The Record Of Barton’s Fantastical Events

Vol 2 Chapter 14: Louise Torredo

The darkened basement became darker with the entry of Dora and Bumi, and the dark shadow seemed to deepen one layer in all directions. [Eight (One Chinese Network

"You don't need to do this." Louise's voice was not loud. "The basement is sound-insulated, unless you shout, you can't hear it outside." This is a verified fact, it is all adults, how to verify, It ’s good for everyone to understand, but Louise should not have the mood to map this kind of thing now. She made it clear, “Zac ca n’t hear it.”

"We know." Dora sat down on the stone platform next to Louise. "In the past few days, Zac has shown us every corner of Grande, and we know he can't hear it." Instructed Bumi to sit. Going to the other side of Louise, "This is made for you, so you can rest assured."

Plain, "Reassure." Louise didn't mind being seated between two Nofellers, nor could she mind, no matter whether she was of descent or age, Louise couldn't resist these two Nofellers, "One It ’s just a shadow, I ’m at ease. "

Dora turned her head to the side. "The shadow of Norfil, the capital of Norfil, is the same as your Toledo's eyes. You should feel at ease." Dora probably wanted to ease the atmosphere, "Now you are here Just shout and shout, no one will hear it outside. "

Louise glanced at Dora, "I won't yell."

Dora pursed her lips, realized that she had made a mistake, frowned, and looked at Bumi.

Bumi shouldn't be more eloquent than Dora, lipping her lips, "Lois, it's almost enough, you Zack will doubt it sooner or later ..."

"Bumi!" Dora pulled the corner of her mouth and interrupted. She had to come by herself. "Louis, you know what we want to say."

"I know." Louise lowered her head. "I'm like staying for a while now. You don't have to worry about what I say." Louise glanced at Dora, she knew that it was useless to see Bumi Nor do I want to look at Bumi, "I think I have proven myself. When Zack asked about it at the Herman factory today, I thought it was complete." (Volume 9, 9)

"It's very complete." Dora nodded her head, to be honestly not cute. Although she looks like a little girl, now she doesn't wear a hood or cover her body. The big head is matched with her abnormally weak body. Weird, "To be honest, I was nervous, and I was relieved to hear that you answered so smoothly."

Louise's cheek pulled on the upper lip, and there was no joy of praise, no words.

Dora frowned and looked at Bumi. Bumi looked back at Dora unconsciously. Dora shook her head. "I apologize for Bumi. Regardless of his seniority, parties, and various angles, when Zack asks questions, he should be in front of you to answer ..."

Was interrupted, "Uh, I need to get in front? ..."

The interruption was interrupted, "You shut up!" Dora stared at Bumi and continued to Louise, "Sorry, let you deal with Zac in that situation. And a senior, a party." Bomi squinted. "Only join in a few nonsense after the crisis is lifted!"

"I've worked hard, okay. You joined later than me, and you're not qualified to say me." Bumi countered with his lips.

"I'm still thinking about such things as a vampire wizard, but I didn't react for a while!" Dora defended herself.

"I'm the same! Who responded! Zach's speech has always been like that, inexplicably cleverly cut into the subject, who can respond."

"Can you two be quiet for a while!" Knowing that he should not say this to the two seniors with different surnames, Louise closed his eyes, typically covering his ears and stealing the bell. When I opened it, the predecessors on both sides of the field of vision did not disappear. "Don't mention this thing anymore. I lied to Zach. I have the right to be in a bad mood and let me be quiet for a while."

"Okay." Dora glanced at Bumi, and really stopped talking.

But it didn't last long.

"Zac thought you were in a bad mood because of the republican ghost."

Louise sighed, and many of her voices were too weak. He completely gave up "reasoning" with these two predecessors. "Of course, he would think so. The last thing I said was not casually said. It was to make him recognize it like this. . "

"That makes sense." Bumi will not be willing to be silent. "You have rarely accompanied that ink these few days. Because you will do something sorry for the ink, and feel guilty, so avoid it, and because of this Guilt is that Zac wants to help the mayor of Barton, ignoring Zac and also avoiding it. Very good and very smart. "

Louise did not want to respond to this praise.

It was a little quiet for a while, "You are ..." Dora pursed her lips, "Torido." Adjective of the noun, "If two or three centuries ago, you will become a very powerful Torrido. "

It was probably Dora mentioned that two or three centuries ago, the topic could be easily shifted, so that Louise could disperse her current mood, so Louise took the initiative to answer, "Before Zac, how many descendants?"

"Not much." Dora frowned, "He's very picky, no, it's Toledo himself who is very picky. The characteristics of Torrido's candidates are not too prominent, like me, Norfil, Mocavi , Gangro, we are people who can be labeled at a glance before we become vampires ... "

Bumi Fei is going to insert it, let him go, "The prominent external defects of our Novell, in terms of appearance, are obviously like Dora, and it is impossible to grow up inborn. I am like this." He pointed to himself full It ’s the face of the pit, “Destroyed. The past class-stricken society cannot tolerate too ugly things or people. If we survive by chance, we need to hide in the dark to survive, weirdos on the clock tower, and witches in the village ’s dark huts. As Nofeller, we inherited the essence of what was once human existence, and we keep ourselves in the dark. "

Dora waved her hand, it should not mean to add to Bumi's words, "Mocavi is mentally problematic. The strange thing is that society is more tolerant of people who are not so obvious about this kind of defect." Pulling shook his head, "It's not forgiving, it's different. If we appear on the street, we will be stoned by people, and we will be scolded. Mokawi will be ridiculed by the onlookers, not better than that, but, You should understand what I mean. "

Louise nodded, "Is it easy to identify?"

"Yes." Dora nodded with a complex expression. "Our father, basically able to find us, is destined to become a member of a specific clan of vampires. But Torrido is different, Torrido is not at all Recognize. You have to understand whether a person, a person ’s way of thinking, meets Toledo ’s rules of conduct—speaking and doing, can finally be attributed to the ability to use the enchanting pupil to complete the thinking of rewriting a person ’s thinking the way."

Louise frowned, thinking carefully about Dora ’s words, “I can rely on the bits and pieces of someone ’s behavior, and finally use the facts to build a false memory that is enough to be real and complete the replacement. The person who can do this, In order to become Toledo. "

"Yes." Dora nodded. "Toledo must have a foresight and the ability to see things from various angles in order to extract these bits of truth and complete the most solid false memories. And these abilities are not Just see a passerby, you can see if he has this potential. So, Torredo, Zac ’s descendants are not many. "Sorry," so a century ago, the slaves were sacked and killed. Lost so badly. "

Louise pursed her lips and said, "I thought it only needed to look good."

Dora opened her mouth and did n’t have time to speak. Bumi took the lead. “Long looks are easier to communicate, which is also one of the conditions. Once there was a torridor who did an experiment and created a personal descendant (artificial human, Ugly, like Earl), the artificial man is ... "

Louise happened to know this story, "At a banquet, the whole process of using the enchanting pupil to remind guests that they are not so embarrassed." The mood was a little complicated, because what Louise saw and felt, Toledo To communicate with people for the sake of real and false memories, although it is to maximize the use of the pupil of charm, the results and goals seem to be completely incompatible.

Isn't that right, Zac has used the charm pupil to make a few big moves? Regardless of Georgina's display, the most recent one is Susan-Zack pushed Susan's life for half a year, and successfully sent this glamorous woman to the nursing home for cold storage.

Do n’t you think it ’s too much effort and unnecessary. From the beginning of knowing Susan, he was tempting and embezzling. Susan ’s position and the information that Susan had had basically been squeezed out, and it was only the peak of the clan ’s ability. The used woman was sent to the nursing home.

Compared with these days, walking with Bumidora, walking and walking, now the people around me disappeared in a shadow; Thomas Gangro can absolutely keep the form of beasts without using human form. They are almost always using the sign power of their own clan. Zac does not see others with red eyes for ten days and a half. It's rare to be red once, but there is no need to do anything.

"I know what you are thinking, there is no need to be right or wrong. Enchanting pupils have the ability to forcibly insert false memories. Even short-term memories can work now, and many things need to waste time to communicate, There is no need to pursue the last false memory that completely replaces the real memory. Torrido ’s enchanting pupil is a meaningless sign ability, and Toredo also wasted a lot of time and energy because of this ability. "Dora Looked at Louise.

Louise pursed her lips and nodded embarrassedly, she was Toledo.

"You should be a bit conscious now, something like Bumi doing in Grande." Uh, back to this thing that made Louise in a bad mood, "It's always happening. Ha ha, you should do it without thinking You know, we are vampires, vampires that consume human blood, a negotiation breaks down, an action that does n’t follow the will of the secret alliance ... This kind of thing that will cause friendly breaks at any time will happen. You think, finally, give the entire vampire community, clean up this Who is the mess? "

Louise opened her mouth, she understood.

"It's Torrido." Dora asked herself and answered, "Do you think Torrido is willing to attend every social gathering of the league, no, they have to go and collect the 'facts' of everyone in the social gathering, Bit by bit, when the last reality went to the worst, it was Torrido who used everything they had collected to weave out "facts" that could be used to steal the sky and change the day into the minds of those who would threaten the alliance. "

Bumi waited until Dora had finished speaking this time, "Without Torido's ability to wield the Eye of Enchantment to the extreme, either the vampire has been extinct for several cycles, or humanity has been extinct for several cycles. Now this balance The symbiotic relationship cannot be maintained. "

Unexpectedly, Louise caught a loophole, "Torido has disappeared for a century, the world is not finished. Vampires, humans are still here."

Dora shook her head, "Are you still here? Louise, it's us, here, we, tragically fled to this most eastern city from the middle of the chaotic middle that was once an absolute advantage of the Secret Alliance. This Don't you understand the difference between the two? "

understood. Without Toledo's secret alliance, he succeeded in losing his way under the leadership of Vatican, fled to the Republic, and left a group of foreign vampires who could only buy blood underground to make a living. This fact is true. On the contrary, there is Barton of Torrido. The vampire has become prosperous and has become the mayor ’s ‘man’.

"That Demon Feast?" Louise asked, and the questions needed to be answered.

"The magic feast is different. They used a different approach from the beginning. They did not have Torrido. They knew that they must always occupy an irresistible social class advantage in order to survive, so they insisted on this approach until Now. But. "Dora narrowed her eyes." I won't mention James. These days, after listening to Zach talk about some things about Darcy and Oz Kozier, I noticed that you should too As expected. It won't last long. "

Louise pondered for a moment, nodded, and then, "Okay, Dora, I'm okay." Suddenly, I took the initiative to talk back to the original topic, "I have no way out, Austin replaced me with the pupil of charm Remember, I was the one who lied when Zac was lying. "Louise shook his head helplessly," Don't worry about me, I told you, I did what Toredo should do. " Things. I, with my own ability, saved the fact that the worst situation occurred once. I am Torrido and I will sort out my mood. "

Bumi actually took a long breath and didn't know when he could afford it. "It wouldn't be good to do this early."


"What! I'm relieved, won't it work?" Putting his mouth on his shoulders, he raised his arms around Louise's shoulders, "You, yes, I'm optimistic about you. I always wanted to say, then suddenly, You will replace the memory of Austin if you are not prepared. You did a really good job, and Eve praised silently ... "

Louise took Bumi's hand away and reminded him of his self-respect with the eyes of his juniors on his predecessors. "It's not that I'm not prepared. I know Austin's psychology and work attitude very well." At Grande, Zac always let me cope with him. We have enough exchanges. I know what is the most reasonable memory in his heart ... "(Unfinished.)

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