"I have a driver's license exam this afternoon. [[ 8) 1) Z] W).? C] O> M" Zac's Alice getting off Explain, meaning to return on time today.

Alice didn't say a word, and Lola, who didn't know where she came from, had taken Alice's hand, "I'll take her!"

Zac pouted, "I'd better not get a call from you in the Academic Affairs Office."

Lola gave Zac a white eye and ran away with Alice.

Zac shook his head, not wanting to stay in Ripter, this original high school campus was getting more and more noisy-

Zach saw Caesar running in the direction of Sissi and Chris and snatched a drink from a girl in a cheerleading uniform into the trash can. The girl turned around and scolded "Xzi's dog legs!" Cici immediately seated herself in the seat, twisted her body, and pulled her body up a bit, and was grabbed by Chris. Kyle almost instinctively stopped Alice in the direction of Cici, Lola shook her hand and pushed away her brother, pulling Alice and the tangled Kepler to continue walking ...

Well, Zack is not completely ignorant of Alice ’s campus life. He can already see a lot of things in the time he sends Alice every day. In order to maintain his adult posture, Zac is not prepared to ask a little bit. Move to the driver's seat in Alice's little pink——

By the way, no one expects that Lola only remembers that his hi driving instruction is useful every time, so Alice learns to drive, basically Zac is teaching, and the section of the road from the South to the North that goes to school every day is Alice The actual practice stage.

It ’s the same at all times. Zach slowly put on his seat belt, looked around at the high school students, and turned slowly ...

"It's a good car." One hand pressed on the little pink car's front cover, blocking Zach's road ahead.

Zac was n’t sure if this was a compliment. He looked at the person who walked to the window, the Yinan, frowned, "Thank you." The other party was actually lying in front of the window. Zac had to ask, "I know you? Mr?"

"Samuel." Uh, but directly, "Can you call me Sam, can I get in the car?" He smiled and looked at the high school students around him. Someone started to notice the two big men and one here. Little pink, inexplicable scenes inside and out.

"Sam?" Zac raised his hand to unlock the co-pilot and let strangers get in the car. To be honest, the vampire had no psychological burden, "Zac."

Sam smiled and trot around the front of the car, opened the door, and sat in the co-pilot. It was really Zac ’s heart that fastened his seat belt first, and then extended his right hand, “Oh, nice to meet you, Zacary Grande Mr."

Did you say Zac's full name? Zac didn't have a special expression. He raised his hand and shook it. Very strong and rough hands.

"It's going well." I don't know if it's Zac's illusion. This Sam touched two in Zac's hands, which is a bit weird, but the point is what he continues to say, "Ha, I'm still a little worried about meeting you well. Well, it looks very smooth. "

Zac glanced at him and said nothing. At this time, it's okay for Zac to make preparations-don't need to prepare, the other party is clearly approaching Zac with a clear goal, and is happy for this smooth approach. So, is Zac happy? No, it's completely clueless.

"Sorry, I'm a little 'excited'." Sam looked at the interior of the little pink with a happy look. "Who can think of it, I would actually ask to take a vampire's car."

Look, it's hard to say whether Zac is happy. Zac glanced at the other person again, still not speaking. The direction of the steering wheel opening is also different from the plan when I came out today. After sending Alice, Zac is ready to go to the Herman factory, because Louise did not come back last night, the not extreme idea is that after the port of Massa, he and Dora and Bumi went to the temporary gathering of Nofil Ground.

But because there is such a guy with an unclear purpose, Zack obviously will not continue to his destination, but will go slightly eastward and go to the southeast. The cleaned southeast is still a blind area of ​​the Patton Police Station. Nothing will cause any noise in the city.

"Where are we going?" Sam's gaze finally stopped on the rearview mirror, where he could see the profile of the vampire image. There was a surprise on his face, but the language did not show, "I just came to Barton, and I don't know the geography. This direction is to go there? It seems that it is not the road to the Southern District."

"No." Zac began to reply, "Southeast, giving birth to anything, Patton will not care about the southeast." Zac seems to be commenting on an area at random, "The city has the least attention. If you want to Do something bad, don't want anyone to notice, go there. "

"That's right." This Sam is definitely not dull-"Is Paisin on the east?" He actually pulled out a map from his pocket, Patton's, and there was a bend from a point of Paisin. Revolve around the red line leading to Leipter. Sam ’s fingers circled in the southeast, and then moved to Paisin. After trying a few twisted routes, he lifted up to Zac in desperation. “Or go to Paisin, otherwise, I will definitely get lost and I wo n’t find my way back. "

On the densely marked map, the red line is conspicuous, the end point of Raptor, where they just left, the starting point, is where Zac's attention is, Spella's home.

"You blocked my eyes." Zac said quietly.

"Sorry." Sam withdrew the map with a smile, as if to laugh at himself. "It's probably only suitable for people like me to live in the wilderness. Such a complicated road, it's really unclear ..." Not finished.

Zach found a stop at the intersection, turned off the fire, and turned his head to look at Sam. "Who are you? Spella let you come?" Spella ignored Zac's suggestion and got out of Barton. A wizard ally?

"No." Sam kept a smile, and his slightly out-of-focus eyes indicated that he was thinking for a moment, and when he focused again, his tone was affirmed. "I know too much about Button's situation. I just found Sibera for a reason. Then, for some reason, temporarily staying with her, asking where to find Alpha in Button, and then ... "He lifted the map in his hand," She told me where to find you. "

Before the other party gave any more information, Zac was not prepared to speak. He looked at the other party, his eyes politely flashed a bit of red light. Yes, politely, the other party admits that he is a wizard, and also politely expresses that he does not belong to the power of Spira.

Sam cooperated to dodge Zac's eyes, "Oh, okay, I'll come to Barton to find Benjamin. Benjamin Grande, well, if Spella didn't lie to me, it should be the name, your brother." Then There was helplessness on his face, "I spent three days accepting this situation, Alpha, the vampire, is a brother. Well, it's better not to lie to me."

Zac narrowed his eyes, the time was already together, "Three days, you came to Barton with Mu En and the wolves." Waiting for the other party to affirm.

"Yes." Then he frowned and shook his head. "It's not true, we met outside Gangmasa for some reason ..." He seemed to like to say 'for some reason', it doesn't matter, Zach will be one by one Asked, "I decided to take my people with them." Then there was helplessness on the face, "and then for some reason, I went to a separate car alone, and kept a distance from them." He face With self-deprecation, "This decision saved my life."

Zac touched his chin and needed some time to think.

When Zack and Benjamin returned to Grand on Monday, the wizards and local aliens led by Spira did not leave immediately. The corpses of the wolves that were instantaneously killed needed someone to deal with. Naturally, the person was just dragged back to Sibella who sent Paisin to do research materials.

On Monday afternoon, Spella called Zac and told him about the aftermath. Spella mentioned that the wolf pack does not belong to a group. Although there is only one Alpha, and the werewolves of Alpha descent also occupy the majority, but there are a small number of wolves that do not belong to Alpha, which are scattered wolves of another wolf descent.

Well, there will be a shadow of Alpha's tribute with the leaders of the wolf pack. This kind of non-Alpha led scattered wolf has a name, Omega.

Corresponding to what Boqi said before, Mu En stayed in the east once, joined new friends, and came to Patton together. Zac naturally thinks that those omegas are 'new friends' reminded by Mu En.

"You, those Omega wizards?" Zac asked frowning.

"Yes." Sam nodded directly. "Without Alpha, those Omegas are poor orphans. I feel for them. Uh, sad. So gathered them and became their 'Alpha' to help them in this chaotic world. stay alive."

Zac opened his mouth slightly, this Sam, a bit magical, ‘become their‘ Alpha ’’? This guy is either sympathetic to the point of being silly, or confident to the sky.

"Oh, you don't believe me." Sam waved his hand. "It doesn't matter, I don't think I can succeed." He shrugged. "The same is true. When they saw an alpha, they abandoned me." Sam Shaking his head, "Abandon my ending and get killed instantly. I don't say anything cool now, but, hehe ..." He stopped talking.

Zac frowned again, this time a lot more seriously, "Who are you?"

"Samuel." Sam repeated it again, adding, "I was born in the wild without a surname. I grew up in the wild. Even the name is only for convenience."

We don't know a wizard who has a surname, and we have already known one, which is used by the wolves to inherit the wizard's Mu En. In front of Nazar ...

Zac frowned, "Why are you looking for Benjamin."

The only time Sam did not answer the question right away, he bowed his head and thought for a while, "Barton is the territory of Alpha. This rumor has been going on for more than half a year. I brought a group of omega, and I naturally want to come to Barton."

"right now?"

"I also want to come earlier." Probably the reason for a while, the answer is smooth, "But no, the situation in the middle, I think, you probably know some. The survival status of the wolves with Alpha are not very good. Well, at the same time, the wolves are still plundering powerful wizards. My personal situation is really not suitable for taking the lead ... "

Does the other party want to take the opportunity to express themselves strong? Forget it, don't care about this, we dare to use our vampire wizard in this inexplicable way, it should not be bad.

"And, I'm a little bit idealistic. I want to save any omega I see." He pursed his lips. "This is something more detailed. You probably don't know that the chaos in the middle has created many omegas. If No one cares about them, they will only be killed one by one by the hunters, oh, and there are vampires who do n’t know why. They are like abandoned babies who are abandoned and waiting to die ... "

"Now?" Zac repeated, interrupting the other party to continue the Virgin.

"Idealism will always be destroyed by reality. I ca n’t save all omega. The reality has progressed to the point where I ca n’t even protect my situation. Plus, I heard some rumors from Button that it is said that what can defend everything The alien barrier is broken, and some aliens are preparing to invade Button. "

Zac was not prepared to correct the rumors of this error and signaled the other party to continue.

"I think I can make a deal with my power, Omega, and Barton's Alpha in exchange for my joining. After all, how can Barton be invaded, there is an east in the middle controlled by the demon, which is more important than the middle. Too much security. "

Zac listened carefully and nodded. "Yes, I accept your statement." Just accept, believe, not. "But, you don't have Omega anymore. As a wizard, you also found Sibera. If you want to keep yourself safe, I think if you want to be smart, you should stay with Spira. You should not continue to find Benjamin. More inexplicably, you should find me first. "

The question has already been said, and next, the other party should continue to explain.

"Oh, I don't think I can stay with Silbera for too long. Our meeting was unpleasant." Sam shook his head. "I followed Omega's body and found Silbera. Then, now She is conducting an insulting experiment that is almost a denial of a race. "Remember, John once said to Benjamin that he thought he could reverse Papa ’s midnight creation process and 'cure' werewolves.

Sam smiled, "She was the wizard who once belonged to the family and took the wizard of" rescue "from the werewolf" prison "as a sense of honor; later married to the hunter, the wizard who worked on the killing of aliens; now, retired, hehe , You think such a woman has finally stopped, no, she is the wizard who experimented on the werewolf corpse. I, oh, my life is with the werewolf, and even the reason I was born is for the werewolf. Werewolf, I do n’t know what it means to exist. I and Spira, yes, and that John, can never look at each other. ”

Yesterday ’s Mu En, today ’s Sam, are probably the two extremes of the wizard who destroyed his life by werewolves. Zac looked at Sam, not knowing what to say, "still, what's the use of you looking for me."

"Benjamin doesn't need a wizard. Spella told me the fact very clearly." Sam said this at the side before looking at Zac. "If I run to Grande and find Benjamin, I will probably Get kicked out. So, I want to ask, vampire, do you need a wizard? "(To be continued.)

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