The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 6: Wizard's thanks

Portage's car drove into Grand's backyard. ? (August 1st [{文 W) W]. ? 8> 1? Z] W]. Com, this is definitely an uninvited guest, so that the three vampires have to stop the good chat, while watching the people who got off the car.

"Oh, Zac, you are here!" Pooch turned around the front of the car immediately after getting out of the car, and hugged him. It was also a stop. The woman who was ready to walk towards Zac with a young child in the car, "You are all here, ha ha. "Pochi smiled," That's great. "

It does n’t take a lot of observation skills to see that Boqi is talking back, "Oh, I do n’t think I need to make an introduction, you have already met, Mu En, Zac. Zac, Mu En. And of course, Dora, this one, should be another Norfil, Bumi. Well, the vampire, the rescued wizard. The rescued wizard, the vampires. "Can you match this introduction to people.

Zac probably guessed the reason why Boqi would come. He turned his head sideways and gave Mu En and the little boy in her arms a smile, "You forgot this one." It was probably Bozi's vigilance hidden under the smile "Encouraged" Zac. Zac stepped directly from the back porch and walked towards Mu En, ignoring Pooch's arm around Mu En, and tightened back slightly to touch the boy's face. "Small things ~ can you introduce Yourself? What's your name ~ "

The two-year-old boy can certainly speak, and the basic human expression skills have been acquired. The boy's face was full of fearless smiles, and he stretched out the small palm on Zac's palm.

Pooch's smile didn't hold up. "Vicky." Simultaneously with the plain tone of the answer, he raised his hand to take away Zach's extended hand. Zac glanced at him with a smile on his face, pouted and retracted, and instead put his arms around Mu En, and hugged the boy directly, "Full name, Victor Quinn." Mu En stayed for a while before moving to Zac.

In spite of the boy's wishes, Boqi forcibly blocked the boy's hand that he wanted to reach Zac. He continued, "Mun said he must come to express his thanks, so we are here."

Now that his father had expressed his reluctance so clearly, Zac did not continue intimately, blinking at Vicki and turning to his mother, Mu En, "Thanks? Really not needed, your son's father paid, A lot of cash. ”Zac ’s intimacy is not so easy to bear.“ The problems he cannot solve by himself will be entrusted to work. I just received money, a lot of cash, and the person who completed the work. I really do n’t need Ms. Mu En you Thank you for coming here in person. I have got what I deserve, um, a lot, cash. "

Every time Zach said ‘a lot of cash’, Pooch ’s face was awkward, and now it ’s black. Instead, he successfully diverted the attention of the little boy in his arms and giggled his father ’s face.

"You said, I'll go over there." Pooch drew twice in the corner of his eyes, and finally glanced at Mu En, then backed away.

Do n’t think that it ’s a commission, and Pooch and Zac are friends. The essence of this entrustment is to kill two people in actions of common interest, which is not the beginning of friendship. Now that the entrustment is over, the positions of Poki and Grand return, and these two cannot be friends.

"Sit down." Zac pointed to the bench in the back porch with a smile on his face. "I'm sorry I can't go to the office. Poki probably wouldn't want us to communicate in a place he couldn't see."

Mu En, who was finally able to speak, with a bitter smile, sat in the seat that Bumi gave up, "He didn't want me to come. On the way, he was still saying, if you are not here, he will not take me to the second Times. "

Zac raised his eyebrows and then narrowed his eyes. "His thoughts are good. I had something to do this evening, but I canceled it temporarily." It seems that Boci is well aware of Grand's daily itinerary. How clearly he does not matter. After all, he is Boque Quinn, whether it is the Quinn family level or Papa ’s interracial level at midnight, it is very easy to grasp Grand ’s little information.

Mu En lowered his head and flicked his finger, "I can understand his concerns, because he is now Papa's midnight ..." This automatic silence is a poor word. She doesn't know how to describe her son's father, works? Transformation? Something like that.

Zac was not surprised, "So, Poche has explained the cause and effect of the matter to you."

Mu En nodded, and after a little silence, he looked sideways at Dora and Bumi, "Thank you, and Mocavi. He told you that they are outside the arrangement." This is the point of thanks.

"No." Dora said, swinging her arm thinner than Xiaoweiqi just now. "It was just that I couldn't hold the Mokawi I just found and was pulled by Alpha. I ran to the West End to know if it was What plan, seeing the wolves marked with monkshood fall from the sky, I have no other choice. "Dora actually glanced at Zac, pouting, helpless," We have not attacked you, obviously a wolves wizard. People, the reason is not that Benjamin and Mokawi let us not attack, but at the time it looked, you did n’t have a little fighting power at all. ”She said to Zac purely,“ This wizard uses a very advanced protective witchcraft, But it was n’t for Alpha, who pulled her out of the speeding train, but for herself and the child in her arms. "

Zac can only imagine the picture, there is no way, Zac is willing to wait for Benjamin to tell the details at the time, but Benjamin, everyone already knows-and Mokawei is tired. Zac couldn't spend a minute with such a combination.

Mu En ’s face became strange, and he turned to Zac. He explained, “It ’s too fast, I do n’t know what happened. The wolves in the carriage are marked with aconite, and it ’s the beginning of my knowledge. There are signs of forced transformation ahead of time. My first reaction was of course to protect myself and my children, and advised Alpha to leave the car as soon as possible, and they could not complete the transformation on the train. "

"Out of your knowledge, you should ask Spella." Zac gave a pertinent suggestion and waved his hand. "I guess, Poki should not want you to contact Spella."

"Well." Mu En nodded, then pursed his mouth. "He didn't want me to contact anyone. Last night, Quinn held a private dinner and invited some people in the West End, Stone, Button, Smith ..." This list is not listed. Everyone knows that the circle on the top of the Western District, "is officially introducing the existence of Vicki and me." That is, Quinn is showing the fourth generation of the Quinn family to his circle, "Dinner On the way, I have been trying to thank Lydia of Smith, he (Poche) will always stop in the middle. "

"Hehe." Zac smiled, and looked at Pochi in the distance-holding the victoria pointing to the construction frame erected on the west side of the construction site, it seemed to teach the child what to know about the foundation, what was the beam, what It's a load-bearing structure ... Zac looked back at Mu En, "It's okay to block, after all, you are a wizard who has just been released from the wolf pack. It is not a good thing to contact a bunch of vampires for the first time."

"I understand." Mu En broke his finger and casually mentioned that the unexpected slenderness was beautiful, and she was also very beautiful. The three-dimensional silhouette of the Indians was not too stiff, which was in line with the current federal aesthetic standards. It seemed that she There is mixed blood in itself, "But grace is grace, I still want to express my gratitude. My life has changed because of you, and my child's life is also important."

"I like your attitude." Zac nodded with a smile, "Then, I accept your gratitude, well, I would also like to convey this gratitude for you, tell Spira, and, everyone involved." Zac shrugged. , "But people who did nothing after all." For example, the saint's side, like Oz's side, basically missed a face, including Zac himself.

Mu En nodded, seeming to relax a little, not to finger anymore, to manage the hem of the clothes with a smile, "Thank you, the short side of the day before yesterday, plus Pochi ’s stop, I thought you would be difficult to get along with Guy. It seems that you are fine. "Realizing that there are Dora and Bumi," Um, you are fine too. "

"You don't have to be so polite." Dora turned her face away, disdainful, "you are the wizard of the wolf pack, probably the few people in the world who have seen the worst side of vampires, don't need to say such disgusting words."

"It's not too disobedient." Mu En seemed completely indifferent, and said lightly, "I didn't choose to be a wolf pack wizard. I was born in a wolf pack. If I was born in a wolf pack, I occasionally saw the most vampire The bad side. I appear in this world, alive, is the proof of the worst side of the wolves. Now that the wolves have disappeared, so I can say so freely. "She looked up and searched for a while in Grand's backyard, The first time she came to Grande, she didn't know where she was looking at—

"Well, I do n’t know what to say. Although the battle the day before yesterday was short, it was not only my witchcraft that protected me, but also Alpha of Barton. Benjamin, you probably saw that he was the only one trying to break in the wolves. The one who protects me when entering my protective witchcraft. "

It was time to explain again, and Dora looked at Zac with her lips closed. "Although the battle is short, she is still in the center of the wolves. After Benjamin successfully attracted the attention of the wolves, Mokawi kept up with the charming pupil, We harvested, and in the process, their Alpha tried to break through her witchcraft protection and was blocked by Benjamin in a wolf form. "

"He, uh ..." Zac refrained from looking in the direction of the warehouse. "Now I'm stumbled by something. I'll make sure he gets your thanks." Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows. "You want to Thanks to him, right? "After all, the witch just said that she is the worst aspect of the wolf pack. Her life experience may make her lose any kindness to the werewolf.

Mu En smiled, "Yes. I probably can't say that the werewolf is good in this life, but personally, I am very grateful to Benjamin, eh, personal."

Um, maybe it ’s ‘I hate vinegar, all the dishes with vinegar are rubbish! Until one day I walked into a Republican restaurant and ate a plate of hot and sour potato shreds. I still hate all the dishes with vinegar, except the Republican hot and sour potato shreds! 'this means.

Zac nodded in understanding and glanced at Boqi's direction. Probably the role play of 'Father' was not suitable for people like Boqi after all. He began to look here with an impatient face.

Zac said intimately again, "As the master, I deserve to keep you dinner, but someone obviously will not agree. Do you have anything else to communicate, if not ..." Zac gestured with his hand, meaning, yes Time to say goodbye.

Mu En also looked in the direction of Pooch, the smile on his face should not be for Pooch, but it was the victoria who waved to Pooch in his arms, then, to Zac, "in a very inexplicable mood , I don't know ... "Her expression was completely out of touch with her tone, full of doubts and confusion," I am happy ... "Corrected quickly," I like the current Boqi more. He seems to be calmer than before, at least, I It is understandable that he is now thinking about some decisions. Before, he was just a child of a domineering family with inheritance rights and fearlessness. "

Zac pursed his lips and glanced at Dora and Bumi, but the two guys looked completely unconcerned. Zach shook his head, this is the difference between Toledo who needs to communicate with people to get information and Nofeller who only spies and receives information in the dark. Zac will care about the details of such popular trends and prepare for the future. And Dora and they will only react after the other party says "I want to marry Pooch, I want to kill Pooch", which leads to actual action.

"Now that you mentioned how you feel about Poki." Zac ignored Bocchi's impatience and continued to face Mu En. "Can I ask you about your future arrangements with Poko." Zac groaned slightly. For a moment, "You can leave it unanswered. I always know it somehow when I think about it."

Mu En bowed his head again and thought for a while, "probably, there will be a wedding." Quite calm.

Sure enough, Dora and Bumi reacted, but the queen mother realized it later. If this is a cooperation, it is a failure.

"Reasonable." Zac nodded. "To make Vicky bring Quinn's surname, at least according to Mrs. Quinn's concept, at least, there must be a complete family. When? In the near future?" Mu En obviously said ** Zac had no reason not to ask.

"I don't know." Mu En shook his head. "But yesterday's private dinner." She paused, glanced at Zac, and smiled, "You will know it somehow anyway. Yesterday's dinner, if I From the beginning of life to the present, the observation and instinct developed in the wolf pack has not failed. I think it should be after Bishapu. "

Zac raised his eyebrows and asked, "After Bisha"? What later than Sharp? wedding?

The answer is here.

"Yesterday Bishop didn't come. It was Miss Riley who represented Bishape. I knew what she was. I also knew that she had brought the Kraken the day before yesterday. I want to thank her." Leaving Boci's direction, no need Explained more and was blocked, "But I received some peculiar atmosphere, I am not saying that Miss Riley had any problems, but she was isolated, except for those in the West End who whispered about me and Weiqi , More topics are discussed by Mr. Bi Sharp and Miss Riley, after she expressed the reason why she can fully represent Bi Sharp to participate in this kind of private banquet-she is engaged, then. "

Zac opened his mouth and closed it. The topic was not about the charming demon Lily. Zac was very attentive. "Mrs. Quinn is the host of the dinner, and of course received these atmospheres." Zac smiled, "So, Kun Because Mrs. wanted Bishape ’s wedding to be ahead, it was a marriage that surprised the society and was not even glorious. Mrs. Quinn wanted Bishop to try it first. "

"En." Mu En nodded, unable to say anything more, because Pozi's patience had reached its limit and came. (To be continued.)

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