The customers transferred from the mill set the ceremony on Saturday morning, with only one day of preparation, but the time is not tight. Grande does not need to prepare the burial tombs, monuments and the like, notify the church of the Holy Son over there. Too. ? (? Eight [One Chinese? Text

Zebra's time was missed in the message, and Zac was not in a hurry. Need to align is Sibella, the other party is not in a hurry, Zac has nothing to worry about, the vampire has existed for so long without the wizard, and there is no shortage of one or two days of waiting.

There is one thing I ca n’t wait for. After lunch ... forget it, change the time mark. Zack has nothing to do with lunch, especially after Alice started school and less to go to the kitchen, Zack even occasionally helped Thoughts are gone. So unless Grande has guests who need to be taken seriously, all things related to human mealtimes are away from Zac, these days, it is particularly obvious-

"this is?"

This was asked by Zac after receiving the bottle from Dora and Bumi from the southeast.

"The descendants of your" General "you met on the road were too clumsy. We demonstrated the correct feeding method, and then took a bottle back. You should be dry, you smell like a sheep."

the above.

Ignoring Nofeller's vomiting of Toledo's food, Zac has maintained the green eating habits in Grande for many years, and because of the arrival of Dora and Bumi, they have returned to what vampires should be.

The thing that can't wait is not this, but—

"It's still here." Dora pulled up Bumi who wanted to chat with Zac. "We'll go find Louise."

"In the basement." Zach pointed, and at the same time, there was a look on her face. "She doesn't seem to care about me these days. In addition, I have let Mo not pass." Means please Dora and cloth Mi Kai unlocks Louise's mood.

"of course."

Dora and Bumi went to the basement without talking. Although Zac misunderstood the reason why Louise was in a bad mood, he still sent the correct opener. Hope everyone knows what I am expressing.

Zac went directly to the office and waited. The person who Dora said ‘still coming’ was the car that stopped at the turning point of Highway 27 at noon, the car in the West End. It happened to be within the scope of the West End people who didn't know much about Dora.

The tip is Port Massa. We all know that Nofil hasn't had time to explore everything about Button, and I'm afraid there is only one thing to know about the West Side because of the Herman factory's Smith, Port Massa was contacted by regular activities these evenings. Who is connected to Massa Port in the West End? Xian Di's father, Mr. Fisher.

Before long, Mr. Fisher moved his fat body to Grande's office. Xian Di is a little fat man, his father is a big fat man.

No polite introduction is needed. Zac and Fisher met each other a few times. Fisher also visited Grande in person. Remember, the driver's funeral, but the proper surprise is still there, "Fisher?" Why are you here? "After all, Grande is still a funeral home, so proper worries are also needed," There won't be anything in your family ... "

"Uh, it's not that. The honorifics are not needed." Looks familiar.

Grande has always been complacent enough for a comfortable chair, and for the first time Zac feels let down. Fisher adjusted his body across the desk from side to side. It was so difficult that he sat down completely. He seemed to be a lot fatter than he saw last time. "Well, I'm also hesitating to come, I hope, probably know I came to you because of your identity. "

This is quite straightforward and has nothing to do with funerals, it is a gray profession. Fisher came with a commission.

Zac could also guess what the commission was, not only Zac, but also Nofeller who split the basement.

Zac made a gesture of please.

"Actually ..." After the last funeral contact, Fisher felt like a good talker. After all, he didn't need to discuss with the owner of a funeral home how his son felt about ordinary people. "I want to ask you for help. I don't want this It ’s a commission. I know you ’re ostracizing the West ’s family interests, but ... ”He glanced at Zac.“ I do n’t want to find other people, people I do n’t trust, to deal with it. ”

Fortunately, Zac guessed what 'this thing' is, so pretend to be calm, and that's no burden, "Then thank you for your trust, although I don't know where this trust comes from, Ha ha. "This is used to regulate the atmosphere.

"Oh, we don't need to talk about these polite things. I know that Didi's one hundred pieces were commissioned." Fisher smiled and winked at Zach. "Although the little guy tried to hide, hey." Sigh, " His inexplicable behavioral changes are already in school and our life circle has caused a lot of reactions. "

This is to say that Di Dina ’s neurotic anti-privileged behavior, really, he ’s like that at school, Fisher ca n’t be unclear. What. I ’m very grateful, and the way you complete that commission, Falcon is the same. "

Maybe you do n’t remember what happened then. Xiandi's driver was ordered by Fisher to go to Port of Massa, and Fisher's own site caused an accident and planted with CCID Security, so that CCID's security could lose the trust of the customer's FC. Aix Security, which was secretly supported by the Falcon family, provided opportunities. Yes, a play. But halfway by the Kraken who was still under Boisen's control.

The various deeds Boysson had done in paving the way in the Western District were not necessary to mention as Boysson disappeared. Therefore, the key point that you need to know at this time is that, because the previous Fisher and Falcon drama failed to perform properly, the Port of Massa was still responsible for security by Saidier, and Axe Security of Falcon , No chance to enter.

As for Fischer ’s gratitude, Zac did not pierce him in front of his son, but used a reasonable reason for Fischer to suppress a person ’s death. In the past), the commission was resolved. Just keep a Falcon just like that.

"Oh, don't mention that thing." Zac waved his hand with a smile. "You should imagine my face when Benjamin told me that he was forcibly received a hundred-dollar commission."

"Hahaha." Fischer laughed, and then quickly began to sigh, "Hey, you Didi, hey, what should I do, hey ..."

Zac didn't respond. He didn't know how to evaluate these Westerners. According to common sense, these Westerners should be conscious and shouldn't expose their family problems too much to an outsider in the Southern District. However, these West Side people, I don't know when they started, are completely unprepared for Zac. It is probably that Quinn has started. The worst family conflicts in the West Side have been exposed to Zac, and there is no need to continue to hide. It has to be said that the rise of Quinn and Poche provided unlimited assistance for Grande's 'take-off' this year.

"Forget it, don't say this, I came to you for help, saying that it can be commissioned, but I'm afraid you will refuse."

Zach pretended to think, "You mentioned something that is of interest."

"Yes." Fisher nodded, showing a thinking look. He just said that he was hesitant to come to Zac. It seems he is still hesitating now. "There are Quinn and Smith in the front. I think I also No need to whitewash anything, the Port of Massa is my thing, in my pocket. Freight from the Federation, North, South, Central, and even the West, as long as it passes through the Port of Massa, must pass me, whether it is out or in . "

Now that the other party has begun to speak out clearly, Zach will follow along, "You are too modest, I am afraid that there are now outside the Federation. We Grande, huh, also read the news, I heard that the Port of Massa has passed a lot recently Something from the Republic. "

"Oh, yes. Now there is a republic." Fischer's eyes shifted.

Zac looked sideways, pushed too fast? It ’s better to be slower. “You do n’t need to say too clearly. I probably guessed. After all, I still have a group of professional colleagues.” Gray. “I ’ve heard that the Port of Massa occasionally goes in and out of the ground. , Commodities. I do n’t know if the interest you mentioned refers to this? "

Fischer actually had a relaxed look, "Yes, you know, our families have some private industries." So he just said that Quinn and Smith were in front, and now he admits , The psychological burden is small.

"What do you want Grande to do?" Zach is still pretending, "If it's related to this kind of thing, I can't think of any place where Grande can help you. My professional colleagues may be able to, for example Lawyer or something. "Zac is playing a person who doesn't know the situation at all, and he should react-thinking that Fisher had a lawsuit.

"No." Fisher shook his head. "The problem now is, I don't want to find people from other gray professions. We don't have to worry about anything now. We all know that your gray professional circle exchanges information with each other. Now, I I do n’t want to expose what is going on in my port of Massa to these gray professions. "

Zac raised his eyebrows and can't continue pretending now. Let Fisher tell the purpose of this trip as soon as possible, otherwise Zac's calm patience will become suspicious. So I used to emphasize, "Mr. Fisher, you have already expressed your trust in me, and you have said that you do n’t want to trust other people in my professional circle. I think, I do n’t have the position to refuse your request at will, right? So, let ’s just say it. Oh, Grande used the status of a funeral home in the Southern District to say that he did n’t want to participate in the interest event, and he did n’t expect you in the Western District to comply.

The effect is good, "Oh, sure enough, I quite like chatting with you." The hesitation on Fisher's face was gone, and it quickly became serious. "You mentioned republic."


"I hope you don't criticize anything first. After all, this is a capital world." Fisher still took a vaccination. No need, Zac knew exactly what he was going to say. Something 'does not exist in any official records, nor will there be any records under the desktop, enter from Massa Port, then exit from Massa Port, send it out, place, well, you don't need to know. "

Zac put out the expression he should have, "Is it antique?"

"Uh, no." Fisher frowned and shook his head. "More precious than antiques."

"Artwork?" Zach continued. "Sorry, I'm just a Southerner, I can't think of anything."

"It's human." Fisher looked at Zac.

Based on the ‘do n’t criticize’ vaccinations, Zack justified a little surprise, and then took it away, “I understand, is it right?”

"Yes. Extremely cheap labor." Fisher nodded. "It's very 'precious', but not 'precious' at all."

"Then can I help you?" Zac lowered his head, as if thinking about the problem, but he didn't, just showed it to Fisher, and seemed to be entangled.

"The number is not right." Fischer frowned, then waved his hand irritably. "I will report the number of streets in advance, but every time I receive it, there will always be fewer people, and each of them is about the same length. , I do n’t even know where to look! "

Is this expressing blindness to the Republicans?

"You can call the police ..." Zac smiled with his head down. He played well. Remember what Zac said to Madison on the phone. The federal police are for the people of the federal government, not for the illegal smuggling of labor ... Oh yes, Fisher said it was extremely cheap labor, do you think it is legal? "Sorry, I'm stupid. Do you mean you are gone?"


"I don't understand. Did it come by ship? I didn't see it at sea. Or, I landed. I didn't see it at the port of Massa ..."

Was interrupted too anxiously, "This is something that I don't even understand!" Fischer shook his head, looking very annoyed. "If it was Axe's security company ..." He paused suddenly and watched Eyed Zach, "You understand, I don't explain much ..."

Indeed, I just reminded everyone that the Kraken was instructed by Boyson and ruined a scene. The result is that the security force in Massa Port is still Sadiere, not Aix under Falken, then, not a family. , Of course, can't do a family thing.

"Now my manpower in Massa Port, even if I want to investigate, I have no ability to investigate! Very annoying! It was because of Falken's support that this kind of business was done. Now Falcon intervenes in all No way, I really do n’t want to find outsiders and take risks. After all, this kind of thing is not Smith or Quinn once I get it out. I guess Fisher will ... "He shook his head and did n’t want to say anything. It's too ugly, "You understand."

Zac nodded. "Then, do you want me to investigate for you, do you?" The other party said, Zac is the person to trust.


"Okay, I'll help you." That's it, yes. (To be continued.)

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