. "He is a core member of the alliance. Of course he will participate in every event. I think Mr. Detective, you are too personal for Zac. I tell you in your history. , But not only Zac ’s personal story, but also Mocavi, me, Van Chow, Bruch ... everyone is involved, you do n’t think your current attitude is that you only heard Zac from Torrido So, do you have any personal feelings for Zac? Or, did you fall in love with him? "

James was mad and then mad, "What are you saying ?!"

Zac tilted his head, Dora liked to say such things today.

"Do n’t yell at me, you ca n’t blame me for having this idea. I listened to what you said, listened to Zac, and all the information about Barton. When you first came to Barton, you were targeted by aliens and then Rescue you, and then use his own hands to subvert your understanding of the world, and also make you, um, how to say, to resist the control of the magic feast. I do n’t understand, in my opinion, the magic feast The future prepared for you is beautiful, why rebel? Then, I can only think about personal factors, are you in love with Zac? Sorry Louise, I have no other meaning, if James ca n’t tell me now He also has a loved one, not Zac, such as a girlfriend or something, I will take back my inappropriate question. "

That's it! Oh I see! Do you understand, Dora's direction.

"I have a girlfriend !!"

Zac raised his eyebrows behind the window, then smiled, and would be mistaken-Zac thought Dora was helping himself verify James's credibility, and James' girlfriend-a Demon Torre Many girls, the credibility.

Now, no one can explain to Zack that he understood the error. only--

"Really, who?" Dora continued to question the information she already knew, "You don't say it, I just think that you are trying to cover up my shame and rage, and even made up a girlfriend out. . "

"She is real! Her name is Georgina!"

Dora held down Bumi, whom she thought would be instantly excited. Yes, the meaningless question, the purpose, is to let the name be spoken. Dora wanted to let her companions know that in Grande, they did not find their ally in complete safety. There was a bomb in the ally's home, which could explode at any time, ruining the joy of Nofeller and Torre.

The name came out, and Dora had to continue. The next step was to ask James to say that George was kidnapped by the hunter and left Barton to go to the middle to find a force that could deal with Zac. Then came the logical logic, Dora believed that Bumi could think of the hatred that hunted his companions in the middle and exercised talent skills for the two new magic feasts.

But Dora was a little surprised, and Bumi, who she was holding, didn't respond at all.

"It's an ex-girlfriend. Georgina is your ex-girlfriend." Louise interjected inexplicably, "James, how long it is, mature, you should turn this page and look forward." Lu Yi Si stood up, "I'm tired, go down and rest. You talk." Go away. (To be continued.)

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