Alice is back. [[{八? (一 (小 <{[? 说 网 W] W] W.81ZW.COM for three days in a row, Alice came back with dinner time, "girl thing!" Sent Alice back Lola always said that, seeing Alice can only give a face that doesn't need to worry, Zac is not easy to ask anything.

Maya seems to know the details, because Maya is the one who helped Alice record "Cook Kitchen". When the two girls put together the drama, the topic is basically the campus life that Maya does not have, and Alice has. Zac did n’t think about ‘eavesdropping’, but he did n’t always listen to it. Why? Hey, after night, Zach has other things.

Today is no exception. These days it seems that he is always avoiding Zac Louise. "Bumi, Dora, it's time." Louise is very light-weight and looks like she is going out. Okay, it's not exercise, it's supplementary food, with Novelle.

Don't think too bad, this is the embodiment of the city in protecting the citizens of the city, yes, Anthony is involved, said later.

"I still don't participate today." Zac looked at Dora. "In Benjamin's state, I'm a little worried that he and Mocavi are together. I stay here."

"Wise decision." Bumi shook his head. "I honestly can't understand your feelings for Benjamin."

"We all have incomprehensible things." Zac waved his hand, looked at the direction of the warehouse, and then looked at Louise. "Go down to James and ask me and Benjamin for a leave."

Louise nodded her head, and just said that Louise always avoided Zac these days, which is also reflected at this time. Louise nodded without saying anything, and took the lead down the back porch, stretching her body, and asked Dora, "Where are we going today?"

"It's still the Port of Massa." Dora also stood up and glanced at Zac. "Today, the Republic has arrived with a new batch of ships. A new immigrant population, new cargo." Frowning, still to Zac, " I also do n’t understand your feelings for this mayor Anthony, why I should do something for him. "

Zac smiled. "Don't think of doing things for the mayor of humanity. Just like before, the secret alliance does things for its political allies, human or non-human, now."

Dora turned her head, saying nothing, and Ubmi and Louise disappeared into Grande together.

Not long after he left, Mo stood beside Zac. "I want to go too." You complained.

Finally, Zac looked at Mo, and he tentatively said, "Then, if you go, and you have aliens from the Republic, what would you do?"

"People from hometown, protect." Mo Yang answered with a mouthful.

"Then, you can't go." Zac was very direct. The meaning should also be obvious. Dora and Bumi, if they see republican aliens in Port Massa, what will they do? The opposite of protection.

"You know this is not fair, right." Mo lowered his head, not feeling well.

"You are here, it's not fair." Zac glanced at the Great Dane Jin who was twisting his buttocks next to him, and gave him a 'sorry but this is the truth' look. We decided on Barton. You are free from all the contention over there, and come to the Federation. People who are here in Barton, then do n’t continue to cherish everything in the Republic and think about the land where you are now. You want Barton to become a Federation. , Where do the Republicans fight? "

"I don't want to."

Zac nodded, "Then you should understand that we in Barton can't let the republican aliens get here 6. You go, it will only make things troublesome."

"But, you know me, I have told you the status of the Republic, we no longer care about the so-called territory, we just live in the crowd of non-humans, we have no faith, no worship, we only have ourselves, the only one The purpose is to live a stable life, and we will not compete with you for anything. "

Zac also has some, um, sentimental, "Then it's not time to come to the Federation, come here. You are in Grande, you can see everything about Button, you were walking with me curiously the day before yesterday, real You see the big collection of Barton aliens. Although you stand together for the same purpose, what do you see? "

Let us remind you of what we know. Spella protects the mind reader Morrillin first, Oz Kozil ’s representative of the feast is completely isolated, and the saints push Eli to the front. They are all passed through Zac, and they are not involved at all, and they are also deliberately excluded from participating in the Silbera camp. Rimel ’s Lydia did not care about anyone at all, and went directly to Zac to say something irrelevant. As for the fallen angel, the demon hunter's personal combat power was completely ignored and did not come at all.

"It's a mess." Mo Yan shook his head with his mouth closed. "In my opinion, fortunately Benjamin appeared with Nofeller and solved the battle. Otherwise, I can't imagine how these groups with their own ideas cooperate in the battle. That It will be a mess. "

Zac nodded, "Yes, a mess. And, I think you should hear what Bumi said. Patton already has half of the hidden alliance. So, come here to live a safe life? It's better to stay in the Republic." Sincerely truth.

Ink glanced at the Great Dane and pursed his lips. "It's still not fair. It's your union's aliens who went to republic first, making the republican sad environment worse, but obviously it doesn't allow republican aliens to come over."

"Do you think the Indians used to be, no, Papa didn't try to cross the ocean at midnight, and pressed the colonists' backers." Zac waved his hand. "History has given us experience." Zac didn't want to continue this topic. "Unless you have any friends you want to meet in the Republic, you can tell me that he or she or, it just happened, and I might be able to persuade others to keep it. Do you have any?"

This is not a real step back, but a reminder.

"No." Mo shook his head and looked at Zac. "If anything, I won't be alone with Kim."

"That's it." Look, hint, Mo really has nothing to miss in the Republic, "Then, don't think about these things anymore." Zach spread his hand, returned to Grande, and went to the basement. I have n’t asked Georgina in a few days and sent some snacks.

Of course, Zac did n’t want to see Georgina. He now has Nofeller. The occasional exchanges with the same kind ** have been completely satisfied, and there is no need to continue to stimulate Georgina. So this time Zac actually wanted to go to the west warehouse to get something, just meet Georgina.

Based on the economical attention of the Magic Banquet Nofeller, Zac casually grabbed a half-full bottle of wine and came out, crossed the backyard, and entered the warehouse.

At first glance, Georgina was not seen. Well, it ’s not a rare thing. Georgina is so upset about Zac ’s harassment-harassment. Everyone knows that with her racial talents and skills, it ’s nothing.

"Georgina." Zac still greeted him politely, glanced at the dark warehouse, shrugged his shoulders, put the bottle in the corner and didn't want to control it, and walked to the innermost.

"Georgina, Georgina, Georgina, Georgina ..." This is Grande's air, tying Rin's presence in the forced show, and ignore it. Look, Zac ignored it completely.

"Uh ..." Zach came to the innermost place. It's a little different from the memory. The way of stacking the stones is a little changed, and it's quite tidy. It means that there is no gap between the accumulated stones and debris.

Zac needs this space. If there is something that Zac will come to get in this space, remember, Zac has been inside the thirteenth clan femaleized playing cards.

Zac stayed in order to watch 'Benjamin' and Mokawi, but communicating with people like Mokawi was already a difficult thing for Zac, who guided and controlled the rhythm in communication, And the gesture of 'Benjamin' really made Zac look down. Therefore, Zac needs a prop to divert his attention. The deck of cards.

Zac flipped through the neatly arranged debris stones, barely making a hole in the neatly packed debris, reaching out to reach in, and fishing.

Frowning, didn't feel it.

Zac pouted, glancing around, "Georgina?" No one responded, impatiently, "Georgina, have you moved anything here?"

Of course, still no answer.

Zac stood in place for a while, and continued to pour the neat debris, and then reached into the depths again, fishing with his mouth tilted, "Uh ..." Zac patted the debris dust on his body, but still no Feel it.

"Georgina, what about poker." Zach made his final attempt, because he probably guessed that Georgina was not here. After all, it was already night, and the restrictions on the activities of the Feast Toledo had disappeared. He should be here during the day, just like he was here at noon, Georgina must be there.

no respond. Zac suddenly raised his hand and hooked a giggling thing beside him, Ryan, "You go in and find the poker is not there." Zac gave the order.

Ryan's hips and hips disappeared, and the whole body image jumped struggling to get rid of Zac's hand, and his face looked vague but gloomy, and the unreal figure disappeared into the shelf.

Zac waited for a while, and impatiently urged, "Not found."

"It's too dark, I can't see anything." Ryan replied, his voice almost coming from the wall.

"I'm not in a mood to joke with you." Zac stood there holding his arms, and the earth-bound spirit said it was too dark to see anything? James would not believe such a thing.

"No, there is nothing behind this."

Zac shook his head with his mouth shut and turned to look at the other corner. "Look over there."

"Don't you remember where you left it!" Ryan floated out somberly, drifting toward the opposite corner.

"I remember very clearly." Zac continued to hold his arms, his face irritated. "But there is nothing here. Has anyone moved the warehouse these days?"

After Ryan had sunk into the debris on the other corner, "Why ask me!" Inexplicable repulsion.

"Are you always here?" Zac pouted. Ryan is a ground-bound spirit and can only stay in Grande. Zac did not forget to ridicule Ryan.

"I'm in the backyard! Not this warehouse! Hum! Why don't you ask Georgina! Hum!"

"She's obviously not here." Zac didn't want to ignore Ryan's tone. He was a person who didn't grow up and was not taught. "Did you see someone coming in, who organized the warehouse?"

After being quiet for a while, half of Ryan's phantom came out of the debris. "Not here. Would you like me to look in other corners." A mocking tone.

Since the other party asked, Zac pointed to the other corner. The ordinary warehouse building had four corners. "Of course."

Ryan's phantom disappeared again and went to the corner.

Zac also remembered that his question had not been answered, "I'm asking you if anyone has come in and sorted out the debris. Answer."

"You care about what this is about!" Ron's tone is completely out of the question. Isn't that what Ryan is like? When you're okay, he's infinitely on the side ****, when you're in trouble, he doesn't talk.

"Someone lost what I was looking for, of course I care." Zac pouted, "I know it must not be Georgina, she stayed so long, and did not kindly help Grande organize it Miscellaneous. Then, who is it. "

Ryan emerged from the corner and consciously floated towards the last corner. "Lewis sorted it out."

"Oh?" Zac didn't believe it, because it seemed that Ryan just casually said that he was not in the Grande's name now, and deliberately kept Zac unable to find what he couldn't find. Don't doubt Zac's doubts about Ryan's character, Ryan's character is like this, Ryan has proved himself countless times, no need to remind me.

"Don't believe it, it's Louise, and your Eve, Bumi helps!"

"Oh, this is the case." Zac smiled, Ryan once again proved himself, "find the corner, and look for it everywhere. Today, you must find the pair of poker, you look for it slowly, I will first Go out and find me. "

Ryan rushed out of the corner and glared at Zac, "I tell them the truth, it's them!"

Zac went directly through the middle of Ryan's body, and the figure of the earth-bound spirit was again unreal.

The guy didn't give up, "You're sick! It's not I who can't see you!" Chasing Zac's back, he continued to howl.

"I didn't say it was you." Zac waved his hand casually, "I'll find something for you to do, isn't it."

"No! Why should I help you find something, not mine!"

"You're not a Grande thing either." Zac had already walked out of the warehouse, heading towards Benjamin's warehouse, but looking away, in the center of the Grande's backyard, "Do you think I don't want to see you one day, directly Will you be returned to Spella? "

"You are sick! You are sick! ..." Ryan repeated the meaningless words again.

Zac stepped into the warehouse, and successfully stopped Ryan ’s howl because there was Mocavi in ​​the warehouse. Ryan dared and Zac ****, but he dared not **** in front of Mocavi. The reason is very simple. On Monday night, when Benjamin went to a forced transformation, Mokawi was bored in Grande. He played all Grande ’s souls and aliens. Remember the angel Jimmy hiding in the sky? It is a pity that Ryan is a terrestrial spirit, and his range of activity is not so high.

"Please, don't look at me." 'Benjamin' is still modeling Mocavi, and asks the first time Zac comes in.

Zac glanced, and obediently turned away--

Mokawi's emotions are high, "What's wrong, how beautiful, two people are born in one body, how beautiful ~"

This ‘artist’ who is good at feminizing all people uses a straightforward way to show the beauty she just said. The posture of 'Benjamin' is production. (To be continued.)

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